“So I think you’ll look good in some dark, more close-cropped colours,” said Yolanda, emphatically.

“Oh, yeah thanks,” I said. I nodded along, smiling at Yolanda’s choice to ‘keep me distracted’. Namely, to take me shopping. She’d decided on a darker-tone series of clothes with short black t-shirts with v-cuts and simple collars. With Trixie’s training, I was fit enough that most clothes like this looked good.

Black, I knew from experience to be a bit of an easy option.

“Here, try this as well!” Yolanda insisted.

I glanced at the white shirt in my hands and felt like teasing her for how she was ‘branching out’ with her options here. But I didn’t, instead I just nodded and stepped into the change rooms.

When I came back out I gave a little twirl for Yolanda only to notice that Sabrina had joined us. Next to her, Ralts was sitting with some large sunglasses on her horns posing in a manner that she must think was ‘cool’.

“Hey you,” I said to Sabrina.


“Hey,” she said back playfully. She gave my sister an amused look as Yolanda shrieked in surprise.

“s-Sabrina!” You startled me!” Yolanda said.

Sabrina patted Yolanda on the head, her eyes still on me. “Sorry about that,” she said.

“R-ralts!” creed out Ralts as Terra met her with her customary hug. “He needs some dress shoes and pants I think. Also? You can afford to take Brock to some of the more expensive shops.”

“Like Ala Shazam’s?” Yolanda said, lights entering her eyes as her head turned towards the shop in question.

“Uhm, I prefer bargain shoppin—”. I tried to say only for Sabrina to smile wider, obviously noting my discomfort and deciding to push instead of keep me happy.


“Oh, yes, I was also thinking of Sollom-Bell. Brock does need a new wallet and belts,” Sabrina began listing off several different items and Yolanda only got more and more excited.

I clapped my hands. “We will only be looking at the belts and wallet. I don’t need a trilby Yolanda. Sabrina is just playing around,” I said, putting my foot down. No way I was buying that unless I was matching it with a suit for some fashion show.

Sabrina shot me a sly look. “You do remember that you have a contest this weekend? Yes?”

Yolanda perked up. “Oh yes! You need to wear something snazzy because you’re going to be a judge!”

“I think I can just get away with my hiking gear and a scowl,” I said, deciding to play with them a bit. I crossed my arms and frowned. “Like this.”

Yolanda shot Sabrina a look of worry and gestured at me in a manner that made me think she was asking for help. I snorted and shook my head. “I’m just playing. We can look at something that is at least robust. We’re going with a ‘tough’ style so it needs to play to that.”


Yolanda vibrated with glee as Sabrina and I walked further down the walkway of the frankly huge Celadon department store. Unlike the games, the department store was a mega complex instead of a five-story building with the roof open to the public.

Well, the roof was accessible, but to compare it to the games was doing it a gross disservice. The Celadon Department store was in truth a building that covered at least ten acres of land, with five levels each with set specialities, yes, but there was also a range of stalls, shops, food courtyards, and attractions.

On one side of the store, there was a gigantic playpen for children that was monitored by a clutch of Kangaskhan. On the other were the cinemas and entertainment. I liked to think that the person who designed it was still to this day patting themselves on the back as families had to trudge from one end of the store to the other, resulting in the most exposure to sales and advertising possible.

If you hadn’t bought at least three items or services by the time you reached your destination, you possessed an iron will.

Sabrina, Yolanda and I all walked past the speciality pokemon grooming store which occupied two whole levels. It featured the standard hairdressing area along with a sand bath, furnace, aquarium, and blacksmith for any needs your pokemon might have.

To the side, masseuses offer their services to the trainers to allow them to relax while their pokemon are pampered.

“You know, I think Terra’s horn has never looked so shiny,” Yolanda said as we walked past the storefront.

“Is that so?” I said, to make conversation. I could see the slight gleam on her skin and agreed with her, but I didn’t think Terra, as a baby pokemon would get the most benefit from it.

Sabrina considered the store and then looked down at Ralts. “I must apologise Ralts, I have been doing your hygiene and haircuts myself… but perhaps you would enjoy something a little more lavish?”

