“So you’re the leader of the local chapter of the Bug Catcher Club?” I asked as I led the group of young boys. There was also a single girl who had happily entangled one of her arms with one of the boys while walking through the Gym with Dennis and Yolanda.

I noticed more than a few furtive glances at the couple from the rest of the group but decided to leave that for the playground drama that it was.

“Y-yes!” squeaked the boy, who was apparently the leader. He looked a little sick as we walked.

“You alright there Johnny?” I asked, more than familiar with the look of a kid that was about to throw up.

“I’m fine! Just fine!” he said tightly.

I decided to let him be and instead turned to Bugsy, who’d asked for this. “So, we didn’t get a chance before, but were there any areas of the match that stood out as good or bad?”

Bugsy coughed. “I forgot some of the typings of pokemon I was facing and made a tactical error… a few times due to that.”


“You regathered quite nicely. If I'm being honest, the speed of some of your orders could stand to be faster as well. I’m impressed with some of the moves you have access to with your pokemon team, by the way. Shell Smash and Power Split were also good strategies to utilise.”

I glanced back to Dennis, “Still no word on that Shuckle bounty?”

Dennis coughed. “A beverage company lost their stock and have been paying top dollar to replace their providers.”

I blinked at that and said, “Huh, not what I was expecting. That’s a shame.”

“You’re looking to add a bug pokemon to your team?” Bugsy said excitedly.

I nodded easily. “Gawain is the most prominent of my pokemon. I’m sure everyone noticed when I announced I was getting him. It was a bit of a whimsical purchase on my part, but… well, Scythers are just so cool.”


That got the group to nod along happily, and I caught Yolanda giggling at their antics. More than a few of them seemed to twitch when they remembered she was there, suddenly getting more shy in her presence.

Yolanda noticed this and joined the excited group. “Gawain is super cool! Brock named him after the old historical knights, and he lives up to it all the time as this super gallant pokemon! Wasn’t his showing against Will incredible?”

“Yeah! I loved it when he avenged Knight and chopped that Jynx in the throat!” shouted one boy. I felt a dark satisfaction at recalling that particular moment.

Yeah, that had been satisfying.

“Well, yes…” Yolanda said with a slightly perturbed expression. Oh damn, I was probably smiling a touch too wide.

I coughed and stopped smiling. “But yes, I’m interested in building up the Rock-Bug type pokemon I have with me. To assist with that we have assistants from both Professors Oak and Elm on hand to monitor the pokemon. Some of them are even working on breeding programs.”


Johnny frowned up at me. “But wouldn’t your Gawain just make Scyther eggs?”

I pointed at him and nodded. “Correct!” I said as we walked through the back door of the Gym and onto the reserve. That caused the bug catchers to all quiet down and stare at the wide range of pokemon on display. I watched them with a growing smile at how it almost seemed like a zoo being walked into for the first time.

Or maybe, especially if my plans went ahead, I’d be able to create a sort of Ancient pokemon park. With Tyrantrum and Aurorus and everything! That would be amazing! I could start setting it up; I already had Aerodactyl, with some of the eggs also soon to hatch, according to Bianca. I’d need to make sure they stuck around the reserve and didn’t fly off.

We walked past a pack of Aron that barked playfully at us before sprinting away when they caught sight of Knight himself. The large Aggron saw them coming, and his tail wagged furiously as he lowered himself to play. A moment later, a group of Geodude and some Graveler joined in the game of what looked like Simon says.

I snorted when I saw Knight cheat by grabbing his tail, something that almost all the pokemon playing with him didn’t possess, or couldn’t reach. They responded by throwing mud and rocks at him. He barked a laugh and ran off, with them giving chase.

The Bug Catchers still seemed a bit in awe as we walked around the plateau and came upon Shin, my Kabutops, exchanging blows with Gawain.

“He’s beautiful,” said one of the boys, and I coughed as the group all stared, their awe reaching a new level.

The girl in the group dropped back to talk with Yolanda, leaving the boys to fawn over Gawain. I let them bask in the moment for a bit before whistling to Shin and Gawain. “Break time boys! We’ve got some fans that want to meet Gawain!”

