I sat on the couch with Yolanda to my left and Sabrina to my right. Both of them were sitting up and paying avid attention to the television.

Around us, my siblings played quietly. Salvadore lazed about on the couch with a giant encyclopedia open. He was slowly reading through it and occasionally taking notes.

Suzie was sitting at Sabrina’s feet with Ralts, both of them were playing with dolls. Sabrina occasionally shot them envious looks that made me chuckle. Tommy and Timmy were playing a game with Munchlax and Gible. It appeared to be some sort of knights and dragon game with the boys and the pokemon taking turns in each role.

Billy, Tilly, Cindy, Flint, and Nanny Grav were all brushing out a pair of growlithe along with Eevee who was trying, and failing to push the Growlithe back out the door. Apparently she didn’t like the new security features.

Cindy quickly snatched her up and pampered her. “Oh, you’re so grumpy about the new pokemon! You don’t have to be! You’re our special girl! Yes, you are! Yes, you are!”

Eevee squealed with delight and rolled around so she could give the pack of Growlithe a look of superiority.

I coughed and Cindy gained a sheepish look. “Sorry!” she said.


I rolled my eyes before casting them about the room. “So, I can’t help but notice that no one was in here before we came in, but the minute we sat down everyone decided to join us?”

“I’m here because Sabrina is here, and I needed to show her my new doll!” said Suzie as though that made it an open-shut case for herself.

I decided not to poke holes in that argument. Instead, I turned to Salvadore.

He shrugged. “I want to see what’s going on? I’ll be quiet.”

I hummed. “This is going to be a press conference from Lance about the recent Rocket Raid,” I said. I considered that a moment and flicked my gaze about. “Actually maybe the younger kids shouldn’t be here,” I said.

Flint glanced up from brushing out Spot the Growlithe. “Hmmm?”


I shot him a look. “Urgesay otgay ockedlay upyay?” I said. Flint continued to stare at me, his face blanker than a fresh canvas.

Yolanda, Salvadore and Cindy gasped in shock.

Damn it! That hadn’t been well thought out! Of course, Flint wouldn’t know spoink-speak as it was called here, but the other kids would. They knew I’d said Surge got locked up!

“You are really bad at keeping secrets,” Sabrina said as she slid to the floor to start playing with the dolls, the temptation growing too strong for her.

“I know!” I said as I quickly shushed the trio of smarter siblings.

Flint seemed to cotton on to the thrust of my point as he stood up. “Alright! Time for a family run!”


The kids all shot him with dubious looks. “We don’t do family runs,” Tommy said, acting as the mouthpiece for the younger kids who nodded.

“We don’t run to the park with our new Growlithe bodyguard pokemon?” Flint said, causing the Growlithe to pause, liking the sound of this. The kids all perked up, realising that they’d get to show off some cool pokemon.

They were instantly up and clambering for the door, grabbing shoes and causing a cacophony of noise. Salvadore, Cindy, Yolanda and Suzie all stayed put.

I leaned forward. “You want to go with them Suzie?” I said, indicating the melee that had formed in the entrance of the house where people were fighting over shoes while the Growlithe yapped excitedly.

“Nope!” she said brushing the doll's hair before turning and brushing Ralts’ hair straight afterwards. I noted that she stayed well clear of Ralts’ sensitive horns. “I’m perfectly fine here,” she said, continuing to adjust her doll’s outfit before posing the doll. “Actually I might go get more dolls, Sabrina hold this one,” she said before trundling off to her room.

I sighed. Well, she was going to be distracted at least.

I turned to the older kids who knew what I was talking about. I shot Yolanda a look. “I thought I told you about this?” I said. I’d told the Gym Trainers after my giant nap a few days ago.

Hadn’t I?

I tilted my head. I’d been pretty tired after everything but surely I hadn’t not mentioned the Rocket Raid?

Yolanda shook her head. “I wasn’t there when you spoke about it to the Gym Trainers, I was at school. Same with Crystal!”

“Greta didn’t mention it?” I said, surprised at this news.

Yolanda shook her head. “She can sometimes get distracted or forget to mention things, she’s pretty bad at gossip.”

I nodded slowly at that, understanding what she was talking about. “Right,” I said, nodding as I made myself comfortable.

