Chapter 11

Parents responded one after another——【Thanks for the reminder, Teacher Yu】【Got it】【My home is far away, I can only drive to pick up my child [covering my face\/]】【It's tiring, let the child give you a massage [laughing\/]】【Everything is for the children [clenching fist\/]】 A few parents chatted happily in the group, and more and more parents joined the discussion again.

Yu Na carefully looked through the messages.

Among the messages worrying about children's growth, a message suddenly popped up.

Brother Qiao Rui: 【1】"............"

This message was like a breath of fresh air among the pile of messages.

...It rained all night.


It is said that sleeping when it rains is an extremely cozy thing.

But for Yu Na, the rain kept her from falling asleep at all.

She drifted in and out of sleep all night. The next morning when her alarm clock rang, she dragged herself out of bed with great effort despite her drowsiness.

It was still raining with no sign of letting up.

After washing up and getting ready, Yu Na held a slice of bread in her mouth, put on her backpack, took an umbrella, and hurried out the door.

She didn’t live far from the school so she could have walked.


But sometimes Yu Na was lazy and didn’t want to walk so she would take the bus. With this heavy rain, there was no way she would walk.

However, every bus was packed.

Yu Na had just arrived at the bus stop and saw with her own eyes someone forcibly squeezing onto a bus.

Then there were screams from inside.


"It's squeezing me to death!"


"Close the door driver! No more!"


Yu Na’s heart sank.

She watched mercilessly as the bus door closed and the bus lumbered away with great effort.

The corner of her mouth twitched. No matter how thriftily she lived, seeing this made her suck in a breath.

At this moment, she suddenly missed the days when she would walk out of the mansion to see the family luxury car and driver waiting for her outside.

She lowered her head absent-mindedly looking at the water splashing on the ground, wondering if she should just flag down a taxi.

She didn’t notice at all as a black luxury car drove straight past her.

At this time, she overheard discussions around her——"Wow, that car looks so cool."

"Which young master has come to experience life? I'm so envious...."

"Will I ever get a chance to cry in a BMW in my life?"

"Idiot, that’s a Porsche."

"Damn, nevermind, I'll never get that chance in my life."

The owner of this voice lowered their voice and said softly: "It's not just you, fancy cars and mansions, if you’re not born into it, basically you’ll never get them in this life. Those of us here waiting for the bus will never get them."


That woman desperately kept her voice down, afraid of others around hearing. But she stood right next to Yu Na so every word clearly entered Yu Na's ears.

Yu Na didn't comment at all.

Her expression was extremely indifferent.

Just then, her phone suddenly vibrated.

Yu Na glanced at it perfunctorily——then froze.

: 【Look to the right and get in the passenger seat】

Yu Na: ???

"1" was the name she had saved for Xiao Chen in her contacts.

No particular meaning. She had simply done that because in the parents' group chat he never spoke, only responding with "1".

She looked to the right and as expected saw the black Porsche parked there.

Yu Na didn't care about maintaining composure or politeness. Every bus was packed because of the bad weather and it was hard to get a taxi or car service.

So under the attention and envy of onlookers, she jogged to the Porsche holding her umbrella and opened the passenger side door....

The woman who had been standing next to Yu Na was stunned in place.

After Yu Na got in the car, Qiao Rui suddenly popped up from behind: "Teacher Yu!"

"......" Yu Na was so startled by this sudden voice that her body clearly shook.

She greeted Qiao Rui somewhat awkwardly, then also thanked Xiao Chen.

Then she said apologetically: "My umbrella is wet...."

Xiao Chen: "Put it on the floor."

"Teacher Yu, what a coincidence!"

Yu Na tidied her damp messy hair: "Yeah, I live around here."

"I know. I was about to open the window and call you over but my brother wouldn't let me."

Fortunately Qiao Rui didn't open the car window and call out to her. She really didn't want people to see her getting into a student's family car.

Xiao Chen had probably thought of this too.

She softly said again: "Thank you, Brother Qiao Rui."

Xiao Chen: "......"

Although not the first time hearing this address, hearing it from her mouth still felt kind of strange.

Xiao Chen didn't say anything, just echoing her words: "No problem."

He didn't speak again the whole drive.

But Qiao Rui chatted nonstop.

When they were close to arriving at the school, Yu Na suddenly spoke up: "You can drop me off here."

Xiao Chen glanced at her indifferently.

He not only didn't stop the car, but drove straight on.

Yu Na: ?

He didn't offer much explanation. The car stopped at the school's front gate.

Yu Na: "......"

Xiao Chen didn't look at her or pay any attention to her confusion.

Instead he turned to Qiao Rui and said: "Get out of the car."

Ever since Xiao Chen had told him to buy breakfast from the convenience store for Teacher Yu last time, he had determined that spring had finally come for his cousin.

He certainly couldn't ruin things. After all, right now all his expensive phone, camera, computer etc, were all bought by cousin.

He immediately obeyed without hesitation: "Okay!"

Yu Na bit her lips but could only brace herself to get out of the car with him.

But she had just opened the door when Xiao Chen's indifferent voice rang out again telling her "Wait a moment."


"Close it."


After she closed the door, Xiao Chen restarted the car.

He drove halfway around the school and stopped at the north gate, very close to her office. Most students entered through the main south gate.

Yu Na often went straight to the classroom so she also mostly entered through the main gate.

Xiao Chen looked around, "No one's here now, go in through here."

Yu Na nodded.

She was quite touched in her heart.

But as soon as she opened the door to get out, before she could even open her umbrella, the car sped off.

Without any hesitation or lingering.

The "thank you" stuck in Yu Na's throat, she didn't even get a chance to say it.


You've got nerve.

Because of the rain, the Monday flag raising ceremony was cancelled.

After putting her things in the office, Yu Na went to supervise morning self-study in the classroom.

The classroom was currently dead and dispirited without a hint of vitality. Seeing her come in, there was a whoosh as the students hurriedly hid away their breakfast.

In principle, no food was allowed in the classroom because of the smell.

Yu Na secretly laughed to herself and hinted to them: "Don't just eat, read while you eat. Pretend your books are electronic pickles."

Her implied meaning was very obvious that they could openly eat their breakfast.

Because the smell of breakfast wasn't that strong and most were eating breakfast anyway so there were no issues of bothering others.

As soon as the students heard though, they were happy but also resentful.

"Teacher, these electronic pickles are too boring...."

"Yeah, I'd be more entertained just eating them dry."

Qiao Rui started making things up: "Teacher, why don't you just play a movie for us. After eating these electronic pickles our spirits will definitely be full and we'll be immersed in studying all day."

Yu Na considered herself a democratic person.

She asked: "Is that true?"

Seeing a glimmer of hope, the classroom instantly became lively: "Really!"

"Fine then."

Yu Na took out an obscure all-English movie, then calmly picked up where she left off: "Morning self-study is only 40 minutes. We'll only play 40 minutes of the movie. The first period is English class. I'll call on a student to tell me the plot of the movie. I'll call up 5 students to copy down your favorite lines. Then I'll call up another 10 students and select some lines from the movie to translate. You have to write down the English subtitles."

Everyone: ?

"Teacher, don't play it. Let's read...."

Yu Na smiled in satisfaction: "Too late."

She really took out a rarely seen all-English film.

The students ate their breakfasts with their attention completely on the movie.

Sitting at the lectern, Yu Na saw a message her mom had sent 10 minutes ago.