Chapter 67

In this romance, Jin Xi was as pure as a complete newbie could be, while Bo Yan was a boy after all, so he naturally understood more than her.

He taught her many things bit by bit.

Like deeper kisses, touching and teasing each other.

Jin Xi did not dislike learning about these things. She was like a child standing at the door of a new world, curiously and cautiously peeking inside.

It was she who suggested that since he had already seen her naked when they were painting, it was only fair that she should also get to see him naked once, otherwise it felt a bit unfair.

Jin Xi was just as curious about Bo Yan's body as he was about hers.


Bo Yan was even shy enough to blush, saying there was nothing much to see, all men looked the same.

Jin Xi patted him on the shoulder to reassure him, "I know all men look the same, it's not like I haven't seen it before."

"Where did you see it?"

"In biology textbooks, I've seen the cross sections."


The sample diagrams in biology textbooks can't be the same as reality!


With Jin Xi making such a request, Bo Yan as a man was conflicted - shy yet excited, afraid to show her yet wanting to show her. Anyway, his emotional state was much more complicated than the girl's.

All couples go through things like this sooner or later, Bo Yan kept reassuring himself.

The two went to the art studio again, which had now become their secret base.

Upstairs, Jin Xi closed all the curtains, turned the lights up to full brightness, and brought over a standing spotlight from the corner, switching it on to shine on Bo Yan.

Bo Yan: ...

What on earth was she trying to do here! Dissect him?!


He sat down by the sofa and said helplessly, "Turn off all the lights."

"How can I see clearly with the lights off?"

"Just how clearly are you trying to see?"


Stumped by his questions, Jin Xi's face turned red and she had no reply.

Fine, fine, you're the boss today.

With the lights off, the studio suddenly darkened, with only the obscured curtains letting in a faint, soft glow.

Bo Yan started taking off his shirt, and Jin Xi sat down in the corner of the sofa, watching him nervously. His upper body muscles looked even more defined than before, even more robust, especially his abs which had gained two more blocks.

This showed just how intense his recent training had been.

Jin Xi watched as his long fingers rested on the belt buckle. Click, click, he flicked the clasp repeatedly, asking her over and over, "Are you sure you want to see?"


"You've thought it through?"


"No regrets?"


Jin Xi bit her lip, hesitating for a long time. She was a little too embarrassed to ask him to take off his pants, and simply said, "On second thoughts, I won't look."

"Now you don't want to look?" Bo Yan was already mentally prepared, he didn't expect this little girl to chicken out first. He laughed and said, "Can't you show more guts?"

Jin Xi felt that what might happen next was too risqué, she really didn't have the courage to keep watching. Covering her flushed cheeks, she said, "Forget it, let's talk about it another time."

Bo Yan felt that rather than dragging things out, it was better to get it over with in one shot.

So he undid his belt with one hand.


Looking back afterwards, Jin Xi would feel that their behavior back then was really foolish, utterly shameless.

But after being fully "candid" with each other, their relationship underwent an imperceptible change, seeming much more intimate than before. After all, they had let each other know even their most private parts, there was no one else in the world closer than each other now.

Jin Xi saw Bo Yan completely as another self in this world, telling him everything without any more concealment or reservation.

So even when Bo Yan tentatively made that kind of request later, after briefly struggling over it, Jin Xi still agreed.

Many things between couples happen naturally, Jin Xi was willing to do anything that made him happy.

At first she was still clumsy, always hurting him. Bo Yan would grit his teeth, sweat beading his forehead as he stared at the ceiling, "Jinxi, you're scraping me again."

"It hurts, it hurts!"

"Don't stop, I can take it."

Jin Xi: ...

Seeing him in such agony, she still couldn't understand - why was he inflicting this suffering on himself? If it was so painful, why do it?

Later, Jin Xi also slowly began to "learn", sneaking into her brother's room to copy videos from his private folder, combining theory and practice. In her subsequent attempts, Jin Xi also gradually grasped the knack.

Afterwards Bo Yan was happy, feeling that all the suffering before was less than one ten thousandth of the happiness now.

Once, after being fully spent, Bo Yan murmured at the ceiling, "Jinxi, you're a treasure."

In short, as the two grew more intimate, their behavior also became more uninhibited, but Bo Yan kept his promise, not crossing the final line. At first, he felt Jin Xi was too young, and now, he was increasingly reluctant to take her easily before he could stand on his own feet. He would not touch his girl before that.


