Lance walked along the hallway of Honour, his eyes tracking across the various names and images that had been etched into the black granite.

At the start of the hallway, the Blackthorn’s founder had pride of place with other notable members of the clan having earned their own section along the hall. As Lance walked he travelled forward in time, from hundreds of years ago, featuring wilder times to more modern achieving members of the clan.

When he reached the latest etched plaque he found himself once more reading the information of Claudia, the woman who defied Samuel Oak until she was cast down. She went on to join and lead the Rangers of Johto to keep much of the wilds safer. Next to her a blank space had been prepared.

Many whispered that this would be where his name went.

The first Indigo Champion of the Blackthorn Clan, some said. His name being etched here was all but guaranteed.

He would not have anything written until he retired from society and was in his final years of life. Elder Claudia barely left her home these days. Clair often visited the older woman, sharing what had been occurring about the world and then relaying the woman’s blunt responses back to those interested.

Lance always found it amusing that he was still considered a ‘wyrmling’ according to her. It was a terribly kind term for family while being annoyingly demeaning.


She was the only one who used it, so Lance tolerated it.

Lance put his hand against the blank black granite. It was so highly polished it showed his reflection staring back. Would his Champion status be all that was written about him? Sometimes it was possible to lose the right to a plaque, through poor management or dishonourable conduct. Some of which stood out in their conspicuous absence with ‘blank matte’ sections of the hallways stood testimony to that.

Instead of being lauded and taught with specific visits from the school, people were quietly directed to books in the library where their failings could be quietly reflected upon.

“Still hoping to grow old quickly?” said a voice from behind him.

Lance didn’t turn, instead merely waiting as the other man stepped up behind him. He bore a resemblance to Lance, but that was expected. Today his spikey hair was dyed blonde to highlight his sharp features. These day’s the man had a near permanent scowl as he surveyed the world.

“Bruce,” said Lance casually.


Bruce jutted his chin but Lance continued to hold his silence well aware of how his lack of reaction vexed Bruce.

“Well?” said the man.

Lance hummed. “Merely wondering how I can add to it. I rather feel I have done some good that should be mentioned, but the trick is to continue to strive instead of settling.” Lance replied, subtly jabbing at Bruce’s own position.

Years ago there had been a quiet battle between the two of them. There could be nothing but a fight. Both of them had announced that they desired to become Champion to the Blackthorn clan. Both of them had announced their methods. Lance had decided to emulate and pay tribute to Claudia by working with the Rangers.

Bruce had pushed to become the highest-ranked Ace trainer before making the leap to Elite and then Champion.

They’d had years to develop their teams and their strategies. Lance through his Ranger work, Bruce through the Ace battles.


Then, before either of them could announce their intentions to the world at large, the Elders had allowed them to fight each other.

Lance had won handily, and thus gained the backing of the full support of the Clan for his bid. It was now seen as a wise move, but at the time it had felt… well it had divided the Clan and Lance had retreated into Ranger work from all of his Clan bar Clair, who’d remained his supporter throughout it all.

And now Bruce was stuck, unable to claim the Blackthorn Gym with Clair having taken that over, and unable to challenge Lance without earning censor from the Clan. In his own mind he must think himself trapped, forever required to hold the first rank from the rest of the Indigo Ace trainers.

In truth, Lance begrudged him his freedom. If Bruce wanted he could depart for other regions while Lance would have to rely on others if new pokemon appeared.

Bruce growled. “I’ve been wondering for a while now if you haven’t slumped with your loss to Brock cousin!”

Lance chuckled. “Pride came before the fall, thankful it cost me nothing truly of substance.” Lance turned and locked eyes with Bruce, his aura flaring out to dominate the lesser dragon that dared present itself. “You will find I have only grown stronger of late.”

“Ah, there you two are!” called a familiar voice. Lance broke his staring contest with Bruce, not caring that Bruce straightened smugly as if he’d won a prize for enduring until he could be saved by Clair.

“Clair, Bruce is worried that Brock will be nipping at his heels soon,” Lance said casually.

Bruce spluttered. “I said no such thing!”

Clair rolled her eyes as she drew closer. “Must you two pull the other’s pigtails?”

Both Lance and Bruce huffed and muttered under their breaths. “We haven’t had hair long enough for pigtails for years! Stop bringing that up!”

