“Kleavor!” said Gawain as he batted away Shin’s blades. He allowed himself a moment of smugness before he had to shift backwards as Shin retaliated.

“Gawain! You need to keep the pressure on! Don’t let Shin have that moment to recover. Patting yourself on the back can wait until the fight is done! Never during it!” I barked.

“Vor!” he growled as he found himself under pressure from Shin. I nodded and moved towards where Quirinna and Selene were changing up the landscape against Bertha, Titan, and Knight. “Work hard Knight! You’re one of the pokemon I’m looking to for the coming match against Will!”

“Agg-ron!” he barked as he moved his feet as fast as he could with the shifting landscape.

I ran across the moving earth, Bertha took a swipe at me with her tail to trip me up which I swatted her for. “I know you don’t like this, but it’s important girl! Show the young ones how it’s done!” I said, pointing towards where I had Yolanda holding Terra and the newest pokemon to the Gym with Salvadore.

Professor Oak and his team were there as well, documenting my Cranidos, Anorith, and Tirtouga. Salvadore was wearing pads all over his body as he grappled with the tiny Cranidos. It had been extremely enthusiastic to join in the training my Elites went through, but as a baby pokemon I wanted none of that.

With its inability to join the training session, it had turned to other methods of practise. Namely headbutting, biting, and stomping on Salvadore until he’d handed the pokemon over to Elm who’d taken the abuse with barely a comment while jotting down notes about the force of the blows.


Anorith had tried to latch onto Stephen’s face only for his half-grown beard to cause it to decide Bianca was a better option only for her to snatch it out of the air and play with its belly until it settled down.

Tirtouga had merely laid near the water’s edge while observing the fights. At first glance, he looked uninterested. But his eyes tracked the various fights and he hadn’t turned away since we’d started despite being the first observer of everyone to arrive.

I turned towards Jormungandr and found him working on his Rock Throws against Zephyr and Don as they dove and evaded the flying boulders. “Jorm, Don, Zephyr! We’ll stop there and cycle you into some cooldowns. I might be looking to use Don and Zephyr for any other challenges we have this week.”

Don growled at that while the others accepted it. I stared him down until he looked away, cowed and willing to follow my lead. Sadly he locked onto the young fossil pokemon and perked up. A sadistic gleam entered his gaze.

“No, leave them,” I said instantly causing Don to attempt an innocent look that I wasn’t impressed by. On a scale of one to Suzie and Munchlax pretending after getting into the chocolate cake, it wasn’t very effective.

I spent some more time working with Hypnotoad, Shrek, and Tide to make sure I was comfortable with them. By the end of the training session, I felt confident we were back to one hundred percent.


“Hypnotoad, I’m looking more and more in your direction with the coming match. I think you’ve made some good progress. Tide, I don’t think I will be calling you out but I will have you anchor this week’s Ace battles before Will.”

Tide trilled happily at that, accepting that this might not be a match for him. Shrek stayed still before I nodded. “I’m probably going to call you up Shrek, you’re still one of my most consistent pokemon.”

“Go!?” said Sanchez in shock as he walked past. He clutched a hand to his chest and I rolled my eyes at his antics.

“I said one of, not my most consistent.” Sanchez stood gleefully and I smirked at him. “That would be Titan after all.” Sanchez raised a claw and opened his mouth but no noise came out as my pokemon laughed. Sanchez joined them a moment later, more than happy to laugh at himself.

I collected Salvadore and Yolanda for breakfast. When that was done I met Alexa on the way to the Gym. “Gym Leader, ready for the return to the circuit?” she said semi-teasingly even as her eyes swept over me.

I nodded and shot her a grin. “So ready, first up is a double battle no?”


“Thought we’d keep you on your toes,” she replied.

“Heh, bring it!” I said happily marching out for the resumption of the circuit. When I made it to the arena there was already a young lass standing on the podium staring straight ahead. Fixedly staring ahead. She seemed very relieved when I entered and I had all of a moment before I understood exactly why that might be the case.

“Go Go! Gilly! Go Go Gilly!” cheered what looked like a sizeable crowd of people hanging over the railing as much as they could while ignoring Rachel trying to get them into their seats.

I glanced at Gilly and found her blushing furiously. “Your… family?” I asked carefully.

