Chapter 3

said, "Host, if you need the currency of this world, you can directly exchange it with points. One point is worth 100 yuan."


Qin Zhao looked at her point balance, 450,000, not much or little. But this stuff loses points when exchanged, and points can be used to exchange for money, but money can't buy points, an unfair transaction.

"No need, I can rely on myself."

Not wanting to be treated as a useless system, 502 gave advice based on the plot of the book, "Host, you can go to bars and sing for money. There are many rich women there, just meet one, and you can avoid struggling for ten years!"

Qin Zhao: "..."


"Shut up, why don't you go sell yourself."

The system didn't speak again, silently curling up into a ball.

Qin Zhao stood outside the community for a while before walking in. The faint urine stench drifting in the corridor made her speechless.

No matter how broken this place is, there should at least be toilets instead of people relieving themselves everywhere. Why haven't those struck by lightning yet?!

Holding her breath and quickening her pace, Qin Zhao finally took a shallow breath when she reached the door of the rented room. She went inside the room.

The first thing Qin Zhao did was turn on the computer to search for information about this book world.


Although she knew the direction of the plot and main storyline, she knew very little about the details. Learning more would help plan future actions.

After searching, she discovered that the female lead was actually a celebrity in the business world, mainly because she was the heir to the Nan Group. The media was very concerned about who her other half would be.

Of course, this kind of concern was malicious.

The female lead was a spoiled rich girl who spent money like water and had not shown any business talent yet. If a man could marry her, it would be like getting the Nan Group.

In slang terms, it was eating a widow.

Smart people understood this logic, so there was never a lack of fawning men around Nan Yue.


Qin Zhao curled her lips. She thought, these men don't stand a chance anymore, the position by Nan Yue's side belongs to her.

Through media reports, Qin Zhao got to know a little about Nan Yue's hobbies.

Such as liking stage plays and being a VIP guest at Yuncheng Grand Theater. She was also enthusiastic about collecting antiques and rare gems, all hobbies of wealthy families.

Qin Zhao checked the bank balance of the original owner, 65,530.60 yuan.

The original owner was a hardworking woman who had over 60,000 yuan in savings just after graduation. It was very good, but far less than what Qin Zhao needed now.

In real life, Qin Zhao was engaged in the art industry and was a top student at the Academy of Fine Arts.

She was good at painting and sculpture. She also learned some skills while completing quick transmigration tasks, and could make money if given suitable jobs.

But in order to follow the storyline, she had to stay at the male lead's company for the time being and could only do part-time work in her spare time.

She had to think carefully about making money.

After sitting in front of the computer for some time, Qin Zhao felt discomfort in her lower back. She got up to stretch her body, then went to the bathroom to wash up and lay in bed.

Before falling asleep, she finally figured out what to do.

She had a dreamless night.

Arriving at the company on time, as soon as she entered, she noticed meaningful looks in everyone's eyes when they saw her.

A smile appeared at the corner of Qin Zhao's mouth. If everything went as she expected, she would meet the female lead soon.

She had just sat down at her desk when Zhou Ying came out of the president's office and walked straight towards Qin Zhao.

Zhou Ying was Ye Chenxi's secretary. She was quite pretty. Before Qin Zhao appeared, she was favored the most by Ye Chenxi, so she disliked Qin Zhao a lot. "Qin Zhao, the president wants to see you." Zhou Ying said.

Qin Zhao nodded, "Got it."

She got up and went to the president's office. When she brushed past Zhou Ying, Zhou Ying stopped her with her hand.

Qin Zhao turned to look at Zhou Ying and asked, "Is there anything else, Secretary Zhou?"

Zhou Ying said in a low voice, "There are suddenly a lot of rumors about you and President Ye in the company. If you are instigating this behind the scenes, I advise you to restrain yourself. If it affects President Ye's reputation, you can't afford the responsibility."

This was not just out of jealousy, but genuine consideration for Ye Chenxi.

Ye Chenxi's position in the Ye family was not high to begin with. If his reputation was damaged, it might marginalize him even more.

Qin Zhao understood Zhou Ying's meaning. She couldn't help but sigh, the backup of the male and female leads were all so thoughtful. If the two of them were willing to pay more attention to these backups, perhaps there would be a happy ending.

Unfortunately, the author had pitted both of them, making them only focus on each other, eventually leading to the destruction of the world.

Qin Zhao did not answer Zhou Ying. She did not spread the rumors or care about Ye Chenxi's reputation.

She pushed Zhou Ying's arm away and walked forward. Zhou Ying stomped her feet angrily when she saw this.

In the president's office, Ye Chenxi heard the knock and said, "Come in."

He then looked up at Qin Zhao entering, a fleeting astonishment in his eyes.

Qin Zhao was 1.73 meters tall. Her slender figure coupled with straight black hair gave her a neat and clean aesthetic.

"President Ye." Qin Zhao's voice brought Ye Chenxi back to his senses.

"Mm." He handed her a stack of documents, "Help me arrange my schedule and things I need for this week."

Qin Zhao took them and sat in the assistant's seat to start organizing.

This week, Ye Chenxi had to meet three clients, attend two evening parties, and needed to arrange vehicles, book hotels, and the outfits to wear to the evening parties.

The original owner was already adept at these tasks. Qin Zhao, who had inherited the original owner's memories, also finished quickly.

After an hour, Qin Zhao said to Ye Chenxi, "Your schedule has been arranged initially. The fitting appointment at the clothing store is tomorrow afternoon at 1pm. Does that work for you?"

Ye Chenxi agreed. He paused, then asked again, "Are you free tomorrow night? Come with me, I don't have a female companion."

Qin Zhao pursed her lips and replied, "Sorry, I have something on tomorrow night and can't accompany you."