My siblings stared at me. “Aren’t you going to explain Surge being locked up?” said Cindy pointedly.

I huffed. “Right, so when I went with Agatha, Sabrina, and Lorelei—”

“Koga was there as well,” Sabrina prompted as she adjusted the doll in her hand to strike a more dashing pose.

“Yeah, he was there too,” I said before continuing, “We went after the Head of Team Rocket who was Giovanni—”

“You mentioned this,” said Yolanda. “It explained why you were always super leery about him and Viridian City.”

“I was?” I asked.

The others all nodded. I coughed. “Right well when we went to arrest him he sent a decoy to the League and we had to chase down the real Giovanni. We found him with a bunch of really strong Admin-level Rocket trainers, along with Will and Surge.”

“We ended up fighting but I don’t think Surge was really trying all that hard. We crushed him and Will together. But, because Surge had been helping out with Team Rocket he needed to be arrested as well.”

“So, what’s that mean for the Vermillion Gym?” said Salvadore, while Cindy asked, “What are we going to tell Tommy?”

I scratched the back of my head. “Surge said he had been called in on a favour that he built up in the past. He had handed over the gym to his daughter who is called Visquez. As for Tommy? I’m not sure. It might be best to not tell him. It will depend on what Lance mentions in his press conference.”

Yolanda nudged me. “Are you alright?”

“I’m good now, I just had to decompress a bit after the fight. I didn’t go see Surge straight away but I did in the end.”

“Oh, that’s good, but in future, you should tell us about things like this,” Yolanda said. “You should probably also tell Tommy.”

I sighed. “I don’t think he’s mature enough for that conversation. Surge… well he’s complicated,” I said. The other nodded while Cindy merely shrugged.

“He did bad so he needs to be punished. It’s sort of like having a time out going to prison, isn’t it?”

I raised a finger, unsure what to say. On one hand, it was apt and simplistic, but on the other it didn’t delve into the issues that came from spending time around other criminals along with the myriad of factors that made prisons, not nice places to be.

“That… somewhat works.,” I said, deciding to run with that. Cindy looked pleased while Salvadore looked confused.

Yolanda tapped me on the shoulder. “So you’re not going to keep any more secrets? Right?”

I didn’t meet her gaze. “If they’re relevant,” I said.

Yolanda narrowed her eyes at me and grumbled. “Well, at least you’re not very good at keeping secrets,” she said. I felt like she’d shot an arrow into my heart.

Ouch! The truth hurt!

I leaned forward. “Sabrina, my siblings are bullying me,” I said jokingly.

Sabrina raised her doll and made it perform a chopping action at Yolanda. “Be nice to your brother,” said Sabrina.

Ralts giggled at this and Sabrina repeated the action to Cindy and Salvadore who looked amused but unsure why he was being bunched up with my sisters.

Suzie charged back in with a dollhouse and several other dolls and dresses to play just in time for Lance to step out for his press conference.

I stared. Not since the battle against Moltres had I seen him look so unkempt. His eyes had small bags under them and he had tousled hair that wasn’t in his usual casually controlled fashion. His cape hung off him instead of flapping around as he marched to the front of the room.

“Good morning everyone, I’m thankful that you were all able to make it and I apologise for the need to call this press conference,” he said.

President Kruger, Chief Commander Ranger, Police commissioners of both Johto and Kanto, and the rest of the Elite Four filed in behind him.

The appearance of so many highly-ranked officials caused a round of murmurs to break out. The press had to know that something big was going on, but to see it like this merely underlined how important. The atmosphere became much more tense.

Ralts took Suzie by the hand and led her into the next room. I shot Sabrina a nod, that had been smooth.

I raised an eyebrow that Lorelei and Agatha both had pride of place behind him while Bruno and Koga stood on either end. It cast a serious message that the might of the entire pokemon League, both administrative, police, and military might was on display.

With all of them behind him, Lance cleared his throat.

“Last weekend was a momentous occasion for Indigo with the first public Mega-evolution to date in a pokemon fight. Gym Leader Sabrina’s match against Ace trainer Will was an event many in our fair nation tuned in to watch in some manner. Many people called it the match that captured the nation. It was an amazing demonstration of skill and prowess. Sadly it was not the only incident that occurred in Saffron that evening. As everyone is aware Silph Co. the premier supplier of many of the goods that support our nation and that of other nations was attacked by Team Rocket.

