Chapter 2118: City Brick  

Lu Yun was already in this world three hundred years ago.

“The final destiny of all beings in the heavenly palace is to set foot in its depths and vanish forever.” Qingfeng’s voice was ethereal with a deep hint of yearning sorrow. She reached out and gently caressed the sculpture in front of them.

The Spectral Eye noted that the sculpture swiftly absorbed Qingfeng’s vitality, but another force within the stone sculpture defied it and returned her life force at the same time.

Lu Yun immediately understood that the sculpture was alive—or at the very least, not fully dead.

“I will come here one day as well and turn into one of these sculptures.” Qingfeng turned around to Lu Yun. “I can sense that master is not yet dead. Can you save her?”

Being no fool, she understood where her master and historic generations of the heavenly palace’s powerhouses had gone to. They’d come to this so-called yin tomb and become these stone sculptures.


“They’ve been summoned here by a powerful existence to become… burial goods of the yin tomb. No, wait, they can’t be called burial goods.” Lu Yun frowned with deep thought and closely scanned the yin tomb’s layout of burial before saying, “They’re here to be decorations for the tomb.”

“…decorations??” Qingfeng’s eyes went wide with incredulity; she also felt a dense sense of grief emanate from the stone sculpture in front of her.

Indeed, decorations. The powerhouses who came here didn’t even have the right to be burial goods. They were just decorations.

“Correct, decorations. We won’t be able to save her even if we break the layouts in the tomb. We would have to kill the tomb owner.” Lu Yun nodded before continuing, “We need to ensure that those who live in the world of the dead forever perish.”

In the world of the dead, the dead were the living.

Lu Yun didn’t know where the true world of the dead was. It wasn’t hell or his kingdom of hell. Just as the nothing opposed existence, so did the world of the dead oppose the world of the living.


The yin tomb around them was the tomb owner’s world of the dead, a man-made world of the dead. Every tomb was a world of the dead to its owner. The tomb owner was considered the living of their tiny world.

This was the greatest meaning behind a burial. It enabled those who could not travel to the real world of the dead to find peace in the world of the living.

“Just us two?” Qingfeng hesitated. “Should we ask for help from those back at the heavenly palace?”

“Do you think we can still make it out of here alive?” Lu Yun smiled.

Qingfeng looked around with solemn eyes and didn’t say anything.

“Don’t worry, there’s only an old ghost around here.” Lu Yun’s smile remained fixed on his face as a long unfelt sense of excitement rose from his heart.


His old trade was that of a tomb raider, but there were no secrets left to him in the nothing. He could see through every single tomb with a single glance, so he left their exploration to the juniors of his sect.

Reality, however, was full of challenges for him. He’d wanted to fully showcase his abilities in God’s Tomb, but it turned out to be God’s seal and a place meant to deliver power to him. Now with a new challenge ahead of him, his blood stirred in this tomb floating in the sky.

Lu Yun rolled up his sleeves. “You must listen to me if you want to save your master. You will do whatever I tell you to do and you must not do anything I tell you not to do!

“Also, you must tell me as soon as any strange thoughts appear in your mind.”

Qingfeng retracted her hand from her master’s sculpture and inclined her head.

“Then my master’s sculpture…”

“Leave it there. She’ll return to normal when we take out that old ghost. Remember what I just said and follow my footsteps from now on. Don’t set a single toe out of line.”

Qingfeng blinked, then nodded again.

“The truly frightening thing in this tomb isn’t the old ghost, but the layouts within the tomb.” Lu Yun started walking forward. “Tombs are the world of the dead to a tomb owner, so he can utilize its strength against anyone.

“A tomb raider can defuse this world from its foundations and disperse this world of the dead. Once the owner is bereft of the world’s protection, he must face us with his own strength.

“Although the heaven and earth are dead, this world is a world of the living. The owner is no match for us in a world of the living.” The young man kept up a litany of explanations as he walked forward.

Qingfeng silently committed his words to memory. Although questions swirled in her thoughts, she didn’t ask any of them.

“Aren’t you curious who I am?” Lu Yun could sense Qingfeng’s curiosity, but he was also curious about her reaction himself. Why would anyone believe him at this juncture? At the very least, they’d want to know who he was.

“What is there to be curious about?” Qingfeng responded woodenly. “Heaven and earth are dead.”

Lu Yun blinked, then slowly nodded in agreement. “Right… heaven and earth are dead, so what else is there worth asking?”

Qingfeng, or rather the people of this world, could see no hope. Therefore, there was no point in asking any questions. If she asked Lu Yun about his identity now, it would just be to satisfy her personal curiosity.

But plainly, she wasn’t a curious soul.

The yin tomb was constructed in the same way as the yang tomb—a massive palace. However, all they saw here were stone sculptures, as opposed to living people.

“All of the powerhouses that have ever vanished from the heavenly palace are here.” Qingfeng’s sorrow grew stronger as she scanned the sculptures. “No, no wait, there’s someone else here. These sculptures don’t seem to be…”

Lu Yun interrupted her before she could finish. “What is that?”

He suddenly halted in front of an enormous wall. Several large characters were written on it in fresh blood.

“We are but bricks for a city.”

“What does that mean?” Lu Yun frowned at the bleeding words. “Does the yang tomb… I mean the heavenly palace that you live in… have these words as well?”

“No,” Qingfeng shook her head. “This is the main hall of the heavenly palace, where the heavenly rulers live. There shouldn’t be a wall here.”

“So someone’s modified the yin tomb layout?” Lu Yun’s frown deepened. The yin and yang tombs should be reflections of each other. Whatever there was in the yin tomb should exist in the yang tomb, apart from the powerhouses that’d turned to stone.

“Go back,” came a long sigh. “It is not yet time for you to be here. I will bring you here when the time is right.”