I woke up the next morning to a room that I was only slightly familiar with. The feeling of the body pressing into me was much more familiar, however, and did wonders for keeping me calm.

Until I remembered what we’d done last night when Sabrina had sent Ralts out for an hour or so. I was suddenly much more awake.

“No, I’m sleeping,” Sabrina murmured before I got the chance to even reach for her. Ralts murmured something and wormed her way closer into Sabrina’s arms.

I chuckled and stood. “I need to go to the bathroom anyway.” Sabrina made a gesture towards the hallway. I put on my shirt to cover myself and made my way to the toilet. It was only after flushing and washing my hands that I remembered Sabrina’s parents.

Or, more specifically, Sabrina’s mother.

She blinked at me, her eyes sliding down my body before glancing back up. “Good morning!” she said, sounding like she was testing the sound of the words.

“Morning,” I replied, deciding to just go with the flow.


Sabrina’s mother tilted her head. “Did you stay the night?” she asked. I decided to nod. Would it have been better or worse to say I came over just now? After a moment’s sluggish thought, I decided it might be worse.

Sabrina’s mother nodded. “Oh, that’s good... I’ll make breakfast!” she said before trotting away.

Before I could stop myself, I spoke up. “Do you want my help?” I said, more due to habit than any actual desire to do so.

“Oh, that might be nice!” she replied, leaving me in a lurch. She flicked her eyes back down. “Maybe put some pants on first?”

"Right,” I said, hurrying back to grab my pants, suddenly glad that I at least wore underwear to bed. I stepped in and pulled on my pants. “Sabrina! Your mother was out there!”

Sabrina opened a single eye and peered at me. “Yes? She lives with me?” she said as though it were obvious... which it should have been.


I huffed at her. “We need to get you a room with a private ensuite.”

Sabrina’s eyes glowed. “Why? I can just teleport into the bathroom when I need it?”

I huffed and tapped her on the nose. “I can't, though, and I don’t think I should wander around in the morning like that.”

“Hmmm, don’t worry, you have very nice legs,” Sabrina said, then she sat up and eyed me. And your abs and your chest are very nice.”

“That’s not what I meant,” I said, deciding if I wanted to shield my body from her gaze before shaking the idea away.

“I know,” she said simply, her eyes glowing as I pulled on some jeans before opening the door.


A short shriek of fear had me stiffening up before Sandra called out. “Sabrina! If you’re going to help out, remember what we talk about! No doing it from your bedroom!”

Sabrina grumbled and rolled over. I chuckled and shot Ralts a look as she copied Sabrina in grumbling and turning to face away from the light. “I’ll give you both another half hour?”

The lights I’d turned on to find my clothes flicked off in answer. I turned and walked out with a smile, more than happy to help with breakfast. When Saul wandered in minutes later, he smiled at his wife, frowned, and then grimaced as he realised someone else was with her.

“Brock,” he said.

“Saul,” I replied.

He worked his jaw back and forth for a moment. “Saw your match the other day.” Sandra shot him a reproachful look, but he kept looking at me.

I put down the knife I’d been using to slice bread. Then I nodded slowly. He twitched when he noticed I had something sharp in my hands. “It was a horrible thing what that Will did!” he rushed to say.

I snorted. “Yeah, that’s true. Still, a draw isn’t the worst result, as people have been telling me.” I chewed that over. “I just wish I could force him into a rematch.”

Sandra glanced at me. “Why haven’t you?”

“Well,” I said, turning that thought around in my head for a bit. “Mostly because, outside of his challenges, he is rather elusive. He comes and goes with his ability to Teleport, so chasing him isn’t really feasible… Not that I want to do that…”

I sighed and shook my head. “At that point, I think that I’d be giving him more attention than he truly deserves. The media ask when he’s going to have a rematch with me enough to make it clear people still want it. So yeah, he kind of has to come back and face me if he really wants to advance, but I’m thinking of forcing the issue by reaching the mid-season Ace tournament.”

Saul blinked. “Won’t that require a lot of time spent fighting Ace trainers?”

