Chapter 14

Qin Zhao unwillingly opened her eyes and sat up, patting the still shocked Nan Yue and asked: "What are you yelling about?"

Nan Yue stopped shouting, looked at Qin Zhao's messy clothes, then at her own nearly naked body, and hurriedly covered herself up, stammering to ask: "What did we do last night?"

Qin Zhao was about to tell the truth, but noticing that Nan Yue's ears had turned red when she spoke, she realized what Nan Yue was referring to.

Suddenly, she came up with an idea!

Qin Zhao complained aggrievedly: "Last night you were drunk, so I brought you home and settled you in. I was going to leave after that, but you grabbed my hand and wouldn't let me go. You even tried to take advantage of me!"

Nan Yue was so shocked that she couldn't close her mouth. But she didn't believe that she would do something like this. Usually when she was drunk, she would just pass out. She had good tolerance for alcohol. She questioned: "That's impossible. How could I do that to you? You're not lying to me, are you?! Tell me the truth, I'm very nervous about this."


"I knew you wouldn't admit it." Qin Zhao pouted and pointed to the scratches on her face and neck, "You wouldn't let me go and jumped on me, kissing and nuzzling me. I resisted but you beat me up. Take a look at my face, is there any more serious injury?"

As she spoke, she pretended to be extremely anxious and looked around frantically for a mirror, yelling that she hoped she hadn't been disfigured.

Nan Yue's face turned ashen. She mumbled: "How could this be?"

After Qin Zhao finished her act, she pretended to be magnanimous and said: "It's okay, you just kissed me on the lips, it was just a first kiss, no big deal, don't take it to heart."

Nan Yue's face turned even paler.

Seeing that her plan had worked, Qin Zhao got out of bed and stood by the bed, looking Nan Yue up and down. She said, "You should get dressed first, it's not proper to be like this in broad daylight."


Nan Yue: "..."

Nan Yue let out a painful wail and hid under the quilt.

She really wished there was a hole in the bed she could crawl into right now!

Qin Zhao went to the bathroom to wash up, looking in the mirror at the scratches on her face, recalling what happened last night.

When she was taking off Nan Yue's vomit-stained clothes, she had encountered fierce resistance!

Nan Yue's claws were sharp. In no time, they left guilty markings on her face and neck.


By the time she finally managed to strip Nan Yue and was about to put clean pajamas on her, she was exhausted.

After carrying Nan Yue to the bedroom, the worn out her just lay on Nan Yue's bed fully clothed and fell asleep.

As for the first kiss, it wasn't completely a lie either. The corner of her mouth did get brushed by Nan Yue's lips, and there was still a faint lipstick print left.

Qin Zhao wanted to use this incident to test Nan Yue's reaction to women, to see if she could accept a relationship between two women.

If she couldn't accept it... Qin Zhao smiled at her reflection in the mirror. Then she would force her to accept it!

The system that could hear Qin Zhao's thoughts: "..."

"Host, aren't you afraid that the female lead will turn dark and snap you in half?!"

Qin Zhao snorted lightly, "Then you underestimate me too much."

Qin Zhao spent nearly an hour in the bathroom treating her wounds to protect her foxy face.

When she came out, she saw a scene that left her dumbfounded!

Nan Yue walked out of the kitchen wearing an apron, holding a plate with something black and unrecognizable on it.

But Qin Zhao, clever as she was, judged from the yellowish translucent liquid oozing out of the thing that it was a fried egg.

Nan Yue smiled and greeted her, "Qin Zhao, go sit in the dining room, I'll bring breakfast over."

Although Nan Yue tried her best to smile gently, Qin Zhao could still see her reluctance.

Qin Zhao obediently sat down at the dining table.

There was already porridge, milk and toasted bread on the table. The bread toasted by the bread machine was the only appetizing food on the table.

Qin Zhao swallowed, indeed feeling a little hungry now.

Nan Yue brought over the second fried egg, took off her apron, and sat down across from Qin Zhao. She enthusiastically urged Qin Zhao: "Eat up, why are you staring, aren't you hungry?"

Qin Zhao picked up a piece of toasted bread and nibbled on it.

Her eyes looked left and right, wondering what this woman was up to again.

When Nan Yue tried to push her fried egg on Qin Zhao as she was eating her third piece of bread, Qin Zhao finally asked: "What are you doing?"

