Chapter 784   - Brotherhood (3)

While climbing the stairs, Jeong-woo continued to look at Yeon-woo’s back. ‘Something’s definitely…changed.’

It felt like Yeon-woo was Yeon-woo, but he wasn’t at the same time. His mother and father probably felt the same thing too.

Something had happened when Yeon-woo cleared the stage before this, but Jeong-woo couldn’t tell what. Of course, that didn’t mean another being was disguising himself as Yeon-woo. If Jeong-woo couldn’t recognize Yeon-woo, he couldn’t say they were brothers. ‘And who could copy that temper?’ If anyone could mimic that strange personality, that was even stranger than fiction itself.

“Hm?” Just then, Yeon-woo stopped.

“What is it? Is something wrong?” Cha Jeong-woo was quickly pulled back to reality.

Yeon-woo was furrowing his eyebrows. Their parents scanned their surroundings, wondering if someone was attacking them, but they couldn’t feel anything.


“No. It’s not that… It just feels like someone is talking about me behind my back.”


“It’s not you, is it?”

“Ha, haha… Wh-what are you t-talking about? O-Of course, i-it isn’t m-me.” Cha Jeong-woo learned what it meant to feel like one’s heart dropped to their feet. He wondered if Yeon-woo could read minds now.

Even if he was the Black King’s alternate ego, that shouldn’t mean Yeon-woo could read Jeong-woo’s mind since Jeong-woo was powerful enough to be the owner of Day. However, Jeong-woo wasn’t able to hide his anxiousness, because his voice was quavering all over the place.

Yeon-woo glared at Jeong-woo suspiciously, but meeting the eyes of his watchful parents, he clicked his tongue and turned around again. “Just you get caught. I’m gonna destroy you.”


“…” Cha Jeong-woo froze as he face-palmed.

‘…That thing can’t be human. It can’t.’ It had been a long time since Jeong-woo thought Yeon-woo wasn’t human, but the thing in front of him was even worse. However, with this, Cha Jeong-woo became more certain. ‘He really has changed. He feels too different.’

Jeong-woo couldn’t really explain it, but it felt like Yeon-woo had become sturdier or more stable. The Yeon-woo that Jeong-woo knew always seemed to be chased and chasing after something. His mental state wasn’t stable. He was always protecting himself with barriers, and those around him were concerned because they didn’t know what those barriers might do. It was a kind of barrier that could attack enemies, his own brother, and himself. They had probably been created because of the sense of duty he felt to finish his revenge and become stronger as soon as possible.

Yeon-woo’s mission in life had been to revive his brother and family. That didn’t change even after he brought the Tower down and became the Black King’s alternate ego. Nor did it change after he revived his mother. Rather, he pushed himself even harder to run faster and further. It was clear what had made him so was his desire to return to happy normalcy with his family, even if it cost him his own life.

It was a one-sided sacrifice… Jeong-woo resented himself for knowing this but not being able to do anything about it.

However, in the past few days, Yeon-woo seemed to be quite different. Was it because he’d changed his mindset? Had something happened in the previous stage? Jeong-woo had no way of knowing, but he thought the current Yeon-woo seemed a lot better. He didn’t seem to be chased by anyone anymore. He looked more at ease.


‘Hyung’s new plan… Can it succeed?’ Cha Jeong-woo was worried Yeon-woo’s comfortable ease might be broken again.

Transcending. I haven’t transcended yet. I plan on finishing it this time.

It was easy to understand what he meant. Yeon-woo was saying he’d transcend the restraints and limits placed on him by the conceptual being that was the Black King! It sounded easy, but Jeong-woo had no idea how it would work. Yeon-woo would transcend the Black King, who existed even before the Heavenly Demon, even before the beginning of the beginning? It didn’t make sense to Jeong-woo.

Is it easy?

It’s hard.

Then how…?!

But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible.

However, Jeong-woo didn’t think Yeon-woo wouldn’t be able to do it. His brother had gotten here against normal conventions.

I’m going to quickly catch Yvlke and become the main ego of the Black King to stop the wheel with my own hands. The plan’s the same up to the part about stopping the dream. Then, I’m going to swallow all the egos of the Black King. I won’t be a mere ego, but the real thing.

You’re going to become the Black King himself.

Unlike the Heavenly Demon, who had a clear consciousness and unique mind, the Black King only moved conceptually. It was likely because he’d been around even before the concept of “existing” was created. Yeon-woo wanted to become the main ego and change the Black King’s foundation from the very base. He’d be rebuilding it all.

Yeah. Although it won’t be easy.

But that can’t be called ‘transcending.’ What are you gonna do after that? Even if you’re the main ego, it’ll take a while to digest all the other egos, and you’ll still be trapped in the conceptual limits the Black King has.

Cha Jeong-woo wanted to help Yeon-woo in any way he could.

You’re right. Becoming the Black King himself means I’ll have to continue dreaming like he did all this time.


