Chapter 13

After the last morning Marxist philosophy class, Zhou Yu was packing up her bag when her roommate Du Rourou stopped her.

"Little Yu, are you going home for dinner today?" Du Rourou asked, hugging her books as she came over.

"I don't think so," Zhou Yu thought about it and replied.

"Then let's go to the restaurants in the university town to eat," Du Rourou said excitedly, "I heard a new place opened there, not only is the boss good looking, but the food is delicious too."

"Even my middle school brothers have heard about it!"

Zhou Yu happened to have nothing to do, so she agreed, "Okay! I do feel like going out for a nice meal to improve my diet a bit."

The two girls walked out hand in hand, books in their arms.

"Sha Sha's Snacks?" Zhou Yu read the sign above the shop entrance.

It felt very unique. As she thought this, she walked in arm in arm with her little sister.

"Hello, what would you like to eat?" The young and beautiful boss lady greeted them warmly with a noticeable pregnant belly.

Zhou Yu looked at her again and again, and still could not help but lament Nüwa's favoritism.

Nüwa, are you there?

Are you sleeping?

I'm so ugly I can't sleep.

Before Zhou Yu could finish feeling dejected, Du Rourou had already eagerly started ordering.

Full of anticipation, she asked Ding Sha, "Beautiful lady, do you have egg yolk mini potatoes here?"

Ding Sha smiled at her, "Has this customer been to our place before?"

"Egg yolk mini potatoes are more of a snack to fill up the children's stomachs when they're hungry."

"I can order it à la carte!" Du Rourou quickly said.

Just hearing her annoying little brother talk about how delicious the egg yolk mini potatoes were, she had been thinking about it for nearly three days. Now that she was finally back at school, she must come try it.

"Sure, I'll make a portion just for you," Ding Sha still smiled warmly, seeming easy-going.

At another table nearby, some men who looked unkempt but not poor were drinking and eating spicy garlic sprouts with braised pork belly.

The men leered and stroked their chins, "Beauty, come sit with us for a bit, won't you?"

"Yeah, let's chat together!"

Ding Sha's eyes turned cold, completely ignoring them as she waited for Du Rourou to order.

Du Rourou was startled, worried about the female boss as well as herself. She quickly ordered two dishes and finished.

The man was displeased seeing Ding Sha walk away with the menu towards the bar counter. He reached out to grab her arm. "Didn't I say not to leave? Can't you understand human words?"

"You try touching my wife again with your filthy hands?" Xiao Jun came out from the back kitchen holding a gleaming sharp knife.

His gaze was gloomy and exuded a murderous aura. With the scar on his brow, he clearly looked like someone not to be trifled with.

The man was frightened on the inside, but still had to add a few shameless words.

"I'll let you off today, but don't forget, if I catch you alone, I won't care pregnant or not..."

Had he not said that, it would have been fine, but his words stepped right on Xiao Jun's weakness and fury.

Xiao Jun's face darkened further, looking at the man as if his eyes could draw blood. He strode over in large steps, "Say that again?"

The man opened his mouth, but didn't dare say anything in the end.

They were just passing through and saw the attractive female boss, so their desires were stirred to try and cop a feel.

Things hadn't escalated to the point of risking their lives...

The man was a little frightened as Xiao Jun grabbed his collar.

Xiao Jun could naturally tell he was only full of hot air without guts.

So after letting go, he dismissively patted his hands, "You best remember what I said."

Without another glance at the man, he turned and asked Ding Sha gently, "Did it scare you?"

"No," Ding Sha handed him the order slip, "Here, make everything except the egg yolk mini potatoes."

Du Rourou watched admiringly as the beautiful female boss and her boyfriend brimmed with affection.

Suddenly, she heard Zhou Yu excitedly yell out, "It's you! Little brother!"

Du Rourou was puzzled, "Little Yu, you know the boss?"

Ding Sha was also surprised, "Jun, is she your friend?"

Xiao Jun glanced coldly at Zhou Yu. Under her expectant gaze, he expressionlessly said, "Never seen her before. Don't know her."