Ralts liked the sound of that as she pointed at the shop only to turn and begin pointing out other things that she wanted as well. I spied a shop selling toys and wandered over to buy some for my younger siblings.

A few minutes later, Sabrina and Yolanda came in with pleased expressions on their faces. Ralts swished and posed on Sabrina’s shoulder drawing small coos of delight from the girls.

“Looking very nice there, Ralts. I like the gloves,” I said, indicating the small mittens she was wearing that were made of lace.

Ralts paused and a conflicted look warred over her face before she nodded in thanks. She then noticed where we were and started pointing at various toys she wanted, very much acting her age.

Sabrina selected several items and handed them to me, slipping in dolls of her own to the group. I only had to carry the toys as far as the counter where the sales clerk looked like they’d just had all the Christmas come at once as Sabrina, Yolanda, and I each bought a pile of toys.

Sabrina then put her hand to each pile and Teleported them away.

“That is so convenient,” Yolanda said. “Even better than having a storage bag, I should think.”

I made a so-so gesture. “There’s going to be situations where you want things on hand, and in the storage bag, while it’s not able to carry as much as Sabrina’s warehouse, it’s much more reliable as it’s in your hands.”

Yolanda nodded along only to pause. “Her, what now?”

Sabrina smiled. “I own a warehouse in Saffron City for organising my various acquisitions. Toys, dresses, jewellery. I have a specialised ghost and psychic security team that looks after the place. It helps to keep the clutter down at home and if I want a certain dress for a certain occasion? I most likely have it.”

Yolanda stared. “That’s… so out there, to such a degree… I’m not sure how to process that. It’s amazing but just… the size of it. To own a warehouse for your goods!”

I chuckled as Sabrina tossed her hair proudly. I was about to say something when I spotted an outfit that was on a mannequin. Sabrina noticed instantly and turned to see what had caught my eye.

“Hmmm you would look good in that, use the white shirts Yolanda has been buying and some jeans and you have a rather stylish outfit,” she said, her mind already conjuring up various clothing combinations.

“Ah, I’m not sure, it seems a little impractical,” I said, despite turning and walking towards it.

Yolanda frowned. “Is it pokemon leather?”

“Special fake leather that mimics the belly of a Feraligatr?” I read. “Hmmm, oh it says it’s got Altaria down feathers in the lining to help it stay warm enough to use as a flight jacket, and it is tear and abrasion-resistant.”

Sabrina nudged me. “Try it on,” she said, tempting me.

I wandered into the change rooms but while I was trying it on with the white shirt and jeans combination, I spotted something that I thought might work. I grabbed up some clear glasses and popped them on.

“How’s this look?” I said, turning to the girls.

Yolanda tilted her head, apparently unsure of my addition to the overall look.

I looked at Sabrina and found her to be staring at me, an intense look on her face. Ralts was shooting her head from Sabrina to me in shock.

I chuckled. “I think it works?”

Sabrina nodded slowly.

I bought the combination, rather pleased with my whimsical inclusion. Yolanda still seemed confused.

“Why does that work so well?” she said, eyeing the glasses.

“The dichotomy of the jacket with the glasses. It softens the impression, and makes him look smarter,” commented Sabrina.

“I like to think I’m pretty smart?” I said, offering the two of them a line of banter.

Both of them just nodded, which hadn’t been what I was going for. I felt a cold sweat break out on my neck. Oh damn, they thought I was smart.

I suddenly felt the need to read more and live up to their expectations.

I swallowed down my trepidation and waved for them to lead me to the next shop. They walked me past a section of shops that listed pokemon items and I paused. Now there was something that I was drastically underutilizing.

“Hey, can we make a pit stop here?” I said, as I diverted our shopping trip. Sabrina and Yolanda watched as I went on a buying spree for items and berries.

It had been a while since I’d done anything like this. I’d had it used against me, with Walker honestly being one of the people that I was most impressed by. Most people hadn’t even realised his pokemon was eating a berry with how the fruit on Tropius’ chin hid what was actually being eaten.

Then again, it wasn’t yet a well-understood field despite occasionally popping up with berries.

