Chapter 2065 – Diexi and the Diexi Sword  

Lu Yun started and tensed. He had a myriad of ways to restrain his opponent if it was Corpse that he was facing. But it was demon god Feilu, and one of the strongest in the nothing! He was infinitely stronger than someone like Unrest.

Feilu’s form changed from Corpse’s appearance to that of an unknown being. It looked more like a vicious beast than humanoid, which immediately tipped off Lu Yun that the vicious beasts outside sanctuary were likely descendants of demon god bloodline.

The zombies around Feilu transformed into scarlet beasts that snarled and clawed at the air, surrounding their enemy.

Feilu burned with fury to find that hell dao wasn’t with Lu Yun. All of his plans fell short in this second! If the young man still wielded hell dao, then not only could the demon god perfectly negate all of Lu Yun’s moves, but he could also use hell to refine the Three Thousand and accelerate their speed in devouring the realm.

They would even be able to seize reincarnation with hell dao as a springboard. Reincarnation was their true goal as they would be truly undying once they possessed it. They wouldn’t have to worry about the appearance of existence and nothing being devoured by existence.

Mo Yi was a prime example of severing her connection to nothing through endless rounds of reincarnation.


Lu Yun tightened his fists, an uncharacteristically grave expression appearing on his face.

“It’s just a replica and it has to borrow Corpse’s body. You can still use your usual methods to suppress zombies,” Diexi said quietly. “He’s changed his form because he’s afraid that your methods will restrain him. It was this Feilu who killed me.”

“Mm, I understand.” A purple-golden talisman appeared in Lu Yun’s hand. He was deploying the Cleansing Thunder to its utmost, forcing the zombies to cast off their disguises as vicious beasts and fly apart as ash in the wind.

“You’re bluffing, alright!” Lu Yun leapt into the air and sent lightning dancing through the void in a wild frenzy. The Mastery of the Five Elements fashioned the lightning into a massive net that bore down on Feilu.

“Do you know why she said that to you?” the demon god remarked calmly as he watched the young man. “Because I created her.”

“AHHH!!” Diexi screamed as her empyrean crystal coffin exploded. A translucent skeleton walked out of it and became one with her.


She still looked like Diexi, but there was no human emotion in her eyes anymore. She raised her hand and slammed it down on Lu Yun’s back.

Diexi was a pawn that Feilu had placed long ago!

Completely caught off guard, there was nothing Lu Yun could do but take the blow. He spat out a mouthful of blood.

“Die!” she rasped with blood-red eyes. She chased down a defenseless Lu Yun as he’d never imagined that she’d attack him, so he’d never been on guard against her.


A loud hum burst from her body as a sword flitted out like a butterfly, suppressing her actions.


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“Do you know why she’s called Diexi?” sighed the Dao King. Three hundred-sixty more swords fluttered out of her body with a light wave of his hand. Incandescent radiance enveloped her, calming the berserk Diexi.

“Would l let such an important person be ripped out of my grasp?” he chuckled.

“You!!” Feilu choked. Diexi’s first blow had also broken Lu Yun’s Cleansing Thunder, leaving the demon god completely unharmed.

Despite the unexpected, the demon god remained composed. The two were playing a game of chess. After he set down one piece, the Dao King responded and set down one of his own.

Thousands of beasts in the Three Thousand howled when Feilu waved his hand. They flung themselves against sanctuary’s boundary and rushed Lu Yun and the Dao King. All of them were nihil powerhouses and raised incredible pandemonium throughout sanctuary. People fled for their lives, but the vicious beasts weren’t interested in them.

Lu Yun was their only goal.

“Be careful, the beasts aren’t the only part of his plan, he has more up his sleeve!” the Dao King quickly warned.

“More? Just those beasts alone can tear me to pieces!” Lu Yun forced out through grit teeth.

“They won’t reach you, not with me around,” the Dao King frowned. “But I need to expel Feilu’s will from Forebear’s body, so be careful.”

A second Dao King appeared with a flash of white light, ripping apart countless beasts.

Another Dao King!

This one wore all white and wielded a blade of white. The keen edge of yang metal sparkled over him.

“You…” Lu Yun blinked.

“A replica of my replica, it won’t hold out for long. You need to undo the will holding sway over Diexi,” the white-robed Dao King snapped out. The primary replica in red had vanished. The white robed version of him split into numerous copies of himself to duel Feilu and the vicious beasts.

He’d said that he couldn’t help prior to this because once he brought his full strength to bear, this replica would disintegrate. Only his replica fighting the demon gods would remain—he would never be able to set foot in this world to guide Lu Yun.

“Understood!” Lu Yun rushed to Diexi’s side and observed her closely.

Three hundred and sixty-five Diexi swords fluttered around her like butterflies. Forebear had first turned into Changxi before she became Diexi, and she’d become Diexi because of this sword. These swords were personally forged by the Dao King through three hundred and sixty-five reincarnation loops. They were meant to suppress the will of Feilu inside her.

The Dao King hadn’t created her and didn’t know that Corpse was Feilu. He just hadn’t trusted Corpse.

Instead of immediately taking action, Lu Yun operated formula dao to calculate everything in front of him.

“I see!” he smiled. “It’s just an old zombie in front of us, the real Diexi is transformed from the sword. The three hundred and sixty-five swords are her primary body!

“The Dao King collected the fragments of Forebear’s soul to seal it in the swords. if I break the swords to release her soul, I’ll be able to expel Feilu’s will!”

Diexi’s first thoughts had come from the sword.