“In response to this, I announced the formation of the G-men and designated Team Rocket as terrorists instead of merely criminals. Since then, the League and many others have been extremely busy.”

Lance swept his gaze about the room. “I would like to take this moment to thank the Rangers, the administrative teams in the League, the Gym Leaders, the police, and many, many trainers who have acted in support over the last week. The day after the Saffron situation, as the public is calling it, the League mobilised on a scale unseen in the Indigo League’s history as a nation.”

Lance allowed himself a smile. “I can announce that the results of this mobilisation were an unparalleled success. Thanks to the formation of the new international organisation, the G-men were able to co-ordinate, raid and capture many Team Rocket sites. For the past week, we have been processing these sites.”

“Why hasn’t this been announced before today?” shouted one reporter, unable to hold themselves back.

Lance shot a hand up. “Please, wait until the end of my speech, but to assuage any concerns, the League has been processing Team Rocket and any known affiliates at this time to make sure that no traps or damage can be caused. You will understand what I mean when I discuss Team Rocket’s proliferation throughout our League.”

Around me, my siblings were spellbound. Lance wasn’t displaying any special charisma or using any oratory tricks to draw people in. If anything he was merely monologuing.

Despite that, or perhaps because of the dry method of delivery, the importance of the information was clearly stated.

Lance turned the page, showing that he had a few sheets of paper to get through. “The following sites were uncovered.

“Three sites in Goldenrod, one outside Mahogany Town, one in Blackthorn City, another in Mt Moon’s cave systems, along with others in Gringey and Dark city. All of these were minor sites that were raided.” Stolen from Royal Road, this story should be reported if encountered on Amazon.

Lance looked around the room. “In the process of capturing these facilities and the staff that housed them, more information came to light. Like a garbageman picking up trash only to find a Muk underneath I am sorry to say that the situation was more than I originally anticipated.”

“In the pursuit of justice, we discovered that multiple, pokemon trainers that are held to the highest of regard were secretly Team Rocket Members.”

You could hear a pin drop in the room as everyone leaned forward, ears and microphones poised to pick up what was said next.

“A number of Rangers were discovered to be Rocket plants and they have since been captured and protocols with the Rangers tightened.” Behind Lance, the Chief Commander Ranger nodded firmly.

“Several police officers, along with League officials were likewise detained, and sadly a few notable Gym Leaders have been also arrested.”

Instantly the entire room of reporters were on their feet.

“Which Gym Leaders?” “What assurances do we have that this isn’t just a League ploy to snatch more power for itself?” “Was it Giovanni? Why hasn’t he made any appearances at his usual charity events?”

Lance glared at the room at large and when he spoke his voice came like a whip cracking out over everyone’s heads. “Sit. Down.”

Most people sat while a few defiant reporters held their ground. I had to give them props for weathering Lance’s displeasure.

He glowered at them for a long moment. “If you disrupt me again, I will have you expelled from this conference. This is not how I’m going to allow this to be run. So,” he gestured to the chairs, sit down and allow me to enlighten you,” he said calmly.

The holdouts sat on the edge of their seats.

Lance worked his jaw and seemed to consider the door as though still weighing up whether it was worth the annoyance of having them expelled now. Lorelei stepped up and put a hand on his shoulder. “I understand that this is a provoking topic as all of us have pride in where we have come from. The discovery that multiple Gyms have been supporting a terrorist organisation however is not one that we have taken lightly.”

She gave Lance’s shoulder another squeeze before stepping back. Lance glanced at where her hand had been for a moment before shaking his head. “Lorelei is correct, passions will run hot over this… I am sorry to say that this took many of us by surprise.” Lance adjusted his sheets.

“In order of importance, Grey from Neon City and Haley, the Gym Leader of Florando Town, both are minor Gyms but still part of the circuit. Both of these Gyms have been closed due to how heavily Team Rocket were a part of their structure.”

A few people relaxed in their seats, glad that it was only minor Gyms. Lance sighed loudly. “Of the major Gyms… four had been discovered. These were, Olivine City’s Gym, Cinnabar, Viridian, and finally Goldenrod.”