Berries themselves were well understood, but other battle items were still not guaranteed to help. Silph Co, and Devon Corp were working on them as they knew they could be huge money earners but as yet they didn’t have the efficacy.

So they were seen as very hit-and-miss and it wasn’t widespread as it one day would be. I’d need to redo some serious research on what I would need in future as the people crafting these items improved. It had been a while since I’d done any, and as I marched through the aisles stocking up on goods I decided it was time to do some testing myself to see how far they’d come since the last time I’d tried this years ago.

Back then I’d needed to be frugal

I was very pleased to find that the Charti berry wasn’t in stock and wouldn’t be for another year.

Huh, perhaps that contributed to it not being a popular method? I thought to myself. The unreliability of sourcing berries? I couldn’t get any Rindo berries, but I could get a handful of Pasho berries, so I was in good luck for a water-type match-up at least once.

I paused in the power item section and frowned. “I should buy some more of these for the Gym,” I said aloud. It had been a while since I’d gotten some new ones, and the ones we had were getting rather worn. I’d bought a few when I first opened the new Pewter Gym and buying enough for my pokemon roster to use had proven to be almost as expensive as building the house attachment to my Gym.

But now, thanks to Lance’s bet and my own winnings and the earnings from the surge, I had money to burn.

The cashier seemed very happy when I bought a pack of ten Anklets, Bands, Belts, Bracers, Lens, and Weights for my pokemon. If nothing else, Teddiursa and the others would enjoy new training equipment.

I made a quick trip through the other item sections and collected an eclectic assortment of items as Sabrina purchased her own items of interest.

Yolanda initially was very interested in it, but then I started to push my luck. After an hour she grew bored enough that she was able to convince Sabrina to help her to drag me on to continue shopping for outfits.

By the time we left, my section of Sabrina’s fashion warehouse had three more outfits which I was very pleased with. When we reached the entrance A.J. and Missy were poised to pick me up.

“Let’s go have a fight!” Missy said, her fists clenched and her expression was so serious I had to resist the urge to pat her on the head for how cute she was being.

“Sure,” I said. Rachel had been able to distract me with a technical detail regarding the Pewter pokenet page while Yolanda had gotten her idea cemented out for shopping. Greta had asked for some one on one training which had taken up an hour this morning.

Now it was apparently Missy and A.J.’s turn.

They led me to a local battle club where I was able to withdraw Cradily, Cranidos and Teddiursa from a round of matches at various levels. More than a few people were surprised to see me fighting in the junior leagues until they caught sight of Cranidos and Teddiursa.

Sadly, I’d forgotten that while a lot of the Gym trainers knew of Cranidos, the public as yet, or more specifically, the media, did not. Leading to another surge in reporters asking me questions about my next pokemon.

“So! Another rock type?” asked one reporter as they tried, and failed to ignore Cranidos hammering their leg with his head. A pained expression quickly building.

I reached down and dragged Crnaidos into my arms. “Yes, Cranidos will be a pokemon appearing in some of my lower tier badge matches until I build him up for the higher tier matches.”

“But not your Elite team?” prompted another reporter.

“Who’s to say? I think I have more interest in having Teddiursa become one of my elite pokemon,” I said casually.

“An Ursaring would be a strong pokemon,” commented one reporter.

I just smiled and nodded. “Yeah, that too,” I said, knowing that Teddiursa had so much more potential than just being an Ursaring.

I won the matches I’d been set up for in the battle club and departed feeling very good about how everything had gone down.

When I returned to the hotel room my entourage all trooped into my room with me, collectively dragging chairs and tables to run through a run down on Scarlet.

“So she’s got enough grass and water types to make herself pretty annoying but you have the right pokemon to smack her around,” said Missy with a nod.

“I’d probably lead with either Sanchez or Don this time around,” said A.J.

“Titan’s a must-have,” said Yolanda. “I don’t think you need Empress, she’s strong but she doesn’t offer too much beyond overpowering that which you have in other pokemon.”

“If we want to play up popular pokemon then Sanchez, Knight, Bertha and Link are all must haves!” said Rachel, as she consulted a computer. “The public love them!” Rachel then coughed and looked to the side. “Hypnotoad also did well.”