I nodded. “Things are starting to calm down a bit.” I shrugged. "Honestly, I was hoping Surge would pull him up short.”

Saul nodded. “We thought the same when he challenged Surge. Seems Surge has lost his edge.”

I nodded. “He thought so as well, but… well, he knows now what he needs to do to get it back. And I know he’s going to come back stronger.”

Saul and Sandra grimaced. “Surge? Training again? Oh dear, people will think he’s arming up again for war.”

I flicked my eyes over both Saul and Sandra. I took special note of their grey hairs. “You both would have been around back then; what did—”

“We don’t like talking about it, Brock,” Sandra said with a tone that let me know she would not be talking about this, full stop. I blinked in surprise. Usually, Sandra was a quiet and calm woman; I’d never heard her speak up like this.

I nodded, deciding it was perhaps for the best not to ask a pair of psychics what they might have done during a war that they would have been in the midst of. If what Sabrina could do with reading memories was useful for criminals...

I clapped my hands. “Right, well, I have confidence that he’s going to be stopped before he can achieve his actual goals,” I said, bringing the subject back to what we were talking about.

Saul nodded and mouthed a thank you to me before resting his eyes on Sandra, who had begun wiping down an already clean bench.

“You think Erika will have a chance?” Saul said.

It was my turn to grimace. “I respect Erika; she is an incredible Gym Leader…” I shifted my head back and forth. “But I’m not so confident in her battling skills.”

“She will surprise you,” said Sabrina as she walked into the room.

Saul blinked. “Ho? Have you foreseen something, Sabrina?”

Sabrina shook her head. “I don’t focus solely on what I can foresee; it is no way to live, I have learned.” Sabrina smiled at me while she said this, leaning in and kissing me on the cheek. I kissed her back and settled in on the kitchen bench with her family.

Saul nodded. “I’m glad to hear that.” He tilted his head. “What gives you such confidence in your friend Erika?”

“It is because she is my friend,” Sabrina replied. “She and I have spent a lot of time together. Alakazam and I have been training her on some of her pokemon’s psychic moves, but she has in turn been challenging me. Will is going to be in for a surprise when he fights her. She is not some simple flower he can ignore.”

“I notice you haven’t said she will win,” Saul said. Sandra swatted him, and he stiffened. “I mean! Good for you! Backing up your friend like that!”

Sabrina rolled her eyes and accepted a cup of tea from me. “I’m better than I was; I have lots of friends now, mother and father,” she said drollly.

“But I think she has a chance of beating him. Surge… He was overconfident in his strength. He tried his known method of blitzing with speed and power, which doesn’t work as well against a psychic trainer that knows how to use their pokemon.”

Saul nodded at that. “He wouldn’t have had a lot of experience against trainers like us, merely the trainers that we work with. There hasn’t been a true master... well, since you, Sabrina,” Saul said proudly.

Sabrina smiled and inclined her head. “My thanks, but I think I still have a lot to learn.” She rubbed a thumb along a scar I had on the back of my arm, and I put my hand over hers.

She didn’t really blame herself for not holding back everything Moltres threw at us, did she? I squeezed her hand.

“That’s a good attitude to have!” Saul proclaimed.

I chuckled at how he’d missed the subtext but nevertheless supported his daughter. It was a sign that things were better around her. I glanced over to Sandra and found her looking at my arm thoughtfully. Hmmm.

I decided to leave that alone and instead indicated the food Sandra and I had been working on.

A few minutes in, Sandra tilted her head. “Why are you keeping some food aside, Brock?” I glanced down and chuckled.

Sabrina giggled. “He has been trained by Munchlax.”

“That’s not it!” I said. “I taught him to behave with treats of food from my plate!”

Sabrina lifted her cup of tea. “Whatever you tell yourself. Sometimes training doesn’t just impact the recipient.” I couldn’t refute that, so I grumbled and ate the food I usually left aside for Munchlax.

Sabrina dropped me back home, where I was promptly ambushed by my siblings throwing themselves at me. When I was done with most of them, I nodded to Yolanda.

“You missed training this morning?” she asked.

