Chapter 60

Yang Xiaoyuan saw that Jin Xi didn't look too happy, so she hurried to explain: "Senior sister, don't get the wrong idea, I didn't ride Bo Yan's bicycle. We walked here together."

Bo Yan nodded repeatedly, looking completely innocent.

Jin Xi took the bicycle handlebars from Bo Yan and said in a muffled voice: "This is my brother's bike, I need to take it back."

Bo Yan anxiously said: "Okay, you take it back first. I'll let your brother know and not forget about the basketball game tomorrow."

"Who said you and my brother are close?" Jin Xi sneered. "If you want to tell him, do it yourself. I'm not your messenger."

Seeing this, Yang Xiaoyuan worriedly asked: "Did I say something wrong to upset you, senior sister?"


This made Jin Xi even more irritated. Her innocent, pitiful look made it seem like Jin Xi was arrogantly bullying her on purpose.

Chu Zhao patted Jin Xi's hand and said: "How about this - since we can't use the bike and the junior sister doesn't want to take a taxi, let's walk and send the junior sister home together. We can count it as an evening stroll."

Jin Xi tried hard to signal Chu Zhao with her eyes that she didn't really want to stay any longer, but Chu Zhao ignored her and just stared at Yang Xiaoyuan with a meaningful smile.

Yang Xiaoyuan originally thought Jin Xi was leaving, and relaxed a little. Hearing Chu Zhao say this, her face fell: "It's not that I'm reluctant to take a taxi, it's just that I don't think it's necessary to waste money since it's not far."

"That's right, it's not far. We can just walk over."

"You don't need to bother sending me."


Chu Zhao turned to Bo Yan directly: "Senior Bo Yan, what do you think?"

Of course Bo Yan wanted to spend more time with Jin Xi. After this she would be studying hard for the exam, so there would be few chances to meet.

"Let's go together," he said.

Since Bo Yan said so, Yang Xiaoyuan no longer insisted. She still walked side by side with Bo Yan in front, while Jin Xi and Chu Zhao followed behind.

Chu Zhao pulled Jin Xi to speed up their pace, inserting themselves between the other two. This made Jin Xi walk together with Bo Yan, while she was next to Yang Xiaoyuan.

Bo Yan pushed the bike with one hand and naturally held Jin Xi's hand with the other.


Jin Xi struggled hard, but his grip was too tight and he held her hand firmly, making it impossible for her to break free.

Holding her hand, Bo Yan tucked it into his own pocket.

Jin Xi fiercely pinched his palm to punish him.

Meanwhile, Chu Zhao borrowed Yang Xiaoyuan's copy of The Collected Poems of Jigme Lingpa. She casually flipped through it and then handed it to Jin Xi, smiling and saying: "The junior sister is quite artistic."

Yang Xiaoyuan said: "It's not about being artistic. I've always really liked Jigme Lingpa. I feel his poems are very touching and heartfelt, and I resonate a lot with them. Although I'm from a small town, I still go online and discovered his poems there, which captivated me deeply."

Chu Zhao smiled: "If you're interested in him, when you get to university you'll have many chances to look up information about his life and works in the literature, which will be much more reliable than what you find online."

Yang Xiaoyuan sensed hostility from the two girls towards her, and bluntly responded: "I only like him because his poems are beautiful, nothing more."

"In recent years Jigme Lingpa has become a hype online, and many seemingly heartfelt famous quotes and verses attributed to him were actually fabricated by bored netizens." Jin Xi waved the book in her hand: "He's become over-commercialized now. The first poem in here isn't even written by him, did you know that junior sister?"

Yang Xiaoyuan took the book in surprise: "Not written by him? How's that possible? How do you know?"

"Jigme Lingpa lived during the Qing dynasty. Look at the modern imagery and emotions in these poems - could he have time travelled or something?"

Yang Xiaoyuan's hands holding the book trembled uncontrollably. She read the poems carefully and also noticed the issues - those modern poems that moved her didn't seem like they were written by someone from the Qing dynasty at all.

She was losing face and felt embarrassed by such a foolish mistake, especially in front of Bo Yan. She felt like her face was completely lost.