“You’re just saying that cause Trixie likes Brock using a fighting-type pokemon,” said Greta, with a giggle. A.J. having been about to say much the same, nodded along.

I hummed, watching them all go back and forth. Sabrina leaned against me. “You’ll go with Selene, right?” she said with a smile, obviously knowing she was merely feeding the discussion more ammunition to consider.

I huffed and looked over Scarlet’s pokemon team.

Ampharos, Vilplume, Pidgeot, Hitmonlee, Seaking, Starmie, Seadra, Raichu, Fearow, Tauros, and Chansey, had been the pokemon she’d been known to have before this tournament.

She’d since revealed that she had a Bellosom, Cacturne, Parasect, Rapidash, and a Poliwrath.

She had come with pokemon that were well suited to face myself, or Masked Owl depending on which of us was going to make it through the round of sixteen.The tale has been illicitly lifted; should you spot it on Amazon, report the violation.

“Who’s her starter?” I asked, causing the discussion to falter.

Missy and Yolanda shifted uncertainty but A.J. pounced towards the whiteboard.

Ampharos went up on the list.

I chewed my lip in consideration. “Poliwrath, Bellosom, Vileplume, Hitmonlee…” I rubbed my chin in thought. “Then I think it will be out of Tauros, Seadra … or Starmie for the team I face.”

A.J. penned in the team and when he stepped back he had a complicated look on his face. “Bellossom? It’s a bit weak isn’t it?”

“It’s versatile,” I said. “I think it and Vileplume are locked in, as is Ampharos. The others I’m less sure of. As to which pokemon I will be using?”

I reached into a pocket and placed down a list I’d written down days ago. Before I’d even seen which pokemon Scarlet had.

Sanchez, Tide, Bertha, Jormungandr, Zephyr, and Titan. All of them pokemon that either represented another, or that had been with me on my journey.

The others looked it over and tilted their heads. “You had this worked out before today?” asked Missy as she inspected the worn paper.

I chuckled. “I just wanted to highlight these pokemon in particular,” I said.

The others nodded, and just like that the discussion fell away. Sabrina then cleared her throat very pointedly. She handed Ralts off to Yolanda. “Take her and Terra to the playpen downstairs for an hour or so, please?” she said.

Missy and Rachel blinked in surprise, only for their eyes to widen. “Oh! Right. Come gang! Let’s go find a movie, or something to do!” said Rachel quickly as she hurriedly packed up.

A.J. tilted his head shooting Sabrina and me a confused look. Thankfully he followed along without complaint as did the others. Rachel shot me a thumbs up before she closed the door to the apartment.

Sabrina turned to me and gave me a half-lidded look.

I grinned.

Ah, everyone else had their turn to distract me from tomorrow, and now it was Sabrina’s turn?

I think I liked her distraction the most.


“—annual Celadon tournament!” announced the mayor of Cleadon, who was once more acting as the Master of Ceremonies.

He waved his hand towards the crowd, his grin huge as he bowed towards each stand. “Tonight has been the work of a great many people and pokemon and I’d like to take a moment to thank them—” he said, droning on a little as he ran through a list of sponsors, volunteers, and assistants for the tournament. He then waved to the big screen.

“I’d also like to thank the trainers that have made this tournament, one to remember!”

A short clip played, and I was amused to find that most of my pokemon had small moments where they were shown in favourable light with cool moments such as Titan and then Empress taking to the field. My match against Walker where Hurricane had been interrupted, and the Hyper Beam I’d gotten off with Tide yesterday.

Other trainers and their pokemon also featured, Scarlet getting her own fair share of screen time before the screen faded to black and the Mayor led the stands in a round of applause.

“Thank you, all the trainers and all the pokemon! Tonight! Tonight we have a wonderful spectacle with two trainers who have risen through the ranks to face off for the Celadon Trophy!” The Mayor snapped his arms dramatically to the side and an assistant whipped a sheet off a table to reveal a rather nice-looking silver trophy that had vines entwined around it.

On the front of the trophy, the shield of Celadon city was embossed.

“Tonight! Our two trainers need only a quick introduction! In the red corner as is only fitting! We have the dark horse of this tournament and the rising star! Scarlet from Cerulean City!” the crowd applauded politely, as a Celadon crowd was known to do.

