
Denise just waves back at us after reaching the arena with a smile, then focuses on the instructor. We all then watch as a torrent of red energy begins enveloping her body, following which she slams her fists together and sprints towards Artorius at an incredible speed with her fist pulled back to strike.

Oh. Wow.

She’s fast.

But despite her speed, Artorius just avoids the strike without much struggle, and she continues flying past him into the border of the arena, smashing her fist into it with a very loud noise that hurts my ears a little. The girl doesn’t let that bother her though as she simply turns back around and rushes at him again, but this time with a pale blue energy coating the red energy on just her fist, making for an odd sight.

A pale blue mist leaks from her fist as she flies towards him, and this time the guy decides to take her attack, likely to show us what she can actually do. And when her fist strikes his palm, light freezing sounds come from the two collided fists as the man’s glove begins to freeze slightly before he throws her away.

A physical enhancement skill and an ice fist skill so far. Not bad.


After that she does a roundhouse kick – one of the moves I learned from Sylver – with that same icy energy coating her foot instead of her hand now. Meaning it’s not an ice fist skill but some sort of ice strike?

Either way though, the instructor blocks it just as easily as he’d blocked the other one before pushing and sending her flying several meters. But despite the height she reached, she still manages to land on her feet. Then she raises her hands palm out towards the instructor and quite literally shouts, “Fireball!” out loud before, low and behold, a fireball forms in front of her hands and flies towards the man. But of course, he just swats it away like a fly.

“You really shouldn’t do that,” Michael shouts at her, and she just shouts back, “I know! I’m trying to resist the urge! I really am!!”

My brows furrow in confusion.


“She’s very big on anime, and when she first became a Guardian, she’d always shout any skill she used out loud before using it like you see in those shows,” Emily suddenly answers my question, surprising me at the fact that she’s actually talking to me. “Michael’s been trying to get her to stop, and it’s been working for the most part.”


“Huh,” I mutter while glancing at the girl to find that she is still staring at the marshmallow that Michael never unsummoned, unlike the rest of his summons. “Do you like that thing?”

She nods her head and mutters, “It’s just so soft to hold…”

Huh. Guess she likes soft things.

As if on cue, she glances towards my ears, making me narrow my eyes and tense up a little.

“Sorry,” she mutters, quickly looking away.

Yep. Definitely likes soft things.


Guess that’s kind of cute. But she better not touch my ears.

Looking back at Denise again, I find her using a couple other combat skills such as a spear of ice and some sort of eruption of fire from the ground. Simple ranged attacks, with no more physical ones.

Then she finishes up, coming back to us with the instructor guy still standing in the ring, likely waiting for Emily to go in. And after a brief moment of hesitation, she does.

Unlike the other two fights though, Emily starts out standing far behind the instructor, with a putrid green and black fog beginning to spread out of her. The fog slowly spreads to be somewhere around three to four meters in diameter, with her as the center, before she rushes forward, not startling the instructor at all. Likely because he is their tutor and must already know their skills to a degree.

The instructor allows the fog to touch him, making me hear tiny sizzling sounds signifying something melting while at the same time I see some of the cloth tying his long hair in a ponytail dissolving. But other than that, the man is too strong for the acid fog to do anything else, and he rushes forward to strike at Emily.

Emily barely manages to stumble out of his hit before sweeping her arm horizontally, spraying what I think are tiny green needles at the man, but most of them bounce off of his armor. I do see two striking his skin though, and it begins to cause what looks like necrotic poisoning around the wound. For a split second, that is, before the wounds heal and the needles are forced out.

So acid fog and necrotic poisoning needles? Pretty good so far. Not much in the way of physical combat though. And the way she’s moving kind of reminds me of a ninja from a movie.

I also feel like I vaguely notice some tiny black particles moving about the instructor’s skin, but I can’t tell what they’re doing. Because they don’t really seem to be doing anything.

“She’s using a skill that gradually builds up maladies in the target, but it just isn’t effective against someone like him,” Sylver answers my thoughts, probably noticing the confused expression I had on.

I hum in response, not taking my eyes off of the fight, which is probably the worst matchup amongst the three. Since her attacks literally don’t do much of anything to him at all, what with them all being focused on building up maladies and poisons.

The fight continues for a few minutes before ending with her awkwardly walking out, looking quite down in the process. Which I can understand, considering that she didn’t really do much of anything to him.

Not that the other two did much better.

I wonder what level the three are at anyways?

Everyone turns to look at me, prompting me to start walking towards the arena.

Well, guess it’s my turn.