Chapter 203

Du Xiao Hui's heart thumped. She really hadn't planned this well. Auntie Li had a set of movable type printing at home. If she had brought it, not only could she have printed hundreds of books in these past few days, but even tens of thousands.

"I'm sorry, Auntie..."

"I'm not blaming you," Li Yao said. "I just want to remind you that with anything, you need to plan for the long term, not just take it step by step. After all, what you're doing now isn't a small thing, but a big one, big enough that all of Daling will change because of you in the future."

Du Xiao Hui was startled. "It's just running an academy. Is it really that impressive?"

"Don't underestimate yourself, and don't look down on the power of reading," Li Yao said. "Knowledge can change destinies, it can change the whole world, it can even create new history."

Du Xiao Hui didn't really understand, but she listened carefully. "Mm."

"Oh right," Li Yao smiled and asked, "You received so many silver coin donations today. How do you plan to spend it all?"

"This... of course it will all be spent on the essentials, on running the Yangming Academy well, and opening many more branches."

"You're not keeping any for yourself?"

"That money belongs to the academy. How could I take it for myself?"

"If you do the work, you should get paid for it," Li Yao said. "Pay yourself a wage too. Not too much, but not too little either."

Du Xiao Hui cautiously replied, "I understand, Auntie."

"From now on, hand over everything about the academy to you and Wang Er. If there's anything you don't understand, you can ask me."


The academy matter could be considered settled for the time being.

It was also an industry given to Wang Er and Du Xiao Hui.

As for how the academy would develop in the future, whether it would always take this path, or expand into some aristocratic schools or something, that would be a matter for the future.

There would be chances to slowly explore, the most important thing was to have ambition.

And the most urgent thing right now was the county exam that Wang Er would soon face.

That evening, the whole family gathered together, including the Song family couple.

The table was filled with dishes cooked by He Xiaoya, the aroma was mouthwatering, and showed she had gained seventy to eighty percent of Li Yao's skills.

But no one had started eating yet, because Prefect Song kept encouraging Wang Er and Song Zhe. Of course for Wang Er it was pure encouragement, but for Song Zhe there was more scolding.

He felt that this son really had no talent, and would definitely not pass the examination.

A father's expectation for his son to become a dragon, only for his son to be a worm instead — how agonizing this feeling of resenting iron not becoming steel was, only fathers who had been through this would fully understand.

"Sir, you really should stop with the lecturing, this is Miss Li's home." "Cough cough, I overstepped," Prefect Song said. "Then I'll stop. You two, go rest early tonight, do your best tomorrow."

After being lectured for so long, Song Zhe had even lost his appetite. He ate a few careless bites, then returned to his room.

Wang Er was also worried eating too much would prevent him from sleeping, so he didn't eat much either.

After dinner, the Song couple returned to the government building. Li Yao, strangely enough, didn't feel sleepy at all.

Could it be because she hadn't exercised these past few days?

She really hadn't exercised since coming to Yizhou City, both because there was no place, and also because she was busy.

Then she should take advantage of this alluring night to go for a run or something in the backyard, and burn off some energy.

So she changed into workout clothes, climbed over the wall, and came to the huge backyard of the academy. She started jogging slowly along the newly repaired stone road.

She ran steadily for half a shichen before she started sweating a little.

It seemed the constitution of this body was getting better and better. Compared to her past life, this growth speed was simply astounding.

She wondered whether it was because the original owner of this body already had good health, or if people in this world were just like this.

In any case it was a good thing. Maybe one day she could even practice effortless leaps and internal energy — that would be even more fun.

Just as she was thinking this, there was suddenly a cracking sound in the darkness, like someone stepping on and breaking a dry branch.

"Who's there?"

Li Yao quickly caught up, and found in the darkness that it was unexpectedly Song Zhe.

She saw him with a bundle on his back, flustered and startled, as if he was about to... run away from home?

"Where are you going?"

Having been caught red-handed by Li Yao, Song Zhe could only hang his head down, not daring to make a sound.

"I'm asking you a question."

"I... I don't know..."

Li Yao understood.

This boy was definitely afraid of failing the exam, so he wanted to escape.

Although he wasn't her son, over this half year or so, Song Zhe had followed her almost everywhere, and she had witnessed all kinds of changes and growth from him.

Overall it was not bad, at the very least he was hardworking and diligent.

"Come on, let's sit by the pond and talk."

The two of them came to the pond side, and found two large clean boulders to sit on.

"Tell Auntie anything that's on your mind." Li Yao paused, then added, "I won't scold you tonight, that's a promise."

"You really won't scold me?"

"I promise."

Only then did Song Zhe let out a breath in relief. He wasn't afraid of his dad, even less afraid of his mom.

But he was afraid of Li Yao. This might have been related to how if he didn't listen to her, Li Yao would starve him. It could also have been related to Li Yao killing several wild wolves right in front of him, and dragging his soul back from the gates of hell.

"Auntie, I don't want to take the county exam."

"Mm, tell me why not?"

"Because I know I won't pass," Song Zhe said. "I'll disappoint all of you."

"If you run away, we won't be disappointed?" Li Yao laughed. "We might be more disappointed than if you didn't pass."

"I know. So I wanted to run far away, somewhere you couldn't see me. When I accomplish something on my own, then I'll come back to see you."

"There are millions of paths in this world, and you chose the most difficult one."

Song Zhe lowered his head. "I know, but I want to give it a try."

It seemed this boy had stubbornly made up his mind.

For these types of situations, Li Yao had plenty of experience.

When she was as old as him, she had even more stubborn, twisted thoughts — not even nine bulls could drag her back. This was probably the so called rebellious phase.

"Then let me ask you, have you thought about what you plan to do after leaving?"

"I've thought it through, I'll do business," Song Zhe said. "I've also learned some things following you, I believe I can definitely succeed."

"If you want to do business, you can just work with me. Why do you need to leave and go into business for yourself?"

"But if I do business relying on you, Auntie, you would definitely take care of me at every step. Where's the meaning in that?" Song Zhe said. "I want to succeed through my own efforts, so that my dad and mom will have nothing bad to say."

"So what you mean is, you feel your studies are lacking, and you want to prove yourself through another method," Li Yao cut right to the crux. "How about this, let's make a bet?"

"What do you want to bet on?"

"Tomorrow, go conscientiously take the exam. It would be best if you passed," Li Yao said, "Then you can keep studying as you have been. If you don't pass, you can come with me and go into business." Then she added, "But depending on your score, I'll decide what kind of business you can do. The higher you place, the bigger the business I'll give you."


"When has Auntie lied before?"

"Then... what if I pass and become a successful candidate?" Song Zhe asked. "But I don't want to keep studying. Can I still work with you then?"

"If you become a successful candidate, you should go assist your father."

"I don't want to."

The thought of going to work at his father's government building, under his father's nose every day, made Song Zhe lose all interest.

"As long as your father agrees, you can come with me as well," Li Yao said. "Auntie still has many plans, and I also need capable helpers like you."

"Alright, it's decided then!" Song Zhe said. "I will definitely become a successful candidate and earn Auntie lots of money!"

Li Yao smiled and nodded. "Go back to your room and sleep early."


After Song Zhe returned to his room, Li Yao did not go back. She called towards the more distant corner of the wall, "You two can come out now."

Knowing they couldn't hide any longer, Prefect Song and his wife both walked out.