The Mayor nodded happily as Scarlet waved and bowed.

“And in the blue corner! From Pewter City and a powerful challenger! Gym Leader Brock!”

I stood tall and waved both hands before clapping them together and bowing in multiple directions in thanks to all the spectators who had come to watch. It was rather pleasing to see that this match had garnered just as much attention as my match against Walker.

“And now I turn our show over to the League official, give a round of applause for tonight’s referee!” shouted the Mayor gesturing to the podium to the side.

There a mic’d up woman waved her hand but did not bow. Instead, she inclined her head before raising a hand and signalling for silence.

“Trainers tonight’s event will be run under standard Ace match rules where—” she said running through the typical two-minute spiel that preceded most matches. She then clapped her hands together and drew out two flags, raising them tall.

“Trainers! Are you ready?” she said. Scarlet and I locked eyes, both of us nodding. I felt a thrill run through me, and all the concerns I’d had about tonight’s match being the furthest I’d ever advanced faded.

“Begin!” The referee called, and I hurled out my first pokemon.

“Bellossom!” called Scarlet.

“Sanchez!” I barked, sending out my choice.

“Claim the field!” ordered Scarlet, her small pokemon leaping up and smashing its tiny flowers together to make them release a cloud of glittering, golden spores.

“Set up,” I said simply, and Sanchez stomped one foot to create a Stealth Rock that floated off to the side.

Scarlet tilted her head, watching as the golden spores drifted closer to Sanchez only for him to roll backwards to evade them quickly. Then he popped into the ground, hiding with Dig without a word from me.

With all day to sit around, I’d been able to brief my pokemon on specific orders that I wanted them to go for.

“Bellossom! Pursue and use Petal Dance!” Scarlet called sending her pokemon down into the hole that Sanchez had left behind.

I whistled. That was bold.

But also a huge mistake.

Sanchez popped out of the ground behind where the Stun Spores were floating. I twitched our bond, sending an impression of what I wanted him to do next. He took one look at me and stomped his foot, causing the ground to heave and buckle.

Bellosom, instead of pursuing my pokemon into a weak point, was instead trapped in the tunnel Sanchez had created. Bellosom was launched up into the air with a stunned cry only to twist deftly with her body and float down to the ground.

Scarlet observed both of our pokemon and clicked her tongue. “Sorry, Bellosom! We won’t do that again, fill the rest of the field this time!”

This time a white powder was released to fill the other side of the field. I whistled and decided to make the most of yesterday’s shopping trip.

“Charge in with Heavy Slam!” I ordered, and this time Sanchez tucked himself into a ball, his face was hidden as his beard morphed over his face. In doing so it obscured his mouth.

Scarlet frowned. “Use Giga Drain after it hits! You can take the hit and then when it falls asleep move to finish it!” she said, deciding to back her pokemon.

In another situation, this would have worked out rather well for her.

Sanchez hurled himself through the white and golden field of spores coating himself thoroughly. He still got in a punishing hit to the much lighter Bellosom causing it to reel back in shock.

I sighed. I’d been hoping she’d try something else like buffing her pokemon up, but no matter.

Sanchez rolled back after hitting Bellosom, still curled up in his ball. He rocked to his side and I watched as his moustache twitched and twisted as his mouth worked up and down.

Scarlet waved her hand in a back-and-forth manner, apparently very pleased with herself. When she spoke she did so with a grandiose tone. “Take that pokemon out of the fight—”

“Heavy Slam,” I said, and Sanchez, who’d been playing Sentret, shot forward and slammed into Bellossom with another very powerful move once again.

“Eh?! You taught your Golem Sleep Talk?” said Scarlet in surprise.

I grinned and shook my head. “No, I just realised I hadn’t been using all my tactics as well as I should. I’ve been overlooking some things,” I said. Yesterday’s purchase of several Lum berries.

One thing I’d noticed about Scarlet, was her propensity to use status effects with her Bellosom to control matches. In a manner, it was like fighting Koga, only I had prep time.

When Koga fought you, you typically didn’t know he was coming.

Which made all the difference.