Gawain and Shin stopped with their blades raised. Shin blinked and looked over while Gawain did so with a tilted head. Shin then laughed and nudged the younger pokemon. Gawain shifted in surprise but hopped towards us.

He pulled up a little short and bowed politely, causing the entire group of boys, Bugsy included, to bow back.

“Kleavor!” he said in greeting. Brandishing his axes in a greeting. “Vor!”

“So cool!” cheered the boys as they vibrated in place.

I coughed. “You can walk closer if you’d like, just don’t touch his axes, they’re very sharp. Gawain is very clever but also very friendly.”

The boys all took that offer; surprisingly, they didn’t rush forward but instead stepped forward in ones and twos, in a manner that seemed practised.

“May I?” asked Johnny. Gawain nodded and allowed the boys to touch him.

The boy’s instantly started nerding out. “His carapace is so rough and strong!”

“What sort of diet does he have?” “How did you evolve him?” “Are you getting more?” A tide of questions started to flow and I suddenly had to wonder if I didn’t have a group like Salvadore, only they had a much smaller niche of just bug pokemon rather than pokemon in general.

“We have a blend of berries that he seems to enjoy that give him a good caloric intake without slowing him down. He enjoys Pecha the most, we add that to a blend we have made up for strong rock types and some blends of bug types that Stephen, the assistant from Oak, swears by for Bug pokemon.”

“I’m not going to reveal the evolution mechanic beyond mentioning it has something to do with rocks and leave it at that,” I said mysteriously.

“Urgh! You mean we have to learn about rocks for our bug types?” he said.

I waggled my hand. “For this bug type you do, as well as the other Rock-bug type pokemon that I own.”

That caused all of the boys to stop and turn mechanically towards me. “What did you just say?”

I smirked and looked to Sanchez who’d approached, to watch and take part in any drama taking place. “Can you go get our newest ancient pokemon? The one that likes to hug? She has visitors.”

Sanchez toddled a few steps before hopping into a roll that saw him accelerate into the caves that led to the grotto most of my ancient pokemon liked to hang around in. Don hadn't liked it, or at least he pretended not to like it, when the newest ancient pokemon joined the older group in their space. I think on some level he enjoyed having all the ancient pokemon gather around him.

There was going to be so much screeching when I eventually found a Tyrunt.

A few moments later, Sanchez came back with another pokemon in his hands. Bugsy gasped and stepped forward, only for Johnny to join him a moment later. Sanchez’s grip slipped, and a moment later, Anorith was flying through the air.

“Anorith!” she shouted happily as she slammed into Johnny’s face and rode him to the ground.

Bugsy gasped. “My goodness! Look at the pinchers on her!” He pointed at the top of Johnny's head, where said pinchers were gripping onto the top of his head. Bugsy ran a hand along her back. “And her shell! Very sturdy! Look at her limbs and tail! She’d be perfect for aquatic encounters!”

A few of the other boys left Gawain’s group to inspect Anorth, who wiggled happily.

I coughed. “Should we uhm, let him up?” Indicating Johnny.

“Nuh Uhm gub!” came Johnny’s muffled reply. “Dis ib nuffin! Dadepee like do do dis ull du time!”

I took a moment to translate what he’d said before slowly nodding. “Oh, well, if you’re used to it then…” He gave me a thumbs-up.

“I’m not sure I should allow this behaviour to continue…”

Bugsy waved his hand. “Oh no! She’s just being affectionate! This is perfectly normal, I assure you! Bug pokemon are very quick with forming bonds and showing their feelings!”

“Sounds about right! She’s a cuddly one!” Yolanda chimed.

I hummed. “I’d prefer if she learned to hug somewhere other than the face.” Some movies from my past life would never allow me to be comfortable with a face hugger.

I eyed him and noticed how his face was going slightly blue. “Anorith? Want to hug the others as well?” She perked up and leapt from Johnny’s face at another boy who screamed only to take a face full of Anorith. He remained standing, and I sighed. “Maybe try hugging their chests or shoulders?” I prompted.

Anorith’s bug eyes swivelled around onto me, and she wiggled on the boy's face. “Rith!”

“She likes the face,” Bugsy translated, somewhat unnecessarily.