I shook my head. “I had myself scheduled for a rest day.”

“Oh…” she said, tilting her head.

I could see she didn’t understand, so I tapped the side of my head. “Sometimes it’s best to give the body, mind, and spirit time to not be under stress. This allows for a full recovery and also increases your rate of growth instead of tapering off or plateauing.”

“Huh,” Yolanda said.

I ruffled her hair. “Go play some games with Terra and the others.” I considered that. “Speaking of, later, let’s go bowling!”

Sabrina stiffened. “Brock, last time we went bowling in Hoenn…”

I coughed. “Maybe the team will be calmer about it?” Sabrina raised a dubious eyebrow.

Yolanda looked from me to Sabrina. “OH! Tell me! What happened?” She grinned. “Did Brock get upset because you used your psychic abilities?”

“No, I played as the rules state without interference with the ball once it had left my hand.”

I snorted at that, and Sabrina narrowed her eyes. “Bertha got us banned for life from the bowling alley.”

“Maybe Pewter will have stronger bowling alleys?” I offered.

Sabrina shook her head, and Yolanda vibrated in place. “We so have to do it! I’ll call the girls; they can join in; this sounds like it will be hilarious.”

I grumbled at that but waved her off. "Sabrina, we best check in with the others,” I said, nodding to my room. Sabrina inclined her head, and we locked the door before pulling out the Guardian holopad.

Sabrina paused on the texts that I’d been reading before making the call. “Mega-evolution, and Gigantamax/Dynamax.” She scrolled down. “You’ve been looking into pokemon power-ups? What is Gigantamax?”

I nodded. “I have been looking into the historical texts about Mega-evolutions. Turns out there had been incidents of Mega-evolution during the war, or more specifically several from then Gym Leaders. Did you know that the Cerulean sister’s Grandfather once fought off an invasion force with his Gyarados? People witnessed it from afar and noted that a mountain got destroyed, which interestingly enough is where the pokedex entry comes from.”

“A mountain?” she said dubiously.

I pinched my fingers together. “Small one, that was more of a cape that was slated to fall into the ocean in a few years from what I read, but it still displayed a lot more power than people thought Gyarados were capable of.”

“And they never witnessed Gyarados mega-evolving again?” she asked as she continued to read through the reports that had been compiled about the battle.

I shook my head. “Apparently Patrick never left Cerulean City after that, but Cerulean also became an area no one was willing to attack after that day. I’d probably need to talk to someone from that generation to learn more about it.”

“Agatha or Oak then,” Sabrina said before switching the holopad into call mode. When the call was picked up all of the Guardians were present, along with a bespectacled man.

“Gym Leaders! Battle Pike,” he said.

“Everyone, this is Jacque, the local leader of our group in Vermillion, he was part of the observation team during Gym Leader Surge’s match with Will,” Agatha said.

The man inclined his head. “Wonderful to be working with you all; usually we just supply information and aren’t called into meetings like this!”

I frowned. The inclusion of another member, albeit a man who worked in support of the Guardians meant something had to have happened.

“Was anything observed during the match?” I prompted.

Jacques nodded his head. And an image was displayed. “Yesterday at eighteen-fifty-six, towards the end of the match between Surge and Will, a pokemon appeared in the skies above Vermillion. It was high up in the sky and the only reason we have pictures of it is thanks to the team that works in the observatory on route eleven. They have a wide scope telescope that was requisitioned into a lower angle than normal.”

I hummed as the image was a much higher quality than I would have expected. “I’m surprised you have such quality photos from a telescope.”

“Well… the telescope wasn’t always used to pick up images of the night sky. It was a long-range observation site during the war, and this gives it a wide range of capabilities. The League knows of it, but it hasn’t ever been decommissioned.” Jacques coughed into his fist. “Just in case.”

“How does Team Rocket not know about this?” I asked.

“The list of what Kanto, or rather… Indigo, has at its disposal is a tightly guarded state secret. Even inquiring about it at the League draws attention. Slipping some facilities off the books is one thing; knowing what is and isn’t still functional is another,” Agatha said.

