Chapter 252 - Naomi  

After the third circle was over , the safezone was made about 3kms from Rudra's location . The squad needed to move inside the zone.

There were no transportation vehichles , hence one needed to move on foot to cover the distance. Rudra opened the map and thought about the geographically safest route into the zone.

The team picked a light jogging speed as they moved towards the safe zone. The area was comparatively safe , however there was a stretch of 200 meters where there was tall grass that they had to cross.

Rudra hated such tall grassy areas , anyone could be mounting an ambush in such areas , and he hated such cowardly tactics.

Slowing down , the team moved at a 5 meter distance from each other.

Rudra heard rustling of grass , and he immediately paused . And raised his hand to caution everyone behind him.


It was a tense moment in the game , as no more rustling of grass could be heard. Rudra stayed vigilant nonetheless , as he slowed his movement , moving very carefully.

Then suddenly he jumped as high as he could , to get a aerial view of the opponents . As he expected , two campers were lying there flat on their bellies in the talk grass , with swords in hand , just waiting to ambush the enemy players.

Rudra immediately launched a thunderblast , it hit one of the player squarely , As the high damage move , one shotted him to be killed.

Rudra immediately , unsheathed both his swords as he closed in on the second one's location. He parried one of the enemy's sword strikes with one sword of his own , while twisted his hand to stab the second one right down his neck .

The enemy stared wide eyed into Rudra's cold eyes , as Rudra said " I HATE SNAKES ".

Using the other hand he slashed the opponents neck for a clean kill.


The opponent died.

Making shortwork of the opponents , Rudra calmly sheathed his swords , as the team kept moving forward.

When Rudra glanced towards Neatwit , Neatwit simply said " Orochimaru ".

Rudra smirked , and Neatwit bursted laughing.

Yume and Nero did not understand the inside joke and felt like they were missing out.

The kill count of the team went up to 18 , as Rudra they entered top 50 survivors .


Reaching the zone in time , Rudra decided to camp at the zone's edge for the time , and keep moving zone to zone with each subsequent shrink.

The zone shrinks from the fourth onwards were relatively closer to reach with only 200 meters to cover , however slowly but surely the playzone was shortening.

Only one settlement remained in the safezone , setllement A.

Rudra made way to the outmost boundry house of settlement A , where upon entering , he heard footsteps from the floor above him.

The team of four were on the ground floor , and Rudra suspected that a squad was camping right above them.

Nero used his undead , to storm the stairs , as a bombardment of spells ensued on the undead.

With this exchange Rudra understood one thing , there were powerfull mages camping above him. And rushing blindly would spell doom for him.


( Meanwhile , Naomi's POV , Purplehaze city )

The 10 man capture the flag event was scheduled for tommorow , hence Karna was at the guild , strategizing about the coming event , when Naomi walked up to him.

Karna looked surprised as he had never really talked to the girl before , only a few pleasantries had been exchanged .... Karna said " Yes .... Do u need something ? ".

Naomi was hesitant , she wanted to say a lot , however did not know from where to start , or how to approach the topic.

She often tried to muster the words , but could not utter them finally , after 20 seconds , her face was red in embarassment.

Weird thoughts came in Karna's mind , he was worried that the girl may have a crush on him or something and that this would be a confession. However his guess was only half right as it was a sort of confession , but now to him.

Naomi said?" I .... I like guild master Rudra ".

Karna was silent after that statement ... His mind processing the information .... His rational telling him , ' okay,?soo why are you here , what do u want with me ? '.

However he said " Okay ...".

Naomi continued " I like him , and want to earn his fancy .... I cannot ask about his likes and dislikes from my brother , because it will be awkward for me , also I don't want him to know that I like guild leader at this point. You also seem very close to him , soo please give me some advice ".

Karna's eyes brightened up ... Everything made sense now ... She was here to know Rudra's likes and dislikes , and learn about how to gain his fancy.

Karna thought for a bit , then he answered with a smile " Rudra is a very simple guy , he does admire the natural beauty of women , in which department you do not lack at all. But for him his role as guild master is the top priority. What I have observed is , wether it is SMG , or sir Jhonny English , or even the newcomers , Rudra develops relationship with everyone that contributes greatly to the guild.

For you to get close , become a indespensible part of the guild , become strong , become valuable. Although this place is for the Elites and you are not a shabby player , but we both know that you are here because your brother is Neatwit.

If you took a recruitment test , you would most probably not be a Elite today.

But that's not a problem , I myself have been scouted by Rudra , no recruitment tests. But my performance and contribution to the guild is what really solidified my position in the guild , and hence with Rudra.

For that man , you only need to be very open and honest while dilligently working towards the guilds development and he will spend half his time with you ..... Hence my greatest advice for you will be , become a elder in the guild through natural contribution and you will also win over Rudra in the process".

Naomi stood there silently soaking in every word that Karna was telling her.

Although it stung and hurt to be blatantly told that her place in the guild was earned through nepotism and not skill. She knew it was the truth and that Karna meant no offense.

She was very thankful as what Karna told her was invaluable , she had never played the game very seriously uptill this point , however if the game was the way to Rudra's heart. Then even if not for Rudra , she would become a better player for herself , become worthy of being called an elite , and maybe just maybe , get closer to Rudra in the process.

Determination shined in her eyes , she said " Thankyou vice guild master ".

She resolved to become the best healer in the Elites , that she would become soo indespensible , that Rudra would not go on a single mission without her in the party.

Karna smiled at this , he liked the expression on Naomi's face , he did not wish to tell her about Rudra and Ruby. At first his help was only superficial , however seeing the expression on her face , he felt like this was a really good girl , who was really into Rudra.

Hence he said " Rudra has a weakness towards cuteness and good food ".

Naomi said " Huh , I don't get it ".

Karna just waved it off however saying " Figure it out ".

With that He had helped Naomi as much as he could , he himself was not a team Ruby guy or team Naomi guy , he was only a team Rudra guy. And wanted the best for his buddy. Then whoever Rudra chose , he would always be happy for him.

Naomi looked at the fleeting figure of vice guild master , and started making a strategy in her mind , to get stronger her first goal was to level up . Not wasting a single second , she immediately went towards the woods , to start with the process of her evolution as a player.


( Meanwhile in a secure bunker in Japan )

The generals watching Rudra's teams performance soo far were very satisfied with the progress of the game. However everyone frowned when they saw the tricky house that the team entered.

The house had two tanks and two wizards camping on the second floor , and it was the ultimate combo of attack and defense. It was not easy to take down

However while others worried , Ethan Grey laid back in his chair enjoying the show , as unlike the generals in the room , his trust on Rudra was not superficial , being a reincarnator himself , he understood the terrifying might of one.

With Rudra being soo experienced in the game , playing it for multiple years , there was no way he could not think for a counter for this setup.

Ethan was confident that Rudra would wrap things up within 2 minutes.

And indeed that's what happened , Rudra thought of a ingenuis counter for the trap ...

/// Sorry guys , only one chapter today , tommorow the new privilege settings would apply , and 5 new chapters will be released ///