Side Story Chapter 42   - The Third Zone (2)

‘That person… is So-yeong’s uncle?’ From behind the second-floor banister, Min Chae-young peeked out with wide eyes. She looked at the man with eyes and hair as dark as the night sky, and a composed attitude and walk. The man looked indifferent, but he was good-looking. He closely resembled Sesha, who appeared cold on the outside but was actually the nicest person ever.

Well, it made sense they resembled each other. Chase-young had heard Sesha’s dad and uncle were identical twins. A part of Chae-young had always wanted to meet Yeon-woo because Sesha spoke about him so much. He was someone who sacrificed his entire life for his family. Sesha said without him, nor she, her mother, grandmother, and grandfather would be able to live the lives they did today.

Chae-young didn’t know the specifics, but Yeon-woo seemed to be outstanding as a player too. So when Sesha called out “uncle” in a bright voice, Chae-young realized it was Yeon-woo and snuck expectant glances at him. Even if she wanted to say hi, he probably didn’t know her at all. But…

‘…He’s scary.’ That was the first thing that popped into Min Chae-young’s head. No, actually, it wasn’t enough to express what she felt. Yeon-woo felt so far like he was something she would never be able to reach. It wasn’t possible to describe him as being vast either. He was just so colossal it was hard to see his limits.

Once, Chae-young had seen a video that explained Earth’s size. She saw how small Earth was when it was compared to other planets, and how many galaxies with larger planets there were…she felt dizzy just by looking at it.

That was how she felt looking at Yeon-woo. No, it was even more than that. With Earth, she was able to grasp sizes, but with Yeon-woo, she could feel it. Something in her head shook. It was like a spool of thread she didn’t even know existed had been unraveled. Min Chae-young flinched, not understanding what it was.




Then, Min Chae-young made eye contact with Yeon-woo, who turned in her direction. Min Chae-young jumped in surprise and hid behind the banister again. Thump, thump, thump! However, her surprised heart wouldn’t calm down—as if it was still alive.

* * *

『Hubby! Sob, sob. You’re too cruel. How could you! How could you leave me! What did a poor girl like me do for you to leave… You’re so mean…!』

If someone heard this, they’d think it was a pitiful young wife resenting her old lover for leaving. However, the voice was husky and rough, and the person pretending to be a pitiful young lady was a skinhead with copper skin.


“…I wish I was blind.” Sesha seriously contemplated poking her eyes with her fingers. That idiot, Laplace, stopped at nothing. Where did he find the courage to act like that while she was in the middle of tattling on him? Did he lose all sense of fear because he’d already died once? Or did he really just enjoy being beaten up? She didn’t understand. To be precise, she didn’t even want to understand.

Kronos, who had seen Laplace’s absurd actions as much as Sesha had, looked disgusted too. Only Rhea was smiling, her hand covering her mouth with an “oh, dear” motion. Sesha felt like her grandmother was too kind to Laplace. She said something about how Laplace was very cute or something. It was an insight Sesha didn’t want to have.

“…Laplace.” Yeon-woo covered his face with a palm, as if he felt a migraine coming on, and sighed. Laplace had been like that in the Tower, and apparently, he was still like that.

『Yes, Master! Please speak! Is there anything you’d like to order me to do? Perhaps a warm bath? Lunch? Or…!』Laplace paused his pitiful wife act and suddenly spun like a top. Then, the clothes he was wearing made popping noises and transformed into a maid outfit―he was copying the “magical girl” outfits from the tv shows Sesha watched when she was younger. He slightly lifted his skirts and made a high-pitched squeal. It was an instant transformation. The dark legs showing from beneath the short dress were thick and hairy.

Sesha and Kronos had dumbfounded expressions. All emotion disappeared from Yeon-woo’s face as well. His face didn’t seem to have any blood.

“Get down on your head.”


『Oh my, so dirty. Can’t you see I’m wearing a dress?』Based on how Laplace winked, it was clear he still wasn’t in his right mind.


“…Yes. Uncle.”

“…I’m sorry.”

“…No. I’m u-used to it…now. Ha, hahaha…!” The joy was absent from Sesha’s laughter.

Laplace seemed to be in even higher spirits now that Yeon-woo had returned.

“Do you have any carrots at home?”

“Carrots?” Sesha tilted her head at Yeon-woo’s random question. But just then, Laplace visibly flinched, and Sesha’s gaze whipped toward him. Laplace whistled, pretending as if nothing happened, but he couldn’t avoid Sesha’s sharp eyes. She narrowed her eyes at him and asked, “Hey, pervert bunny.”

『Huhuhu. What is it?』

“You’re sweating.”