Bellosom collapsed to her knees and wilted enough to indicate she was out of the match while Sanchez stood tall, unaffected by the Sleep or the Paralyze that could have locked him down.

I’d made a show of evading the earlier attack more out of form, I hadn’t been expecting a tactical error from Scarlet, but it had played into my strengths rather well.

Scarlet scowled and returned her Bellosom, her hand questing to her pokebelt only to reveal a greatball. “Time to come out! Show me your scary face!” Scarlet roared and I leaned forward expecting one of her strongest pokemon.

I was not expecting a huge blubbering pokemon. “Lax!” said the now-revealed Snorlax.

It glared at Sanchez who looked taken aback at coming face to face with Munchlax’s evolution.

From one side of the field the Stealth Rock I’d gotten off at the start of the match raced in and slammed into Snorlax mid yawn. It blinked in surprise and started to topple backwards. Instead of stepping back to catch itself, it continued to fall as if in slow motion, the hits from the Stealth Rock causing ripples across Snrola’s corpulent body.

I had a momentary premonition of Snorlax falling onto his back which would see the lazy pokemon trapped on his back.

“Break up the field!” shouted Scarlet, crossing her fingers as she said this. I frowned and my mind ran through what sort of moves Snorlax had that would benefit from falling heavily.

Just before Snorlax hit the ground, my premonition of an easy win vanished as understanding swept through me.

“PROTECT!” I roared just as Snorlax hit the ground.

Sanchez didn’t hesitate to comply just as the field erupted with power, the body slam of Snorlax hitting the ground and transitioning perfectly into a Fissure that almost caught me by surprise.

Oh, damn that was a curve ball I hadn’t been expecting.

A wave of dust hid the field from my view and I could only narrow my eyes in annoyance as a fleshing thumping sounded out.

Belly Drum, she was having her pokemon use Belly Drum.

“Thunder,” I said, knowing that the Earthquake would be greatly weakened with the disrupted battlefield. Sanchez sparked up with electric energy before launching a huge blast into the air that came down where Snorlax had been moments ago.

A howl of pain let me know that it had worked and I fist-pumped. Both Scarlet and I had been rolling the dice with Fissure and Thunder, but both moves had paid off.

“Rest!” commanded Scarlet, and before she could even complete the order Snorlax was snoring loudly.

I weighed up my options.. I could commit, or switch out.

I clicked my tongue, knowing that the odds of Thunder landing each time wouldn’t work. Thankfully, that wasn’t Sanchez’s only powerful move, and thanks to Fissure, broken up rocks were in abundance.

“Full assault! Stone Edge!” I ordered, and Sanchez began to tumble and roll, as he moved rocks began to fill the air hurtling into the sleeping form of Snorlax.

Each rock caused a ripple of jiggling fat on the huge pokemon, but Snorlax merely groaned and rolled up to its feet deftly.

It knows Sleep Talk! I realised instantly.

“Goooooooooo Snorlax!” cheered Scarlet.

It took all of a moment for me to put the clues together.

What move could Snorlax learn that would have STAB apply to it? Coupled with the increased Attack power from Belly Drum?

It could only be Giga Impact.

“Clever Girl,” I said, aloud.

Snorlax lurched into a stumbling run, its body wobbling and bouncing. It was like watching the fattest man alive perform a hundred-metre sprint equal to that of the fastest runners.

Incredible and disturbing all at once.

It was hypnotising watching that belly dance even as it closed on a shocked Sanchez.

“Explosion,” I said, without missing a beat.

Sanchez laughed and lit up just as Snorlax closed with him. Both pokemon slammed into each other, and for the second time in as many minutes, the battlefield was rocked by a gigantic shockwave only this time the energy was thrown upwards and out instead of just down.

I had to brace and lean into the explosion gritting my teeth as dust swept my form.

A moment later it dissipated and I bore witness to Sanchez and the Snorlax both down on their fronts, their eyes locked with their opponent only for them to slide shut.

Both of them looked oddly pleased with themselves.

“Both pokemon are unable to battle! Both pokemon must be withdrawn! The match is now two to one!”