I adopted a sad pose. “Oh, that’s a shame; if it was the shoulder, you could stay latched on and hug them while they did things. With their face, you can only hug them for a little while.”

She looked at that and seemed to consider it. She scuttled off the boy’s face and onto his shoulder. “Ano?” she said as she squeezed his shoulder.

I smiled encouragingly. “Isn’t that nicer? And look, you look like a cool shoulder guard now! Like the coolest fashion statement around!” She perked up at that, and her little tail wagged happily.

Johnny stood up and dusted himself off. “Well, I’d never thought I’d see the day, a rock-bug type pokemon, and two of them!” he said, trying to sound like an authority.

Bugsy shot Johnny a confident look. “But Shuckle has been around for ages?”

Johnny coughed to cover his slip-up. “I never thought I’d see the day that there were three rock-bug types.”

I snorted in amusement. Oh, I’d have to invite this kid around if I ever got a Dwebble.

The kids shot me a confused look before shrugging it off. Yolanda, who knew me better, eyed me. “Brock, what do you know?” She whispered from next to me.

“There are probably other Rock-bug types. I still think there would have been something like that in the Hoenn desert.”

Yolanda nodded her head slowly. “Ohhhh, that’s why you spent so long there.”

I nodded my head and shot her a wink, telling her to keep it a secret without saying a word. She winked back. Bugsy tilted his head. “Did you both get some dirt in your eyes? They’re twitching.”

I gave Bugsy a forced smile. “Something like that, sure.” Dennis snorted, and I shot him a dirty look. He probably knew we were winking.

Bugsy glanced from Dennis to me, aware something had happened but unsure of the context. He shrugged and turned back to Gawain to inspect the pokemon. “My goodness, seeing these two pokemon certainly fills me with joy. I know it will take a while, but I will work towards having pokemon like this in the Azalea Gym when I take over.”

He clenched his fist and raised it like he was making a vow. Yolanda giggled at his antics, and he blushed furiously.

“Well, I’ll be sure to tell you when Anorith is grown up enough for breeding. Bianca is confident that with her bug typing, it will be a matter of months and not years like other pokemon.”

The boys all gasped in surprise. “What’s her egg group?” Bugsy said excitedly.

I offered a sardonic smile. “Water three, I’m sorry to say.”

Johnny crossed his arms. “Damn! That’s no good!” he said, like he had any idea what he was talking about. When I raised an eyebrow at him, he coughed and waved to Bugsy. “You want to explain that to the others?”

Bugsy opened and shut his mouth before shrugging. “I’m not familiar with that egg group, actually.”

Johnny blanched as the others rounded on him expectantly. He slumped. “I… don’t know it either…” he said as though it pained him greatly to admit ignorance on a topic.

I snorted. “Don’t let it bother you too much. Water Group Three is a pretty niche group; so far it only includes pokemon like Kabuto, Kabutops, Omanyte, Omastar, Corsola, Tentacool, Staryu, and such. It’s thought of as the underwater group by breeders according to Bianca,” I said, adopting a lecturing tone.

Sanchez, who’d been standing next to me, crossed his arms and nodded along. I ignored how bushy his beard became while sprouting out to the sides. It sort of reminded me of Einstein’s signature style.

“But… bugs…” said one boy.

I shrugged at him and then waved my hands back towards Gawain. “Don’t worry, he’s in the Bug breeding group.”

That got them to whoop and cheer, and a few even rubbed their chins thoughtfully.

“Hello! Hello there!” called a woman’s voice. I turned and saw Rachel approaching with a large picnic basket. I nodded in thanks as she tossed out a large blanket. “Alright let's have a photo shoot for the Bug Catchers Club officially coming to meet Gawain and the newest pokemon at the Pewter Gym! Anorith!” she said.

I shot Anorith a look. “You alright with being revealed before your first match?”

She nodded merrily, and I relaxed down onto the blanket, accepting a few riceballs from Rachel. I smirked at them and laughed. “Mmm donuts!”

The others shot me a look before glancing at Yolanda, when she sighed. “He does this sometimes; it's one of his jokes no one gets.” I stuck my tongue out at her, not letting her get me down.

