Ozzy might have woken up in worse places, but right now he couldn't quite remember one. Everything hurt. His right eye was swollen shut, and the other just barely opened. Without night vision, he doubted if he could even see. He was lying on his back, which gave him a view of the rocky ceiling above him. It looked to be rough-hewn rock, like a mine tunnel. Water dripped down from its uneven surface. Turning his head hurt, but he managed it. The left side of the room had a crude wooden stool, some broken wood and ropes, several buckets, and an odd assortment of saws, shears, and bloody strips of cloth. The room reeked of blood and vomit.He wondered if he was in a hospital or a torture chamber? Trying to roll he found that he couldn't. His wrists and upper arms were restrained. Rope and leather bands held his chest in place. There was a foul taste in his mouth, but when he went to spit, he found a thick wooden rod in his mouth. He couldn't even feel his legs. Yep, torture chamber, and they knew their stuff. Time to see how tough these restraints were.

FAILURE! You cannot use the skill: Push Onward. Insufficient Stamina.
