“Ekans, blow up the water with Iron Tail!” Jessie said, chopping her hand straight down.

The water exploded upwards when Ekans’ tail impacted it, causing the Seaking they’d been struggling against to shoot up into the air, astonished by the turn of events.

“Sludge Bomb!” screamed Jessie causing the Seaking to be nailed and hurled out of the water.

It flopped uselessly before laying still as it went still to preserve itself. A beam of pokeball light impacted it, and it was withdrawn.

Flags shot up, and the referee, a grizzled old man, growled. “Lily’s Seaking is unable to battle and has been withdrawn! The victor for this singles battle is therefore Jessadia from Viridian City.”

Lily bounced on the spot. “Like! Great battle! With that, you more than earned your Cascade badge! Congratulations!” The girl skipped over to her and handed her the badge.

The old man coughed, and Lily rolled her eyes. “Alright, alright! In future, you should uhm… think about evolving your pokemon and making it stronger?” She shot the old man a look and he nodded before indicating he had something to say.


Lily bobbed her head up and down, and the man stepped forward. “Don’t be afraid to have your Ekans enter the water. Ekans are naturally adept at hunting in water and would have been a perfect pokemon to engage with some of the pokemon Lily used.” He then glanced towards Meowth who was being blow-dried. “Also, think about training your Meowth to shut up. It wastes a lot of its energy gas bagging like it does.”

“Hmmm,” Jessie said before shrugging. ”I like him just the way he is.” She gave them both a nod and gestured for James and Meowth to follow her out of the Gym.

When they were outside, Jessie tilted her Cascade badge back and forth, watching as it caught the light. “I really don’t understand how we can have so much success in some things but fail miserably when we set our sights on something as simple as stealing pokemon?”

James rubbed his chin. “Perhaps our methodology is flawed?”

“The results do sorta speak for themselves,” Meowth said as he started brushing out his fur. “Good call with dodging that Water Gun by the way, I only got a bit wet instead of ending up in the drink!”

Jessie shot Meowth a smile. She hadn’t expected him to step up again, but he’d surprised her and offered to go first. He turned his head away. “Don’t expect me to bail you out again or nothing next time, though! You hear?”


“I’d never take your assistance for granted, Meowth,” Jessie said, reaching out and patting her friend’s head. “Would you like the prize money? After all, you did most of the work. Ekans barely needed to mop up Lily’s Seaking.”

Meowth glanced at her suspiciously before nodding his head slowly. “Thanks… shame we lost our Rocket expenses card… but this Trainer gig is sure working out for us."

She handed over the money without any concern. He’d spend it on his shampoo and conditioner, which, really, was a team expense. She shared a knowing look with James as they both flicked their hair and enjoyed the way it shimmered in the afternoon light.

She then returned to inspecting the Cascade badge. “What do you think about our methodology is flawed?”

“Well we don’t plan for your pokemon battles at the Gym but we plan lots for trying to steal pokemon. Perhaps that’s the difference? We just wing it next time and see where it ends up?” James said with a one-two snap of his fingers.

Meowth snorted. “Jail, that’s where it ends up. Jessie don’t let it bother you that you’re… okay as a pokemon trainer and have therefore been winning some badges. Things will be tougher soon, and you’ll need to buckle down. Also, you're comparing Rawst berries to Oran Berries, they just aren’t the same thing!”


James tilted his head “But they both grow on trees, are blue, and are fairly cheap?”

Meowth glared at James. “That’s not the point I’m making!”

James raised his hands. “I’m just pointing out you can compare them… rather easily in fact…”

Meowth ran his paws down his face. “I had my pick of Teams with the Rocket organisation and I chose you two… urgh!”

James shot Jessie a wink, and she rolled her eyes at his antics. She changed the topic. “We should probably check in with our division manager… hopefully they won’t be too mad at us dropping out of communication for the last…” She tilted her head. “How long has it been since we last checked in?”

Meowth and Jame shot each other a look. James stuck his tongue out. “Carry the three… almost a month?” Meowth nodded, and Jessie huffed.

“So we’re very late in reporting; better do that then.”

James and Meowth grimaced but followed her to a private area where they could observe anyone approaching them. Jessie swallowed and dialled up the number, only for it to not go through. She tried again, only to get no result. “That’s strange…”

Meowth scratched his ear. “Perhaps they’re on holiday?”

James nodded his head. “Crime is a full-time job with benefits, after all.”

Meowth opened his mouth before closing it and shaking his head, muttering again about having his pick of the teams. Jessie scrolled down to another number and dialled it, only to get the same result.

