Chapter 393 Today's Reports

October 30th, 1821. Palace of Versailles, French Empire.

It was late autumn in France. The trees around the Palace of Versailles were shedding their leaves, now turning shades of orange and yellow. The weather was getting cooler, a sign of the coming winter. Inside the palace, the daily routines of the court continued. The halls and rooms of the palace were busy with nobles and officials going about their business. Outside, the gardens showed the changing season, with fewer people visiting as the days grew colder.

Armand walked down the ornate hallways, heading to Napoleon's office. He was carrying files important for the upcoming meeting with the Emperor. As he moved through the corridors, he passed various courtiers and servants, each engrossed in their own tasks.

As they noticed him walking, they would pause their work and give him a respectful bow. Armand acknowledged their gestures with a nod, maintaining his brisk pace.

Reaching the Emperor's office, Armand was promptly admitted by an aide. Inside, Napoleon sat behind his desk, his expression serious as he watched Armand approach. Armand placed the files on the desk and cleared his throat.

"Your Imperial Majesty, I hope the day is treating you well. I have today's report. Requesting permission to proceed," Armand said, maintaining a formal tone. Napoleon nodded, gesturing for him to continue.


"First and foremost, Your Imperial Majesty is the public opinion about your stance with the Ottoman Empire. They have sunk merchant ships and the family of the deceased are demanding retribution. They were not satisfied with your answer and they believed that you had given them too little about the issue. The second thing is that the Ottoman has signed an arms deal with the Russians and purchased more Karp Class submarines."

Napoleon rubbed the bridge of his nose as he processed this report. "The people wanted retribution, you say?"

"I have the latest survey here asking two million Parisians on whether we should retaliate or not. The Parisians have voted strongly in favor of a firm response," Armand continued. He handed Napoleon a sheet summarizing the survey results. Napoleon, after a moment of contemplation, spoke, "They want retaliation, we'll give them that, but we are not going to be direct."

"What's your plan, Your Imperial Majesty?"

"I'm planning on mobilizing our Mediterranean Fleet to the Ionian Sea. They will escort those merchant ships to their destinations, thus protecting them from the submarine raid. I have an agreement with the Russians that we will not directly involve ourselves in the conflict between the Greeks and the Ottomans. We are simply to provide for their needs and Russia is doing the same."

"Understood, Your Majesty. I will relay your orders to the Navy Command for the immediate mobilization of our Mediterranean Fleet," Armand replied, acknowledging the delicate balance Napoleon sought to maintain.


"And make sure the fleet's orders are explicit: they are to protect our merchant vessels, nothing more. Any aggressive action could provoke the Ottomans and complicate our agreement with Russia," Napoleon added firmly.

"Yes, Your Imperial Majesty."

"Okay, do you have any more reports you want to share with me?" Napoleon asked.

"There is still more, Your Imperial Majesty. The next report is regarding the Japanese. The Tokugawa Shogunate has informed us via letter that they'll be sending their people who will then be assigned as the Japanese ambassador to France. They are expected to arrive in three days."

"Hmm…the Japanese huh? I remember it was my son Francis who forced them to open their borders. I wonder how those Japanese envoys they sent react the moment they see a modern civilization."

"Indeed, Your Imperial Majesty. Their technology is comparable to that of the Qing Dynasty. So we can safely assume that they are backward and uncivilized. Speaking of the Qing Dynasty, we have received reports that the Spanish Empire fleet stationed in the Philippines is heading to Canton. Even the Italian Naval Fleet stationed in the Horn of Africa is heading there. "It seems they are serious in forcing the Qing Dynasty for better trade terms."


"Yeah…even I would do such a move. The Qing Dynasty is forcing us Westerners to only trade with them in that one port…I hate that system…what do you call that system again?"

"That would be the Canton System, Your Majesty. It restricts all foreign trade to the port of Canton. Indeed, this system has been a significant barrier for Western powers seeking broader trade relations with China." Yes, the Canton System. Restrictive and outdated. How about we send an official envoy to their capital and establish diplomatic relations with them? You know, opening embassies in the capital."

"I don't think the Qing Dynasty would approve that…for the reason that they are so proud of themselves as they see themselves as the center of the world, that they are the superior and everything outside their borders are barbarians."

"That's a valid point, Your Majesty. The Qing Dynasty's self-perception and policies are indeed quite insular. They might view the establishment of foreign embassies in their capital as an infringement on their sovereignty or an unwelcome intrusion."

Napoleon, considering this perspective, leaned back in his chair. "Well, why don't we remind them of the new reality that this world has a new order? And it's not the Chinese that are leading but us, France."

"Just like what His Imperial Highness, Francis, did to Japan? Gunboat diplomacy?" Armand asked.

Napoleon nodded. "Yes, similar to that approach."

"Very well, Your Imperial Majesty. I will appoint someone that we think is capable of doing such a task. You will have the final say. Oh…last report, Your Imperial Majesty. This is about your daughter, Her Imperial Highness, Daphne Bonaparte. She is scheduled to depart this afternoon to Quebec."

"Oh…it's today huh?" Napoleon mused.

"Yeah…I'm just reminding you about it in case you forget."

"I will not forget it, Armand, but thank you for the reminders. Looks like I'm going to have to spend the rest of my afternoon with Daphne. That's all the report right?"

"Yes, Your Imperial Majesty. That concludes today's reports," Armand confirmed, closing the folder of documents he had brought.

Napoleon gave a nod, his expression softening slightly at the mention of his daughter. "Very well. Ensure that all preparations for her departure are in order and that she has everything she needs for her journey to Quebec."

"Of course, Your Majesty. Everything has been arranged for Her Imperial Highness's travel, including her escort and accommodations upon arrival," Armand replied.

Napoleon stood up, signaling the end of the meeting. "Thank you, Armand. You may leave now. I have to prepare for Daphne's farewell."

Armand bowed respectfully and exited the Emperor's office.