Clair smiled, her teeth flashing in the dark cavern. “So, you’re worried about Brock Bruce?”

Bruce huffed. “I never said that!”

Lance raised an eyebrow. “So you won’t be asking for evolution restrictions to be lifted for some of your pokemon? To gain another Dragonite perhaps? Or a Kingdra?”

Bruce clenched his fists and inhaled before slowly exhaling. “Stop putting words into my mouth.”

Clair and Lance both waited and Bruce eventually twitched in annoyance. “Alright yes! I did want to petition the Elders for my pokemon roster’s expansion! Brock is advancing up the ranks and he will no doubt be after me, I need access to stronger, more specialised pokemon to counter him!”

Lance grunted. “I will support this Cousin.”

Bruce narrowed his gaze. “Are you sure you want that? I might raise another challenge when my team is adjusted. I will be looking for Kingdra, Trapinch and a Bagon.”Unauthorized reproduction: this story has been taken without approval. Report sightings.

Lance chuckled. “You think I am worried about being challenged? No, if anything I welcome it cousin. By all means challenge me. If you desire I will even set aside time for us to trade pointers.” Lance turned his back to Bruce inspecting the hallway of honour once more. “You will be given the Trapinch and the Kingdra, the Bagon will take too long, I’d turn your attentions elsewhere.”

Bruce continued to frown, unsure of himself but obviously annoyed by the dismissal from his cousin. Eventually, he bowed shallowly. “My thanks… cousin,” he said before stalking further in.

Clair watched him go with a sigh. “You two love to needle each other.”

“Bruce started it,” said Lance plainly, ignoring Clair’s huff of amusement. He turned back to her. “Is something the matter?”

Clair chewed her lip. “Your recent seizure of the Viridian Gym. Were the training manuals for Ground types there? I too would like to ask for a Trapinch to join my team but I also want to look into the optimal conditions and training methods for a ground-dragon typed pokemon.”

Lance sighed. “I sometimes wish you were the one in the top Ace ranking you know?”

“Please, I only know about it because I’ve worked so long as Gym Leader.” Lance gestured and Clair joined him at his side as they moved towards the meeting hall where the Elders had assembled. “Will the League cause any issues with you having that information?” Clair asked.

Lance shook his head. “The League has a copy and much of the information and hidden insights are also being spread around to the universities and professors. There is not going to be an outcry regarding this as so many people will benefit.”

“How positively libertarian of you,” Claire said drolly.

“It makes Indigo stronger for those that know where to look,” Lance commented.

“Like Brock,” Clair pointed out giving Lance a moment to pause. “You know he keeps up to date on a lot of the recent research. Heck, he’s caused some of the discussions at the university level! I hear there are people already fighting over getting seats when he eventually does a presentation at Celadon!”

“Brock is not my enemy,” Lance said. “I’ve come to realise that.”

“It doesn’t look that way to a lot of people,” replied Clair.

Lance raised an eyebrow. “Are you one of those people?”

“No.” Clair continued to walk.

When they reached the walkway spanning over the dragon grotto where the Clan’s Dratini liked to frolic she sighed. “I… somewhat understand that you have a good read of Brock. Others though, they see him rising up the ranks of the Ace leaderboard and they worry. He’s beaten you once—” Clair was quick to raise her hands to show she wasn’t voicing her own thoughts, merely paraphrasing others. “—and there is always going to be temptation for him to do it again. It doesn’t help that he will be well-positioned to beat Lorelei. You’d be reliant on Bruno.”

Lance continued to walk for a moment in reflective silence, pausing only to acknowledge the Gyarados and Dragonairs about the cave. A few were twisted around statues of their own forms or lying in the few spots of artificial heat lamps that were set up specifically for the pokemon’s enjoyment. You wouldn’t find a Dragonite here, not unless the meeting that was taking place was of the utmost secrecy.

Today’s meeting did not require such measures. It was not for the public, that went without saying, but no extra measures would be needed. Lance wondered where his starter was right now. Perhaps he was flying with a trio of his friends? Or lounging near the Lake for Rage? He’d found some amusing pictures on the poknet of the family that lived near the lake catching sight of his roster of dragonites.

Soon enough his Salamance would no doubt join the Dragonite on their adventures.

Eventually, Lance spoke up, “Uncle has so little faith sometimes that it hurts,” he said referencing Clair’s father and the likely instigator of this conversation.