She selected a third and a fourth number, only for none of them to connect. “This is odd. All of them on holiday?” She licked her lips at the last number on the list. “Guess we’ll contact the boss?”

James stiffened. “Now, now! Is there really a need to talk to him?”

Meowth nodded his head quickly. “Yeah! Yeah! He's gonna be busy! I’m sure of it!”

Jessie adopted a professional stance and rang the number. This time, it connected. The boss’ shadowy figure appeared, and he was shown to look them over. “Jessie, James, and Meowth? Team Rocket White? Excellent! Good to see you were able to lay low and avoid the raids! Excellent initiative! After your silence, I had thought you might have been arrested. Good work!”

Jessie, James, and Meowth all shared a look, having no idea what their boss was talking about but glad for the praise. “Yes sir! Thank you, sir!” Jessie spoke before the others could open their mouths and ruin it.

“Good to see you’re still in the field. I’ll send you a new list of tasks to be on the lookout for! Until then, evade the police and the League! And stay away from the Rocket Academy! People are sniffing around for it!” With that said and done, the boss signed off.

Jessie, James, and Meowth all shared a look. Meowth rubbed his chin. “Sounds like someone really messed up! Glad it wasn’t us!”

Giovanni laced his fingers together. His eyes turned to a computer screen, indicating the team he’d just been talking with and their success rating.

Team Rocket White… Their academy scores and initial missions had been…frankly terrible.

Jessie had been a natural leader, and her addition to the team of James and Meowth during their time at the Rocket Academy had seen them rivalling the top scorers in Butch and Cassidy. From there, they had been… sporadic with their successes. It always seemed to depend on the type of mission they were given. Jessie herself was a legacy Agent, and that afforded her a certain leeway that Giovanni was happy to see she'd never had to use. The girl did her mother proud. Her team was a useful card to call upon in certain situations.

They were incredibly independent and were often able to self-fund any missions without having to draw from Rocket expense accounts. A trait that had allowed them to escape unnoticed from the various raids Lance had been leading.

Giovanni would even almost call them self-starters.

Butch and Cassidy, Team Black —Team White’s direct rivals— meanwhile, had to lead the police on a fierce chase during the whole blitz of Team Rocket’s assets.

So far, Team Rocket White had been performing well. He tapped a few keys and signed a commendation on their file. It was trainers like this that would help keep Team Rocket afloat in Kanto.

Not that Kanto was the only area of influence they now had. These days, Johto was much the same as Kanto. The Orange and Sevii islands were soon to be the same. Orre was the new goal, and with resources being funnelled there, it became the safest area for Team Rocket to escape persecution.

With Lance’s idea of creating an international Police force or, G-men, it would be important to establish Team Rocket in Orre well and truly before anyone on the international scene even knew to look there.

Still, the raid had hurt. The best money laundering facility in the Indigo region had been taken from them in the Games Corner. The radio shack in Vermillion had been both a monitoring station of Surge, a known warrior from the war, and an information relay point. The storage point in Chrysanthemum Island had seen millions practically go up in smoke. The recruiting facilities in Hollywood had been minor.

Giovanni knew it wasn’t over either. The League had taken a large bite out of Team Rocket’s interests, and now it was having to swallow what they’d bitten into. Giovanni had clogged their system with so much information that was both false and true that they’d started choking on their prize.

Giovanni still smiled at how one enterprising Rocket Grunt had led League agents through Pokemon Land, causing huge amounts of damage that Giovanni had been able to sternly demand recompense for. After all, being in hot pursuit did not allow the League’s agents to get away with wanton destruction. They’d destroyed so much more than just the theme park with how they’d ravaged it but also a number of incriminating data terminals.

Grunt Proton was due for a promotion when he was jailbroken.

Giovanni frowned as he considered the next task he had to follow up on. He punched a number on his phone and glared at the Executive that answered. “Report on Operation Chatot Silencing!”

“We’re still observing the potential person of interest, sir! He does not at this point appear to be the target in question but with possible surgery…”

“Is he allowed freedom of movement without at least three watchers on him at all times?”

“No sir! He is allowed to move about with minimal security on his person!” The executive said.

“Hmmm so he is possibly a person the League has put into protective custody... but not our target. Mark him, take a few photos, and pull out.” Giovanni intensified his glare. “Do not be observed!”

“Sir! The next target will be in Blackthorn!” The Executive saluted. "Extreme care will be taken!”

“Double your preparations. Bearding the dragon, if they do host our singing Chatot will be no mean feat!” This got another nod before Giovanni hung up on him. He glared. It was bad enough to learn that their agent had been captured, but to then learn that their agent had been a double agent? For Team Magma of all people?

