Chapter 1987 – One Thousand and Eighty-One Peak Grand Supremes  

The dark empyrean supreme wasn’t offended by Lu Yun’s belligerent response. In fact, he rather commended the young man. It was as if he gazed upon a younger version of himself, the one who didn’t know how immense heaven and earth were and dared yell at a real empyrean supreme.

While the dark empyrean supreme was here, it was just a projection that he’d sent. He wasn’t even here as a replica. But an empyrean supreme was still an empyrean supreme. A peak grand supreme still lacked the right to challenge his projection.

“That’s just as well. Today, you impertinent brat, you will be enlightened and witness the true capabilities of an empyrean supreme. With this experience under your belt, you’ll be less likely to be caught off guard when you see your heavenly emperor in the future.” The dark empyrean supreme smoothly rolled up his sleeves and revealed pale wrists.

Lu Yun nodded and brought out one thousand and eighty soybeans with a flip of his hand. He threw them into the air—


One thousand and eight golden armored warriors descended from the sky with loud hums. They were hulking, muscular warriors fifteen meters tall. Clad in resplendent golden armor, they wielded a variety of heavy weapons.


This combat art was greatly improved after the transformation of the Tome of Life and Death. The bean soldier art could summon one thousand and eighty warriors at the same time now. Their cultivation was the same as Lu Yun’s—peak grand supreme!

And they were extremely domineering peak grand supremes.

Lu Yun’s battle strength had already risen to peak grand supreme due to Heavenfall. He advanced one more time after putting on the Master of Darkness and operated at incredible heights. He was still a peak grand supreme, but one infinitely superior to the rest of his peers.

The soybean soldiers death art perfectly copied his current strength. When he was added to the count, that meant one thousand and eighty-one peak grand supremes had suddenly been added to the mix.

They bowed in unison to the dark empyrean supreme.

“We humbly seek instruction from the venerated empyrean supreme!” yelled one thousand and eighty golden armored warriors. Their voices roiled through the withered world while Lu Yun remained silent.


All fighting stopped in that exact moment and absolute silence descended. Everyone stared dumbly at the entrance, at more than one thousand peak grand supremes challenging the dark empyrean supreme.

“Honorable empyrean supreme.” Heavenfall emanated a bronze light as Lu Yun bowed to the dark empyrean supreme. “These are this junior’s strongest collection of strength. One thousand and eighty-one peak grand supremes. We await Your Reverence’s unfettered instruction.”

He straightened and pointed the spear at the dark empyrean supreme. His opponent stared dumbly back at the young man, not sure of what to say.

One thousand and eighty-one peak grand supremes?

His primary body or a powerful replica could easily take care of this assembly, but a projection?



Lu Yun made his move before his enemy could respond. Although the one thousand and eighty golden armored warriors appeared as they usually would, they were all under Lu Yun’s control. They were the equivalent of his replicas and shared the same mind as him.

One thousand and eighty-one bodies with peak grand supreme battle strength beat with the same heartbeat and inhaled the same breaths. Every single hair on their bodies vibrated and their blood drops resonated at the same frequency.

Their strength collected in a single point and burst out explosively.

The dark empyrean supreme: ……

He chuckled ruefully as his projection was annihilated. The projection of an empyrean supreme could not withstand the full blast from one thousand and eighty-one peak grand supremes.


Silence still reigned over the world. Everyone gaped at Lu Yun, not knowing what to do.

“Are all of you going to get out of here, or do you need me to kick you out?” Lu Yun approached the depths of this major world with Heavenfall trailing in the dirt after him.

There were no peak grand supremes here, much less one thousand and eighty-one of them. Just Lu Yun alone or Jin Huo by herself could cow everyone present.

Everyone scattered as soon as he spoke, but not through the entrance that Lu Yun had taken. They fled through various spatial fissures available in the void.

Jin Huo was right, this withered world was the intersection of all realms. It should have been boundless without end, a void that could not be fathomed.

But now the world was dead, completely dead, and become a land empty of life. It was also many, many times smaller than before. But it was still a world that connected all of existence to each other.

The passages that led to it had become spatial fissures occupied by spatial turbulence. Any sort of travel through them was incredibly dangerous. If one attempted passage without reaching high supreme first, there would be no other outcome other than death. Even high supremes ran a high risk of dying. Only grand supremes could safely pass through the turbulence.

Spatial turbulence was only one part of the dangers in these fissures. No one knew what else could be found in them.

The brawling cultivators streamed out through the spatial fissures after Lu Yun yelled at them. The humans also retreated to an unknown locale.

“The last of the Divine Feathers, Wei Lie, is buried here.” Lu Yun ignored the fleeing cultivators and looked at a tiny hill in the center of the world.

They weren’t in the tomb of the shamanic ancestor anymore, but that tomb had buried this place. The withered world was as if a massive coffin that held Wei Lie’s corpse.

“Is this world where the Divine Feathers once ruled?” Lu Yun turned around to look at Jin Huo.

“No,” she shook her head. “This place was already the stuff of myths and legends when the Divine Feathers still existed.”

“In that case, those cultivators weren’t fighting over Wei Lie’s body, but some other treasure.” Lu Yun stroked his chin.

Jin Huo: ……

She smiled wryly at the young man and asked with resignation, “Shouldn’t you have maybe asked what they were fighting over before you kicked them all out?”

Lu Yun’s ten Yama Kings had been attacking cultivators from the land of darkness to prevent them from taking the fissure that led to the chief worlds. There’d been so many of them that the Yama Kings had to focus all of their efforts on the task at hand. They couldn’t spare any effort to try to stay alive.

There’d been several million cultivators tussling with each other just moments ago. They were plainly fighting over some treasure.