Chapter 187  : Yao Ran’s Gift

She was certain that Qin Jing was going to like the gift, and she wanted the latter to admit it in front of everyone.

This way, they could avoid getting accused of coming to the party uninvited, or worse, kicked out.

Determined, Yao Ranplucked her gift box from the table and gave it back toQin Jing.

She proceeded to flutter her eyelashes expectantly, like a character from one of those ridiculous, vintage cartoons.

Qin Jing remained unfazed, however.

At this point, a handful of people had gathered around them after overhearing the kerfuffle. They, too, wanted to see what the present was.


Pretty soon, the small group grew into a crowd.

They whispered among themselves and looked at the box on Qin Jing’s lap with eager anticipation.

After all, opening presents was considered one of the highlights of any birthday party.

Madam Qin glanced at her daughter and heaved a small sigh. “Why don’t you go ahead and open it,Jingjing? Since everyone wants to see...”

Qin Jing stiffened and pursed her lips.


Just a few steps beside her, Meng Yangclenched his hands into fists and glared atYao Ran. He was itching to punch some sense into this shameless girl, but he didn’t want to cause a commotion atQin Jing’s party.

As for Yao Ran, she sported a gentle smile on her face, acting as if she didn’t notice the discomfort in bothQin JingandMadam Qin.

Thankfully, Yao Tangchose that moment to come over and join them.

She was holding a glass of wine, which she slowly swirled around. That single, small action made her look even more mysterious, causing a stir among the audience.

Yao Tang ignored them all and spoke in a calm tone. “Open it. Let us all if Miss Yao’s gift is really as wonderful as she says.”


Qin Jing’s lips twitched at this, and the corners lifted into a smirk.

She knew she had to open the damn box, of course, she just hated having to do it upon Yao Ran’s insistence.

But now, her Sister Tan had interfered.

She had made it so that the purpose of opening this gift was to see whether Yao Tang’s claims bore any weight or not.

In effect, Yao tanghad providedQin Jingthe opening to be honest about what she thought.

She could very well say that she didn’t like Yao Ran’s present, and no one would take it against her.

This was still her party, after all, and she was only doing what everybody wanted.

Qin Jing turned to Yao Tang and gave her a meaningful smile.

A silent message passed between the girls.

Then, with a deep breath, Qin Jingbegan to slowly unwrapYao Ran’s gift.

She fished the item inside the box and held it up for all to see.


“I know that bag! It’s no longer available in the market. I wonder how they got their hands on it.”

“Oh my, then it must have cost a fortune. How precious!”

“All the girls I know want this foreign brand. It’s almost like a rite of passage or something.”

“The Yao familyis quite capable, huh? I wonder where they bought such a rare luxury item. How thoughtful of them.”

Several girls were eyeing the bag in question with envy.

Indeed, the handbag was part of a limited edition series that had been globally released a while back. It was priceless enough as it was, but after getting pulled out from circulation, its value had increased to over ten million yuan.

Countless young ladies from rich and powerful families would have given an arm and a leg for a chance to own the purse, but they all ended up settling for second-hand ones.

To think that someone was able to acquire it, only to gift it to somebody else… it was incredibly generous!

Yao Ran was beaming at the big reveal, extremely proud of herself.

The handbag was the most precious one in her mother’s collection. It had cost Qin Manan enormous amount to get it, so they saw no reason forQin Jingto dislike the gift.

Even if the girl didn’t like it, surely she wouldn’t disgrace such a well-known luxury brand. Right?

Their presumptions were proven wrong at the very next second. Qin Jingtook one good look at the bag. After confirming that it was genuine, she wordlessly tossed it back inside the gift box.