Giovanni lit his cigar and took a long draw to settle his nerves. He’d never faced Major Maxie of Hoenn. He’d tangled with Commodore Archie when the man had led a raid on Cinnabar. It was surprising how many organisations sprang up after the war that had roots in the military services.

Not that such was the case for Team Rocket. Team Rocket had been established prior to the War. It had made good use of the war to advance Kanto and Team Rocket interests. His mother—

Giovanni’s door opened, and his head snapped around to growl, “I said I wasn’t to be disturbed!”

The very woman he’d been thinking about sauntered in without a by your leave. Giovanni glared at the door. He’d had the locks changed. Digitised even. It seemed he was going to have to steal a security tactic from young Brock and use a Porygon in his office.

Perhaps that might even stop any further intrusions from his mother. It might reveal a few more tricks she liked to always claim she had up her sleeve.

But then again, sometimes it was worth letting her play her games. He held his scowl and prepared to play the usual little game that they’d developed since he’d taken over as leader of Team Rocket.

“Darling,” she said, speaking as if she hadn’t just broken into his room.

“Madame,” he replied, maintaining the professional space. He barely wanted to acknowledge her as his mother. She’d use it for her own means. It was best to keep things clearly drawn. She pouted, and he took a moment to draw on his cigar, ignoring her attempt to browbeat him.

“Gio darling, I couldn’t help but notice that a rather large portion of my organisation has been… liquated…”

“Indeed,” he said, turning his attention back to the work he had to do.

She tapped her fingernails, one after another, as was her habit when she wanted to drag him into speaking. She knew it irritated him. Or it had when he was a child. She’d cultivated certain behaviours in him that she used to help control him. He understood that now. Their relationship was like that.

She’d created him to be an heir but had found methods of extending her life that made it touchy for her to ‘release’ her control over the organisation she’d built. Perhaps she’d always known she’d have trouble and had thought to make herself into a puppet master, allowing him to do the day-to-day tasks, but she’d pull some strings, and like a Spinarak, she’d create results and profits for herself.

The steady click-clack of her nails made a vein throb in his temple, despite knowing what she was doing. Part of him respected her for what she’d done. Since he’d been five, she’d groomed him in so many ways to take over.

Giovanni had to applaud her for thinking so long-term.

Sadly, much of her methodology was outdated. She ran Team Rocket like a business. It could be more, so much more.

“Your profits are down,” she said finally, when it was clear, twenty minutes later, that he wasn’t going to break.

Giovanni repressed a smirk. He’d included her agents in the talks about the finances. They were skilled but also served to keep the Madame informed and directed toward things that were ‘big issues’ for her. She’d look at the profits and losses and consider that the most important aspect.

She would see what the money ‘on the books’ had been poured into.

She didn’t know of the facilities in Orange, Sevii, or Orre.

She did not know about Project Mewtwo.

And if Giovanni had his way, she never would.

“Yes, there is a need to cut our losses with those facilities. This year’s outcome will be grim, but we have other methods of recouping our losses.”

“Good to know that you’re not putting all your eggs in one basket.”

Giovanni decided to take the bait. “You taught me as much.” And there it was, a twitch of the lips and a small crinkling of the eyes. Yes, he’d said what she’d wanted him to say.

“Do you have a response?” Madame Bossue said, leaning forward intently. Giovanni tilted his head.

“Currently, we’re making the League chase shadows while our actual businesses and interests are being explored in other areas. Expansion is continuing. Setbacks are part and parcel with business, Madame; you should understand this.”

“Hmmm, I see that I might have been mistaken in getting you a commission into the Quartermaster's office back then. It’s caused you to not understand that sometimes the profits need to be set aside and you need to give your troops a victory. Something to rally around, something to make your enemies more wary about approaching you.”

Giovanni held in a smile. Ah, she’d come to propose something. Excellent, it could be co-opted and repurposed. “You have a suggestion?” he offered, eager to see what she had. For all that she caused him a great deal of annoyance, she often demonstrated her worth when she wasn’t trying to wrest control of Team Rocket from him.

Today she was playing nice, but he’d need to defang certain aspects of her plan, he had no doubt.

“I have a two-fold plan. You need someone at the top. Someone… equal to you in prestige that you can use to wield and direct the League if needed.” She raised a folder with the picture of a dark-haired man in a mask. “Someone that’s been looking for a little more support, in fact, and could be tied to our interests.”

Giovanni hummed. “I see you’re reviving an older proposal for your purposes,” he said, letting her know what she was about to say was known to him.

