Chapter 196  : Fake and Ambitious

“Is that so?” Qin Jing challenged, sneering at Yao Ran. “You barged into my birthday celebration uninvited and offered me a paltry present, yet you still had the guts to think you’re better than everyone else? That’s just adding insult to injury, isn’t it?”

She paused then, and made a show of remembering something. “Oh, but I shouldn’t really be surprised, should I? Since you’re also the one who slandered Yao Tangand called her a prostitute online.”

Cheng Yan immediately stiffened after hearing this. He cast a sideways glance atYao Tang, his face dark. Then his eyes darted towardYao Ran.

So that shameless wench had dared to bully his person!

It seemed that the Yao familyhadn’t learned their lesson yet. They must be feeling safe and assured, knowing that they had roots here inCity A. Well, it was about time they were cleaned up.

Qin Jing’s words caused the conversations to turn more lively.


“I always knew there was something fishy about her. I never did feel an ounce of pity, even when she started crying. She had this fake vibe, like she’s always the victim and everyone else is the bad guy.”

“Oh, you can tell, too? I was thinking the same thing!”

“Yeah, we girls are more keen to pick up on these little details. Did you notice that she was already bawling, even though Miss Qin hasn’t said anything yet?”

“If you ask me, I think the Qin family has been more than gracious to these uninvited guests. They should have been kicked out the moment they appeared. What an eyesore.”

“Ambitious snake, is what she is!”

Yao Ran froze as the insults echoed around her, and before she knew it,Qin Jinghad already flung her hand away. The birthday girl now crossed her arms over her chest, showing no intention to even acknowledgeYao Ran’s apology.


Indeed, Qin Jingwas only waiting forUncle Wangto get to the bottom of this debacle, so she could firmly throwYao Ranand her mother out of the party.

She wasn’t particularly nice or generous, especially not to people she disliked.

Naturally, she wasn’t going to just stand down and return an insult with kindness.

But Yao Ranwasn’t done yet. She took advantage ofQin Jing’s actions and threw herself to the ground, making it seem likeQin Jinghad inadvertently pushed her.

The entire time, she was keeping an eye on Cheng Zhou, anticipating his reaction.

To her dismay, the young man didn’t move at all. It didn’t look like he was inclined to help her, either.


It was at this time that Qin Manbarreled through the onlookers, shouting as she went. “Is this how the Qin family treats their guests?” she cried out as she put her arms around her daughter.

Qin Jing scoffed and rolled her eyes. “I barely used any force. I think you can give Miss Yao all the credit for her own fall.”

With a grin, she nodded over to the surveillance cameras mounted on the far wall. “We can even check the security footage if you want.”

“Exactly!” Meng Yang chimed in. “She tripped all by herself, there wasn’t even anyone blocking her way. Be honest, are you scheming to extort some form of compensation from Sister Jing’s family? Why do you keep making things up?”

A collective murmur went around them as the others nodded in agreement.

No one was willing to believe the Yao mother and daughter, much less come to their aid.

Even Cheng Zhouseemed cold and distant now. He had taken out his phone and was typing away without a care for his surroundings.

Yao Ran knew she was running out of options.

It was just her and her mother, against every other guest.

She pressed her lips tightly and whispered through gritted teeth. “Listen, Mom. For now, the important thing is that I get Young Master Cheng’s attention. The Cheng familyis much wealthier and more powerful than the Qin family, right? We can’t come home empty-handed.”

Qin Man’s eyes lit up in understanding.

She peeked at Cheng Zhouand assessed him.

Indeed, he would make for an excellent son-in-law. He had an illustrious background, and good looks to match.

And so, Qin ManhelpedYao Ranup, only to thrust her inCheng Zhou’s direction, all while exclaiming, “Oh, my! I twisted my ankle!”

As she arched in the air, Yao Ranmanaged to knock over a glass of red wine that one of the guests was holding. Thankfully, the guest was able to hold on to the glass, but its contents sailed away withYao Ranand finally sloshed on the floor beside her.

People were quick to dodge the splashes of wine, all except for Cheng Zhou.

The bottom part of his trousers was drenched, and it looked like it was going to stain. It was a terrible sight, and he certainly couldn’t continue wearing them for the rest of the evening.

Yao Ran moved swiftly. Within the next second, she had grabbed a napkin from the nearest table and was attempting to wipeCheng Zhou’s trousers with it.

“What should I do?” She was sobbing again.

“I’m deeply sorry, Sir. It was all an accident. My mother, she… Oh no, your pants are all wet. Please allow me to buy you a new suit.”