"It's me! Don't you remember working at my dad's restaurant? I talked to you!" Zhou Yu said agitatedly.

Ever since meeting him that time, Zhou Yu could not forget him. She even dreamed of that day's events at night. But in her dreams, the little brother was very gentle to her, made delicious food for her, and smiled at her.

Gradually, Zhou Yu seemed to feel that she and the little brother were in love.

In this vast world, although the little brother did not return after that, being able to meet now must be fate!

Zhou Yu thought blissfully that she and the little brother were definitely bound by good affinity!

Ding Sha understood immediately that peach blossoms were in full bloom!

Xiao Jun didn't even glance at her, just gave Du Rourou a loving and tender look, "Want to sit for a bit? I stewed milk custard eggs for you, with caramelized sugar on top, soft, sweet and smooth."

Ding Sha touched her belly, "I'm not hungry now, not craving anything."

Zhou Yu awoke from her fantasy, seeing Xiao Jun's gentleness with that beautiful woman made her somewhat frustrated.

But she also secretly hardened her resolve, still clinging to a hidden hope.

The little brother would treat her this nicely in the future too! She was about to speak again when Du Rourou hurriedly pulled her to sit down, "Little Yu! What are you doing? I'm getting terminal embarrassment here, you know that?"

"It's a married couple talking, why are you butting in? Are you crazy?!"

Du Rourou really could not comprehend Zhou Yu's behavior. Although Zhou Yu was a bit boy-crazy, she had always seemed fairly normal. How did she become a different person, shamelessly throwing herself at someone else's husband?

Hadn't she noticed the boss's glare that could stab them through?

Du Rourou resented Zhou Yu's lack of propriety internally. She still wanted face!

But Zhou Yu enthusiastically told Du Rourou about their destiny, even blushing as she said they would certainly attain happiness in the future.

Du Rourou looked on incredulously. At most they had seen each other twice and exchanged a few words. Yet she had already planned out the rest of her life?

Simply preposterous.

Du Rourou decided she could not think about this further. She decisively stood up and sat elsewhere, apologizing to Ding Sha, "Sorry, boss lady, may I reorder?"

"Of course!" Ding Sha was unexpectedly understanding of her actions.

Du Rourou ordered fish fragrant pork slices again, plus the egg yolk mini potatoes, then closed the menu.

Zhou Yu did not understand, "Rourou? What are you doing?"

Du Rourou humphed, "I don't comprehend your behavior, and I don't want to understand your psychology either. I fundamentally cannot accept this. When paths diverge, people part ways."

Zhou Yu was stunned, raising her voice, "You want to break off our friendship?"

Du Rourou shook her head, "Breaking off is childish phrasing. As adults we should politely drift apart."

Zhou Yu was also angry now. She did not understand why her friend did not support her love at first sight.

Sitting on the stool, she slapped the menu with a crackling sound, "Ordering!"

Ding Sha smiled, "What would you like?"

Zhou Yu crossed her arms, "Crucian carp tofu soup, milk custard egg."

From this, Ding Sha could tell she was being deliberately difficult.

Even a clay figure has a temper. Her smile disappeared as she flatly said, "Sorry, our little shop does not have those two dishes."

"That's impossible!"

"I insist on ordering them!"

"Our small shop cannot accommodate such an esteemed guest." Ding Sha felt some back pain from standing too long and braced herself.

Xiao Jun came over with a gloomy expression to support her, but his eyes towards Zhou Yu were very displeased.

In his opinion, this woman was too noisy.

But to Zhou Yu, it all seemed very jarring. She shrieked, "You're not officially married without a marriage certificate! So I have the right to compete fairly!"

Du Rourou heard this and felt angry yet pitying.

Compete fairly?

Competing for what?


But Ding Sha laughed, "Although Jun and I aren't old enough to register, we're still a legally recognized common law marriage."

"No matter how you glorify your own behavior, you're still a third party trying to intrude on someone else's marriage. Plus my husband has no interest in you whatsoever."