“It wasn’t worth consideration back then, but with the League acting as it has and the direction it’s currently going?” She tsked and shook her head back and forth. “It needs a course change.” She dropped the portfolio on his desk in front of him. “You’ll need to help him of course, when it comes time for him to challenge yourself and Blaine, you’ll need to take a dive… but then again, the bookies can make a field day off that.”

A.k.a Team Rocket. Or rather, the legitimate side of Team Rocket. The gambling industry was a wellspring of funding and their control of certain fights allowed for match-fixing in the Ace circuit. Even with only three of the top twenty in the Ace circuit controlled by them, they made huge profits.

“Blaine will need to be placated,” he said. He wouldn’t mind taking a dive. He could even see the sense in it. He tapped the young man’s file. “Why this one? We already have people at the top of the Ace circuit that we can promote.”

“He’s rather arrogant, and before certain events of late, he had thought himself above seeking more aid. Now? He’s coming to us.”

“Ah,” Giovanni said, raising an open hand for the file. Will… Will of the Elite Four? Hmm, it sounded reasonable. “He’ll need more training to defeat Agatha,” he pointed out.

“Something can be arranged,” the Madame said. Then she shrugged. “Or we can set Lorelei up for a fall. Lance already dislikes her and wants her gone. Doesn’t like having her around. Can’t stand having a threat to his power linger so close.”

Giovanni flicked his eyes up. That was the closest he’d ever heard her talk about their own situation. Had she just… praised him for allowing her to stay close? Or was he being chastised? She delighted in making it difficult to discern.

He nodded over the form. “We’ll set something up.”

“I’ll make the arrangements,” the Madame said, smiling widely. Giovanni decided not to question how she’d choose to approach the asset. Will was a handsome sort, as he supposed. He merely grunted. “Make sure he gets wrapped up tight. If we’re going with this, I don’t want him even trying to slip our leash.”

“I’ll have him barking on command, don’t you worry.” Giovanni considered taking over the project… but then again, perhaps a degree of separation would be best. No one knew that Madame Bossue was his mother after all.

“Very well,” he said, drumming his own fingers on the table. “What else did you have to propose?”

“How about we escalate?” Madam Bossue said, her smile starting to show some teeth.

Giovanni eyed her carefully. “I’m listening?”

She raised another folder and laid it before him. “I call this operation Burning Mountain.”

Giovanni sat and listened.

It was daring. It was loud. It was aggressive.

And it had high chances of working out for them and netting them a lot of assets while weakening their foes.

He signed off on it and then took complete control of it. This, along with Operation Big Shot, would have a serious impact. It would need to be big though. Thankfully, as his mother had taught him, he knew how to set his goals and then achieve them.

Giovanni and Team Rocket might have taken some hits, but they were still in this fight. And he was planning on winning.

Sabrina lounged on the couch.

Her head was laying in Brock’s lap while he showed Suzie how to braid hair. Sabrina could feel Flint watching on, a hunger to join in mingled with his trepidation to approach her lingered about him. She usually had to ignore him lest his feelings of inadequacy taint her otherwise pleasant times with Brock’s family.

Instead, she focused on how Ralts tried to ambush Terra with a tackle from above, only for the much lighter Ralts to fail miserably in her attempt. Terra merely hugged the young Ralts back, her mind tingling with joy at the perceived ‘hug’ from her playmate. Sadly, she tripped and began crushing Ralts, but a light application of telekinetic power saw Ralts spared any bruises.

The boys bounced around the room or stared at Samurai Furret as it glared at this episode’s villain. One Count Farfetch’d that had stolen an entire village’s leek supplies in the attempt to evolve into what it assumed would be the ‘ultimate’ Farfetch'd. Sabrina found herself enjoying the wit on display with how the writers had subtly included a number of meal recipes in the way the villain was testing the various leeks. Beyond the simple humour, there was an adult level that made it more enjoyable.

She was beginning to enjoy these nuanced jokes. Still, the childish ones were rather good, and getting to feel the raw, unfiltered glee of the children at the simple jokes was always a treat. It made the jokes somewhat funnier, especially when Tommy snorted his milk. Billy and Tilly then copied him.

This caused the rest of the family to laugh at the silliness of the scene. Thankfully, before Brock could stand and deprive her of his lap, Nanny Grav entered with a cloth and wiped everything up. A feeling of satisfaction bloomed from a job well done and a family member well looked after by the Graveler.

Munchlax joined Ralts and Terra with Eevee at his side, creating a small game that Ralts was much more able to play than the play wrestling. After a while of playing that, they grew bored and Ralts showed them how to play patty cake.