Jin Xi didn't originally want to be so petty, but hearing Yang Xiaoyuan address Bo Yan so intimately as "Brother Bo" made her very irritated.

When they reached the courtyard gate, Yang Xiaoyuan's face was red and she ran back inside without a word.

Chu Zhao asked Bo Yan: "Senior, what's your relationship with her? She's acting like she swallowed gunpowder."

"We're not that close. My grandfather has been supporting her education, and this was my first time meeting her too."

Bo Yan turned to Jin Xi: "Let me take you home."

Jin Xi pushed Bo Yan away and let Chu Zhao get on the bike: "I don't need you to take me, I'll ride Zhao Zhao home."

Chu Zhao helplessly glanced at Bo Yan and sat on the bike seat pad: "Sorry, senior."

Bo Yan's eyebrows furrowed slightly. He shouted after the two girls' backs: "Ride slowly!"

On the way home, Jin Xi asked Chu Zhao: "Did we go overboard with how we treated her? Bo Yan said his grandfather is sponsoring her as a student from a poor family, it seems her family circumstances aren't good."

Sitting on the back seat, Chu Zhao bounced her toes on the ground: "So what if she's a student from a poor family? Wasn't Chu Tong also on financial aid, but I've never seen her be so sensitive, acting aggrieved like the whole world has wronged her."

"I guess we can understand, she seems very prideful."

"Your boyfriend gave us his book card in plain view, and she was clearly unhappy, refusing to use the card with us and making your boyfriend pay for her books himself. I'm willing to believe she didn't intend to take advantage, but her low EQ behavior would exhaust others. I don't like people like that."

"I don't either."

Chu Zhao coldly snorted: "We'll inevitably have to interact at school. Consider it a lesson for her."

That night after returning the bike home, Jin Xi leaned it on the balcony and started wiping it clean with a cloth.

Shen Pingchuan came home and saw Jin Xi diligently polishing his precious bicycle.

"Didn't I give this bike to Bo Yan? Why did you bring it back?"

Jin Xi shined the bike until it gleamed, then turned and blamed him: "This was the gift Dad rewarded you with when you got accepted to university, over 60,000 yuan! How can you just casually give it away? Shen, you have too much money to burn!"

Shen Pingchuan was stunned for a moment, then slapped the back of Jin Xi's head as punishment: "I didn't ask for you!"

Jin Xi covered her head and pouted.

Shen Pingchuan squatted next to her and took the cloth to help wipe the bike: "Did you fight with Bo Yan?"

"Bo Yan." Jin Xi almost vomited. "Can you not be so intimate with that name?"

"It doesn't matter what we call each other. What's important is that we get along great - we're best friends."

Jin Xi irritably threw the cloth over his shoulder and walked away: "You two stay together then, a pair of idiots!"


A few days later was the start of the school term. Bo Yan texted Jin Xi:

"Xi Xi, get your luggage packed. I'll come pick you up at 10am tomorrow."

Sitting cross-legged on the sofa, Jin Xi put down the hardcover book in her hands and replied:

"No need, I'm going to school with my brother. No need to trouble Master Bo."

After sending this message, she couldn't help sending another: "Anyway I'm just one less junior sister to you."

She regretted it after hitting send - it seemed she was showing jealousy a bit too obviously. Jin Xi tapped to recall the message, and Bo Yan's reply came in: "But to me you're my one and only junior sister."

The corners of Jin Xi's mouth curled up slightly, and her heart was filled with a sweet taste. She didn't reply to his message.

Lying in bed, Bo Yan stared at the ceiling and sent a text to Shen Pingchuan.

A few minutes later, Shen Pingchuan lazily passed by Jin Xi's room: "Yo Sis, go to school yourself tomorrow."

Jin Xi leapt up from her bed and opened the door: "Why?"

"I have things to do tomorrow, gotta go to Dad's company. It's not like you don't know the way, totally fine going yourself." Shen Pingchuan leaned against the wall.

"But my luggage is so heavy." Jin Xi pleaded pitifully: "Bro~"

Remembering Bo Yan's promise of a substitute spot for him in the basketball league, Shen Pingchuan steeled his heart and lovingly ruffled her hair: "Calling me 'Bro' is useless. Be good and figure it out yourself."