Bugsy happened to sit next to me. I glanced at him as he played with his food instead of eating it. “Is… is it hard being a Gym Leader?” he asked quietly. Yolanda, who was close, perked up and turned slightly, very interested in this conversation.

I swallowed and considered Bugsy for a few moments. I then sighed and leaned back, saying, “It can be. It can be one of the toughest gigs around. It can sometimes feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders. It will depend on what you need to do, as different Gyms have different duties and roles within their communities. Pewter is an old gym, and while my family had only taken it over in my parent’s generation, it comes with expectations.”

I let him process that before laughing. “But it can also be one of the most satisfying experiences around. You will become a pillar of your community and be able to help so many more people.”

I gestured widely at the assembled group of kids and trainers that were sitting with us for their lunch break. “You’ll witness growth and experiences without having to seek them out. You will be a guide for many people who are finding their own way.”

I offered him a shrug. “It will be a mixed bag. I love it, but there will be tough days,” I said. “Do you have a close knit group of friends and family?”

He nodded at that. “Azalea Town… It’s smaller than Pewter, and I know many of the people that grew up there. My aunties and uncles are more experienced than me, but they want to support me as Gym leader, and that will help greatly.” He smiled towards Yolanda. “Like your family does for you, no doubt?”

I tossed him a nod even as Yolanda gained a conflicted look. “Yeah, they’re pretty great at supporting me.”

Yolanda smiled tightly at me but didn’t say anything. She took a bite from her riceball, her mind elsewhere. I pursed my lips and nudged her; she shot me a look but shook her head. I decided to leave it for now and instead turned back to Bugsy.

“What is Azalea Town like?” I said, deciding to continue the conversation with a boy I knew would one day be a contemporary of mine.

Bugsy brightened up even more if possible. “Oh, Azalea town is wonderful! It’s large enough to have everyone you could need but it is not so big that things or people get overlooked! We’re all friends there. There is a group of elders that sit on the council, but there is also a group of youngsters invited to give their voice. It's always been our way to make sure that the young and old share their insights. That’s the Azalea way!”

“Hmmmm, that sounds somewhat enviable,” I said, considering the size of Pewter and how things could get lost.

Bugsy nodded. “We’re quite similar to Pewter though with our historical society, although the focus is more on the ruins that are found around the area, along with the shrines. Ilex Forest itself has a number of such buildings, and then there is the temple, of course, in the middle of town.”

“Temple?” I said, not recalling anything like that from the games or the cartoon.

“Oh, yes, it's a temple for the bug pokemon, but around the outer walls there are statues of slowpoke and Slowbro on account of the Slowpoke well that is to the east and close to the creek that the slowpoke use to get from the well out to the ocean further south.”

“Slowpoke well, eh?” A memory stirred.

There was an opportunity here. One that I hadn’t considered until just now. I didn’t have to be the only one denying Team Rocket resources. The League could be triggered into acting, just as local Gyms could look after themselves. After all, a pinch of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

I rubbed my chin and adopted a frown. “Is it well protected?”

Bugsy blinked at me. “The Slowpoke well? Uhm no? It’s a natural cave that slowpoke like to go to… Why would it need to be defended?” he asked.

I sighed and rubbed my chin. “It’s a site with pokemon… Now you’ve pointed out that Pewter City and Azalea are somewhat similar. Pewter has had a number of issues with Team Rocket in the past due to some of the pokemon we have around. Azalea town has Slowpoke. Which is a pokemon species that happens to have the ability to regrow their tails; they’re also very slow and somewhat clueless about people.”

Bugsy looked worried, and I shot him a sad smile. “That means they are easy to exploit. In some social circles, people will eat Slowpoke tail as a delicacy. A very high-end delicacy at that.”

Bugsy looked sick. “Oh, is it that bad?”

“They’re worth quite a lot. If simply due to the perception of value that they have been given, that means Team Rocket or other groups might make moves on them.”

Bugsy crossed his arms and shut his eyes. “Hnnnnnnn!” he said suddenly. He then opened his eyes. “Alright! I cannot do anything about that now! But I will message my aunts and uncles to look into it!” he said seriously before stuffing his mouth with a rice ball.