A chorus of exclamations rang through the room with one man even collapsing out of his seat before sitting up quickly and indicating he was fine.

I watched the shock play out as they learnt that six Gym leaders were involved with Team Rocket. I tilted my head. “He hasn’t mentioned Surge at all,” I said.

Sabrina nodded. “I think he might have something else planned for that. Surge was a different case. Lance may have something planned.” She then pursed her lips. “Also… You shouldn’t underestimate Surge.”

I frowned.

Surge wasn’t being listed amoung the criminals.

It stood out markedly to me, and for anyone in the know, it would also be a notable omission.

What was going on? What games were being played at the League?

Early this morning

Lance felt very pleased with himself. He had done weeks of work in the past few days and surely had done enough to solidify the League for years to come. Now he was ready to have a short nap before the press conference played out later.

Just a small nap. He stood to make for the couch that had so recently become his bed. He lay down and reached for the blanket he had stored underneath it only for the door to ping.

Lance glowered at the door. One day he would learn to perform a ‘Dragons breathe’ to ward off people like this. For now, he had to tap his transceiver and give a terse, “What?” to his receptionist.

“Sir, Howard from accounting has found something that you’ll want to know.”

Lance rubbed his jawline and felt all the stubble there. He’d need to shave before the press conference he noted in the back of his mind. Send him in,” Lance said eventually.

The door swished open a moment later and Howard from accounting strode in. “I shall be quick as I know your time is precious, Champion. I was looking through recent documents from each Gym and I happened upon an acquisition claim from four weeks ago!”

Howard handed over a form and Lance stared at it as his mind slowly recognised number. Numbers in front of zeroes along with a rather passionate description of a tank.

Lance pinched the bridge of his nose. “How long have we known that Surge has a stockpile of weapons and a tank?”

“For four weeks sir, he claimed them through legal methods as the Gym Leader so there was no need to raise concerns, he was in fact acting to deny them from a civilian. In another circumstance, he’d be lauded for his actions.”

Lance groaned. “Where are they?”

Howard coughed delicately.

Lance growled at the ceiling before toggling his transceiver once again.

“Frank here,” came the gruff response along with the picture of a man in prison guard fatigues.

“It’s Lance Frank,” said the aggrieved Champion. He rattled off his authorization codes before gritting his teeth. “I want you to give Surge your transceiver and hang about for the conversation I’m about to have.”

Frank blinked but did as asked after a moment. Surge appeared on the screen and looked far too smug. “Howdy there Champ!” said the giant blond man in prison fatigues.

Lance shot him a look that he hoped would one day be enough to stop a man cold.

Surge merely leered, his grin growing as Lance showed his frustration.

“Come to bargain? Have we?” said the former Vermilion Gym Leader.

Lance wanted to curse but held off. “I want your entire stockpile of weapons and its location.”

Surge just cackled. “Ha! And those sissies think you can’t negotiate with guns! I told them it’s the only way to negotiate!” Surge threw back his head and laughed.

Lance just sighed as he felt a throbbing in his forehead.

I shook my head as Lance revealed that Giovanni, Hannah and Samwise had all been captured while Blaine was at large and considered extremely dangerous.

I could just see the reporters dying to ask questions but the threat of expulsion from the room kept them quiet.

“At this point, Goldenrod will continue to operate but we have secured a temporary Gym Leader in the form of an excellent trainer that has been teaching. Norman’s credentials are second to none when it comes to normal-type pokemon and he will serve until another can be found. Olivine likewise has—”

“Norman is a Hoenn Gym trainer!” shrieked one reporter who had their transceiver out.

Lance snapped his fingers and a pair of Machamp materialised from Bruno to escort the reporter out. “The people have a right to know these facts Champion! Draconic rule will never be accepted!” the man screeched.

Lance rubbed his forehead in annoyance and muttered. “Draconic rule would be so much simpler than this,” he said only to jolt as Lorelei and Agatha both chuffed in amusement, causing him to remember where he was. He glanced down at the microphone that had caught everything he’d said and he sighed.