Brock carefully threaded her hair into a princess braid, and Sabrina drew back into herself, enjoying the feel of his firm fingers deftly weaving through her hair. It would be the work of a moment to use her own powers to braid her and the rest of the girls' hair, but that wasn’t the point.

It felt nice.

Sabrina allowed herself the moment to relax.

It was a simple pleasure, but sometimes those were the best.

It was a rather pleasant turn of events, especially with how overcharged she’d been after training with Alakazam.

She was sad because she knew it wasn’t going to last. The psychic power had caused her to have a burst of unconstrained clairvoyance. She’d had a rather strong one thanks to the built-up energies from working with Alakazam on his Mega-evolution… and then Brock had touched her… Unlike Ralts, her powers had latched on and shot her sight into the future.

She tried to ignore the premonitions she was getting.

They didn’t belong in the now. They were a future concern, something vague and nebulous that if she looked for would always be on the horizon. She’d told Brock about them, and he’d taken them seriously. Sadly she hadn’t been able to give him anything concrete. Just that they were in for some tough times.

She didn’t like the way these dark tidings felt closer to home for her.

Then again, her premonitions hadn’t always been right.

Especially not with Brock… She smiled up at him and hoped the darkness creeping his way would be something he could once again evade.

If not, she made sure to stay close. She’d be there to help, just in case.

Hiker Frank warmed his hands over the fire. It had been a chilly evening but then again nights on top of a mountain usually were. He thumbed through the pictures of his family and sighed. He’d sent some money through to his wife but he still just… he couldn’t find it in him to settle down. Each job he took he swore would be the last but then he’d be off again. And she’d just get this look in her eyes.

The kids understood. They must by this point in their lives. They’d gone on their journey and seen what it was like. They were always happy when he was home.

It probably helped that he sent back big fat paychecks each week.

It paid well to be a security guard for a Gym Leader’s secret diamond cave.

Not that he could tell anyone that. Not with all the NDA’s he’d signed. Not even his own family could be told. They knew he did something secretive that paid well and never asked beyond making sure it was legal. Which it was. Plenty of folks did it.

Frank stood and stretched, only for the sound of feet on stone to make him turn and adopt a huge smile.

“Why hello there!” he said as a rather… well, dapper-looking man marched into view. The man had grey hair, and his entire demeanour screamed wealthy. But there was also an itch in Frank’s mind. His instinct flared up warning him that this guy… he was strong.

It was an instinct you got after fighting enough people. You sort of had to earn it, the ability to just look at someone and know, if they were weak or strong. He was also doing something. Frank bit his lip and the feeling abated.

Frank wasn’t sure what to make of this situation. He licked his lips and lowered his hand out of sight to his pokebelt. Hopefully, the guy would keep walking.

“Morning,” said the man, pausing and looking around. “Nice view you have here,” he said reasonably. Only to pause on the small trail leading down to the cave with the diamonds in it.

The man stepped towards it, and Frank felt his gut sink even as he stepped into the man’s path. The man stopped and assessed Frank. “Oh, I’m sorry. Do you have a claim? Can I not go that way?” he said all affable-like.

Frank shook his head. “I’m afraid I can’t answer that. That’s private property.”

That pulled the man up. “Who owns it?”

The feeling came back, and Frank almost blurted out Brock’s name. He bit his lip again, and the man tilted his head before speaking up. “So, there is obviously something important down there…” The man reached down, and Frank pulled his pokeball out only to pause when the man pulled out a chequebook. “Tell you what. You let me down there, and I pay for your silence. No questions asked, our little secret.”

Frank shook his head. “I ain’t being bought!”

The man put the chequebook away and reached for a pokeball. “I could do it another way.”

Frank grimaced. His instincts were blaring warning him that he wouldn’t win this fight. So instead of releasing his trusty Machoke he pushed a button on his transceiver. “That won’t work neither now,” he said as an emergency message was sent informing his company and Brock that someone was sniffing around.

“What do you think that will do?” said the man.

“Call up someone that might have a better chance at putting you in your place. I recognise you now fella!”

The man merely raised an eyebrow. “That would be amusing, but I can see that you’re serious. In the interest of not damaging whatever is in that cave, tell whoever owns his land that Steven Stone is interested in talking. I had suspicions prior to today, and your presence is enough confirmation for me.” The man flicked a business card at Frank, and he caught it.

Frank merely grunted, feeling his guts flutter at how close he’d come to fighting a Regional Champion.

The Champion of Hoenn marched back down the way he’d come, leaving Frank feeling like perhaps it was time to cash in on his holiday hours and spend some time at home.

He’d leave Brock to handle tangling with a Champion.

He’d done it before; maybe he could do it again?