Chapter 915 Endless Blood Sea

Their blood was all over the sky and the earth.

The scene of the battle was fleeting when there was lightning, but Ding Hao felt it was stifling.

“What kind of battle is that on earth?” Ding Hao had a strange feeling in his heart.


Flash! Flash!

More lightning bolts were cutting through the sky. They looked extremely terrifying within the dense red rain of blood.


Every time there was a lightning bolt, a terrifying battle scene would flash.

There seemed to be an old projector somewhere playing scenes of ancient times intermittently. Ding Hao saw horrifying black demons invading the world. The delicate bodies of beautiful women were torn apart. Strong ugly men were resisting attacks with their physical bodies, protecting their goddesses. The Queen in golden armor and men with mountain-like bodies were trying their best to kill the enemies...

He saw the corpses all over the mountains and the fields. Blood was surging like the sea, drowning the mountains and the lands.

He saw the beautiful women and the men were standing in the sky in the end. Covered with wounds, they looked very sad. They were pointing at the sky and were cursing in rage as if questioning the fate. Then they slowly fell into the endless sea of blood...

A sense of woe rose in Ding Hao’s heart.

He was infected by the scenes flashing with lightning, especially the one in which the extremely beautiful women were pointing at the sky and were cursing in rage. Ding Hao seemed to have experienced their sadness and indignation.


Then, the rain of blood slowly stopped, and there was no more lightning.

The heavy crimson rain came quickly and stopped even faster.

The dark crimson clouds in the sky dissipated, revealing the clear blue sky. The breeze brushed his face and it felt cool. In the distance, the green trees on the beautiful mountains were swaying with the wind as if there were a green sea. Beautiful birds from nowhere were happily flapping their wings, and there were flowers blooming on the ground. The place was as beautiful as a fairyland!

Ding Hao’s mind stirred, and he slowly landed on the ground.

Sparkling raindrops hung on the tips of the leaves. They were not crimson at all and looked as beautiful as jade beads.

Creeks gathered in the low-lying area of the ground, and the color of the flowing water was also normal. There was no blood at all as if the pouring rain of blood had been purified on the ground and had turned into a normal color.


“What happened on earth?” Ding Hao was extremely confused.

The scenes in the lightning just now should be the scenes of an ancient war recorded by the rules between heaven and earth in this place. After such a long time, the scene that heaven and earth had been soaked in blood evolved into the beautiful scenery of green hills and clear waters. The self-cleansing power of heaven and earth had washed away all the horrible scenes.

Ding Hao was strolling in this strange world, searching for some clues.

Suddenly, Ding Hao felt some heat in his mind. From the Heavenly Samsara Disc, a faint red flame jumped out and lingered above Ding Hao’s head. It was showing some intimacy like a child who had just woken up.

There seemed to be a flash of lightning in Ding Hao’s mind.

He recalled his experience in the Hell Path last time.

At that time, he was drawn away by a strange force and left the Hell Path. He came to a strange world and heard loud cries of fighting. It seemed that two armies were fighting madly. But at that time, he suddenly woke up and left that world...

Ding Hao realized that he was now in that world.

It was another path other than the Hell Path among the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

The six paths were the Heaven Path, the Asura Path, the Hell Path, the Beast Path, the Hungry Ghost Path, and the Human Path. Which path was this world among the six paths?

The environment here was beautiful and the Spiritual Qi was abundant. It was a better place than the Land of Divine Grace. Was it the legendary Heaven Path where immortals lived?

No, it was not the Heaven Path.

This place lacked a bit of immortal aura and spirituality.

Then this place should be... Ding Hao suddenly remembered the beautiful women and the ugly men in the previous scene in the lightning. Yes, this place should be second only to the Heaven Path—

The Asura Path.

In the legend, Asuras were extremely strange creatures. They weren’t Celestial Gods because they hadn’t done benevolent actions like the latter. They weren’t ghosts because they possessed the magical powers of gods. They had emotions and desires like human beings, but they were more powerful than the latter. They were a kind of creature between human beings, ghosts, and gods.

Male Asuras were extremely ugly, and the female ones were extremely beautiful, just as the ones he had seen in the scenes.

The Asura Path was not in Heaven, but Asuras were as blessed as celestial beings. Asuras were extremely powerful, but they did not have the tolerance and bearing of immortals. They fought all year round and wouldn’t stop killing. Among the six paths, the Asura Path was far inferior to the Heaven Path, but it seemed to be better than the other paths.