"Fine." She pouted and closed the door disappointedly.

Bo Yan's message came in again: "Xi Xi, I'll be waiting downstairs to pick you up at 10am tomorrow."

Yang Xiaoyuan looked at her largest suitcase, hesitated for a moment, then decided to compromise -

"Okay, I'll give you a chance."

When Bo Yan saw the text message, he jumped up. After doing dozens of push-ups on the floor, he was in high spirits for no more than ten minutes before receiving a call from Grandpa: "Tomorrow at eight o'clock, go pick up Yang Xiaoyuan and take her to school to enroll."

Bo Yan's heart skipped a beat: "That may not work, Grandpa."

"Xiaoyuan is unfamiliar with this place. If you don't take her to enroll in school, do you expect me, an old man, to carry her luggage and packages to take her there?"


After hanging up the phone, Bo Yan opened WeChat and thought for a moment before sending a message to Xu Chaoyang.


The next morning, Bo Yan anxiously waited under the ginkgo tree, glancing at his watch and kicking away a pebble at his feet.

Soon, Jin Xi came out of the residential area pulling her suitcase.

Facing the sunlight, she stopped two meters away from him. The dazzling summer sunlight enveloped her, giving her a bright and beautiful hue. As the wind blew by, her bangs fluttered in disarray.

Bo Yan walked over with a smile and took over pulling her suitcase: "Have a good first day of school."

"I'm not happy at all." Jin Xi casually grabbed his wrist as they stood by the roadside waiting for a taxi: "Who would be happy about starting school?"

"I remember a certain someone crying at the end of last semester, saying she didn't want vacation to end and was going to miss me so much."

Jin Xi's cheeks flushed as she pushed Bo Yan lightly: "I never said I would miss you. Who would miss a pig's trotter like you."

Bo Yan leaned down, gazing into her bright, clear eyes, the corners of his mouth curling up: "Living 'together' and seeing each other every morning when we wake up - I'm really looking forward to it."

"We're not living together. Don't get ahead of yourself."

Bo Yan gently closed his eyes. His long, thick lashes showed a translucent brown tint in the sunlight. The corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

Jin Xi knew he was shamelessly asking for a kiss. Her hand rested on his waist, grasping lightly. Then she tiptoed up and kissed his dry lower lip.

Just then, a vigorous "Hey!" rang out next to her ear, scaring Jin Xi so much she backed up several steps.

She turned around to see Shen Pingchuan sitting in a black Mercedes-Benz. He waved at the two of them: "Pay attention to moderation when kissing. My sister is still young!"

Jin Xi stomped her feet, face flushed red: "Aren't you going to Dad's company? Get going!"

Just as Shen Pingchuan was about to roll down the car window, Bo Yan suddenly said, "Prince Shen, why don't you let us take the car?"

"Huh?" Shen Pingchuan was surprised. "Why should I let you take it?"

Bo Yan's hand fell on Jin Xi's shoulder, the corner of his mouth curled up matter-of-factly: "Because you're the older brother."


Shen Pingchuan was rendered speechless. After a brief silence, he still got out of the car. With a "bang" he opened the trunk and put Jin Xi's luggage inside, tossing the car keys to Bo Yan: "Fine, fine, I should yield to you two."

Bo Yan got into the car and helped Jin Xi buckle her seatbelt.

Outside the window, Shen Pingchuan anxiously exhorted: "Drive slowly, safety first."

"Don't worry."

"Also, about the basketball league..."

"Leave it to me."

"I want to play forward."

"No problem."

Bo Yan pressed Shen Pingchuan's head out and closed the car window. He started the engine and drove towards the school.


Yang Xiaoyuan had left her bags and luggage outside the courtyard entrance, but the one who came was not Bo Yan, but an unfamiliar boy.

He wore a white athletic uniform, shorts and sneakers, looking fresh and sunny.

"Hi, I'm Xu Chaoyang, Bo Yan's friend. He asked me to come pick you up." After introducing himself, Xu Chaoyang reached for the handle of Yang Xiaoyuan's suitcase.

