Fighting on a true dragon’s back was a dream come true for Victor.

Fighting a [Dracolich] was a nightmare.

Vainqueur had already informed the Vizier of Mell Odieuse’s true form, but to see that horror in the flesh was something else entirely. The fomor had transformed into a half-rotten skeletal dragon the size of Vainqueur, her bones animated by unholy energies. The [Black Crests] covering her core only enhanced her menacing aura, a ghastly armor to match Vainqueur’s golden regalia.

Even with Furibon and King Wotan at their back, Victor felt as outmatched against this monster as he did against Akhenapep in El Dorado. The very air choked with the monster’s oppressive aura, her pull calling his very soul to its final demise.

You have entered [Dracolich] Mell Odieuse’s [Voracious Siphon]! Your connection to your [Black Grail] has been severed! If you die within its area of effect, your soul will be devoured! [Terrifying Aura] negated.

Warning: Ten minutes before the missiles launch! If you fail to defeat Mell Odieuse within that timespan, Outremonde will be annihilated!