I whistled, impressed. “I was not expecting that from you,” I said to Scarlet. Alright, she’d come to throw down, I could respect that. She had good strategies and pokemon, so if I let her, she’d turn this into a slug fest.

Scarlet grinned. “No one was expecting Snorlax!” she crowed happily.

I felt my lips twitch. “No one expects the Snorlax inquisition,” I said, unable to help myself as my brain-to-mouth filter apparently went on vacation.

I must have been a bit shaken by that exchange, otherwise, I would never be quoting old memes.

Scarlet seemed to enjoy it though as she tilted her head and smiled. “I like it!” she said. “I hope you like this next one I have as well!” she said. “You’re not the only one with surprises up your sleeve!”

I chuckled and selected my next pokemon.

I raised up Jormungandr’s pokeball and held it aloft for a moment. “This one’s for you Guybro,” I said, and for a moment I wondered if he heard me but then the idle thought vanished. I had no doubt a few people would be confused by the statement when they reviewed the video feed later.

Then I sent out Jormungandr and my giant Steelix took to the stage just as Scarlet revealed her next pokemon to be a Poliwrath.

I drew up my sleeve and pushed energy into the bond. A cry of surprise swept through the crowd as they caught sight of the bracer that I used to carry my keystone.

On a small gem underneath Jormungandr’s neck another gem gleamed with energy.

Scarlet had just long enough to realise what this meant before I acted.

“JORM! MEGA EVOLVE!” I shouted, playing into the moment as I copied Sabrina’s pose from her match against Will, my fist punching into the air.

“Shit!” Scarlet cried, not doubting for a second I could do what I claimed. “Hydro—” Her order, just like Poliwrath’s attack, was swept away as the energy I’d fed into Jorm ignited and his form rippled. Energy exploded off him with rainbow arcs and a few moments later a much larger Jorm towered above Poliwrath.

“Damn it! No fair! I thought Snorlax was going to be the only reveal of this match!” shouted Scarlet, despite grinning.

I smiled back. “Blame yourself. I felt you were worthy,” I said, before punching my fist forward. “Bulldoze!” I called.

Jorm leapt forward, using his explosive attacking power to push himself.

“Stop them dead with Dynamic Punch!” cried Scarlet, deciding to change her hand.

Her pokemon jumped, its fist cocked back and ready to punish Jorm.

“Roll,” I said firmly.

Jorm surprised everyone but me by tilting his body so that his head struck the ground. Instead of slamming a fist into Jorm’s head, the attack whiffed only for the follow-up strike of Jorm’s, much longer, much heavier tail to descend straight onto the falling Poliwrath.

Jorm practically volleyball spiked Poliwrath into the ground with Iron Tail.

When Jorm rose up I could only grin with pride as Poliwrath was revealed to be out cold from the powerful hit.

“Damn! Should have known you’d be wise to a Poliwrath’s attacks,” said Scarlet, with a click of her tongue.

She reached for another ball only to pause and eyeball Jormungandr. She wet her lips and held her pose and I realised she was trying to see if she could time out Jorm’s Mega-evolution.

I smirked and focussed extra energy into the bond, making sure to keep it as stable as possible.

It felt a lot easier now compared to the first time. By the time the countdown for Scarlet began to end Jorm wasn’t even wavering and I knew I could get a few more hits from him despite the delay.

Scarlet shot me a chagrined look as she hurled out her next pokemon but I wasn’t too bothered by the tactic. I had to admit it was a valid move, if annoying.

“Let’s go Hitmonlee!” she said, sending out one of the other pokemon I'd guessed. “Get in for Close Combat!” she roared, and Hitmonlee didn’t waste anytime sprinting towards Jorm.

I was feeling a little vindictive so I pointed straight at her pokemonand grinned. “Go,” I said firmly, and once again Jormungandr leapt into the attack, only this time when he landed he drove Hitmonlee back

Jorm surged across the field, Hitmonlee caught on his face stunned for a moment before he snapped off two kicks that made Jorm groan even as he accelerated.

A moment later both pokemon slammed into the barrier on the side of the field sending another wave of dust into the air.

As the dust cleared around the pulsing yellow barrier, Jormungandr rose up swaying and dizzy.

