
Without any hesitation, his death aura flares out again, and he begins to step towards me with his eyes slowly turning pitch black.

Certainly intimidating, that’s for sure.

I quickly use blood boil and life drain on him, but he doesn’t even wince as he continues stepping towards me. Even with tiny little red spots appearing around his body.

The guy is clearly a higher level than me, which shows in both his magic level being higher and the effect blood boil has on him being lesser than the other students here. And I can even tell already that he’s stronger than Sentinel as well.

Although how I can tell that, I’m not sure.

“It’s your instincts,” Tar answers me. “Of course, a predator can feel the presence of another predator. But what I’m starting to wonder is if this guy is even a human himself… because I feel like I sense something… off… about him. Nothing demonic, but something inhuman still.”


Wait, what?

I activate blood claws on both hands and use blood sacrifice, burning away both my blood and mana at a decent pace before beginning to step towards him as well.

“I don’t think he’s fully human either,” Tar says, “there’s some sort of technological change in his body. Like he was experimented on or something. Which would explain his usage of death magic.”

That’s… horrible.

Our conversation ends prematurely though as Necro rushes towards me, and I speed up to match. Then we meet together, claw for claw.

My eyes narrow on the black energy making up his singular claw. Something I never saw in any of the other battles.


The claw is like a single large talon rather than a claw, really. And I can tell its weaker than my shifted claws coated in blood magic, despite the fact that his talon is made up of death magic.

“Well of course,” Tar says as if it’s a matter of course, “if he is what I suspect, then he was made by human hands. And humans on Earth still aren’t able to make anything strong enough to challenge the supremacy of the noble demon clans one on one.”

I grit my teeth at the thought of that before pushing him back, startling him in the process. Then I continue pushing forwards, knocking aside his other taloned hand, and striking straight across his front torso, tearing bloody streaks in my path.

Before I can do any more though, his death aura suddenly strengthens, and I can feel my life energy leaving me, which shocks me a great deal. So much so that I jump back out of the range of the aura.

“Death magic also gets skills like life drain,” Tar says in a bit of a late warning.

Damn it. At least his has a shorter range.


I warily find the outer edges of the claw marks I left on his now exposed chest slowly sparking with a black flame before focusing on his face to find him having turned serious, no longer seeming to be in a joking mood. In fact, he now has a wary look on his face.

“He probably expected to overwhelm you like he’s surely done others with his inhuman skills,” Tar explains the obvious.

Right. And now he’s actually wary of me.

I really wish that I could use my blood thirst skill here, but it’s kind of useless in a one on one duel. Although it should be quite useful for the second round of the tournament.

After a few seconds, the black flames on the edges of his wound disappear, leaving it looking about the same as it did before. Meaning he probably wasn’t able to take much life energy from me in the limited time I was in his range.

And now the wound is starting to look worse again thanks to my continued use of life drain and blood boil.

Despite the danger I’m now in, and the seriousness of the air between us, I can’t help but notice the corner of his lips quirking up. Even though he must be in quite a bit of pain right now.

My own follow in response.

This duel really is the best one I’ve had so far today.

The other side of the Magical Reality

She’s like me! She’s really like me, isn’t she?!

“No,” Artoria mutters, crushing the hope that had risen in Anthony’s heart, “not exactly like you. She feels different in some way. More demonic.”

Anthony frowns as he ignores the pain of the claw wounds on his bare chest.

You think humans experimented on her and implanted something from a demon in her or something? Like they implanted part of that strange creature in me?

“That shouldn’t be possible,” Artoria says, only to pause when Scarlet begins rushing forwards with even more red steam rising from her skin in the process. Anthony then turns slightly to avoid her claws again before doing a round house kick on her. But she just grabs his foot with her other hand and throws him with far more strength than he would’ve expected.

Shit. She’s just growing stronger and stronger!

“I think that has more to do with whatever skill she’s using,” Artoria says, directing Anthony’s eyes to the red steam leaving her skin as she straightens up and turns to look at him again, looking rather menacing with her glowing red eyes and current outfit in the middle of a hellscape. “But there has to be a weakness to it. And considering how she’s a blood magic user, it probably has something to do with burning her own blood or something. So just stall her and she should grow weaker with time.”

Got it.

Anthony quickly strengthens his use of his inherent skill, Death Aura, before activating another skill, making black cracks begin to spread across his skin.

“Be careful using that skill,” Artoria warns him. “If you aren’t careful, it could lead to a much worse outcome for you than her.”

The man nods his head before sprinting towards her at a much faster speed than before and using another skill that coats his arm with a wave of black and purple energy that he physically throws at the Scarlet Wolf. And she – after her initial surprise – jumps back and brings her claws in front of her to block it just like she did Drake’s flame thrower. But it doesn’t work as well this time, the death magic eating through her blood magic rather quickly and then into her claws making her cry out loud for the first time during this tournament.

“The girl can’t be part human and demon since the demonic genes would simply try to eat the human ones, unlike with your void spawn genes,” Artoria explains as the girl manages to push the rest of the attack away by recovering her hands with blood, although with a pained look on her face. “Void spawn are creatures found in the gap between the mortal realm and the Farshore. They are inherently instinctive in everything they do, lacking any intelligence, and aren’t too much superior to humans in the end. Meaning their genes can sit in your body at a low amount without attempting to devour your human genes.”

Scarlet narrows her eyes before rushing forwards, seemingly ignoring the pain of her hands as she tries to close the distance between herself and Anthony. But Anthony repeatedly backs up and tries to make sure that not a single one of her attacks lands on him.

Because if they do, then things will turn bad.

If I didn’t have to use this self-destructive skill, then I wouldn’t take the risk of using it and having something hit me… but this fight is different.

“Demons are inherently superior to the humans of Earth in most ways, especially the naturally stronger species like the noble demons,” Artoria continues with Anthony barely listening to her lecture as he focuses incredibly hard on avoiding every last one of Scarlet’s attacks. “So it’s just impossible for a human to survive a procedure like that. The only possible way I can see it being done is if it’s through biology and not science. Through a demon and a human mating and then having them seal the demonic genes of the resulting baby. But that isn’t possible due to the absolute hatred demons have for humans and vice versa.”

Artoria finally goes silent as Anthony continues avoiding Scarlet’s attacks, having said her peace.

Then what is she?

“It’s possible humans put in some sort of nanomachines in the void spawn genes, but that would be diffi-” before Artoria can finish answering his question, Scarlet suddenly stops mid movement towards Anthony as a much thicker wave of steam leaves her body and she immediately jumps straight over his head and lands right behind him.

“Watch out!” Artoria shouts in Anthony’s head, but it’s too late as Scarlet’s claws soon make contact with his back after a long time of neither of them managing to land a blow on the other.