It seemed that the Asura Path had undergone a change, just like the Hell Path.

This place was empty and there were no Asuras at all. It was a completely empty world, just like the barren Hell Path in the past. The six paths had collapsed and the balance here had been broken. The power of the rules could cleanse the world, but it could not create new Asuras.

In the lightning, he had seen a scene of war. It might very well have been the war in which Asuras were wiped out.

During that war, the invasion of the creatures of darkness had wiped out the entire Asura Path.

Had all Asuras been annihilated?

Ding Hao was pondering and felt that it was bad news.

If all Asuras were wiped out, was it necessary to keep this path?

The Asura Path could not be restored, which meant that the six paths still could not reestablish reincarnation. Ding Honglei had said that all kinds of disasters and wars on the continent were caused by the collapse of reincarnation. Only by reestablishing the reincarnation could the whole world return to order. There would be no more Holy Wars between the Human Clan and the Demon Clan because of the living resources and space.

The six paths kept collapsing and the cycle of reincarnation had failed. In the end, not only the Land of Infinity but also even the Land of Divine Grace would fall into chaos and destruction.

The faint red light of the Heavenly Samsara Disc hovered around Ding Hao’s head. One piece of information after another automatically appeared in his mind.

Ding Hao felt something was urgent for no reason.

He knew that his real body must be in a coma at this time because he was sleeping the previous times he entered the world of the Heavenly Samsara Disc. Since he couldn’t wake up at the moment, he could only focus his attention on the world in front of him.

Until now, Ding Hao still couldn’t figure out whether the world of the Hell Path and that of the Asura Path were virtual worlds in the Divine Artifact “Heavenly Samsara Disc” or the other real worlds connected by it. There were too many mysteries here.

With a stir of his mind, he instantly flew five hundred kilometers away.

It was the same as in the Hell Path. Ding Hao had a feeling of being the master of this world. He could cross endless space with a stir of his mind.

In the blink of an eye, he had crossed thousands of mountains and rivers. He walked out of the forest and arrived at a vast grassland.

The fragrance of grass wafted through the air. The grass was undulating like ocean waves.

Ding Hao saw countless strange animals leisurely walking on the grassland in groups, but they didn’t have much strength. They were very ordinary animals without any intelligence.

He didn’t know how many places he had gone past, but there were still no intelligent creatures.

Ding Hao hoped to find surviving Asura descendants in this space. Even if they were not pure-blooded Asura descendants, they might be able to revive the prosperity of the Asura clan and supplement the Asura Path.

But he was disappointed.

He walked out of the grassland and saw a vast desert beyond it.

There were oases, springs, and lakes in the desert. It was not a place of death, but a desert full of vitality. The Asura Path was second only to the Heaven Path after all. It was a blessed place full of Spiritual Qi. Even in the desert, there were beautiful sceneries everywhere. People wouldn’t be in a fret.

Ding Hao swam freely in a desert lake, washed away the dust, and then continued his search.

After an unknown period of time, he suddenly heard more and more clearly the sound of waves ahead. There should be a vast ocean beyond the desert.

Ding Hao rose into the air and arrived at the border of the desert in an instant.

Then, he was totally dumbfounded.

An ocean!

It was indeed an ocean!

But it was an ocean of blood.

The boiling and roaring sea water was as red as blood, and there was a strong bloody aura. The blood waves hit the beach, making clattering sounds. It could be vaguely seen that there were countless strange skeletons floating and swaying in the ocean of blood.

These skeletons were extremely strange. Most of them were complete and they had different shapes. They set waves rolling as if they were alive, sometimes revealing themselves. They were very terrifying.

Ding Hao slowly came to the sky above the ocean of blood.

Now he saw everything more clearly.

Giant skeletal fish as big as mountains were swimming in the ocean of blood. There were also all kinds of skeleton monsters, densely floating all over the ocean of blood.

It was like a demonic ocean.

Ding Hao felt a terrible corrosive power from the blood water. As long as he sniffed a little bit of the light red bloody aura, he would feel dizzy.

“No, the ocean of blood contains a sort of frightening power. It seems like something terrifying is slumbering in it.”

Ding Hao suddenly felt a kind of impending danger.

There was something beyond his control in the Asura Path. It was not like the Hell Path, where he could change the world and establish new rules with a stir of his mind. This place was more independent. Although he could cross endless space with a stir of his mind, he could not dominate this crimson ocean.