Yang Xiaoyuan didn't let him take it. She had an instinctive wariness of strangers.

"Why didn't Brother Bo come?"

Xu Chaoyang laughed: "It's enrollment day. Of course he had to go pick up his girlfriend. I'm the only single upperclassman available to come get you."

Yang Xiaoyuan felt a stab in her heart, and it didn't feel good.

Seeing her look dejected, Xu Chaoyang called out in surprise: "Hey, don't tell me you like Bo Yan?"

"Ah, what nonsense are you saying!" Yang Xiaoyuan's face instantly turned as red as menstrual blood as she denied it: "That's impossible! No way!"

"Why are you getting so worked up?" Xu Chaoyang didn't seem to think it was a big deal. "If you put together all the girls at our school who like Bo Yan, you could hold a sports meet. One more doesn't make a difference. But I should give you fair warning - with how doting Bo Yan is on his girlfriend, you'd better give up that idea."

Yang Xiaoyuan bit her lower lip tightly, not saying a word.

"Oh right, I have a friend named Jing Chi who's also single. Should I introduce him to you?"


Yang Xiaoyuan turned to leave. Xu Chaoyang hurriedly caught up and said, "You're angry? I was joking, sorry about that."

All the way to school, Yang Xiaoyuan ignored Xu Chaoyang. Her first impression of him was not good at all. She felt he was a bit frivolous and unsteady, completely unlike Bo Yan.

Xu Chaoyang was thick-skinned and didn't notice the girl's thoughts at all. Of course, he didn't care either. After all, he was just fulfilling his buddy's request to bring her to school safely, so his mission was accomplished.


The asphalt road shimmered with the summer heat. Jing Chi had a blade of grass between his teeth, hands in his pockets as he leaned against the verdant banyan tree at the school gate.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and tugged at the round neck of his black t-shirt. The chest area was a darker color, large patches dampened with sweat.

He was a heavy sweater. After every workout he looked like he just took a shower in his clothes. Every few minutes he would take out a clean, soft tissue from his bag to wipe his flushed, sweaty face.

Chu Zhao's messy little head peeked out the window. Seeing the boy already waiting downstairs, she hurried into the bathroom, grabbed a comb and tousled her hair wildly.

A WeChat message came in from Jing Chi:

"No need to rush, I got here early."

How did he know everything?

Chu Zhao brushed her teeth with an electric toothbrush while stuffing clothes into her suitcase.

Her mother walked into the room and looked out the window. "Zhao Zhao, is that boy downstairs here to pick you up?"

As Chu Zhao packed her luggage, she casually responded: "Mm, my upperclassman."

"Upperclassman or boyfriend?"

"No way, just a really good friend."

Chu Zhao's mother was a teacher, the type of student affairs supervisor that children most feared in their school days. She was extremely strict with Chu Zhao at home, and also placed high hopes on her future.

"Zhao Zhao, mom only wants the best for you. The future is long, you've only just begun. Don't let these trivial matters delay your future."

Chu Zhao knew her mother had a stubborn personality. Things she decided on were hard to change, so she didn't argue. She simply picked up her luggage and went into the elevator.

Seeing the girl come out, Jing Chi's eyes were filled with sunlight. He came over and took the handle of her suitcase, smiling as he said: "Xu Chaoyang went to rescue Bo Yan, so I came instead. Hope you're not too disappointed."

"Of course not, I'm very grateful you came to get me."

"Good then."

When he smiled, the corners of his eyes angled up charmingly. His beautiful peach blossom eyes always held a touch of frivolity.

No wonder her mother said he was ill-behaved. He naturally gave off the dangerous vibe of a bad boy.

A sunny boy like Xu Chaoyang might be more well-liked by parents, but Chu Zhao didn't like comparing Jing Chi to Xu Chaoyang. There was no comparison - Xu Chaoyang was outgoing while Jing Chi was more introverted and restrained. They each had their own good qualities.

As they walked out of the residential area, Chu Zhao asked Jing Chi: "What did Brother Bo have Xu Chaoyang do?"

"Not too clear, it seems like helping to pick someone up," said Jin Xi.

"Oh," said Chu Zhao.