Yolanda blinked incredulously at him. “Just like that?”

Bugsy nodded. “Yeah! That’s how my family is; they’re very supportive and helpful like that. I’ll tell them you’re worried about the slowpoke, and they’ll set something up!”

I blinked and found myself suddenly envious of the much smaller boy who merrily went about eating his lunch. That wasn’t even going to be an issue for him; he’d just hand it off. I took a bite of my riceball. We were similar in some ways, but certainly different in others. I shot a glance at Yolanda.

Then again, I also have family members who helped out. I nodded to her, and she shot me back a smile, apparently aware of my line of thinking. She shifted a little and smiled at Bugsy. “Is there anything else interesting in Azalea Town?” she prompted.

Bugsy glanced at her and must have swallowed too quickly, as he heaved a cough a few times and made a painful noise. I reached over and thumped him a few times on the back to help clear his airway. He shot me a thankful look before coughing once more.

“Uhm yes! The Gym!” he said suddenly getting flustered at his slip-up. “The Gym is a large insectarium for raising our bug-type pokemon! We have a number of large trees that grow there, and we also allow a large number of grass types to live there to make it more vibrant. It’s rather similar to Erika’s gym but ours is much larger for the pokemon to fly around!”

“You’ve been to Erika’s Gym?” Yolanda said.

Bugsy nodded quickly and pulled out a badge case. “With the Boulder badge, I now have five of the Gym badges.”

Johnny and a few of the other boys around the area squawked in surprise. “What!?” Johnny said, whipping his head around to find that Bugsy wasn’t lying.

I leaned closer and nodded. “Soul, Rainbow, Thunder, Cascade, and the Boulder badge. Nice work, Bugsy, “ I praised.

Bugsy grinned. “Thanks! I have to go back to Saffron, as Sabrina trounced me despite my type advantage. I hadn’t been prepared for that!”

Johnny wheezed out a sigh of relief. “Oh, so you’re not perfect, then?” he said snidely.

Bugsy glanced at him worriedly. “Uhmm of course not?”

I coughed and gestured to the side. “Johnny can I get a hand with something real quick?”

Johnny slumped and nodded sullenly.

I stood up and waved to the others. “Sorry! Just need to get some drinks cause my throat is getting dry! I’ll bring back some lemonade and pop for everyone!”

I led Johnny towards the Gym and casually laced my hands behind my head. Johnny walked next to me with his fists stuffed into his pockets. “Are you a trainer, Johnny?” I asked lazily.

“Not yet… gonna start next year… I need to build up my savings ‘cause Mum can only give so much.”

I nodded at that and noted the lack of father on the scene. “Alright, cool, so your journey has yet to start, yeah?” He nodded, and I glanced over. “So why are you begrudging Bugsy for being on his?”

Johnny shrank into himself. “It’s just… he’s perfect!”

“Is he?” I said casually.

Johnny sighed. “He’s practically perfect! So what if he didn’t beat Sabrina! He’ll do it!”

I nodded. “Yeah, he probably will; he’s a serious trainer with a good head on his shoulders and a good team of pokemon on his shoulders. He’s going to struggle against Blaine more than anyone else.”

Johnny grunted at that, and I led him to a fridge, where I grabbed out some cans of drink. “You’re envious of his situation, yeah?” Johnny nodded, and I hummed. “Yeah, that makes sense. So am I,” I said casually.

“What?” Johnny gasped in surprise.

I shrugged easily. “He’s a young trainer that probably had his choice of strong pokemon when he set off. He has a ton of aunts and uncles to support him in his gym, which sounds like an already state-of-the-art facility for his pokemon. His journey? He started with pokemon that quickly grew in strength, and he has a lot of people backing him up.”

I smiled grimly at Johnny as he stared at me. “When I started out, I had a Titan, of course, Onix, and Geodude as my pokemon team. Now Titan is a strong pokemon, but he took a lot of work, making my first circuit tough even with me preparing for it. I certainly didn’t have five badges in two and a half months. I can envy him for his success. What I won’t do is let his success make me begrudge him. Our situations are different.”