I raised a hand. “Wouldn’t Blaine know?”

“Blaine would have some idea, but he is not one to share without gaining something significant in return. He also has certain countermeasures from long-range observation beyond the typical dark emitters. Where he built his battlefield and Gym for example. The caldera and shadow of a volcano are not places that can easily be watched.”

I nodded and turned back to the images we now had of Mewtwo. Karen leaned forward and narrowed her eyes. “So that’s the pokemon that almost did you and Koga in huh?”

“Silence girl! You reveal how foolish you are with every word! That pokemon is obviously powerful beyond the norm!” Agatha snapped, causing Karen to lean back and raise her hands to defuse the older woman.

Agatha inclined her head toward Jacques. “Thank you for bringing this to our attention. You have assisted us wonderfully.” Jacques inclined his head again and disconnected from the call.

Agatha waved her cane at the camera. “The armour is an interesting touch. Perhaps it is a Steel psychic like Metagross?”

I shook my head. “I didn’t witness it using any Steel-type moves during its fight against Moltres and a Steel typing would have been a terrible match-up in any event. It was able to fight it for a little while before escaping. Would Giovanni have sent a pokemon with a known type weakness against another?”

Agatha shook her head. “You are correct, Brock. Which makes me wonder about the armour.”

“Perhaps it’s body armour Giovanni had his pokemon wear? Perhaps it has a number of monitoring systems and communication channels?” I offered up. I suspected it was merely to add an air of mystery around Mewtwo, but i couldn’t be sure with Giovanni. There had to be a reason for it beyond that, right?

Koga stroked his chin. “If there are communication channels being used to relay orders… there might be video feeds as well.”

Janine straightened. “There might also be a chance to pick up the signal!”

Sabrina nodded. “If we can trace it, we will know where this pokemon is, along with its base of operations.”

Agatha inclined her head. “It only appeared when Surge was fighting back towards the end of the match. I imagine that Will thought himself capable enough until Surge had him on the back foot.”

I straightened up, knowing this might be the break we needed to lock Will down.

Sadly, Agatha shook her head. “I have gone through the recording of the match with a fine-toothed comb and a number of analysts, and unlike Brock’s match there is nothing suspicious.”

Karen grunted at that. "Huh, I wouldn’t have guessed that you were stronger than Surge.”

I snorted. “I think there’s a lot of ways Surge could still school me,” I said easily, holding in the scowl I wanted to show. Damn, it had seemed like we’d been close!

Koga nodded, and for a moment, his lips twitched upwards. “Good, the enemy of progress is complacency. Know yourself.”

Janine nodded along with her father’s comments.

I smiled at them both. “Right, so we have a chance of this pokemon appearing whenever Will is on the ropes right?”

I drummed my fingers on the table. “It’s damned annoying that he runs off when he does, if we could catch him in the open I could offer him a rematch and force Rocket to act.”

Karen made a humming noise. “A better option would be for me to tweak his nose. We’re both making a bid for Elite Four after all and we’ll have to butt heads eventually.”

Agatha leaned back in consideration. “That… is not a terrible idea. Both Brock and Karen have legitimate reasons to offer him a challenge. He can weedle his way out of facing you Brock, having already fought you… but pressure could be applied…”

Agatha nodded. “We will have a whisper and media campaign run to set it up so it is considered reasonable. Karen, I want you to make an appearance at the next match he has in Celadon. We’ll offer you up as bait and see if he’s willing to bite.”

Karen nodded her head.

Agatha rubbed her chin. “Erika… we will see about offering her some more support as she is on the weak side as a Gym Leader.”

“I think she’ll surprise you,” said three voices. Sabrina smiled at me while I flicked my eyes to Janine, who’d also spoken up.

Koga gave Janine a considering look as Sabrina spoke up, “I have been working with Erika to increase her skills.”

Janine coughed into her fist sheepishly. “As have I.”

Koga nodded. “Good work,” he said simply. Janine straightened a pleased smile on her face at the faint praise.

Agatha chuckled before waving a hand. “Very good indeed! I think that will help her a good deal. Perhaps the flower maiden will have some thorns eh?”

