With the atomic bomb explosion point as the center, the terrifying shock wave rapidly expands around. The officers and soldiers of the island country army, as well as their equipment, flowers, trees and buildings, were all wiped out under the attack of the shock wave.

   Under the attack of this atomic bomb, the army of the island country with more than 100,000 troops assembled nearby was wiped out. Many others were not killed on the spot, but they were exposed to radiation. In the next period of time, they will all lose their lives due to nuclear radiation.

  The German bombers that dropped the atomic bomb in the sky also became very unstable due to the disturbance of the air current.

   "God! What is the bomb we dropped? Is this the devil's weapon?" The German captain who carried out the bombing mission looked shocked. Obviously, he did not expect the atomic bomb dropped to be so powerful.

   "Those islanders are finished. I didn't expect that we would have such a powerful weapon. However, it was thrown at the islanders. I am very happy." The pilot on the co-pilot had a smile on his face.

  The island army on the ground was completely frightened. Little did they expect that a single bomb dropped by the Germans would kill so many of them. Moreover, there are still a large number of soldiers of the Japanese Army who are howling.

   "Baga! How can the Germans have such powerful weapons? Report to the Supreme Command! Organize rescue immediately!" General Keisuke Fujie, commander of the 11th Front Army of the Japanese Army, ordered. He too was completely intimidated.


   All the generals of the army of the island country were pale. They were frightened one after another.

  Before, they still roared aggressively to fight the Germans to the end and severely damaged the Germans who landed. However, now I am completely terrified. Their fear could be clearly seen in their eyes.

  The Office of the Prime Minister of the island country, the office of Prime Minister Hideki Tojo.

  Although, the current war situation is very unfavorable to the island country. The entire Kyushu Island, Shikoku Island and southern Honshu are almost falling into the hands of the German army. The island army suffered heavy losses in these places. However, Prime Minister Hideki Tojo still gritted his teeth and insisted. He believed that the Germans would not be able to support it until the island army and the people further caused greater casualties to the German army.

   "Your Excellency, Prime Minister, something is wrong!" Army Chief of Staff Gen. Sugiyama rushed into the office of Prime Minister Hideki Tojo with a look of horror.

   "What's the matter? Did the Germans land in Tokyo Bay?" Prime Minister Hideki Tojo seemed very calm.


  In order to resist the attack of the German army in Tokyo Bay, the island country army has deployed heavy troops in Tokyo Bay. The 11th Front Army, the 12th Front Army, and the 13th Front Army under the jurisdiction of the 1st General Army. There are also the 8th Front Army, the 10th Front Army, and the 31st Front Army directly under the base camp. In the northern part of Honshu Island, there are still a large number of island country troops as reserve forces. Once the German army lands, the armies of these island countries will launch a counterattack. Even if the German army cannot be defeated, the German army will pay an extremely heavy price. Prime Minister Hideki Tojo believes that under heavy losses, the German army will definitely not be able to hold on. When the time comes, it will be an opportunity for the island nation.

   "No, Your Excellency Prime Minister. The Germans did not land, but they bombed." General Sugiyama Gen said.

   "Bombing? What's the matter? It's not the first time the Germans have bombed." Prime Minister Hideki Tojo said nonchalantly.

   "Your Excellency Prime Minister, the Germans dropped a bomb, a very terrifying bomb, but it killed more than 100,000 of our troops, and no less than 100,000 people were seriously injured." Admiral Sugiyama Moto said.

   "What? How is this possible?" Prime Minister Hideki Tojo's face suddenly changed.

  The Germans actually killed more than 100,000 of them with a single bomb, and more than 100,000 were injured. If this continues, the Germans only need a dozen or twenty such bombs to kill the entire island army! This battle cannot be fought at all.


   "It's true, Your Excellency Prime Minister. General Fujie Keisuke personally called and confirmed it." General Sugiyama Moto said.

   "It's over, it's all over now!" Prime Minister Hideki Tojo slumped down on the chair all of a sudden, his eyes glazed over. Only at this moment did he realize that all his calculations had vanished into thin air at this moment.

   In the face of the strong strength of the Germans, any conspiracy is futile.

  The German army is very satisfied with the power of the atomic bomb this time.

  Marshal Manstein instructed the Luftwaffe to carry out follow-up bombing.

   That afternoon, the German army dropped an atomic bomb on Yokohama. The island army assembled here was hit hard again.

  The next day, the German army dropped two atomic bombs on the Boso Peninsula. Two atomic bombs are dropped on western Tokyo. These four atomic bombs directly caused hundreds of thousands of casualties to the Japanese army, and once again dealt a fatal blow to the Japanese army.

   On the third day, the Luftwaffe dropped four atomic bombs in northern Honshu. The island nation's army deployed in this area has once again suffered heavy losses.

   After three days, more than one million people in the island army have died under the German atomic bomb, and even more people have been injured. More importantly, the three-day atomic bomb attack directly destroyed the fighting spirit of the islanders. They knew very well that if the German army continued to drop atomic bombs, they would be dead.

   No one knows how many such horrible bombs are still in the hands of the Germans. If the Germans are willing, it seems that they can directly destroy the island countries with atomic bombs.

  Under such circumstances, the island government can no longer sustain it. They sent envoys to sue Germany for peace. And Germany also has only one request, and that is unconditional surrender.

  Although, if Germany's request for unconditional surrender is agreed, it is tantamount to allowing Germany to be slaughtered. This is undoubtedly something that senior officials of the island government and military absolutely do not want to see. But, in such a situation, what other options do they have?

  Finally, Prime Minister Hideki Tojo issued an order to accept Germany's unconditional surrender. The island army began to hand over weapons and equipment to the German army and formally surrendered.

   This process lasted less than two weeks, and Germany completely controlled the entire island country.

   Of course, countless islanders still hate the German army. There were even occasional attacks on German troops. But on the whole, the islanders have been spooked.

  At this time, Marshal Manstein, commander of the Imperial Pacific Theater, received a domestic request. Emperor Qin Tian asked the Pacific Theater Command to organize a trial of war criminals from the island nation. In particular, Emperor Hirohito must be tried in Tokyo. Qin Tian knew very well that if he wanted to destroy the militarism of the island country, he had to pull the Emperor from the altar. Otherwise, the militarism of the island country will soon be revived.