She stiffly nodded. “They decided to surprise me by coming to Kanto for a holiday… all twenty of them.” I tilted my head. She had a Hoenn accent if my ears weren’t wrong. Which meant she must have thought she was safe from being hovered over by her family. And here they were, loud and proud.

“Ah well, think of it this way, do well, and you’ll have all the training needed to not be bothered by loud crowds or people shouting things during your matches in future.” I offered a shrug. “It might not sound like much,h but a lot of people find fighting on the big stage a much different beast to deal with than simple matches.”

Gilly glanced at the sizeable arena my Gym had and snorted. “Yeah, simple,” she said before rolling her shoulders and raising two pokeballs. “I’m not here for them or to talk, though! Are you ready to fight!?”

I raised two of my own pokeballs. “Certainly!”

From the referee’s podium, Missy raised her flags. “The Gym Leader is not allowed to return his pokemon, and only two pokemon may be on the field from each trainer at one time! Release your pokemon!”

“Go Lileep and Geodude!” I said. I was more than happy to start things off with one of my signature pokemon along with what was fast becoming a stalwart pokemon for me to use in the lower tier matches.

“Go Corphish, and Lombre!” Gilly replied.

I whistled. Those were good pokemon to send out against my usual roster. They’d synergise rather well, but there was the one hiccup in her plan with my choosing an Alolan Geodude. Something Gilly seemed to be aware of as she shot the rougher ridges of my Geodude a dubious look before narrowing her eyes.

“Begin!” shouted Missy.

Gilly punched forward. “Let’s go team! Use Water Gun on that Geodude! Focus fire on that one!”

“Geodude use Rollout to get out—” Before I could finish the order, both Water Gun attacks angled around to slam into Lileep without my ancient pokemon seeming to take any damage.

Both Gilly and I gaped at Lileep who wiggled happily.

“Huh. Would you look at that,” I said.

That made two of the Lileep that had Storm Drain as their ability. I knew I had good odds with the colony I looked after here, but it still came as a surprise. A very nice one for me and, sadly, a tough hurdle for Gilly.

Geodude use Defence Curl,” I said to give Gilly time to regather her wits. “Then follow up with Thundershock on Corphish!”

“Lombre! Intercept that attack and use Mega Drain on Geodude!” Gilly said quickly as my pokemon started to spark up.

“Lileep use Confuse Ray on Lombre!”

“Corphish use Dig so that Lileep can’t use its roots!” I had to blink in surprise. That was a good move, and actually showed she’d done some research before showing up. Not many people would be used to seeing Lileep use Ingrain to root itself to the ground and become much tougher to overcome. Another tick for Gilly.

Lombre took the thundershock and the Confuse Ray causing it to totter around only to lay down and have a nap while holding its head. That was an interesting reaction to being confused. Have a nap. I noted it as a novel response and that it pretty much put Lombre out of the fight for the moment as Corphish threw Lileep into the air.

“Use Double Hit Corphish!” Gilyl said as my pokemon came down.

“Wrap,” I replied, more than happy to have Corphish in close.

“Cor-phish!” shrieked the small crayfish pokemon as my pokemon ensnared it before it could bring its two pinchers to bear.

“Lombre stop goofing around and use Mega Drain on Geodude again!” Lombre tilted its head back and considered the state of affairs before standing and headbutting a rock. "Tch! Fine, return Lombre!” Gilly said before quickly tossing out another pokemon. “Go Linoone!”

The crowd went wild, and a few even stepped forward wearing Linoone masks. Linoone itself waved to the crowd and chased its own tail. It seemed like her family knew about this pokemon and it knew of them.

“Lileep continue to use Wrap on the Corphish,” I said forcing Linoone to stop playing around and realise that a teammate was in danger.

Gilly nodded. “Linoone go for that Lileep with Pin Missle! Free Corphish!”

“Nooooooooooooone!” shouted the ferret as it sprinted at Lileep.

“Rollout and intercept!” I said to Geodude. My pokemon tucked and rolled, only for Linoone to bend around the attack, forcing Geodude to slam into a boulder and crack it apart. Linoone continued on and broke Lileep’s hold on Corphish with pins fired from Linoone’s mouth to set Lileep back.

Corphish followed through with the aborted Double Hit from earlier, and Lileep went down. Both pokemon then turned towards my Geodude who put up a good fight but wasn’t able to match how evasive Linoone was, or handle Corphish’s Water Gun.