『I-I don’t know what you’re talking about…! Huhuhu!』

“Uncle, carrots, right?”


“Just a minute. We have some left over from last night.” Sesha didn’t know what it was, but it was related to that perverted bunny’s weakness! She made a dash to the kitchen, and Laplace hurled his body at her with wide eyes.

『Miss Sesha! Stooooop!』

However, the shadow moved before Laplace’s large body was airborne. The shadow let out tens of tentacles and left him tied on the ground.


For the first time, Laplace, the creature who panted no matter how hard he was beaten, was crying out for real. In the meantime, Sesha quickly brought a carrot from the fridge and waved it in front of Laplace.

『Eeeeek!』Laplace screamed, twisting to move away from the carrot.『Get it away! Please! Pleasepleaseplease….! To somewhere I can’t see it…! Ahhhhhh! The juice from the carrot is falling…! Ahhhhhhh! It touched me! My skin! My milky skin is rotting! Rotting! Ahhhhh!』


The pale Laplace was really terrified of the carrot, and when water drops remaining from washing the carrot fell on his foot…he made a ruckus. It was as if he touched something no being should ever touch.

Sesha looked at Laplace’s foot to see if his skin was really melting as he screamed, but the water just dripped down his leg normally. He was completely fine. However, he rolled around the middle of the living room in fear.

When Sesha and Kronos looked at Yeon-woo with speechless faces, Yeon-woo responded with a shrug. “I don’t know either. But that punk is strangely terrified of carrots. Oh, he hated onions too. Try using that next time.”

Sesha had a dumbfounded expression again. Although it was due to a different reason than before, Laplace was the cause of both. ‘A carrot-hating bunny…’

The idea that bunnies loved carrots was actually only something that originated from a famous portrayal of an animated bunny, but bunnies didn’t hate carrots either. However, that didn’t seem to be the case for Laplace. Logic went out of the window with this perverted bunny.

‘…I see.’

Smirk! However, none of that was important. Sesha had a huge grin as she looked at the carrot. To Laplace, she seemed like a vicious predator who’d discovered her prey. She said, “Uncle, hold tight to him please.”

“Sure.” More shadow tentacles soared out and wrapped around Laplace when Yeon-woo replied. It cocooned Laplace, making it impossible for him to move.

“Ha…haha! Hahahahaha!” Sesha couldn’t contain the laughter that came from deep within. Her bizarre laughter only increased in volume as she strode toward Laplace. Thump! Thump! Each of her footsteps echoed in Laplace’s ear like she was an executioner coming to finish him off. “Hehehehe.”

『M-Miss Sesha! W-W-Why don’t we c-calm down first?』

“Calm down? Calm downnnnn?!” Sesha’s neck twisted at an odd angle.

Sweat beaded on Laplace’s copper skin.『Y-Y-Yes. P-Please calm down. O-Our cute and a-adorable Miss S-Sesha is someone who k-knows how to be k-kind to others. S–S-So please put that horrifying object d-down and…!』

“Sure. I’ll put it down. Here.”

The location Sesha was speaking about was on Laplace’s knee.


“Uncle, please shut this guy’s mouth!”

『Urp! Urrrrrp, urp!』Laplace continued to make a ruckus even while tied up, but he couldn’t resist Yeon-woo’s binds. Tak! The moment the carrot landed on his knee, he let out a pitched scream.『Eeeeeeek!』

It was an unspoken secret that Laplace fainted for the first time in his life that day. Of course, no one pitied him.

* * *

『…H-hegh. I’ve been dirtied. I’ve been dirtied, I tell you.』Laplace sniffed despondently.

Yeon-woo, Sesha, and the rest of the family paid Laplace no mind as they began to speak.

“Anyhow, what’s with the sudden visit? I was thinking of going to see you actually.”

“Did something happen?”

“I’ll tell you later since it’s a rather long story. More importantly, why are you here?”

Yeon-woo realized Kronos’ voice was slightly somber, and he looked at the banister. He could feel a familiar energy…something similar to the Martial King’s. He thought that might have to do with why Kronos sought him out.

So like Kronos asked, Yeon-woo wanted to explain the reason for his visit first. “Father, Mother.”

“Why are you being so serious? You’re making me worry.”

“Of course, go ahead, son.”

Yeon-woo nodded heavily at Kronos and Rhea’s responses. “I’m going to get married.”




It was a bolt from the blue. Kronos, Rhea, and Sesha all dropped their mouths open. Kronos, who was the most surprised, chuckled in disbelief and stood up. “…It seems like this conversation will get much longer, so I’ll go bring us some drinks.”