On her birthday, Jin Xi and Bo Yan went to Grandpa and Grandma's courtyard house early to help clean up. This was Jin Xi's first time visiting, she brought lots of fruits and supplements as courtesy.

Grandma welcomed her warmly into the house. Grandpa and Jin Xi were already acquainted, he brought her to see his collection of antique curios.

"You study classical culture, come take a look at my collectibles and widen your horizons." Jin Xi smiled helplessly, saying she didn't study classical culture but literature, she was completely ignorant about these antique porcelains too.

But she didn't dampen the old man's enthusiasm, following him into the study to see his shelves full of antique collectibles.

Bo Yan whispered to Jin Xi, "They're all fakes, picked up from antique markets. Yet he still treasures them, usually not letting anyone in, afraid they might get chipped or damaged."

Yang Xiaoyuan followed behind them, also her first time entering Grandpa's study. Grandpa had never brought her to see these antiques before.

She felt a little envious, not understanding when Grandpa and Jin Xi had gotten so close.

Soon, all the friends arrived in the yard one after another. Auntie was busy in the kitchen, while Grandpa and Grandma went out to the yard to see all these boys and girls, in very good moods.

Yang Xiaoyuan was very eager to impress. She said she wanted to go to the kitchen to help cook. Grandma quickly stopped her, "Don't run around busying yourself, just stay in the yard and play with Bo Yan's friends."

Yang Xiaoyuan held Grandma's hand and said, "Grandma, our home has so many guests today, I should go help."


Yang Xiaoyuan brought out stacked plastic chairs and passed them around, "Seniors, don't stand, hurry and sit."

Xu Chaoyang was tactless, saying, "Why is it you receiving us? According to custom, it should be our sister-in-law Jin Xi coming out to host us."

Yang Xiaoyuan pretended not to hear him and did not respond.

Chu Zhao leaned in to whisper in Lin Luo's ear, "She's really treating Brother Bo Yan's family as her own, not seeing herself as an outsider at all."

When Yang Xiaoyuan brought chairs over to Grandpa and Grandma, Grandpa said, "Xiaoyuan, go sit and rest yourself, don't need to busy yourself here."

He turned to Jin Xi, "Little Xi, please bring out the washed fruit from inside for everyone to eat."


Jin Xi went inside and brought out the fruit platter to place on the wooden table in the yard, "Everyone help yourselves, dinner will be ready soon, have some fruit first."

Yang Xiaoyuan awkwardly sat down, her expression turning somewhat ugly.

Grandpa was always polite to her, but treated Jin Xi completely as family, indirectly indicating the difference in intimacy - no matter how well the elders treated her, in this family she would only ever be a guest.

At first, Yang Xiaoyuan still harbored fantasies about Grandpa, feeling she had a chance to integrate into this family. Now it seemed she had wished for too much.

Yang Xiaoyuan suddenly felt that everything she had done seemed meaningless. She had tried so hard to please Elder Bo and his wife, yet this was the result... She really could not accept it.

Soon, Auntie brought out the sumptuous dinner and placed it on the table. Friends gathered around and accompanied the elders in eating a lively dinner.

Old Master Bo was satisfied that he had celebrated his grandson's birthday and seen his grandson's wife. After dinner, he told them to go out and have fun on their own without feeling constrained at home.

So the group went to KTV again. Before leaving, Old Master Bo specifically asked Yang Xiaoyuan if she did not like such noisy environments, she could stay home and rest, or read a book.

Yang Xiaoyuan lowered her head and thought for a long time before insisting on going through gritted teeth.

Old Master Bo shook his head and did not stop her. This girl had too much competitive spirit and pride, which led her to entrap herself in a web she wove. With rich life experience, how could Old Master Bo not see her intentions?

With arrogance and sensitivity, her perspective and temperament were not suitable for Bo Yan.

In contrast, Jin Xi's temperament was much gentler, like a finely polished and mellow beautiful jade.

From Jin Xi's rambling narrative, Old Master Bo also learned that she had a loving father and brother. Growing up in such gentle soil, she had absorbed the nutrients of love, which could not nurture a sharp temper.

Such a gentle temperament could precisely accommodate Bo Yan's innate stubbornness and arrogance.

No wonder Bo Yan was attracted to her.