I was more than happy to hand Gilly the Boulder badge to the adoring cheers of her family. “That’s a very gifted Lioone you have there.”

“Thanks! He’s my starter and has always loved to run and play around. That ended up leading to him being super hard to hit! He has a great move pool as well, what with being a normal type!”

“Good, that you’ve embraced a lot of his strengths. He needs to be a bit more focused, however as he played around too early while Corphish was in danger,” I said, glancing down at the Linooone that was sheepishly rubbing the back of its head.

I gave it an unimpressed look. “Just remember, talent is only potential at the end of the day. So often, that can mean people will not train as hard as they should. You're a good little pokemon, but this is just the start of your journey.”

I looked back up at Gilly. “You’ve started on the right foot, though, with having a plan in place, researching matches ahead of schedule, and preparing accordingly. Train yourself to react to something unexpected faster, and you’ll go a long way,” I said.

Gilyl bowed seriously and happily took a picture with me, only for her entire family to surge onto the field to join her. I hustled them off and then turned to Rachel. “Alright, one down, lots more to come!” I said this as I cracked my neck and prepared for the next trainer.

Two more singles matches, and then a few kids running the gauntlet before rounding it off with an Ace match at the end of the day. Perfect.

“Zephyr! Return!” I returned my pokemon and reached for another as, across from me, my opponent’s Graveler knuckled down and grasped the ground in preparation for my next pokemon.

“Go! Tide! Fill the field!” I was more than happy to end it with a solid pokemon like Tide.

Tide took one look at the Graveler and clapped his flippers together, causing a tidal wave to build up behind him that he rode over the top of the Graveler.

“Protect!” ordered my opponent.

“Hydro Pump!” I ordered a follow-up move, causing Tide to bend his neck backwards and fire off two powerful gouts of water that slammed into Graveler as the protective shell dropped away. It was knocked out from that and I nodded to myself.

My opponent gritted his teeth before sighing and shaking his head. “I only got your Aerodactyl and Steelix… While you got four of mine… I don’t have an answer to your Lapras… I concede,” he said glumly.

“Trainer Morrison concedes the match! Gym Leader Brock is victorious!” Salvadore announced happily. He’d finished up at his school and come home in time to take over refereeing for the late afternoon session.

The podiums lowered, and the crowd that had gathered rose to applaud the match as I waved to them. Tide happily swung his neck around in celebration. It wasn’t often that he got to be my last pokemon out, and it was always amusing to watch people enjoy the experience of a new pokemon being there.

Sanchez always hyped the crowd up. Bertha would pirouette and dance around. Titan was stoic and powerful, with his roars echoing throughout the arena. Tide liked to wiggle and clap his flippers happily before rubbing his neck against me while I tried to talk with my opponent.

“Good match,” I said, trying to dig my feet in lest I be knocked over.

"Heh, I couldn't believe you just accepted every challenger... seemed a good chance to jump a lot of people. Should have known your ranking wasn’t a fluke,” he said as he shook my hand.

“Oh? I can’t say I track my Ace trainer ranking.”

He stared at me. “You’re in the top fifty trainers in the Ace rankings for the Indigo area, and you don’t?”

“I’m fifty?” I said, surprised by this information.

He pinched the bridge of his nose. “You’re forty-first actually. You aren’t really moving up the ranks cause the people you’re facing are too weak to give more than a single point when you win. Whereas if someone like me were to win I’d jump…” he did some mental calculations. “Fifty ranks at least. Might even get enough attention for a sponsorship deal…” He kicked the ground.

I tilted my head and scratched at Tide’s neck while reinforcing my legs with rock energy as he threatened to knock me over. “You said earlier that most people in my position don’t accept every challenge?”

“Oh yeah, me challenging someone in the top fifty ranks would be a waste of time for them unless I ponied up a huge purse.” He rubbed his nose. “That or I really annoyed them, but that’s a great way to end up with your team injured. Those guys and girls are the best in the League bar the Elite Four and Champion for a reason.”

“Huh, that’s interesting to know. I… well, I open myself to Ace challenges to offer locals different matches while also keeping my best team as strong as possible.” I said with a shrug. "I guess I sort of achieved that through my Elite challenge in the past.”

