Chapter 234  : Young Master Cheng?

Yu Shu hung up the phone with a wide smile on her face. Her heart was pounding with excitement. She didn’t waste another minute and immediately booked a plane ticket to City A.

Once she was there, she would definitely teach that wench, Yao Tang, a lesson and put her in her place!

Yu Shu ferociously cut through her steak and popped a piece into her mouth. She chewed it with gusto, imagining that it was the flesh of her mortal enemy.

A thought struck her then. She picked up her phone again and made a call.

“Miss Yu, what can I do for you?” came the voice from the other end of the line. It was her father’s secretary, an elderly man who had been in employ for so many years.

“Secretary Wang. Our company still has funds for social assistance projects, right? I have a lot of free time on my hands, so I came up with the idea to donate a building to a notable high school in City A. What do you think?”


“Of course, Miss. That wouldn’t be a problem at all. I will convey your plans to the Chairman right away. Please wait for my news.”

The very next day, Yu Shuboarded a plane and stepped foot inCity A.

A car was waiting for her when she arrived, and she was driven straight to No. 1 High School. The Yu family had contactedPrincipal Kongin advance and had arranged for a personal meeting between him andYu Shu.

Needless to say, the man was overjoyed by the proposal. It seemed like No. 1 High Schoolhad stumbled into a mine of great fortune. To think that two prominent families had decided to make sizable donations… the school’s reputation was bound to soar even higher in the future.

Contrary to Principal Kong’s eagerness to meet his guest, Yu Shudisplayed a general disinterest in him.


She made quick work of their terms of agreement, and pretty soon, she was stamping the necessary documents with her family business’ seal.

She marked the last document and handed it back to the principal with a smile. With that out of the way, she didn’t hesitate to make her request.

“Principal Kong, I would like to have a place to rest here in your school. After all, we would be coming by often to check how on the construction and other related matters.”

It wasn’t a particularly difficult request, so the man readily agreed.

“Sure, sure. That won’t be a problem. As it happens, we’ve also given Young Master Cheng an office on the fifth floor of the third teaching building. We can set you up nearby so that the two of you can discuss your similar interests in the school. Maybe you can get to know each other, too.”

Principal Kong set the folder aside and beamed atYu Shu.


Yu Shu immediately perked up. ‘Young Master Cheng?’

“Is it Young Master Cheng Yan?” she asked, her eyes wide with anticipation. “Are you talking about him?”

If it really was Cheng Yan, that meant that she would be able to see him often…

Sadly, her hopes were dashed as Principal Kongshook his head. “Ah, no. I was referring to Young MasterCheng Zhou.”

Yu Shu fell back against her seat, deflated. ‘So it’sCheng Zhou.’

Although they were acquainted and often saw each other at social events, they weren’t familiar with each other. They rarely even spoke aside from the casual pleasantries.

Even so, she supposed it was better to befriend someone from the Cheng familythan to not have any significant connection with them at all.

“All right, please set me up in the office next door.” Yu Shustood up and grabbed her purse. “I’d like to walk around the campus and observe. Is that okay,Principal Kong?”

“Of course, Miss Yu. You can go anywhere you want inside the campus; no one will dare to stop you. Here, allow me to see you out of my office.”

Principal Kong escorted her all the way down the stairs and parted with her at the entrance of the building.

It was already eleven o’clock—almost lunchtime. Yu Shulooked around and noted the empty hallways. In the distance, some gardeners were tending to the plant boxes outside the building.

Now, where should she start looking for Yao Tang?

Yu Shu pondered this as she wandered about. Soon enough, she realized that everyone must be at the cafeteria for their lunch break. She had a hunch thatYao Tangwould be there, too.

Yu Shu could just wait her out at the school cafeteria instead of hunting her down. With that thought in mind,Yu Shuheaded to the place, a spring in her step.

As expected, Yao Tangwent to the cafeteria for lunch, along withLin XinandQin Jing.

Meng Yang wanted to go with them, butXiao Pangheld him back, asking him to play a game before they ate together.

The cafeteria was bustling as usual. Today’s specialty dishes were braised pork ribs and pickled ribs. Lin Xinrushed into the fray and managed to score a spot in front of the queue. Of course, she made sure to reserve spots for her friends in the line.

Yao Tang dropped her stuff on an empty table and lazily walked over to the line withQin Jing.

“Sister Tang, over here!” Lin Xincalled, waving her hand high up in the air. “Come, quickly!”

Their chemistry teacher had given them an extra question just before the bell rang, which caused them to be late.

“That Old Liangreally took his time with that last question,”Lin Xingrumbled as the other two drew near. “Fortunately, I think we can still get some braised pork ribs. They still have more than three servings left.”

She then proceeded to praise the delicious meals served at the cafeteria, especially today’s specialty menu, while Qin JingandYao Tangindulged her.