Karen huffed and rolled her eyes. “That’s all good and well but we need to make sure that this pokemon that is supporting Will doesn’t just hide up in the sky again. That will limit us.”

“We need to choose the battlefield,” Koga said.

“What if we made sure the match was performed in the day? Erika’s Gym has an open roof, so people could ride their pokemon. Maybe we have a few of ours up there flying around.”

“That… could work, it will force this pokemon into either close quarters in one of the surrounding buildings, or the Gym itself. We will have people roaming about.”

“If it is in the Gym or the building, as long as I am close, I might be able to detect it,” Sabrina said.

“I will have a number of ghosts filter through the area, in the days before the match. This will allow us more of our channelers and priests throughout Celadon,” Agatha said.

I hummed. “We might need to do some training for fighting indoors.”

“If we do end up fighting that pokemon, it won’t be indoors for long. We will nevertheless fight in pairs. Karen, I would suggest you meet with Brock, Sabrina, and Lucy so you can train on this. Janine, Agatha, or I will schedule a time that one of us can be present for later this week.”

“The shortstuff?” Karen said dismissively.

Janine bristled at the insult, but Koga merely put a hand on his daughter’s shoulder. “She has been trained,” he said simply.

“Well,” I said, deciding to defuse the tension. “We’ll be in her care.” I nodded my head, and Janine perked up once again. It would be interesting to train in this manner. I was used to doubles matches or large throwdowns. Having to work with someone other than Sabrina would be an experience. I might also talk with Surge about setting something up; he was a wellspring of knowledge that I shouldn’t ignore.

“Anything else to discuss?” Koga asked the group. Lucy made sure to ask for more training, which was seen as a good thing. I pinged Agatha to let her know this was more specifically about something to do with her. “That young trainer you recommended? A.J.? He’s settling in well; he's very rough on the edges, but I can see that he has a lot of potential.”

Agatha smiled fondly. “Ah, that little brat used my recommendation? Hah! He would have had to bend his pride for that!”

I tilted my head. “Was he not the person you wanted me to look into for possible aura training?” I asked.

Agatha huffed. “I saw he had the potential, but I never expected him to bend.”

I grimaced. “I think the reality of how big the world was forced his hand.”

"Hmpf, good. I leave it up to you to decide if you teach him Aura of course,” Agatha said dismissively.

“If he wasn’t the apprentice you had in mind, who was?” I asked with a frown.

Agatha waved her head. “The man in question has gone wandering into the wilds. I don’t expect to see him again. Don’t let it bother you.” I nodded slowly and decided to drop the topic. After that, we discussed some other pointers before signing off.

I tucked the Holopad away and lay back on the bed. "Hmmm, do you think Erika can beat Will?”

“She has a shot,” Sabrina said seriously.

I grunted at that. “What do you want to do now?” I asked. “I have nothing planned this afternoon.”

Sabrina cocked an eyebrow at me. “You need to book the bowling alley, and your family wants to spend time with you before that. So—” she patted me on the head and flicked her eyes down, “—down boy.”

I chuckled and sat up to give her a kiss, which did nothing to settle me down. She pushed herself off and shook her head at me before opening the door and walking down the hall.

I took a few minutes to calm down, during which I called and booked out the bowling alley before joining her.

“So what are we playing?” I said to the kids.

“Dragonslayer!” shouted the boys.

I chuckled. “I think I can—”

“No!” shouted Suzie, stopping me in my tracks. “You can be the princess! Munchlax is the Dragonslayer!”

I glanced over and found Munchlax wearing a cardboard helmet with horns on the side. He waved a packet of cheese and biscuits at me. I glanced over at Sabrina. “And her?”

“She’s the good witch of the…” Suzie glanced at Sabrina, who mouthed something to Suzie. “West!” said Suzie firmly.

I sighed and got into the game. It wasn’t the weirdest game we’d ended up playing. When Munchlax saved me, I had to give him a friendly high five as his reward followed by some more cheese for the ‘injuries’ he sustained during the battle with the mighty Dragon, who had been played by Terra.

