Chapter 151

At dawn, Li Yao finally returned to the garrison camp of the prefecture chief of Zhang County.

The army had slept here overnight, completing its mission. Today it would be preparing to return.

However, according to custom, it would take three days to return, otherwise it would not demonstrate the hardship of the march.

Li Yao took this opportunity to do something during these three days.

After greeting the prefecture chief of Zhang County, Li Yao took some rations and water from the military tent and headed alone towards Xiao Wa Village.

Around noon, she arrived near Xiao Wa Village.


Compared to Hong Shan Stockade, Xiao Wa Village was just an ordinary village. Over a hundred wooden houses were scattered amidst the dense mountain forest. There was not even a solid surrounding wall, only simple roadblocks at important crossroads.

There were not many guards, and few of them carried weapons.

Villagers came and went, seeming to be in good spirits, chatting and laughing.

Li Yao revealed herself and walked right in.

"Halt, what business do you have here?"

"I am a merchant of Daling Country," Li Yao said loudly. "I wish to see your village chief."


The few guards who were on duty looked at each other, and asked again: "Don't try to fool us! It's impossible for merchants from Daling Country to come here anymore!"

"I really am a merchant."

"Then why are you alone? Where is your trading party?"

"My party was intercepted by the officials at the Daling border. I slipped through alone. But I want to do business with you, so I need to discuss with your village chief."

After discussing in their dialect for a moment, someone entered the village. Soon an elderly man with graying hair and beard emerged, surrounded by dozens of people - he must be the village chief of Xiao Wa Village.

Li Yao introduced herself, using her real name this time. Upon learning she was the owner of the Li Family of River Bend, the old village chief immediately welcomed her into the village.


In the past, no matter which party came to Nanzhao Kingdom from Daling, they would always choose to trade with the border villages first. Nanzhao merchants would also transport goods to the villages to sell directly to Daling merchants.

This way it was faster, safer, and more convenient for both sides.

Over time, Xiao Wa Village and Qing Song Village near the Daling garrison had become famous trading hubs.

But two months ago, Daling merchants did not dare come anymore, because Hong Shan Stockade would seize any merchant, and rob their goods.

Merchants on the Nanzhao side who wanted to go to Daling would also be inspected by the border army. On any slight pretext they would be accused of false charges.

With no trade, Xiao Wa Village and Qing Song Village lost their former prosperity and liveliness. The villagers could only go back to farming the land.

"Old village chief," Li Yao said, "to tell the truth, this time my entire party was also captured by Hong Shan Stockade. And I discovered this matter does not solely involve Hong Shan Stockade's meddling, but their collusion with Wu Ling, the Daling garrison commander, to seize the goods and money of merchant parties."

"Is this...true?"

"I have already investigated the facts," said Li Yao. "Last night when I infiltrated Hong Shan Stockade, I also heard shocking news. Wu Ling promised the village chief of Hong Shan Stockade that before the rainy season arrives, he will send troops to attack Xiao Wa Village and Qing Song Village."

"What did you say?" The old village chief was so frightened he stood up, his face pale. "Miss Li, you must not jest about this!"

"This matter is absolutely true." Li Yao said. "I heard Wu Ling has already secretly arranged a lot of combustible lamp oil around your two villages."

"Quick, go take a look!"

In less than a moment, several young men came back carrying barrels of lamp oil.

Now with solid evidence, the old village chief was even more weak and collapsed into his chair.

"If the Daling garrison troops come to attack our Xiao Wa Village, then...then we have no power to fight back at all!" the old village chief said tremblingly. "Should we...just move the whole village away?"

"Old village chief, don't panic." Li Yao said. "This time I did not come alone, but together with the Ninth Prince of Daling."

As she spoke, Li Yao presented the Ninth Prince's personal token. Although the old village chief had never seen it before, the token was made extremely exquisitely of solid gold. An ordinary person could not have faked it.

"Right now the Ninth Prince is secretly mustering troops. Soon he will take down Wu Ling, and trade between Daling and Nanzhao will be restored to how it was before."

The old village chief shook his head. "Miss Li, you don't know that as long as Hong Shan Stockade still exists, trade cannot flow freely."

"That's precisely why I've come to find you," Li Yao said. "I want to ask Xiao Wa Village and Qing Song Village to collaborate with the Ninth Prince's side, and take down Wu Ling and Hong Shan Stockade together."

" impossible," the old village chief sighed deeply. "Hong Shan Stockade is an impregnable fortress. Even a large army would find it very difficult to attack."

"I have my own methods for this." "What methods?"

Li Yao did not mention the secret passage, since she could not be certain there were no spies from Hong Shan Stockade mixed in Xiao Wa Village.

"I can't reveal it for now, but please trust me."

The old village chief had a solemn expression.

There had been deep conflicts with Hong Shan Stockade for a long time. He dearly wanted to resolve it, but if they could not completely take it down in one strike, it would surely bring endless retaliation from Hong Shan Stockade.

"Miss Li, please rest in my village. I need to discuss this with the village chief of Qing Song Village."


The village chief of Qing Song Village, Lv Qingsong, had a sturdy build and looked to be in his forties. Judging by his face, he did not seem to be good-tempered.

After being alerted and finding large quantities of lamp oil around Qing Song Village as well, Lv Qingsong was furious. He wished he could take the young men of the village and immediately go to Hong Shan Stockade to settle accounts.

But after calming down, Lv Qingsong began to be suspicious.

"What if this is Wu Ling deliberately provoking us, planning to turn our three villages against each other, then take us all down in one move?"

"That...seems rather unlikely, doesn't it?"

"The schemes of these Han people have no limit to their cunning," Lv Qingsong said. "Think about it. So much lamp oil was hidden in the woods, yet none of us noticed it until this Li Yao came along and discovered it right away. Village Chief Ma, we should be cautious about this matter."

Village Chief Ma contemplated for a moment, seeming to feel he had a point.

"Then we'll meet the unexpected with constant purpose."


Although Li Yao did not know what the two village chiefs discussed, judging by the wariness in the eyes of the people accompanying her, the result was surely not good.

This was also within her expectations.

Just relying on her word alone to make the two villages obedient would be a bit improbable. So before this, she had already thought of countermeasures.

Village Chief Ma arranged for her to stay in a separate wooden house, but not far away over a dozen people kept covert watch over her. Li Yao ate when it was time to eat, drank when it was time to drink, then found a chair to sit and rest. At night she went to bed to sleep.

She waited until midnight before opening her eyes. Moving softly and stealthily she went to the window to check the situation outside.

There were still people standing guard, but they were much more relaxed compared to the daytime.

Li Yao did not take this little security force seriously. Like a black mountain cat she slipped out with ease, then went to the bedrooms of Village Chief Ma and Village Chief Lv. After trimming their beards and hair to leave only stubble, she soundlessly returned to her room.

The next morning at first light, a shout came from Village Chief Ma's room: "My beard! My hair! Where are they?"