Chapter 198 - The Archer Division Arrives  

The next day after the entrance ceremony the new members settled in and preperations for the coming event began in full swing.

Rudra's reincarnation knowledge played a major role in the lead up to the war. When it was announced that the NPC shops and buildings as well as all government buildings will be sealed. Many organisations understood the need to buy properties all around the city. However inspite of the climbing demand not a single guild was Abel to purchase a single plot of land in Purplehaze city.

Only player owned shops and spaces would be available to be used against the beast tide. And the availability of a strategic location such as a house or a shop where one could place a medical and supplies unit , or a reinforcement centre was immense.

Many posts were seen on the forums , many guilds were willing to buy land even at triple the market rate in specific locations. And they posted a message on the forums for the same.

However Rudra was not interested in selling. He had land all over Purplehaze city . Tommorow piece by piece the archballistae would transported to the various shops and plot of lands.

A total of 53 archballistae would be placed on the roof of Purplehaze city buildings that were atleast 3 story tall and owned by the guild.


This was the biggest Equalizer that the guild possessed. Rudra was thankful to the alliance , as raiding their warehouses had provided the guild with ample supply of arrows and scrap metal.

Ever since the update announcement was made , demand for weapons and arrows had skyrocketed , there were many bulk buyers but almost non existent sellers. It was careful planning that Rudra had already stocked up enough that the guild did not need to worry about the supply .

Rudra was a aggressive purchase maker , he would reinvest 90% of the profits the guild made into improving the guild , he had not yet taken a single dollar in pay from the guild. He would spend the immense wealth of the Elites to make sure , that under no circumstances would the guild ever have any supply or equipment?problems.

He had already bought various products in bulk that costed him hundreds of thousands of gold coins currently , that will only increase in price in maybe two or three years down the line . But he was willing to hold that investment , as he had beleif in the guilds money making capacity.

The gold mines + Lifestyle guilds income + Karna's treasure loot from the dungeon + the heist of the royal vault + the loot from winning the war against alliance. Had filled the guild warehouse with gold to the brim .

If one was to assume that True Elites would be one of the richest guilds in the continent , they would not be wrong. The Elites were definitely top 10 richest guilds of the continent.


Yet , Rudra's aggressive buying of land , of resources , generous bonuses to guild members , astronomical spendings at auctions resulted in the treasury in only being moderately rich in gold.However filled with countless items and treasures.

Today was the day when Legolas and his first division of troops were scheduled to come , Rudra could not hide the arrival of the massive contigent of troops to his guild HQ . He had already gained a transit permit for their entry , his status as a duke and a won knight playing a big role for that.

Otherwise a massive troop contigent marching towards a city would raise alarm flags everywhere around the country as a act of aggression.?However Patricia had personally negotiated with emperor Aman for the permit , who was glad that a neighbour country's contigent was coming over to help their contry's peril of a beast tide.?He granted the permit without any questions.

This was only possible because the one to ask for permission was a Won Knight! The Won Knights had sworn fielty to the throne and could never betray the monarch .

Legolas and 10,000 Elven archers marched into the city walls of Purplehaze city , immediately a lot of attention was drawn towards the enterouge of Elves who were marching in files , bows slinged over their shoulders and a quiver of arrows on their backs.

The troops headed straight towards the inner city , and inside the Guild headquarters of True Elites.


Massive waves and talking points erupted , a few days ago it was seen that guild leader Shakuni had entered the Elven city of Vanaheim successfully and now the Elves had marched into his guild headquarters.

Many speculated the nature of their relationship , it did not seem hostile like the emmissarys from nine clouds kingdom that came knocking on the doors of Demolitionboys. However, the forums went wild with speculations , people used their innovative minds to create all sorts of conspiracy theories , however the fact of the matter was that the Elites had made it to trending news again.

Rudra , Karna and Amelia welcomed Legolas and his first division at the guild grounds . Rudra went upto the legendary tier 3 archer and commander of Elven forces as he shook his hand in a firm handshake.

Even though Legolas was a peak tier 3 archer , Rudra was not intimidated by him at all. He calmly looked him in the eye as he gave him a confident smile. Legolas had already heard about Rudra a lot before getting dispatched for the assignment . Rudra was the rumored Oracle , who had done great merit to the Elven kingdom by exposing to criminals and saving the life of their princess. The kingdom was indebted to this man , however upon being granted a favour to ask , he asked for the help of the Elves in this coming conquest.

Legolas was shocked to see that he could not gauge Rudra's power at all . Rudra's eyes of truth blocked him from inspecting his stats , adding to the mystery of the benefactor of the Elves.

Legloas said " Commander Legolas of first division , reporting for duty , for the next three months you may ask the first division for any reasonable demands and assign tasks , we will honor the Elven king's words and will follow the instructions to the best of our abilities ".

Rudra bowed politely he said " We are honored by your presence and the presence of the first division here in our guild. ".

Legolas nodded then he said " We also have a guest travelling with us , if you will be gracious enough to provide appropriate lodging for her stay , I would be grateful ". Legolas said as he pointed towards his troops.

The troops moved aside , to reveal surrounded by five maids , a gorgeous princess in pastel green dress. She was a beauty beyond compare , her fair white skin glistened under the sun , her delicate eyes and sharp nose gave her a allure that was inexplicable.

Rudra's heart raced , She was here .... Princess Ruby was here!

/// Only a bit more golden tickets needed for the bonus , I hope we hit it soon!

We are also enroute to hit 4K powerstones today , hopefully tommorow will be a 3 chapter day if all goes well.

Shoutout to Gregory Michel for the 500 coin gift and to Mitchell Harris for the 1000 coin gift!!! , Thanks a lot guys , these small gestures are what keeps me motivated everyday to keep writing consistently. ///