Chapter 2379 My Life   "Forget it, hehe …"

Long Qian'er was once in despair. She sneered and said, "Forget about them. Let them die. Such a person, such a world, is really boring. There's no way to save them."

The Master Gods all shook their heads and sighed, not knowing what to say.

Xiang Nan shook his head and said, "This is how people feel, isn't it? I was once like you, disheartened by human nature."

"But, what do you mean by strong? It's because you're very strong. No one can defeat you? I don't think so."

"I think the meaning of being strong is that when we are facing problems, we can always find a way to solve them, right?"

"Those who are good at solving problems are the strongest. Those who choose to flee when they encounter problems are cowards, Qian'er."


Long Qian'er gritted her teeth and said, "But …"

"No one is born a bad person," Xiang Nan said. "Perhaps the reason why we call bad people is because they were too kind to this world, but this world has caused them to be extremely disappointed time and time again. Instead, it has caused them to start to become even worse than bad people."

"Perhaps when we were young, we naively thought that our elders were honorable, correct, and amiable. When we saw their ugly faces behind their backs, we felt despair. When we saw their elders forcefully attacking little girls as old as us, our world view also collapsed."

"Perhaps we thought that being a master should be great and selfless, but when we saw Master scheming against us disciples for strength, we felt three views collapse."

"Perhaps we go into society and use our best intentions to help others, but in the end, we suddenly overhear people saying that we have ulterior motives and even plotting against us. When we become scapegoats, the goodwill in our hearts will turn into malice and our blood will turn cold."

"Perhaps the pure goddesses in our eyes are unattainable, holy and clean, but when we suddenly come into contact with the adult world and discover that those goddesses will take off their clothes and do the most embarrassing actions with men, we will feel disappointed in our hearts and feel that this world is hopeless."


Xiang Nan shook his head and said, "Many people are not willing to be heartless. It's just that their fantasies about the world were shattered and trampled upon in the cruel reality. The beautiful fairy tales weaved in their hearts suddenly turned into horror stories."

"Many people chose to follow the current. Since the reality is like this, why should I persevere with myself?"

"But have you ever thought that perhaps when we face these problems, it is our own attitudes that have added bricks and mortals to the cold-blooded ruthlessness of this world?"

"Qian'er, I am your master, but you are the Master God of Life. There are very few things I can teach you. This is one of them, right? You must learn to be responsible."

"It's not the courage to face danger head-on, but learning not to give up when facing difficulties."

Long Qian'er bit her lips and said, "I see, Master."


Xiang Nan smiled and said, "Let me do it. I believe that there is at least a trace of goodwill hidden in everyone's hearts. What we need to do is not to spit out their malice, but to let their weak goodwill take root and sprout."

At this point, Xiang Nan took a deep breath and spread his voice throughout the world, saying, "I am Xiang Nan, the main candidate for this project."

"I know that everyone has no obligation to help me or patience, but please listen to me and tell me a story. If you still choose to watch from the sidelines after I finish, then I respect your choice."

"This story is about how a young boy grew up."

Through daydreaming, Xiang Nan shared the scenes of his life with everyone.

That was from when he was Bai Muchen, from the first genius in the starry sky to being killed by his master and his beloved woman.

That was when he was an artifact spirit, accompanying Xiang Nan for many years, and then sacrificing a large amount of his divine power to give Xiang Nan the chance to be free and reborn.

It was the story of a young boy who woke up from Blackstone City, was born into a destitute family, and fought for it.

Xiang Nan had been telling the story, and the images constantly flashed through everyone's minds.

It was Xiang Nan who entered the Nature Sect with hatred. He was young and hot-blooded. He and his fellow disciples fought desperately to gain strength. One day, he could seek revenge on Xuan Qingzhu.

That was when Xiang Nan fought hard in the Western Regions, meeting Chen Hengjun, meeting the eminent monk of the Feiyun Temple, and meeting the Great Master Tengkong who was trapped by love.

That was the many dangers he had encountered in the Devil Sea, and he had to fight to the death with his enemies.

That was the first woman he met that he wanted to protect, Dream butterfly. He hugged her and injected a mighty aura into her day and night to maintain her life.

After that, there was the Battle of the Nine Firmaments Continent. It was the Battle of Beast Spirit Island. Xiang Nan had witnessed for the first time the evil of people's hearts. There was actually someone plotting such a huge and horrible conspiracy.

It was the invasion of the Bai Clan. The entire Five Continents Realm was sealed off by the sun. People lived on a dark land, struggling to find a way out.

That was Xiang Nan entering the Six Emperors World, surviving under the various Martial Emperors, persisting and working hard, and becoming stronger.

That was when he brought his hatred to the Bai Clan to meet Xuan Qingzhu. However, it was also at that time that his hatred turned into love for the world. He killed his enemies and also killed Bai He together. However, he found that he had a heavier responsibility on his shoulders.

It was the first time that everyone knew that the world they lived in was just a dream.

Countless people raised their heads and stared blankly at the sky. This was a feeling of despair and loneliness that overturned all perceptions and suddenly ushered in helplessness.

That was because Xiang Nan still hadn't given up on his struggle. He had been entangled with many divine envoys, desperately trying to enter the cycle of time, witnessing the miracles of human history and loving this world more and more.

He had defeated the Star Lord and arrived in the real world, only to discover that this world was as cold as the Dream World.

It was also when he entered the Temple of Nature and began to fight against the Temple of Thunder.

From the beginning to the end, it had always been Xiang Nan's enemies, from the Profound Sky Sect to the Bai Clan, to the Glory God Sect, to the Thunder God Race that dominated God Realm.

His enemy was getting stronger and stronger, and the one that remained unchanged was Xiang Nan's heart of martial arts.

What was martial dao? Many people gave it too complicated a meaning, boasting it to be incomparably noble and unfathomable.

However, Xiang Nan had always inherited the most primitive and pure martial heart.

A martial practitioner should punish the strong and help the weak, take kindness as the foundation, and support justice as his duty.

Strengthening one's body and acting righteously, that's all.

Xiang Nan's entire life had been transmitted to everyone through the Daydream Dao, without any reservations.

Everyone was shocked.

Including the main gods and ancient races outside the Temple of Nature.

Everyone was not shocked by Xiang Nan's strength, but by his tenacity and unyielding determination.

He was shocked that after experiencing so many dark moments and seeing so many horrible scenes, he was still fighting and was willing to continue to work for others.