Clair sighed and nodded.

Lance hummed. “I am rather repeating myself. Brock’s goal is not to become Champion, neither is Sabrina’s for that matter. I’d welcome them both as members of my Elite Four but both have their reasons to not desire it.”

“Sabrina…” Clair said. “She’s someone the Elders are clucking about more.”

“They would, as they had previously thought her merely strong, but not at an Elite level. Suddenly the decision to push Agatha out of the Elite Four is looking very short-sighted. I will have to advocate for Karen with her Dark type specialty.”

Clair gained a pinched expression. “She… hasn’t made herself very popular with her demolition of most of the other Gyms in Johto.”

“Your own match was rather spirited if I recall,” Lance said teasingly.

“I would have had her if her Gengar hadn’t faked me out so well!” snapped Clair.

Lance merely chuckled only to stop before the sliding paper door to the meeting hall. He inhaled and drew himself up. Next to him Clair stepped back slightly and adjusted his cape. He shot her a smile and a nod before sliding the door open and marching in to claim his customary position on one side of the hall at the front, facing the Elders of the clan as the lead representative of the next generation.

Bruce was to his left as Clair claimed her seat to his right. Lance raised his gaze towards the Head Elder who sat across from him.

One of the matrons cackled. “Oh, it looks like the young one’s blood are up!”

Bruce, Lance and Clair all scoffed and threw their heads in annoyance, a trained response that caused smiles to break out from the Elders.

The head elder merely hummed his approval, his eyes running over all before him. “This meeting was called to order with regard to the clan’s path forward in light of the recent revelation of Team Rocket.”

That had everyone sitting up straight and being serious. Lance sighed. It didn’t matter these days if he was acting in his capacity as Leader of the next generation of Blackthorns, or as the Champion. It seemed his days were destined to be locked in meetings.

Still, that didn’t mean he wasn’t advancing his objectives.

The Indigo-wide police force had gained a huge, and importantly, an early victory for them had done much to gain the G-men traction and acceptance. The public and the people in power knew his idea worked.

He had the momentum now and he planned to initiate some more changes.

It was therefore important that he reflect on the successes and blemishes of his clan. He wanted to be a name locked in stone when he finally laid down his burden. His deeds would be an inspiration, not a cautionary tale.

“Let us begin—” he said bringing everyone's attention to himself. He had much to do and the drive to do it.

When the general summation of events was laid out Lance moved on to the first issue. “Foire is agreeing to allow the G-men access by setting them up as part of their ranger force. The island nations are also starting to agree making this a huge win for Indigo. I expect Steven will hold out until he gains more advantages for himself though.”

This earned a round of derisive snorts.

Lance nodded and glanced around. When no one had any comments he moved to the second topic. “The expeditionary forces are combing through the routes that Team Rocket revealed and a lot of them seem to be extremely high risk with migration paths crossing over. We can use them but it will cost many, many lives.”

This earned a round of murmurs. “Which regions did they have access to beyond Sinnoh?” asked one of the elders.

Lance hummed. “Orre is mentioned but the routes are never clear on this. There is quite a lot of contradictory information which our analysts in the League believe to mean that Team Rocket has a lot of infrastructure in Orre. Finding it is another matter.” Lance drummed his fingers on the ground.

“What other regions are out there that we need to be aware of, I have access to some League information but it is redacted.” Lance swept his gaze to one elder in particular. “I need to know more of what is out there,” he said.

“Elder Librarian,” prompted the Head Elder. “What do we know of the regions that have been lost to us?”

The Elder Librarian bowed and when he rose his voice croaked forth. “There are a great many regions that have been lost to us through the power of the Legendary pokemon, such is their power." The man bowed again, and around the room others copied him.

He straightened once again and smacked his lips, preparing for a long lecture no doubt. "The main regions that you will need to be aware of are Unova, Kalos, Sinnoh, and Fellum. Unova more than any other region you must learn of, they were the great conquerors and where many historians, those that still have access to pre-war texts, believe were the great instigators.”

Lance sat, and not for the first time felt glad that he was part of a greater structure. The League, as great as it was, didn’t have the history of the Blackthorn clan. With both, he hoped to do great things.

“I welcome whatever you can teach me,” he said.

Even if that meant he had to endure meetings and lectures from many older people.