After that, I clapped my hands. “Alright! Who wants to go bowling with me and my pokemon team?”

Sabrina raised her hand which prompted most of the girls to join the boys. Flint rubbed his chin. “Well, I might stay here and clean things up, get dinner on an—” Nanny Grav shook her head as she started pushing him towards the door.

I laughed. “We can order out tonight.”

Flint eventually accepted this and joined us as we walked to the bowling alley. On the way through the gym, I picked up Greta and A.J., with Crystal joining us on the way there.

Both of the girls huddled up to Yolanda to chat while A.J. awkwardly made conversation with Salvadore. When we arrived the woman behind the counter called a group of assistants to fit out my family.

She then turned back to me. “Will any pokemon be joining you today?” she asked.

Before I got the chance to respond, a few of my team popped out of their pokeballs. I’d asked the pokemon in the reserve, and four had indicated they wanted to play. These being Bertha, Titan, Sanchez, and Izumi. Bertha pointed at herself and nodded excitedly.

“Alakazam!” shouted Sabrina’s starter, indicating himself, Hypno, Ralts, and Mr Mime. Hypno narrowed its eyes at Bertha and warbled something that had Bertha grinning.

I coughed to hide a laugh. Oh dear, this might end up just like Hoenn.

“We’ll separate the pokemon from the kids, right?” Flint said worriedly.

The woman chuckled. "Alright, but in our experience, kids tend to do more damage.” She offered up some elastic socks with smooth bottoms for the pokemon.

My pokemon lined up against Sabrina’s and they eyed each other. Then Bertha turned to her ‘team’ and started speaking. “Rhy! Rhy-pherior! Rhy! Or!” she said, nodding her head.

This caused her team to bark their own names.

From Sabrina’s side of things, Hypno spoke up.

I tapped Sabrina on her shoulder. “Are they giving pep talks?”

Sabrina nodded. “They really enjoyed Hoenn and have wanted to do this for a while.” Sabrina eyed the alley. “It seems more sturdy, so I think we might not get banned this time. That, or hopefully, they’ll let us pay them off.”

I huffed and decided to ignore the pokemon palming their way through the bowling balls to get one that would fit their digits or could be held easily enough in their grip. I noticed that Bertha just grabbed the heaviest while Titan toyed with the patterns.

Terra waddled over and sat herself down to watch the game. I turned back to my own family and set up the scorecards on two different alleyways. Then I glanced over to Yolanda’s group. “You got yours set up?” I asked.

The girls gave me a thumbs-up while Salvadore and A.J. looked worried.

“Spike? That’s not my name!” A.J. said as Crystal bequeathed everyone nicknames. “And why are you Lord Megadoom!?”

“Because the computer won’t let me put in anything bigger!” Crystal replied.

I decided to ignore that as well and merely focus on helping line up the rolling ramp for Tilly and Billy. When it was my turn to bowl, I hurled my ball down and was pleased at the release. It looked good with how it was running straight… only to turn at the last second.

I turned and shot Sabrina a fixedly unimpressed look.

She gave me an innocent look. “Everything’s fair in love and war.”

Flint raised a finger. “Uhm… actually there are...”

Sabrina turned her gaze upon him as she raised a clenched fist. “I’m going to beat you all at this game.”

Suzie hopped up and put her fists on her hips. “Oh no, you’re not!” she pointed firmly, copying the pose Bertha had used earlier to point imperiously down at the pins that would dare defy her. “Brock, set up my bowling ramp!” she commanded.

I rolled my eyes. “No! I still have another turn!” I said firmly.

I shot Sabrina a less-than-amused look and selected another pokeball coloured bowling ball. I then pulled up dark energy and infused it into my bowling ball before throwing it down the lane.

This time I got a perfect strike. I pumped my fist and pointed at Sabrina. She clapped lightly and I settled next to her. “You’re lucky you’re beautiful and I know you’re joking,” I said, kissing her on the cheek.

