Chapter 182 - The Elven Kingdom  

After a long time deliberating about whom to take , Rudra decided to go with Karna , Jhonny English and Yume.

In the future , when he would take over the management of PurpleHaze city , he would definitely make a teleporting array as the top priority.

Travelling between places was much easier using the teleporting array's , and much faster too , him being a reincarnator already having a taste of the convenience of teleportation arrays , found travelling by land a huge waste of time .

However without any better options , he had to go by the road . Rudra thought positively about the situation , at least he had the direwolf mounts . They were faster than horses and had high stamina. Riding on them he could easily reach the elven kingdom in about one and a half day journey.

Rudra , Karna , Jhonny and Yume set out for the kingdom on the direwolves . Rudra was pleasantly surprised when Jhonny and Yume reacted positively to his request about the quest.

The two seniors were calm and chill , although they had a hard time mixing in with the younger generation of Elites , they were very open minded and fun to hang out around.


They did not admonish the younger generations and even responded in a friendly way. Well, at least Jhonny did , Yume just talked like a monk most of the times. His words were often riddled with quotes rather than actual words , and every other line mentioned ' Amitabha '. At the start , except that it was fine.

Rudra was not worried about encountering any wild mobs beyond his skill set currently . Only one in a thousand encountered a level 70 beast , only one in ten thousand encountered a beast of level 80 , and only one in a million encountered a level 90 or above roaming beast on the road to the elven kingdom.

You had to have absolutely trash luck , for such an event to transpire. With the son of Providence Karna riding beside him , he was hardly worried about such an outcome.

The first half day of travelling was rather uneventful as the four casually chatted as they rode their mounts.

Karna got acquainted with both Jhonny and Yume, and he was very happy to meet them.

Jhonny gave him an impression like he was a spy like James bond or something. He was calm , all his words sounded cool , and his every action was elegant. Even the way he talked , how he put pressure at the end of every word in his speech , although that was probably because he was a native of country B , added to his charisma .


Yume on the other hand , seemed straight out of a Buddhist monastery. Whenever he smiled his small eyes would disappear from his face, coupled with his orange robe and he looked like a laughing Buddha.

However the merry times ended quickly as they did indeed encounter a monster on the road.

It was a Griffin at that!

' ***** **** ' Rudra cursed out loud . The Griffin was not a level 90 creature , it was a bloody level 100 or above creature , one of the highest bosses in update 2 , it was hard to find even in the wild , and now it appeared on the safe road?

Rudra checked the Griffin's stats

[ Griffin ] ( Chieftain ) ( Lv 102 ) : It has incredibly high flying speed and can make sharp turns mid air. It's beak is a lethal weapon along with its claws. Absolutely avoid them when they are enraged.


Current Status : Extremely angry

Rudra did not know whether to laugh or to cry , this particular Griffin was actually a chief. And also extremely angry!

What rotten luck must he have to encounter this beast and In this mood? , What happened to the son of Providence's luck beside him!

Hello ? God ? , Is your chosen one a defective piece? Why is his charm not working?

The Griffin screeched a loud cry , it was extremely angry for some reason. And it flapped its wings and charged at the party of four.

Rudra instantly became alert and on guard , Karna also took battle stance , Yume seemed to prepare to activate his defensive abilities , however Jhonny just calmly sat on his mount.

The other three wolves whose riders had dismounted scurried away , however as Jhonny did not , his wolf turned away and ran from the incoming danger with Jhonny on him.

Jhonny felt dead inside when he saw the Griffin charging towards his direction. He had checked the birds level and he knew he had no fighting chance. Jhonny knew his luck was trash , however he never expected it to be soo trash.

He had already closed his eyes and resigned himself to being resurrected again in the Church Of light, where the beautiful priest would bless him? , well If he was going to die anyway , he might as well die Jhonny English style , he pointed at the beast with his outstretched arm , and signalled the beast to bring it. However to his surprise his mount turned and started to run.

Jhonny suddenly felt hope , maybe the Griffin would attack the other three and he could escape first. However when he turned he saw the Griffin chasing him , as he ignored the other three.

Jhonny cursed his bad luck , he was a dead guy now. His mount went off the road for a bit and into the forest , but the Griffin had already closed in, with its beak pointing towards Jhonny , it dived in at full speed to bite off Jhonny's head.

However , when the beast started to attack Jhonny , the system calculated it to be Jhonny's enemy , and the bad luck probability kicked in.

In what could be considered a godly miracle , the wolf side stepped a little to make the Griffin miss it's aim by a little as it went headfirst into a nearby boulder.

CRASH! the beast crashed into the boulder , and for some reason its beak got stuck into the damn thing . No matter how hard it struggled , it couldn't move at all.

Jhonny seeing the opportunity , sprung into action as he took 2 minutes to whittle down the Griffin's HP.

The Griffin struggled , moving its wings and trying to claw towards Jhonny , however with its beak stuck , it could really not do much.

Becoming a sitting duck , it eventually fell to Jhonny's blows.

The party , lost Jhonny's view when he exited off road , and hence did not know what had transpired for a minute , when they arrived at the scene they saw the Griffin stuck in the boulder and Jhonny whittling away its HP, Rudra and Karna were dumbfounded by the scene and they could not take any actions for a minute. Yume couldn't help even if he wanted to , as he had no combat skills.

Rudra was dumbfounded , just how high was Jhonny English ' s skill? Is this what it meant to be the greatest mercenary?

From is POV , he saw Jhonny calling out for the bird , an arrogant expression plastered on his face , that said just bring it you beast! and the bird chased him.

When they came to the scene he had already somehow immobilized the beast and started to whittle its HP.

This was what the greatest mercenary was capable off huh? Rudra thought , as for the first time he felt , that maybe with Jhonny English in the guild he was not the strongest player anymore.

However he was not insecure , he was very happy , every Elites strength was the guilds strength. He happily started to help him slay the beast as he scoffed at Karna .

The son of Providence failed him, however he found a new gem to rely on.

After struggling for a bit they killed the beast to gain a massive EXP boost to level up thrice!

/// Bonus chapter for golden tickets , also I am proud to announce that the entire book has been re-edited and cleared of the obvious grammar errors as well as misspelled words , clear the cache of the app to read the new content ///