Ozzy went from passed out to awake instantly, his eyes and sinuses burning from a horrible smell. The dwarf was back and holding something under his nose. "Ha! Thought that would do it. Shaking you didn't wake you up, had to go get some pungent swamp daisy. Smells horrible, but it will wake you fast. Let’s see how you're doing or if I have to open you up again. Don't mind me at all."The dwarf proceeded to poke and prod at Ozzy, feeling along his ribs and prodding his bruises, pulling on stitches and once bending to smell at a wound. "Don't smell any rot and you don't have a fever. That's good. We can move on to the fun stuff. I'm going to start taking off the restraints, so try not to take any more swings at me."As soon as the wooden contraption in his mouth was removed, Ozzy started yelling at the dwarf. "What the fething hell are you doing with me you bastard? Some kind of dwarven torture?"Makken just laughed. "Ha! You thought that was bad? You pups and your piss-ant pain tolerance. If I was trying to torture you, you think I'd be taking such good care of you? I swear, you're taking advantage of my benevolent nature again. Think I'll leave those restraints on you for a bit.""Why the hell for?" Ozzy tested the restraints again, but as before he had no stamina and no mana and they defeated his attempts to get free."The dwarf pointed at his nose with his good hand. "On account of my broken nose and busted wing. Here I am trying to save your darn life and you go all crazy on me. And maybe you hadn't noticed, you nincompoop, but you’re a bit strong - and I'm a bit short and dainty. You also spit out half the potions, which are not cheap! - and nearly bit off my finger. The muzzle makes it easy to feed you potions and keep you from biting your tongue or my fingers.""But if you don't like my medicines, just crawl on out of here and get used to being called stumpy for the rest of your life."Ozzy considered things for a bit as the dwarf patiently waited for an answer. "Shit, Makken, should have just let me die. I'm a 'player', we walk back out of death whole and hearty the next day."Makken lit his pipe, and took his time replying. "Check your status, shit-for-brains. You weren't walking out of death. You were crawling. That mutant radish had a death curse on him."

Current Status: Moderately wounded, restrained, bruised, crippled, mild acid burns, weak, and slow on the uptake. You are under the effects of a death curse.Health: 730/1460 Regen: 365 per hour (Due to crippling injuries, max health = 730.)Stamina: 0/4070 Regen: 1020 per hour A magical effect is draining your stamina.Mana: 0/1260 Regen: 160 per hour A magical effect is draining your mana.