Hitmonlee didn’t.

“The match is four to one!” announced the referee as Scarlet groaned.

Scarlet perked up as a glow formed around Jorm, his Mega evolution beginning to dissolve.

I could probably get another move in if she was quick to send her next pokemon out but I doubted that was going to happen. I glanced around and noticed all the cameras locked on Jorm. I decided to not reveal all of the tricks to Mega evolution here instead returning him so that people couldn’t get too clear an idea of how many moves or how long it would take to run down the clock for Jorm’s Mega evolution.

Scarlet looked at me with a frown as we both reached for our next pokemon. I had a good idea of who she was going to bring out, just as I had my own choice.

“Go Vileplume!”

“Bertha!” I shouted.

Bertha appeared with a heavy thump and gave the field a quick look over only to glower at the Grass type that looked very pleased with this match up. Scarlet perked up for all of a moment.

Then I crushed her hopes by waving a hand. “Surf combination,” I said. Bertha grinned and stepped back, calling up a wave to lift her heavy form.

Scarlet frowned only to quickly catch what was coming next. “Petal Dance!” said Scarlet, sending her best move out. Pink petals formed around Vileplume and then shot towards Bertha who merely grinned and leapt behind the onrushing wave, allowing the attack to be weakened before it hit her.

Bertha groaned but didn’t go down, making Scarlet desperately call for another Petal Dance before the wave reached her pokemon.

It was too late, and yet again, Scarlet had committed herself instead of shoring up her defences.

I pointed, not needing to give a command as Bertha disgorged a powerful Ice Beam, freezing the wave above Vileplume and making the grass-type pokemon take its own super effective damage.

It shivered and pushed its way up only to face another Ice Beam from Bertha as she ended the match.

Scarlet sighed and palmed her final pokemon.

I held up a hand and returned Bertha much to Scarlet’s confusion. A moment later she blinked as I reached for Titan’s Greatball.

“You’re a heck of a trainer,” I said, before sending out my strongest pokemon to face her strongest.

Titan greeted Ampharos with a roar that shook the stadium and Ampharos, instead of quaking in the face of such a strong pokemon, she met it head-on with a growl and a spark lighting up its form.

Scarlet punched her fist forward and Ampharos shot straight at Titan, its fist cocked back for what would no doubt be a powerful Focus Punch.

Titan swept his tail and a wave of rock stopped Ampharos’ advance in its tracks.

With the field broken up like this, it was all too easy for Titan to claim it and abuse his foe, hammering hit after hit of Stone Edges into Scarlet’s starter.

“Keep on the pressure!” I shouted. Not relenting with the barrage, if the field hadn’t been so broken I might have tried for Earthquake, but with it this way I instead played to my strengths and one of Titan’s strongest moves to end the match.

Ampharos dove and dodged, but it was unable to evade all the rocks that came its way.

I continued to push through, becoming an uncompromising wave of rock. Through my bond Titan could feel my anticipation and he matched me, leaning into his attacks just a little more forcing Ampharos to move quicker.

With this amount of pressure I knew it was just a matter of time until I closed it out. I was so close I could taste victory on my tongue.

Ampharos took a bad stumble and I felt my excitement peak as Titan fired off a huge Stone Edge that hammered into the off-kilter pokemon.

Ampharos collapsed with a pained wail only to land heavily and not stand up.

Scarlet returned her pokemon with a sigh.

The referee shot their flag up and I blinked as a sudden realisation of what the match being over meant.

“Ampharos is unable to battle, and that means the winner is, therefore, Brock From Pewter City!”

I grinned and unleashed all of my pokemon behind me.

From their pokeballs, Tide, Bertha, Jormungandr and Zephyr appeared. They looked around in shock only to catch sight of the scoreboard.

Titan stomped his foot signalling he wanted our attention. He punched upwards once and then raised his head and roared in triumph.

I joined in with the rest of the pokemon as the tension that had been lingering in my stomach released itself.

Nothing was going to happen, no incident was going to demand my attention.

My paranoia, justified as it had been in the past, was just that this time, merely paranoia.

It had been far too long since I’d felt this way.

I let myself bask in the moment.

We had won.