Chapter 216

Along the edge of the tall grass, Li Yao had spread a lot of sulfur powder beforehand, so it burst into raging flames.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Taking advantage of the wind, the fire spread rapidly, almost instantly forming a surge of fiery waves.

The Barbarian soldiers who were still searching in the grass saw the huge fire rush towards them. One by one, they hastily fled forward, but of course they could not outrun the raging fire and were soon swallowed up by the fiery red flames.

Even those who were smart enough to run in the opposite direction with their heads down to cross the firewall were still burned all over, losing their hair and beards. And they were choked by the smoke, unable to open their eyes.

By the time they came to their senses, almost everyone was injured, and two unlucky ones were burned directly to death.

What made them even more desperate was that their leader was lying lifeless on the ground, and all their warhorses had disappeared without a trace.

"Quick, pull out the grass around and light bonfires!"

"There are many of our people nearby. We must not let her get away this time!"


One had to admit, the warhorses raised by the Barbarians were simply ferocious, with sturdy physique and tremendous strength when galloping.

It was just a pity they only had single saddles, which was a bit tiring to ride.

Li Yao found a lot of jerky and clear water, and ate her fill on horseback.

She knew even greater dangers lay ahead.

The big fire just now would surely attract more people to chase her. It was likely she had already been heavily surrounded.

If that was the case, tonight would undoubtedly be a fierce battle.

Or it could be said, a thrilling escape, while her opponents were the Barbarians extremely familiar with the grasslands.

Riding northwest, Li Yao galloped at full speed for about an hour before hearing horse hoofs in the distance.

So she immediately split up half of the warhorses and drove them west, while she led the other half to continue forward.

Luckily the nearby Barbarian squad all chased after the horses that went west. But the peace did not last long before more sounds of horse hoofs approached from all around.


Inside the tents of the Daling Frontier Army, the soldiers had already entered to escape the piercing cold wind.

The officers in charge of the forward camp patrolled while stomping their feet to prevent them from getting stiff from the freezing cold.

Inside the main general's tent, Grand Marshal Xu was still holding a meeting with a group of deputy generals to discuss food supplies.

Currently there were only three days worth of rations left in the whole camp, and even less fodder for the horses, enough for just two more days. If no additional food supplies arrived, the whole army would have no choice but to retreat.

However, retreating was easier said than done.

The Barbarians had gathered a large number of troops up ahead, and there were also small elite squads constantly harassing the rear. Once they retreated, the main Barbarian army would surely attack them from both front and back.

Even if they managed to protect the main force, the territories they barely managed to defend would have to be handed back with both hands.

For the generals and soldiers who had been fighting in the northern borderlands for many years, every inch of territory was exchanged with their own blood and lives, as well as their fallen comrades.

To force them to give up like this was even harder to accept than simply killing them.

"Hasn't the imperial court sent anyone yet?"

"No messengers came these last few days," a deputy general replied. "Grand Marshal, I say they're deliberately not giving us supplies!"

"Don't spout nonsense!" Xu scolded him. "If the imperial court doesn't have supplies to send, there must be difficulties beyond their control."

"It's already early winter, all taxes and levies for the year have long been collected. How can they not have food and fodder?"

Of course Xu knew as well, but he could not rashly doubt and disturb troop morale.

It's just that the dilemmas before him were truly difficult to resolve.

Could retreating be the only option left?

"Grand Marshal!"

Just then, a sentry rushed into the tent and said, "Scouts just reported seeing huge firelight to the southeast, with at least ten or so squads of Barbarian elite converging towards that direction."

The group of generals looked at each other.

Why were the Barbarians acting so crazy in the middle of the night?

"Could it be supplies have arrived, and they want to intercept and destroy them midway?"

"It's impossible for supplies," Xu said. "If relief supplies were really coming, they would certainly have sent word early and asked us to welcome them."

"Then what are they up to?"

"Who cares, send a cavalry unit of three hundred to go see what it is." "We can't be rash," Xu said. "This is likely an enemy trap."

With winter's arrival and dwindling supplies, the movements of the Daling army were compressed to an extremely limited range.

So it was very likely the Barbarians had already dispatched a large cavalry force to circle around to their rear.

If they recklessly attacked now and the frontal enemy troops seized the chance to attack at the same time, the Daling army would face attacks from both front and back.

Just then, another soldier came to report. "A deputy general named Liu Hu from the Yizhou Army charged in camp, saying he's coming to deliver supplies. He wants to see Grand Marshal!"

Wang Sanger, who stood beside Xu, was shocked.

Liu Hu of the Yizhou Army was no less an iron-clad brother to him, but Liu Hu was more fortunate to become Xu's personal guard and had now been promoted to captain.

As for Wang Sanger himself, he was sent to the border of South Shaoguo, so how could Liu Hu possibly be here?

"Bring him in."

With one glance at Liu Hu's face, Wang Sanger immediately recognized him.

"Liu Hu, it really is you?" Wang stepped forward to support the weary Liu Hu. "Why are you here?"

Upon seeing Wang, Liu Hu eagerly asked, "Has your mother arrived yet?"

"Huh?" Wang Sanger was shocked. "My mother came as well? Liu Hu, what exactly is going on?"

With a few words, Liu Hu recounted what happened with the supply delivery. Hearing that his mother was wandering the grasslands alone fending off Barbarians, Wang Sanger was extremely anxious.

"Grand Marshal, the Barbarians are making such a big move tonight most likely to surround and intercept my mother. Please let me take my troops to rescue her!"

Xu was also surprised the beautiful Li lady from Riverside Village dared venture deep alone into the grasslands and tangle with the Barbarians.

But according to Liu Hu, three whole days and nights had passed. For a woman to survive under the eyes of the Barbarians for that long, even he himself could not accomplish that, not to mention the generals in the tent.

"Wang Sanger, things may not be as you imagine."

"Grand Marshal, I know your concerns," Wang Sanger said. "But my mother is very capable. It's highly possible she is still alive, so no matter what I must go see."

Xu pondered briefly, then said, "Then you may only take your deputy generals."

That meant only a hundred cavalry soldiers.

"It's enough!" Wang Sanger was fully confident.

Through over a dozen skirmishes with the Barbarians over the past months, relying on the crossbows, steel sabres, and battle tactics Mother taught him, he had already distinguished himself in battle many times. If not for his brief military service and young age, Xu would not stop him from going out so frequently. At the very least he would be a cavalry captain by now.

As for the hundred cavalry under his command, they were also elites he had meticulously trained, valiant and unstoppable. Even facing several Barbarian squads, he believed his men could easily best them.

"Then go," Xu said. "Remember, withdraw immediately if anything seems off!"

"Yes, sir!"