Chapter 202

Finally, Sheng Xi was willing to talk about her childhood.

Qin Zhao nodded, "Go ahead."

Sheng Xi lay down and found a comfortable position before starting to tell her story...

When I was young, I lived with my parents.

My mother was a housewife, and my father was a billionaire tycoon.

In the eyes of outsiders, my parents were a model couple.


But in reality, my mother's status at home was very low, and my father had the final say on everything.

My father kept several mistresses outside, but my mother didn't even dare to complain.

She was worried that my father would divorce her, and pinned her hopes on me,

Hoping that I could gain my father's favor, in order to maintain their fragile marriage.

So she was very strict in controlling me, not allowing the slightest mistake.

She would check my personal belongings almost every week, to prevent me from acting out of line.


But I did have a secret - I liked girls ever since I was little.

I thought it was very normal, until one day when I was watching TV with my parents in the living room.

The news was reporting on the legalization of same-sex marriage in a certain country.

My father indifferently remarked, "Disgusting! This goes against the laws of nature, this country will perish sooner or later!"

He then turned to me and said, "Little Xi, don't play with those kinds of people, or you'll be led astray."

I thought to myself: What would his reaction be if I told him that I was one of them?


Thinking this, I just went ahead and did it.

I said, Father, I like girls too.

My father was stunned!

My mother quickly covered my mouth and said to my father, "Old Sheng, Xi is just talking nonsense, she's still young, don't listen to her random babbling."

My father suppressed his anger and asked me, "Xi, what did you just say, say it again."

My mother clasped her hand tightly over my mouth, I could barely breathe.

My father yelled at my mother, "Let her go, let her speak!"

My mother let go, her face ashen.

I repeated, "I like girls."


I heard the sound of a slap, but the one who was hit wasn't me, but my mother! My father scolded her furiously, "Is this the good daughter you taught?! Useless!"

My mother lowered her head with tears in her eyes, not daring to make a sound.

I was caught in the middle, not understanding why my parents reacted that way. Was it wrong to like girls?

But the aftermath of this incident made me realize, as a nine year old, that perhaps I really was wrong.

That night, my mother took an overdose of sleeping pills and died lying in the bathtub.

The pose was the same as the Marat in my father's favorite painting, The Death of Marat.

Even in death, my mother was still trying to please my father.

But my father was unmoved, and soon took a new wife.

Under my father's direction, my stepmother kept an even closer watch over me than my mother did.

The main focus of her supervision was my orientation.

My father said that if I still liked girls, he would banish me overseas to fend for myself.

Having lost my mother, I desperately lacked a sense of security, so I needed my father's approval very much.

Therefore, I made great efforts to hide my orientation and avoid any people or things related to homosexuality.

That's why what happened between you and me came about.

When you confessed your feelings to me, I had mixed emotions.

I was happy because you were the first person like me I had met, so I didn't feel alone anymore.

But I was also worried, because your existence completely exposed my disguise.

After that I decided to use bullying you as a way to forcibly demonstrate my "disgust" towards homosexuality.

At that time, my father and stepmother's spies were sitting in a spot on the sports field, watching my every move.

I managed to fool them, but I couldn't fool myself.

Even more, I couldn't ignore the guilt I felt towards you.

So the next day, I took the initiative to ask my father to be exiled overseas.

After Sheng Xi finished speaking, she got up and took Qin Zhao's hand, softly saying: "I apologize to you again, I'm sorry, please forgive me."

Qin Zhao pushed away her hand, "Although you had your difficulties, the harm you caused me will not disappear due to your guilt and apologies.

With my grades at that time, I could have gone to better high schools and universities, and had a brighter future.

But because of your bullying I declined.

My alcohol abuse and gambling all stem from the experiences I had when I was young.

So I can't easily forgive you."

Sheng Xi hugged Qin Zhao and said, "I'll repay your gambling debts for you. I'll be responsible for your life from now on."

"Who's going to make up for the time I lost?"

"I'll give myself to make up for it."

Afraid that Qin Zhao would still refuse, Sheng Xi lowered her head to kiss Qin Zhao!

No matter how Qin Zhao pushed or bit her, she wouldn't let go!

Afraid of really hurting her, Qin didn't bite too hard. But when Sheng Xi tried to tear off her grass skirt, she still tried her best to guard it!

Taking advantage of the moment Sheng Xi paused for breath, Qin Zhao pushed her away and said loudly, "Hold on, let me think about it!"

Sheng Xi calmed down and said, "I'm sorry."

Qin Zhao didn't want the atmosphere in the tent to be too heavy, and jokingly said, "I've never seen such a lustful woman as you before.

For the past few years, I've been made numb by your touching every night."

Sheng Xi's cheeks flushed red instantly, and she argued in defense, "You, you didn't stop me, so wasn't that tacit agreement?!"

Qin Zhao said, "It's because I saw you are beautiful that I was willing to tolerate you."

Sheng Xi asked: "Don't you have desires too?

Sleeping next to you at night, I endured until I almost went crazy."

Qin Zhao moved closer to Sheng Xi and whispered in her ear, "I'll teach you how to relieve yourself."

Qin Zhao took Sheng Xi's hand and reached under her grass skirt...

That whole night, Sheng Xi let Qin Zhao help her violate herself.

The next day, the two of them resumed their normal lives.

In the following months, Qin Zhao never brought up what happened that night again.

On this day, after they had finished dinner, they sat together watching the sunset.

Sheng Xi grabbed a handful of sand, then let the sand fall naturally, the wind blowing the fine dust into the distance.

Sheng Xi spoke up: "Qin Zhao, have you made up your mind?"

Qin Zhao said: "I still have doubts about you, I won't agree until I get them cleared up."

Sheng Xi's hand playing with the river sand stopped, "I've already told you everything about what happened, I didn't hide anything from you at all."

Qin Zhao looked up at the sky, "Sheng Xi, if you want to scheme against me, then you've found the wrong person. I won't be manipulated by anyone."

Sheng Xi was silent for a long time until the sand in her hand started flowing again before she spoke: "I went abroad for middle and high school, and finished my college degree in two years. It was so I could come back and see you sooner.

The next time I saw you, you were mired in gambling debts.

I didn't want to see you, who used to be so excellent, become like that.

So I invested in Survival in Desolate Ancient.

With your situation at that time, you actually didn't qualify to participate.

But I hoped that you could participate and win the final prize money.

That way, you could pay off your gambling debts and start over.

As for me, I wanted us to be friends again, which is why I also came to Barren Ancient Star.

I did all this not to manipulate you, please don't misunderstand me."

Qin Zhao was a little surprised, she didn't expect Sheng Xi to have planned so much for her behind the scenes.

This made her start to think about forgiving her.

But there was still one thing that had to be resolved.

A moment later, Qin Zhao said: "There's more than just that, you're still hiding something from me!"