“I apologise for that statement, it was in poor taste, I can only claim fatigue,” he said. He wet his lips. “Norman is a Hoenn trainer who has been staying in Indigo for a number of years but he is well regarded. He is at the moment a custodian and he understands this. With the current demands that the Gym Circuit is under we need as many Gym Leaders as possible. This was something that Team Rocket had no doubt thought allowed them greater impunity but it will not be the case. While Neon City, Cinnabar Island, and Viridian City will not be operational, other Gyms will remain open.”

Lance shifted another paper. “I would like to mention once again, my thanks to everyone who has been and will continue to be involved in this development. The League may feel weaker due to this chunk that we have had to exercise, but I can only state that sadly this part of ourselves was rotten and it needed to be dealt with before it weakened us further. Instead of things becoming worse I can in fact state that a number of financial stimulus and relief packages will be making their way out thanks to the funds from theft, graft and other illegal incomes that Team Rocket has generated. This will be turned over to the people and companies. Those that have had pokemon stolen from them in the past may now begin calling the League as we have a dedicated staff of hundreds waiting to help reunite stolen pokemon!”

This seemed to be the biggest win for him as he smiled without reserve and seemed lighter.

Lance looked down at the papers and his hand twitched as a frown shot across his face for half a second. Then he looked up and gave a practised smile. “I’ll end the press conference with my thanks once again but especially to the Gym Leaders, Rangers, Police, and also my own Elite four that have strived to be examples. Lorelei, Agatha, Bruno, and Koga were crucial in taking down key targets.”

Lance bowed his head. “Sadly not everyone who took part in the Team Rocket crackdown was able to make it out safely, and to those I can only bid a speedy recovery or express my condolences to those who lost loved ones. Of note, Lt Surge of Vermillion will be stepping down due to injuries sustained. He will be staying in a specialised facility for the care period and will therefore be unable to see the continued success of his Gym. But his daughter, Visquez, however, will be looking after the Gym in his place.”

Lance stared right into the camera. “We wish him a speedy recovery,” he said. Lance swallowed tightly, no doubt forcing down some emotion he didn’t want to show.

Lance sighed, braced himself, and then made a gesture indicating he would now take questions.

The room exploded as reporters began to scream over the top of each other.

“What financial stimulus will be directed to Goldenrod?” “What’s going to happen to the criminals you captured?” “Did you get all of them?” “How could the League allow things to become this bad?” “Are you going to resign as Champion?” “What is going to happen for the trainers that are currently attempting to gain badges for the end-year tournament?” “Three of twelve Gym Leaders for Kanto and another three from Johto?”

Lance took a moment to drink some water before calming things down.

I tilted my head. “Surge made a deal?”

Sabrina nodded her head. “Surge made a deal.”

“Huh, politics,” I said to myself. I could tell Lance didn’t look pleased by doing this but I think I could understand it. Surge must have had something.

I waved a hand towards Lance who was calmly dealing with the reporters that had been, for all intents and purposes, let off the chain. “Well, he’s said a lot without giving away too much.”

Sabrina nodded again. “He has also kept things vague. I noted that he never once mentioned that Giovanni had been the Leader of Team Rocket.”

I nodded along only to frown. “Ah, kids, don’t mention what I told you to anyone, yeah?” I said sternly. “It’s not something to be shared around.”

Yolanda, Salvadore and Cindy all nodded seriously. I relaxed. “Well, there’s probably enough people that know that it has spread about but if Lance is giving out an official press conference he might muddy the water.” I leaned onto my side, watching the event play out.

The door opened and I looked up to find Rachel walking in, her eyes glued to her transceiver as she wandered in and sat on top of Cindy. When her seat squawked and bucked the rainbow-haired woman shot back up. “Oh! Shoot! Sorry Cindy I was just too caught up in this!”

I shot Rachel a look. “I read you into most of this earlier this week though?”

Rachel snorted. “Yeah, and your discussion was way more unvarnished.” She shook her head. Seriously! I can’t tell everything you told me to the public! It’d cause an incident with the League! I’ve been waiting for them to talk first for this very reason! So now I’m going to have to adjust your talking points for next week,” she said.

When I merely blinked, unsure what she was talking about she sighed. “You’re not doing a press conference yourself, it’s just a press release, but Brock… you’re going to be in the public eye. People know you and Lance are close and that you’re strong. If Surge is being listed as injured and even Kong is earning himself some praise?”

