Chapter 2109: A Dream  

Lu Yun was clueless about what had happened and what the Wanfeng in front of him wished to do. He had even less of a clue what might be hidden in God’s Tomb.

The cracking skull-shaped rune, however, gave him a very uncomfortable feeling. Something in Lu Yun’s heart shattered as well when it broke and his thoughts suddenly ran much more smoothly than before.

It felt like an internal obstacle had disappeared and his cultivation showed signs of breaking through. His domain of heaven and earth eighteen meters around him abruptly expanded by several times over.

“What, what is this??” Lu Yun’s eyes went wide.

“Sir, there are one hundred and eight seals in this realm that seal off this world,” Wanfeng suddenly said. “This servant can only help young master with one of them.”

She’d been able to see Lu Yun all along!


However, she was starting to fade away. Lu Yun reached out a hand to grab her, but his hand closed on empty air.

“Wanfeng!!” he yelled.

“Don’t worry, young master, Wanfeng has entered reality through a dream and become a king of ghost zombies. That is how I was able to direct them into breaking one of the seals. My primary body is fine in the world of immortals.” The maid smiled brilliantly when she saw how worried Lu Yun was. “Big sis Mo Yi says that breaking all one hundred and eight seals will revive this world. There will be more people who come and meet the young master in their dreams. They will break the rest of the seals!

“I was the first, the second is that fatty Li Youcai…”

Her giggling drifted away until her entire being scattered on the air, leaving one final sentence lingering in the air. “Come back soon, young master.”

Enormous reassurance flooded Lu Yun’s heart and a steady undercurrent of background anxiety since his arrival in this world dispersed with Wanfeng’s disappearance. His friends and family knew where he was and what he was doing. They were all waiting for his return.


Entering reality through dreams…

With a dream as the realm and a ghost zombie king as replica to break the seal. This was one of the little fox’s abilities!

The little fox had observed everything that took place in the burial mound via her dreams when she was buried beneath Myriad Formation Summit. She’d even seen Lu Yun and the others while she dreamed and was ultimately woken up by the young man.

There was also Ah Zhi apart from the little fox! All of this was likely the result of their combined efforts, led by Mo Yi and the Dao King. But to Lu Yun, there was another pivotal link in the process—reincarnation!

He’d revived the power of reincarnation after creating an external circulation of heaven and earth. Wanfeng arrived soon after that, an indication that this development had something to do with his actions.

Lu Yun’s mood took a measurable turn for the better when his thoughts traveled here.


“But things shouldn’t be this easy!” His brow furrowed again. “If simply breaking one hundred and eight seals is sufficient to resurrect this world, why is everything so complicated?”

He looked at the shattered rune and scattering ghost zombies.

“As strong as the seal is, there are many ways to break it…” Lu Yun’s mind spun rapidly through a variety of scenarios. He could already tell that the truth wasn’t as simple as it appeared on the surface.

There were indeed one hundred and eight seals, but it was another reason that’d killed this part of reality. He even thought that the seals weren’t killing the world, but nurturing it. The world that resurrected from their ashes might be a new one.

One hundred and eight?

He was very sensitive about this number as his formation of heaven and earth had originally been one hundred and eight Formation of Heavenly Spirits and Earthly Demons. Additionally, was Wanfeng really unaffected by her brief jaunt as a ghost zombie king and command of endless ghost zombies?

New worries flourished in Lu Yun’s mind. But no matter what, there was nothing he could do for them now. All he could do was borrow the opportunity created by the rebirth of heaven and earth and furiously enhance his strength.

His circulation of heaven and earth was more than ten times stronger than before and encompassed a radius of one hundred and eighty meters. More than just an expansion of range, it was also an increase in might.

He felt absolutely invincible within his domain. At the very least, nothing he’d met so far in this reality could threaten him. The same might not hold true for what he’d yet to meet, however. There had to be more than a few ghost zombies in this unbounded, vast world filled with a lifeless atmosphere.

Powerhouses had once thronged the land. Among their ranks had been a being who was infinitely close to the subjective overruling the objective. Although Lu Yun didn’t know whether that wondrous existence was alive or dead at present, none of those illustrious figures from times past were able to save this current existence.

That illustrated one problem—that this world, this existence, was far more frightening than what Lu Yun imagined. What’d destroyed this world still lingered within it. It hadn’t concealed itself and was simply standing there quietly, too big for him to see.

An ant at the foot of Mount Tai was unable to see Mount Tai. Lu Yun believed that he was only an ant at the moment and wholly insignificant to the true horrors of this world.

For now, his greatest enemies were the unending hordes of ghost zombies. He could suppress them, but the ghost zombie king that Wanfeng had manifested as could still easily kill him. All he could curtail were the ordinary ghost zombies.

A ghost zombie king…

That was a powerful existence that Lu Yun had yet to see before this.

“I need to continue to focus on cultivation and see if I can dismantle another seal. That will inject more vitality into this world and then… then…” Lu Yun took a deep breath. “It will meld into my external circulation of heaven and earth!”

He’d discovered that after the seal broke, the revived heaven and earth didn’t return to the world. It assimilated directly into his external circulation and strengthened him. It wasn’t the supplement of a resurrected world but a direct infusion into his heaven and earth.

God’s Tomb…

This was likely another one of God’s arrangements.

Lu Yun took a deep breath and looked at the shattered mark. A drop of blood remained of it; the bloody characters outside of the tomb had vanished. All of the blood had gathered to this place and formed that drop of blood.

It was God’s blood.

Lu Yun beckoned with his hand and retrieved the drop of blood. He could clearly sense that it was a drop of dead blood, one without any vitality. Other than the color that indicated it was blood, there were none of the usual characteristics associated with blood.