I cracked open a can and took a sip. “He’s probably got a lot of problems we don't know about, though, so without truly walking in his shoes, we can’t judge. He might be restricted to a single year for his circuit due to needing to take over his family Gym, while other people will get two or three… or more,” I said, thinking of Ash Ketchum.

“I… guess?” Johnny said. “Why are you talking to me about this?”

I chuckled. “Cause you’re making a big mistake trying to keep Bugsy at arm’s length. He’s a polite young man that would make a great friend, no?”

Johnny nodded slowly, and I grinned. “You can also learn from him. He’s got a lot of knowledge that would have been bottle-fed to him. You could pick up a lot from watching him and how he handles some of Kanto’s hurdles. Ask questions; call him up and find out about how to find some pokemon you might be interested in.”

I clapped him on the shoulder. “Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face. Also, you’re a young man from Pewter; it’s up to me to help you along. I know rock types are anathema to bug types, but I want to see you do well. Next year will be you facing me, no?” I winked and he smiled, liking the sound of that idea.

When I led him back I found Yolanda still talking with Bugsy.

“—the apricorns can be used as traditional pokeballs as well as specialty pokeballs which makes them extremely useful! In Azalea, we have entire groves set up to grow them, which helps keep the prices of pokeballs down! There is a lot of history to apricorn carving, and the workshop is highly selective in who they take as apprentices.”

“Huh,” Yolanda said, sounding interested. “I’ll have to come to check it out sometime. Maybe when I come around for my circuit in Johto!”

Bugsy smiled. “I’ll be Gym Leader then, so we can have a match!”

Yolanda smirked. “I’ll bring Terra, so don’t expect me to pull her punches!”

“Tar!” said Terra happily.

I chuckled at the sight and led Johnny back to the group. I sat down and was pleased to find everyone happily conversing. The smile only grew when Johnny handed Bugsy and Yolanda a can each.

“Sorry ‘bout being a brat with you,” he said tersely.

Bugsy blinked. “You were being a brat with me?”

“You didn’t even notice?!” Johnny said as he threw up his hands. Bugsy tilted his head and blinked cluelessly while Yolanda giggled.

Around the area, others traded jokes and shared some stories. The young boy and girl couple got a few exasperated looks when they got rather lovey-dovey with each other. I found them a cute pair, with the other boys obviously being jealous. I made to take another sip from my can only to stop.

“Don’t eat that!” I snarled.

Everyone on the picnic blanket instantly froze at my sudden shift from amicable big brother to snarling adult.

Their eyes darted about only to hiss in surprise when one of the boy’s caterpie that had been carried around was revealed to be quivering in fear in front of Empress, who had her head lowered and her mouth open.

She shot me a narrow glare and turned her eyes back to her snack.

“Caterpie!” quavered the little bug type.

I stood. “Empress, no! We don’t need to hunt pokemon here! You haven’t had to do that with the geodude or others around; don’t start that now!”

Empress rose and snorted at me. Behind her, the caterpie scurried as fast as it could back to the others, rushing into one boy’s fearful arms. Her head tracked it before she locked eyes with me. Her head rose in a challenging manner.

I marched up to her undaunted and handed her a can of soda pop. “We have other things for when we’re hungry or thirsty. If you’re hungry, you just need to ask one of the trainers that stick around.”

Empress stopped glowering at me before dropping her eyes to the can of pop. She flicked the drink into her mouth, can and all. Then she crushed it.

Her eyes bulged when the carbonated beverage must have gushed out, and she snorted some out of her nose.

She whipped her head around and exhaled a stream of fire, only to shake her head and turn back to me. I raised a finger to explain that hadn’t been how you were supposed to drink it, only for Terra to giggle.

“Tar! Tar! Tar!” Lar vitar!” She squealed, her little legs and arms paddling through the air.

No one else dared to laugh as Empress turned her gaze upon them.

Titan chose that moment to walk up and grunt a question at his mother. She growled something back and he cocked his head. He glanced at me and then at his mother before barking a laugh. That drew her ire, and she growled at him, only for him to snort derisively.

He reached out and snagged my can of lemonade, expertly lifted it to his lips with his small claw extended, and took a sip. “Tar!” he said with a sigh of appreciation. He then offered her the can, and she snorted and shook her head. She turned and marched off.