That’s where the most important part comes in. Transcending isn’t something I can do alone here.


The transcending and exuviating Jeong-woo knew was a ceremonial process that had to be done alone. Divinity was something that was only given to those who could stand alone. Divine beings were creatures who escaped the limits of laws and controlled them instead. However, Yeon-woo was saying he’d change this all from the very root.

So, Jeong-woo.

Jeong-woo still clearly remembered the words Yeon-woo said as he looked him in the eye.

I need your help.

‘My help….’ The words were imprinted in Jeong-woo’s mind. Could he do it? He suddenly felt nervous, but he quickly chased those unlucky thoughts away. He could do it. He tried to let only positive thoughts remain.

‘No matter what…!’ Cha Jeong-woo steeled his resolve as he looked intently at Yeon-woo’s back when Yeon-woo suddenly looked back. Was he going to give him some advice? Jeong-woo waited silently.

“What are you looking at?”


Suddenly, Jeong-woo felt annoyance overwhelm him. Yeon-woo speaking hopeful words? Bullshit. They truly were brothers. ‘Wouldn’t it be easier just to let him disappear?’

* * *

There was a large stone door at the end of the stairs. The door looked like it wouldn’t budge in the slightest.

It was a similar door to the one that Yeon-woo had gone through to reach where the Black King’s ego was in the abyss. The only difference was the Black King’s door was pitch-black, but this one was shining golden light. The images on the door were those of turning a giant wheel or fighting something that was covered in darkness.

Yeon-woo realized the parts covered in darkness symbolized the Black King. It was the battle between the Heavenly Demon and the Black King that had gone on for so long that it was impossible to tell exactly how long. And it was still being fought.




Yeon-woo and the rest of his party turned silent from some moment. It wasn’t because the atmosphere was serious but because a nervous buzz ran in the air.

[The Heavenly Demon pays attention to all of you.]

No one knew what was behind this door. However, Yeon-woo knew better than anyone this would be the last place he reached.

“Then I’ll now open the door.” Yeon-woo pushed the stone door open, and golden light spilled out. Simply being exposed to the light felt like all the evil in their souls was being washed away. It was a glorifying sensation.

Pwoosh! Yeon-woo stopped opening the door and grabbed the hand that suddenly attacked his neck.

『You’re good, just as I thought.』It was a woman’s amused voice.

“Tongtian, is that you?” Before Sun Wukong could speak any longer, the stone door opened wide and thick darkness came at them like tentacles.

[You have entered the one-hundredth door, the gate of the End!]

[The stage mission is being given.]

[Tongtian Jiaozhu has manifested!]

Unable to read the message regarding the mission, Yeon-woo quickly moved his shadow to deflect the darkness threatening his party.

Bababaam! At the same time, Sun Wukong jumped forward.

Crash! An explosion of golden light tore the darkness apart as Tongtian Jiaozhu appeared. Sun Wukong smirked as he saw her crumpled face.

“Long time no see, Tongtian.”

“You guys are bothering me until the end!”

“If someone heard, they’d think we’re stalkers. Hey, get the facts right. We’re not the stalkers, you are.”

“Shut up!”

Krakrakra! While Tongtian Jiaozhu and Sun Wukong’s battle began, the world of light was divided, revealing a giant hall. It was like they’d entered a vast temple, no, a palace. There were images that continued the ones on the stone door drawn on the dome ceiling. They depicted the lives of the countless “faces,” from Li to the Heavenly Demon!

Pat. Pat. Below them, the Bull Demon King walked forward with heavy footsteps.

“So you’ve come all the way here. Along with many visitors…” The Bull Demon King smiled wryly as he looked at Yeon-woo and his party.

Yeon-woo asked apathetically, “Where’s Yvlke?”

“Yvlke’s in the middle of the ceremony. He’s very busy. So—”

Thud! The Bull Demon King struck his cane down on the floor. It was an action that made everyone feel more pressure. The aura of the First Beast and emperor was truly stunning.

“You can’t take a step further.” The Bull Demon King had a warm smile like he was a grandpa next door, but he also brandished an aura that couldn’t be ignored.


『All right』

However, Cha Jeong-woo, who had already decided to do anything it took to help Yeon-woo, wasn’t someone who’d be moved by such aura and pressure. Fwoosh! Reading his youngest son’s thoughts, Kronos turned into Scythe and combined with him.

[The sun of ‘Day (Eros)’ spreads its light throughout the world!]

Rumble! The moment Cha Jeong-woo and the Bull Demon King clashed, Rhea and Nocturne jumped in. Rhea controlled space, buffing her companions while debuffing her enemies, and Nocturne quickly pulled out his sword and slashed the Bull Demon King’s right arm.

Everyone was trying to buy him time, and Yeon-woo internally thanked them as he raised his head. At the center of the dome, he could see a massive golden shape floating above.