The other trainer grimaced. “I didn’t mess up something good did I? You’re not about to shut your doors to lower-ranked challengers, are you?”

“Heh, no,” I said with a snort. “This is a Gym; my purpose is to help make people stronger.”

He nodded his head before glancing up at the referee's podium. “So… I knew Missy before she signed on here. I thought it wasn’t a good move not signing onto the Ace circuit at the end of last year and instead taking this job but now I’m rethinking that… Do you have any openings?”

I nodded and directed him to Alexa before raising a hand. “Oh, and due to League security measures, if you want to work here, you need to submit yourself to a Psychic interview.”

“Interview?” he said, his face flashing with concern.

I waggled my hand back and forth. “It’s not as invasive as an interrogation, but you will have a Psychic specialist making sure you’re not planning anything.” Specifically Sabrina.

“Huh…” he said. He tilted his head. “They don’t look into anything like… your search history, do they?” he whispered quietly.

I snorted and laughed before locking eyes with him. “But seriously, they might. So just own it… unless it's illegal.” I tensed in case he confessed to anything seriously illegal. I was more than ready to take him down.

He shook his head quickly and said, “Nope! Nope! Just you know, chains and whips and such! Nothing l illegal! I swear!” I nodded slowly, and he coughed before departing with a conflicted expression.

I hummed, watching him walk off. I might have another Ace trainer if he applied, which might be nice. I’d check to see if Missy actually knew him, not that it would spare him the interview. The Gym had gained a lot more security measures since the whole Daniel incident.

More patrols with some pokemon already out of their pokeballs. The Duckpond had gotten a few extra servers with increased storage and processing power. The dark projectors to stop someone teleporting in had been upgraded, and a training seminar on security protocols had been required for all staff, myself included. Bethany now knew to never give out a pass to a helpful young lady in a janitor’s outfit. All tours were to be supervised.

If the young man did sign on with us, there would still be lots of perks. Sadly, not as many as usual, as I had only really gotten to have two training sessions a week with Missy instead of the normal three or four a regular circuit would allow.

I walked up to Salvadore and wrapped an arm around him. “You looked good up there, little brother. Nice work, that was some clean referring today.”

“Thanks!” He beamed up at me. “It got a bit tricky with that Ace Challenge, as I’m more used to you and them not withdrawing pokemon. It was pretty crazy for him to send out a Graveler against you like he did!”

I snorted. “Some people don’t have the luxury of having a horde of Graveler to help them evolve naturally.”

“Naturally?” said Salvadore, catching onto the implied other method with my wording.

I rubbed my chin. “Some people try to use less pokemon with cables and transference of energy. The big companies like Silph Co think its a potential future method for evolving pokemon like Graveler, Haunter, Machoke, and Kadabra, to name a few.”

“Woah!” Salvadore said before grinning. “Which other pokemon would evolve using this method?”

Ah, I’d dug myself quite a hole here, hadn’t I? Most pokemon that in the games needed to be traded to evolve, were also accompanied by an item, which in this world was enough to see them evolve most of the time. That, or they were pokemon like Boldore or Gurdurr that hadn’t been discovered yet.

“Oh I just mentioned them… I… don’t think there are any others?” I said, deciding to just fall back on not knowing.

“Oh,” said Salvadore. I held in my grimace as I held back information. I wasn’t being a bad brother, I just wasn’t going to be able to skate around how I knew of those pokemon. This was not like Diancie, who I used as a storytime pokemon for Suzie. Diancie, I could handwave s a mythic pokemon.

Actually, I’d probably get a bit of scrutiny if I ever did get one and Suzie ratted out that I knew… damn past me! Oh well, that was something for future me to worry about… hopefully far off in the future.

Yup, no way that could backfire on me. I scratched my chin. What other methods of evolution had I casually told the kids that weren’t well known. Hmmm, suddenly the story of the Ugly Feebas didn’t seem such a good idea.

I sent Salvadore into the office to complete some write-ups about the matches he’d refereed for. He’d be able to use the Gym’s playbacks to make the reports easier, but it was an interesting addition that Dennis had enacted now that he was my second in command with Rocko away.

Potentially, the referee would see things that I or even the crowd might not. And slowly but surely, more and more information would accrue for me and my gym trainers. It added an extra ten minutes at the end of the day, but it was a good idea, so I allowed it to go into effect.