"If you really don't want to, I'll call Instructor Xu right away and swap with him," Jing Chi pretended to take out his phone. Chu Zhao quickly grabbed his wrist: "Don't, I'm not unhappy at all, I'm not!"

"I see you are a little disappointed," said Jing Chi.

"Not at all! Don't think like that, I'm very happy that you kindly helped carry my luggage for me."

Jing Chi was just teasing her, but he actually saw some sincerity in her eyes that she wasn't lying.

This discovery made Jing Chi feel delighted.

He walked to the intersection, ready to hail a taxi, just as a bus drove by. Chu Zhao quickly pulled him onto the bus: "This bus goes straight to the school in one line, senior, get on quickly!"

"Let's take a taxi," said Jing Chi.

Since he came to pick her up, how could he possibly still make her take the bus.

"It's not easy to get a taxi here. Sometimes I can't get one for half an hour," Chu Zhao had already gotten on the bus, took out her bus card and swiped it for both of them, and said, "Get on quickly!"

Jing Chi stood at the door, hesitated for a moment, but eventually followed her on.

The bus was full, no seats left. Jing Chi protected Chu Zhao as they stood in the middle of the carriage by the window. His tall figure circled her in the corner.

The vehicle started slowly. Jing Chi's eyes swept outside the window. Clearly there were several taxis following behind. This was the downtown golden location, it was impossible there would be no taxis available.

She tricked him.

Jing Chi was so perceptive, how could he not see her little mind.

"Chu Zhao, you don't actually have to do this," his voice deepened, "Senior is not so poor that I can't afford a taxi."

Chu Zhao nervously lowered her head, "I... didn't, I get car sick so I..."

Just then, the bus drove over a sunken road, and everyone on the bus stumbled. Chu Zhao lost her balance and fell towards Jing Chi.

Jing Chi reacted quickly, pressed her shoulders and steadied himself.

Chu Zhao's forehead bumped into his hard chest.

When the bus regained stability, Chu Zhao realized Jing Chi seemed to not have let her go, his hand was still on her shoulder.

Bearing his heavy weight, her heart started thumping rapidly, not knowing what this man before her intended.

"Jing Chi, you..."

Jing Chi immediately let her go, glanced away, and said, "Thank you for considering me."

Chu Zhao relaxed, smiled and said, "No problem, I really do get car sick."

The bus ride was not short, over twenty stops, the AC on the bus was not great, sweat beaded on Jing Chi's forehead and nose.

Chu Zhao took out tissues from her bag, originally wanting to give them to him, but since he was holding onto the rail, she simply used the tissues to wipe his face for him.

Jing Chi originally had his eyes closed to rest, feeling the soft touch of tissues, he opened his eyes.

The girl's bangs were a little damp, her dark eyes bright and clear, her lips red and moist.

Jing Chi smiled, "What are you doing?"

Chu Zhao quickly explained, "You looked really hot, I'm just helping you wipe off some sweat."

"I sweat a lot," he grasped her wrist and moved her hand closer to his own cheek, "If you want to help me, then don't stop, understand?"

"Okay," Chu Zhao smiled, taking out new tissues to wipe his tall forehead, dark eyes, "I can keep helping you."

Jing Chi's lowered eyes swirled with intense emotions. Suddenly, he held her hand and brought it down.

Chu Zhao looked at him puzzled.

Jing Chi tightly gripped her slender wrist, his voice a little hoarse, "Chu Zhao, do you like me, Xu Chaoyang doesn't cherish you, but I do."

Chu Zhao lowered her head, her gaze shifted aside, her cheeks flushed, breathing heavily.

Jing Chi calmly looked at her, let go of her hand, "You don't have to answer right away, I only ask that you promise me one thing."

Chu Zhao timidly raised her head, "What is it?"

"Xu Chaoyang will confess to you."

Chu Zhao was so shocked she backed away, crying out in disbelief, "Oh my god, for real?"

Jing Chi took a deep breath, "Before you agree to him..."

He pursed his lips, his deep brown eyes looking at her piously and solemnly, "Consider me, okay? I'm really good to you."

The author has something to say: Okay okay!! Jing Chi's mom loves you!