Nan Yue's eyes shifted around, seemingly not daring to look at Qin Zhao. "I just wanted to make you breakfast."

Qin Zhao suddenly understood Nan Yue's intention, and said: "You're trying to make up for it this way?"

Nan Yue's body stiffened, then she slowly shook her head.

They fell silent for a while.

After some time, Nan Yue took a deep breath and said, "I'm sorry about last night, I'll take responsibility!"

Qin Zhao smiled ambiguously and asked her: "How do you plan to take responsibility?"

"I, I..." The second half of the sentence seemed to burn her tongue. Nan Yue hemmed and hawed for a long time before finally saying resolutely, as if marching to her execution: "Let's date, I'll treat you well!!"


As soon as Qin Zhao heard Nan Yue's words, she burst out laughing. She really didn't expect that Nan Yue was such an idiot!

Just for a first kiss, she could blurt out such archaic lines that could only be heard in feudal times.

Qin Zhao laughed so hard that tears came out.

Nan Yue was confused by Qin Zhao's reaction and gradually became aggrieved. This was the optimal solution she had come up with after careful consideration, but in Qin Zhao's eyes it was a joke.

Before Nan Yue could cry, Qin Zhao controlled her laughter and said solemnly: "I don't agree."

Such a familiar line, just like what she said to Ye Chenxi last night, Nan Yue thought.

Qin Zhao continued: "If you want to date me, then I'll date you. What do you take me for? Although I'm not as rich as you, or as pretty as you, it's not difficult for me to find a girlfriend if I want one. Why must it be you?"

"Sorry, I didn't mean that. I just felt that I, I..."

She wanted to explain but didn't know where to start. On careful thought, deciding to date without asking the other party's opinion was indeed disrespectful.

Nan Yue didn't try to defend herself further. She sincerely apologized to Qin Zhao: "I'm sorry, I'll pay attention from now on and won't do anything disrespectful to you anymore."

Not hearing a response from Qin Zhao, Nan Yue thought she would say something even more decisive. But instead she heard her say: "But trying dating you is not impossible either. After all, I'm quite curious about relationships."

Nan Yue's eyes lit up. "Really, thank you for giving me a chance to make up to you!"

Hearing her words, Qin Zhao's face instantly dropped. "If you want to date me with the mindset of making up for things, then forget it.

I may not have eaten pork, but I've seen pigs run. Even an outsider like me knows that the relationship between two people in love is equal, whether it's giving or taking, it should be mutual.

You've been in relationships, don't you understand?"

Nan Yue really didn't understand. In her relationship with Ye Chenxi, she was always the one giving and chasing.

This led to her misunderstanding of love, which made her say foolish things to Qin Zhao about using the relationship to make amends.

After hearing Qin Zhao's understanding of love, Nan Yue finally realized how stupid she had been before.

Blindly giving not only made the relationship unequal, but also made the other person look down on her.

After a brief moment of realization, Nan Yue said: "Thank you, I understand now. Let's do as you said and try dating."

Qin Zhao didn't expect things to suddenly become so smooth. When she left Nan Yue's home as her girlfriend, she felt as if she was dreaming, walking on air.

The first thing she did after getting home was to find a decent house and move out.

This made Zhao Feibai, who had brought a group of people from Qin Zhao's hometown to make trouble for her the next day, come up empty-handed!

Liu Yuxia banged on the door of Qin Zhao's rented room and yelled loudly: "Qin girl, I know you're inside, don't hide in there and not come out. You have the guts to run away from marriage, now come out!"

Qin Xiangyun stood on the side, smoking fiercely and glaring at the door, looking as if any mouse that dared to run out would be torn to shreds.

But no matter how they yelled and cursed, there was no movement from inside the room.

Qin Xiangyun was getting impatient. He asked Sun Fugui and Zhao Feibai: "Are you sure she lives here? With the racket we're making, even a ghost should have come out!"

Sun Fugui said: "I saw her go into this room with my own eyes, it can't be wrong."

Zhao Feibai stroked his chin and thought that Qin Zhao must have moved out already. Since they didn't catch her at the Yike Game Company earlier, that's why they came here.

Could their luck really be so bad?

As he soothed the two agitated villagers, he also said: "Don't worry, I know how to find her, she can't escape!"