I meanwhile turned my attention to having my pokemon checked over by Chansey, locking up the Gym, and then feeding my pokemon.

I was just settling into writing up some paperwork myself when a beep alerted me to something being wrong. My transceiver only got a message that announced my need to check my holopad. I opened the drawer containing the holopad only for a red light to sweep the room and a robotic voice to speak up. “Secure the room! Emergency! Emergency! Secure the room Brock!”

I stood and locked the door before activating the dark energy projectors to further lock down the room. The Guardian Holopad performed another sweep of the room with red light pulsing from it before it relaxed. “Stand by for an Emergency call from—” It stopped speaking for another voice to add their name.

“Koga,” said Koga. In another setting, I’d think it funny that the Guardians had such an old setup for their message system, but then Koga was projected onto the space above the holopad.

I sat up and hissed with surprise.

Koga looked fatigued, and at his side, I could see his Venomoth and Muk carefully watching his back; both were clearly highly agitated. It made sense, with Koga looking so beaten and weak. Koga blinked slowly, and I realised worriedly that one of his eyes was still slightly dilated, indicating he had a concussion.

On the side of the hologram, other windows appeared, as Sabrina, Karen, Lucy, and Janine all appeared. Janine stiffened and vanished a moment later, with her window disappearing.

“I apologise for this appearance, but I must speak before I seek medical attention from a secure facility. Do not seek me out, as I will not be traceable. Do not talk with my daughter. Any attempts to find me will be rebuffed or treated as a threat to me.” Koga swallowed.

“It is not my state that I am sending this message out for, sadly. I call to announce that Agatha has slipped into a coma.” On screen, he grimaced and put a hand to his ribs.

“Agatha and I attempted to attack a facility that had been discovered a few weeks ago. This facility was not like any of the others that were raided at the time.” He took a moment to draw in a steadying breath.

“It was, after all, an old base from the war. It should have been broken down when Kanto demilitarised, as there were a number of traps and chokepoints that are extremely dangerous. Agatha and I were able to handle these traps.”

He took a shakey breath. “We were also able to deal with the Rocket Grunts, and Executives that were at the facility. We had begun extracting information from the computers, only for a new threat to appear.”

Koga stared straight ahead. “It was a pokemon like none I’d ever seen before… It stood upright like a man and had a long purple tail… and yet it was armoured and masked… But it was powerful.”

I leaned forward and rubbed my eyes. Shit. I knew a pokemon like that. I had warned Agatha and Koga about that as a potential risk! And its appearance had still caught them off guard, it seemed.

Shit! Was this my fault for not giving them more information?

What was I supposed to say to them though? That I had knowledge I shouldn’t thanks to being reincarnated from a world where pokemon are cartoons and games for children? Would they lock me up if I said such things?

It was a secret I’d held onto for a long time, but here and now, it might be a secret that caused Agatha to go to the grave.

It sounded like she’d run face-first into Mewtwo of all pokemon. A Mewtwo that Giovanni still controlled.

“—had to have Weezing sacrifice himself to get Agatha and myself out… it was only thanks to his sacrifice that we escaped,” Koga was saying.

I looked up and found Koga being tended to by Janine. He looked composed but also... touched? I think I got that right with the slight curve of his lips as his daughter fussed over him. Obviously, Janine knew where to find her father when he took shelter.

“Agatha will be in a League care facility. Karen… you know that Agatha does not want you to reveal your connection with her.”

“Piss on that!” she snarled. “I’ll reveal myself on my terms. She can’t say shit if she’s in a coma! Where is she, so I can gloat over her? T-that’ll have her up and about quick enough!” Karen said heatedly.

I noticed but didn’t comment on the slight hitch in her voice that showed she was worried about her… grandmother? I still wasn’t entirely sure of their relationship.

Koga sighed and relayed the location.

I sighed. “I’m sorry. I found that site and—”

“Do not take this onto yourself, Brock. You found the facility, yes but we knew that it would be dangerous going in. Agatha and I were the best and perhaps the only two that could have gotten in like that.” He locked his gaze on me, and I met his guiltily.

“Brock, I have fought more than one pokemon of Legendary strength before. I have survived them just as I have survived this encounter. Agatha is the same, she will make a recovery in time!”