Titan watched her go while Terra continued to laugh herself sick.

I sighed in relief and turned back to the group of white-faced bug catchers. “Sorry about that! She’s still getting used to living in the reserve. She hasn’t done that before but she must have thought caterpie wandered in rather than being someone else’s pokemon.”

The boy nodded quickly. “Caterpie… is still wild technically… she hasn’t let me catch her… thanks for stopping her Gym Leader!”

I smiled at him and checked my watch. “Well, we’ve still got twenty minutes to relax, so let’s not end on that note. Who wants to try their hand at letting Gawain carry them through his obstacle course?”

That got them all to shoot their hands up and forget the earlier tension.

While a line was forming in front of Gawain I relaxed. Yolanda and Bugsy approached. Bugsy inclined his head. “Will… I have to be able to do that? Stare down a pokemon like that Tyranitar?”

I shook my head. “Not usually no, but de-escalation is a very useful skill to have, I find. I can’t just command her. She’s not mine.”

Yolanda watched me and then glanced at the boys that were now being carried around by Gawain. “Not the only skill you just showed off,” she said thoughtfully. Bugsy tilted his head but didn’t seem to get it.

I merely winked at her. “Yeah, I wanted them to leave on a good note, not be freaked out. Wouldn’t want them scared off after all.”

She nodded and shot me a wink back. “Smooth, big bro.”

Bugsy glanced between us. “Should I be worried? Your eyes are twitching again?”

Dennis snorted. “They just have narrow eyes. You get used to it. When they’re being shifty, it's the most funny.” I squinted at him; I was entirely unsure what he meant by that but decided not to ask.

When lunch ended, the boys and single girl departed in an upbeat mood with promises they’d come back. I reminded them all of the pre-journey tournament that would be run in a few months time before turning my attention back to the rest of the afternoon’s challengers.

When that was done, I drew out the Guardian holopad and pinged Koga. His face appeared a few minutes later.

“Gym Leader Brock.”

“Gym Leader Koga,” I said before smiling. “Soon that is going to be Elite Four Koga, no?”

He nodded, and I almost thought I saw his lips twitch upward before he gestured for me to continue.

“I met a rather interesting young man today by the name of Bugsy from Azalea Town. He mentioned a few things that got me thinking. What are we doing to snuff out Team Rocket in Johto?”

“We have not taken any actions. Our movements in Kanto are understandable and even applaudable, but if we were to act as such in Johto? It would be seen as overstepping.”

I nodded. “What if we didn’t do it, but rather directed the locals to do it? I’ve suggested that Bugsy, for example, tighten up his security around the Slowpoke well; what if other potential targets had more security?”

Koga inclined his head. “You have some thoughts on where Team Rocket might target?”

I smiled. “Oh, I have a few ideas,” I said amiably. If Johto became a tougher nut to crack for Giovanni, that would be a very good thing. Best of all, it wouldn’t be me leading the charge, but others.

Hmmm, maybe Flint’s advice to keep punching wasn’t so bad after all? It just needed to be adapted to the circumstances. I rattled off a few sites that I could remember before tilting my head.

“Are we doing anything against Giovanni or Blaine?”

“Not as yet, but with your intelligence of the Legendary pokemon being used subtly against you, we do have a new goal.” Koga leaned forward. “When Will fights Surge, we will be ready to pounce on any interference. We were taken by surprise once, we will not allow that to happen again!”

Koga eyed me. “Regather and improve yourself as much as you can in the next week Brock. Will is facing Surge this coming weekend.”

“The Cerulean sisters?” I asked in surprise at them being passed over.

“He will face them in two days; he is not expected to have any difficulty with anything they can throw at him.”

I nodded. “Alright, so I need to get my team in order by next weekend.” Could I get Jormungandr to the point of being ready to Mega evolve by then? I doubted it.

I did have another option, however, to boost my team.

I bade Koga goodbye and tucked away the holopad.

It was time to talk with Empress. With that scare at lunch, I felt like I needed to clear things up going forward… and at the same time, I might just see if I could convince her to join me.

Two Tyranitar would be a hell of a power-up.