When it was her turn, I channeled some rock energy and stomped my foot, causing Sabrina to slip. She shot me a furious look, but it didn’t stop her from getting a strike. When I next went up, I infused dark energy into all the bowling balls to stop her cheating.

From there, things were a little more even.

I ended up flubbing a few throws as I overthought my technique, and Sabrina wasn’t able to glide her balls in perfectly. Not that she didn’t at least get a spare every time. I suspected she was nudging the pins with her mind now.

“Hypno!” yelled Hypno, causing me to look away from helping Billy roll his ball down the lane to look up and find Bertha pretending to whistle innocently while Hypno pointed at some broken pins at the end of the lane. Huh, I thought to myself, wondering if she’d lobbed the bowling ball rather than rolled it.

A horrible thumping noise in the ball return soon revealed itself to be a tightly curled Izumi. She unclenched herself and gave Bertha a thumbs up. Hypno rounded on Alakazam, who appeared to have a rulebook out. Alakazam scratched the back of his head and eventually shrugged, causing Hypno to fall to his knees in despair.

Apparently, there wasn’t a rule that you couldn’t be the ball and the competitor as well?

I watched Bertha continue to roll Izumi down the lane for the rest of that particular match to get a perfect three hundred. I rather enjoyed watching Bertha pirouette up to the line like a delicate ballerina before throwing Izumi in an underhand lob at the pins.

Izumi herself scored three hundred by rolling herself down the lane.

Titan and Sanchez both refused to use Izumi as their bowling ball and instead opted for a more traditional toss.

When I looked up at the staff, they were merely watching, not at all bothered by the wrecked pins. Huh, good to know they were a relaxed crew. The pokemon finished their own game much faster than we did, and soon were crowding around the various groups, giving their support. Bertha approached me with a huge grin and a scorecard, which she proudly brandished.

“Good to see our pokemon will be able to come back again,” I said to Sabrina. I gave Bertha a pointed look. “Unlike last time!” Bertha stuck her tongue out at me for that and I chuckled.

Sabrina nodded. “It helps that Bertha learned the rules before coming.”

Bertha adopted a wounded expression and put her massive hand on her chest.

I waggled my hand back and forth. "Nah, I think accuracy was the main issue last time.”

Yolanda blinked before tilting her head. “Did she do much damage?”

I nodded. “Yeah, she almost brained the manager of the bowling alley with a bad toss.”

Bertha rubbed the back of her head as Titan and Alakazam laughed at the reminder.

“Twice,” Sabrina supplied stoically. “She almost brained him twice.” Bertha sheepishly shrugged her shoulders before trying to ‘coach’ my younger siblings on how to toss the ball down the lane.

When everything was done, Cindy was declared the best of the kids with a score of one hundred and thirty.

Flint somehow was outscored by Munchlax much to the children’s amusement, as Munchlax didn’t really understand what was going on but he liked throwing the ball and knocking pins over. I think Sabrina might have rewarded his enthusiasm with a few random strikes, not that she gave anything away.

Crystal topped her group with the highest score, but I think that had more to do with her catcalling and sledging them than actual skill at bowling on her part. Bertha highly approved of this and clapped the smaller girl on the shoulder.

A.J. looked furious, while Salvadore was blushing terribly.

I tapped Sabrina on the side. “Should I be worried about that?” I said, indicating the girls smiling and the boys looking like they’d been ambushed.

“No more than usual,” Sabrina said without missing a beat.

I turned my head away. Alright, I wasn’t going to pry, they could sort it out themselves. It’d be educational… for most of them. But mostly the boys.

When we made our way back to the Gym I clapped Yolanda and A.J. on the shoulder. “Training tomorrow morning?” I reminded.

They nodded seriously, and I winked. Tomorrow might see things return to the grind. But the grind was starting to pay dividends. It was slow and methodical, but it was guaranteed.

The trick was keeping an eye out for any opportunities.

Still, that didn’t mean I didn’t send Lance a message with images of Mewtwo hovering above Surge’s gym. I also made it very clear that if he needed me for any rocket base raids, all he had to do was ask.

Until I got a chance to take a proper swing at them, I was going to focus on getting stronger.