I ran a hand through my hair. “I suspected Giovanni had a Legendary though!”

“Hmpf…” Koga shut his eyes and wobbled slightly. “As much as it pains me to say this, I am self-aware enough to know that I was not certain of your claims prior to this… It was true but with your youth, I thought…” He sighed and shook his head. “Regardless, I have been proven wrong in the worst of ways.”

“Agatha was worse,” said Karen as she threw things into her backpack in preparation to depart. “Kept talking to me about young people not really understanding the true power of a legendary pokemon.” She paused to scowl at something before tossing it into the bag as well.

“That’s not the point!” I said while pounding my fist into the desk.

Koga swallowed. “What proof did you have? Have you faced this pokemon before or witnessed it being ordered about by Team Rocket? How powerful is its attacks? What type is it?”

“No… I just suspected that the resurrection machine that Blaine has created could do more than just resurrect fossils. Maybe it would be Psychic? Aren’t there reports of them hunting for information regarding the Legendary pokemon Mew?” I gave the same reason I had to Sabrina months ago, along with another rationale.

Koga drummed his fingers. “A nebulous link… that must now be reexamined.”

“I’ll say!” said Karen. “Can’t believe I was all chummy with that fucky chromedome! If he had something to do with the old woman dying I’ll…” Karen clenched her fists and growled.

“Blaine should not be approached idly,” Sabrina said, speaking up for the first time. “This pokemon, was it psychic? What moves did it use?”

Koga blinked slowly, returning to the conversation. “It had to be Psychic. Especially with how it levitated debris around the base without any strain. It also unleashed Psychic and fired balls of Psychic energy that destroyed the facility where they struck… It did almost more damage to the facility than we did.”

Sabrina frowned. “I am not familiar with any move that uses psychic balls of energy…” Sabrina tilted her head, her eyes narrowed. “Is the timing of this strike linked to Karen’s match last night?”

Koga sighed. “Clever… too clever. Yes, while lots of attention was put on Karen Agatha and I infiltrated the facility. It had been a few weeks since the last Rocket base raid. If they had still been operating under wartime protocols, they would have relaxed their guard. Karen fighting Steven Stone might make any watchers laxer as they paid more attention to the match.”

Karen straightened angrily. “That old bitch! She used me! I was all annoyed that she wasn’t there to watch, and she was damn well using me! Urgh! That is just so… her!” Karen shook her head. “If she dies and becomes a Gengar I’m so catching her so I can stick her with a ditto!” she muttered under her breath.

Koga coughed while I gave a half-hearted laugh. Koga then shifted as Janine probed his arm, revealing a limb now in a cast.

“Be still father!” hissed Janine.

Koga’s lips twitched upward as he settled down. “Regardless. Agatha and I will be unable to fight for some time. You should all be very careful at this time. For all that Team Rocket has taken a number of losses, it appears they have more than enough depth and backing to not be toppled easily.” He narrowed his eyes. “They have however jumped up our priorities. They cannot be allowed to wield a pokemon with that amount of strength! This I promise!”

The rest of us nodded and agreed to keep our heads down. The Holopad winked out, and I slumped back into my chair.


That just happened.

Sabrina appeared next to me and put a hand on my shoulder. “Do not blame yourself Brock.”

“Kind of hard not to in this instance,” I said rubbing my chin. “Maybe I should have gone along. Me and Karen. With our Dark Types we might have...” I trailed off, unsure what to say.

Sabrina shook her head. “Brock, while you would have had a type advantage, a pokemon that has been deemed as Legendary in strength is not to be trifled with. While I have never faced one, I have read extensively. They typically take entire teams of pokemon to drive off, let alone defeat.”

“Well, it might be something we can’t avoid. With Giovanni and Team Rocket confirming for us that he has this Legendary Psychic… Well, I think we have no choice but to get ready to fight them.”

Sabrina squeezed my shoulder. “As long as I am there to help you. Do not attempt to fight it by yourself.”

I shot her a smirk. “I’m not about to run headlong into that sort of fight.” She nodded in acknowledgment before I sighed. “And I thought the biggest thing I was going to deal with this week was facing Will…” I ran a hand over my face. “Damn, this... I'm not sure what this will do. I hope Agatha and Koga recover.”

I was also intensely curious to know what had happened.