Rachel waved a hand towards Sabrina and me. “You two? Indigo’s power couple not being included? Ha!” she said.

“Yeah it’s pretty obvious that we were involved isn’t it?” I said with a laugh, sharing a smile with Sabrina.

“Yup!” Rachel nodded. She then straightened up and pulled out some notes. “So! With that in mind we’re going to play twenty questions hard style!” she said gleefully.

Suzie chose that moment to come back in with Ralts holding her hand. “We’re playing a game?”

Rachel opened her mouth to say no only for a gleam to enter her eyes. “Yes, we’re playing a game! Kids! How would you like to be journalists for the afternoon?”

The kids shot up. “I want to be a fashion reporter!” said Cindy. “Can I ask the science questions?” asked Salvadore. “I shall ask about his romance,” said Sabrina.

I shot her a bemused look. “What? Why? You’re dating me!” I said.

Sabrina merely waved a hand and the cushions that the kids were sitting on rose and arranged themselves into a mock press conference setting. Suzie ran off and dragged back some cardboard and within five minutes the room had changed.

Teddys appeared with fake boom mics and headsets.

Salvadore had found a pair of empty frames to make himself look smarter. Cindy had primped herself up with some toy jewellery. Ralts had her own giant notepad and was scowling fiercely at me. Sabrina looked far too poised for this to be a game.

Rachel was sitting on the couch looking like a host. She looked extremely pleased with herself for coming up with this entire affair.

I was sitting in the middle with a toy mic in front of me.

Rachel grinned. “Let’s take some questions, shall we?” she pointed straight at Sabrina.

Sabrina, with pen poised, locked her gaze with mine. “What do you find most attractive about Sabrina?”

The others oohed and swivelled their heads to me. I huffed. I couldn’t work out whether I liked or hated this game. I blushed, “She’s got many attractive points about her beyond the obvious. Her mind and her body are amazing but pale in comparison to the depths of her heart, she’s an extremely kind individual and I’m fortunate to have her in my life.”

“Oh! Good response!” said Rachel offering up a ten placard as though this was a Contest.

Sabrina gained a pleased look with a faint blush that made me want to kiss her.

I found I liked this game a bit more now.

I could win brownie points!

Cindy coughed. “Why are you still wearing last season’s style?” she said firmly. I blinked, having not expected such a question from her. Was she trying to be a hard-hitting fashion reporter?

“I liked the look and it suited my complexion,” I said easily.

Salvadore adjusted his glasses in what he must have assumed was a nerdy manner. “What factors contribute to the evolution paradox that the environment dictates how certain pokemon evolve?”

Rachel blinked. “I didn’t give you that question?” she said.

Salvaodre preened. “I added to the questions,” he said.

I chuckled. Of course, he added to them.

Cindy perked up and started scribbling as she realised she could ask her own questions.

I started to rattle off my response and found I actually could weigh in a fair amount about how environmental differences changed how pokemon evolved. Sabrina looked very amused. When it was Suzie’s turn she stared hard at the card she’d been given.

Sabrina’s eyes glowed as she supplied Suzie with what was written on there. “When is your favourite time of the year?” said Suzie robotically.

I opened my mouth only for the front door to open and for the rest of my family to enter. They took in the room and Tommy tilted his head. “Are you guys playing a game?”

Rachel’s grin grew and I chuckled.

Somehow I had a feeling that ‘Interview’ would become a popular game for my family.

In a way, it was useful practice and it would give me some warm-up for the next few days when I would very much be in the public eye.

Hopefully, people’s attention would shift to the actual tournament I was taking part in, but then again Lance’s reveal was going to be the biggest reveal of the year.

I considered that thought and added an ‘I hope’ to the end.

When Rachel was done she was very pleased with herself. She closed up her folder and shot me a thumbs-up. “Well, I’ll send out the press statement we worked out but yeah expect people to be hounding you come Monday.” She waved to my family. “You all have a good evening and enjoy the Battlecast match that’s on tonight!” she said as she walked out the door.

I frowned. “Who’s fighting tonight?”

Tommy and Salvadore excitedly shot to their feet. “Steven Stone and Drake!” they shouted excitedly.

I blinked. “Huh, I’d forgotten about him.”