August 28th, 1821. At the Palace of Versailles.

"Your Imperial Majesty, His Imperial Majesty Tsar Paul I, has landed at the airport. His Imperial Majesty's entourage and His Imperial Majesty will be arriving at the Palace of Versailles in thirty minutes," Armand reported as he walked alongside Napoleon down the hallway.

"Umu…" Napoleon nodded, acknowledging the report. "What about the incident at the Ionian Sea? What was it again? A Russian Cruiser operating there and our battleship detecting them?"

"Oh, about that, according to the Imperial Navy, the Russians explicitly expressed their intentions to intervene in the Greek revolution against the Ottoman, on the Ottoman side."

Napoleon scoffed softly after hearing that. "They are seriously allying themselves with the Ottomans despite their centuries of conflict…Well, not anymore when the Tsar Paul I heard of my proposal. About the stateroom where we will discuss, is it ready?"

"Yes, Your Imperial Majesty. Please follow me," Armand gestured towards the opulent stateroom, its doors standing open, revealing a room bathed in the soft light of chandeliers. Each detail of the room, from the intricate tapestries to the ornate furniture, spoke of grandeur and power. As they walked, the sound of their footsteps echoed off the high ceilings, mingling with the distant murmur of preparations made by the servants of the Palace of Versailles.


When the servants noticed his arrival, they paused in their activities and performed a respectful bow. Napoleon, accustomed to such displays, barely acknowledged them as he continued his stride towards the stateroom. His mind was focused on the upcoming meeting, considering various strategies and approaches to deal with the Russian Tsar.

Inside the stateroom, the atmosphere was tense yet controlled. The staff ensured that everything was in perfect order, from the placement of the chairs to the arrangement of the documents on the polished table. The French flag was displayed prominently, alongside the Russian one.

Armand, noticing the intense look on Napoleon's face, chose to remain silent, understanding that his leader was deep in thought.

"It is to your liking, Your Imperial Majesty?" Armand asked cautiously, not wanting to disturb Napoleon's contemplation.

Napoleon glanced around the room, his gaze briefly landing on each item, ensuring everything was as it should be."Yes, it will suffice," he responded curtly. He approached the window, peering outside as he gathered his thoughts.

As Napoleon stood in silent contemplation, the stateroom's doors opened quietly. Footmen in blue livery entered, pushing a cart adorned with a selection of famous French confectionaries. The array of sweets, from delicate pastries to intricately decorated cakes, was a display of culinary artistry.


Armand, noticing the arrival of the confectionaries, gestured subtly to the footmen, indicating where to place the refreshments. The footmen nodded in understanding, carefully positioning the cart so as not to disturb the Emperor or the room's arrangement.

"These are for the meeting, Your Imperial Majesty," Armand spoke softly, ensuring not to intrude upon Napoleon's thoughts. "A selection of our finest confectioneries, to accompany the discussions."

Napoleon turned from the window, his eyes briefly flicking over the assortment of desserts. The sight of it alone made Napoleon feel slightly hungry.

"Is it baked by my wife?" Napoleon asked.

"Her Imperial Majesty is the one who baked those," Armand replied with a nod. "She took special care to ensure the selection included your favorites."

Napoleon allowed a small smile to cross his face. "Good, it adds a personal touch to the meeting," he commented and made his way towards the cart of confectioneries. His eyes scanned the selection, and he reached out, picking up a Madeleine. The small, shell-shaped sponge cake was a favorite of his, known for its delicate texture and subtle sweetness.


Holding Madeleine between his fingers, Napoleon took a moment to appreciate the familiar aroma. It reminded him of the times Ciela baked one for him ten years ago.

He took a small bite, savoring the flavor. And then seconds later, Ciela, in her resplendent empire dress, entered the stateroom.lightsnovel

"Oh there she is, my beautiful wife," Napoleon chuckled softly as he walked over towards her.

"Oh my…I see that you have eaten one of the Madeleines. You should have waited for our guest," Ciela giggled playfully.

Napoleon responded with a slight shrug, "I couldn't resist. Your baking is as tempting as ever."

"So, when will the Emperor of Russia arrive?" Ciela asked.

Napoleon flickered his gaze to Armand who promptly checked the pocket watch on his vest.

"His Imperial Majesty Tsar Paul I is twenty minutes away from the Palace of Versailles, Your Imperial Majesty," Armand informed, speaking with a respectful tone. "Perhaps you can pass the time by sitting and engaging in a light conversation between you."

"I don't see a problem with it," Napoleon nodded subtly before inviting Ciela to take a seat in their respective seats. Once they were seated together, Ciela began.

"I heard that the Greek revolutionaries started their rebellion. The first battle was occurring at the…where was it again?"

"Vasilika," Napoleon answered. Napoleon helping the Greeks was not because he was kind, it's because he saw benefit from it to the Empire of France. Helping the Greeks would mean strengthening their influence in the region, cornering the Russian Empire inside the Black Sea, and slowly but surely reducing the Ottoman Empire into a third-rate power.

He had never considered the Ottoman Empire as a dominant force and a major player in the global scene. To Napoleon, they were more of a fading empire, one that had lost much of its former glory and influence.

lightsΝοvel Not only that, the revolution is an opportunity to showcase new military hardware developed by the Ministry of Science and Technology. Budget approval in the Senate has been growing harder by the year as they see it as a waste of resources.

August 28th, 1821. At the Palace of Versailles.

This could be a way to demonstrate its effectiveness and justify further investments. But he is an Emperor, so why still listen to the Senate? Well, the reason for that is no man can lead such a huge empire alone, and an Emperor, be that he is wise, could make a mistake in decision-making that could jeopardize the stability of the nation. A Senate provides a balance of power, and a check on his authority, ensuring that decisions are made with a broader perspective and consideration.

That may look like the Senate has power over the Emperor, but in reality, they have none.

"What technology will you introduce in this war, Napoleon?" Ciela curiously asked.

"I'm thinking tanks," Napoleon answered. "Artillery and machine guns have improved drastically. Traditional modes of warfare during the Napoleonic wars are obsolete now. Our troops must have something to protect themselves when charging at the enemy lines."

Ciela looked intrigued. "Tanks huh?"

Twenty minutes later.

"Your Imperial Majesty, Tsar Paul I of the Russian Empire has arrived at the Palace of Versailles," Armand announced to Napoleon.

"Great, have them escorted here," Napoleon said.