Ye Chenxi was a little incredulous. He didn't expect Qin Zhao to reject him.

Even before he returned to the Ye family, the frenzied butterflies around him had never rested.

Moreover, now that he was handsome, mature and wealthy, there were still women who said no to him.

Ye Chenxi looked at Qin Zhao with a mocking smile and asked, "Did you take a course to improve your love skills?"

The level was much higher than before.

Qin Zhao also smiled at Ye Chenxi, "President Ye, when you say things like this, you are only missing an evil smile from those greasy presidents in romantic novels."

"Hahahahaha!" Ye Chenxi burst out laughing when he heard this, "Interesting, Qin Zhao, you are getting more and more interesting."

After laughing enough, Ye Chenxi added, "Qin Zhao, if you refused me because of what happened yesterday, I have to explain that my relationship with her will not affect our relationship."

He didn't say the second half of "It's normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines" aloud. After all, it was the 21st century now, some things were better left unsaid when everyone understood anyway.

"Miss Nan's existence will indeed not affect our supervisor-subordinate work relationship." Qin Zhao said calmly.

Ye Chenxi's expression changed slightly. He thought, Qin Zhao deliberately mentioned Nan Yue, she must be bothered by it.

He went to Qin Zhao and put on a deep and sincere face. "Qin Zhao, Nan Yue and I merely have a relationship of mutual benefit. You are the one I truly like."

Qin Zhao resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Ye Chenxi said this so smoothly, no knowing how many people he had said this to.

After a while, she spoke, "President Ye, it is more suitable to say these words to Miss Nan. We have not known each other long enough to talk about liking each other."

Ye Chenxi sneered inwardly, realizing Qin Zhao felt he was too impatient. Understanding this point, Ye Chenxi continued, "Alright, if you feel I'm going too fast, we can take it slowly."

Qin Zhao's head was full of black lines. It was impossible to get through to this kind of hypocritical man. She took the opportunity to leave the office.

In the next few days, Ye Chenxi restrained himself a little, but would ask Qin Zhao out on dates whenever there was a chance, only to be rejected every time.

Qin Zhao wondered why Nan Yue still hadn't come to make trouble for her when Ye Chenxi was acting like this.

"502, help me see what Nan Yue is doing?" Qin Zhao finally remembered she had a system.

checked Nan Yue's movements and replied, "The female lead has been watching plays at the theater these past two days. A classic stage play is being performed at Yuncheng Grand Theater."


Qin Zhao took out her phone to check the theater's news.

The play the female lead was watching was called "The Metamorphosis of a Strange Doctor". Qin Zhao happened to have seen it before. The protagonist was a doctor with dual personalities.

By day he was kind as an angel, healing and saving people. By night he turned into a demon, using murder to release his dark side.

This drama had dazzling scenes and heart-wrenching plotlines, no wonder it made the heroine watch it over and over again.

Since the heroine didn't come looking for her, she'd just have to go find the heroine instead.

After asking the system which seat the heroine had bought tickets for tonight, Qin Zhao immediately booked a neighboring seat.

Fortunately, the most expensive tickets at the theater were only 4,000 yuan. Although not cheap, she could barely afford it.

Nan Yue was at home checking the messages sent by the insider she had planted in Qiyue Game.

The sentence "Rumors are circulating in the company about ambiguous relations between President Ye and his assistant Qin Zhao" was extremely jarring.

Nan Yue threw her phone aside in irritation and continued selecting the outfit to wear to the theater tonight.

Clearly, compared to going to teach that vixen Qin Zhao a lesson, she'd rather go see the play.

Without Ye Chenxi's company, Nan Yue didn't want too high a profile.

In case someone saw her lonely and pathetic look, she dressed like she was going to work undercover.

A face mask, baseball cap, and dark casualwear - dressed like this, you couldn't even tell her gender without looking closely.

Nan Yue turned in front of the mirror and, finding no issues, headed out.

minutes before the start of "Miracle Doctor's Transformation", the theater was already filled with spectators. Qin Zhao had also arrived early and sat in her seat, looking at the empty seat beside her left, feeling somewhat disappointed.

If Miss Nan didn't come, her 4,000 yuan would have been wasted.

With 10 minutes left before the start, the lights had already dimmed in preparation for the opening. Only then did Nan Yue leisurely stroll in.

She sat down looking out of breath, as if she had rushed here all the way.

She had run into rush hour traffic and got stuck about 1 km from the theater, forcing her to get out and walk the rest of the way. That's why she was late.

When getting out of the car in a hurry, she had forgotten to bring her bag. Now her forehead was beaded with fine sweat, and she couldn't even find a tissue.

She furrowed her brows, wondering if she should borrow someone's phone and call her driver to bring her bag over. Just then, a hand stretched out in front of her, holding a pack of tissues.

The lighting was too dim for Nan Yue to see the face of the person beside her. She took the tissues and politely thanked them.

Then a somewhat familiar voice sounded next to her ear, "You're welcome."

A trace of unease flashed through Nan Yue's mind, along with Qin Zhao's face.

But she quickly dismissed her guess. Soon after Qin Zhao had appeared by Ye Chenxi's side, Nan Yue had sent people to investigate her background.

She didn't know much, but she could be certain that Qin Zhao did not come from a wealthy family.

Otherwise she wouldn't have spent all her spare time in college doing part-time jobs.

So Nan Yue did not believe that Qin Zhao would buy VIP tickets to watch a play.

In fact, Qin Zhao probably didn't even know what a stage play was. After all, even normal tickets for stage plays were not cheap.

Just then, the curtain opened, and the stage lights shone onto the VIP area. Nan Yue saw Qin Zhao's face...