As this story grows I want it to be convenient for all of you lovely readers to remember things. I’ve read plenty of long form stories in my time that would benefit from a list of characters and summaries of previous events, so that’s what I’m giving you. If a character doesn’t have a description section, that’s solely because I didn’t originally describe them beyond just stating their species. Anyway, though this isn’t necessary to go over I hope this is helpful to you all for any future reading. The character list is purely in alphabetical order and should hopefully contain every named character. There’s a non-zero (read as: pretty darn good) chance some mistakes were made but after pouring over everything I feel pretty confident I got all the important bits right.

Name: Abrus

Race: Great earth spirit

First Appearance: Chapter 52

Last Appearance: Chapter 285

Description: Chooses to take the form of a tall man at seven feet high, with marble skin, along with thick golden hair and a beard.

Summary: The great earth spirit who survived the fall of his world, Abrus made it to the new one along with the other great spirits and all of the surviving regular spirits. Father of Thera and husband to Pelenia, he attempts to learn to wield non-affinitied magics, though without any luck. Has a friendly, occasionally playful personality but quick to anger when it comes to his family. Responsible for drastically increasing the wealth and power of Anailia by materializing large volumes of magic materials each day.


Name: Amy

Race: Human

First Appearance: Chapter 245

Last Appearance: Chapter 280

Description: No physical description given, however it’s been stated she came to the world with weapons mastery, high all-affinity augmentation, and high non-affinity augmentation as skills, with it implied she arrived with more too.

Summary: A human who was summoned with Ben, she is in a relationship with Jake while at the same time suffering from how little thought he puts into anything. Due to the nature of her skills she struggled to decide on a weapon for herself, at least until Ben made her something that was able to give her nine different options she could switch between. A more serious personality, though can be a bit violet with Jake depending on how he acts.


Name: Anailia

Race: Succubus Goddess of love and seduction

First Appearance: Chapter 83 (but mentioned previously)

Last Appearance: Chapter 271

Description: Appears to be a giant snake

Summary: A widowed goddess of love and seduction, Anailia fled her old world, taking as many members of her race as she could carry in her trial. Considers all succubi and incubi to be her children. As one of the gods with the largest groups of believers due to just how many she saved, she is both powerful, as well as frequently busy.


Name: Aso

Race: Dragonewt/harpy hybrid

First Appearance: Chapter 232

Last Appearance: Chapter 232

Description: A girl a couple years younger than Thera, with feathers of a blue, green, and gold shifting colour that sparkle in the light.

Summary: A light mage working at the same clinic as Thera and Sonya. Daughter of the clinic head, she helps out at her father’s request but has an interest in pursuing the path of an adventurer. A work friend of Thera’s.

Name: Ather

Race: Sobek Demigod

First Appearance: Chapter 218

Last Appearance: Chapter 228

Description: A green scaled face with solid black eyes and sharp white teeth, the scales giving way to tanned flesh as one looks farther down with powerful muscles.

Summary: A proud and arrogant demigod, Ather wanted powerful individuals by his side for the coming war and set his eyes on Thera. After breaking her cloak, causing her to expose her charm to the town he loses a duel with Ben, almost dying in the process.

Name: Ben

Race: Human

First Appearance: Chapter 1

Last Appearance: Chapter 288

Description: No description given

Summary: Our titular chaotic craftsman, and unlike the first time I made character summaries I can comfortably say he’s grown into that title splendidly. Using a cursed ring he made to train his attributes and having the long term goal of sealing a soul for use (amongst other things) he’s reached the point where none that know him would be surprised to hear him called that. For a more complete idea of what he’s been up to, refer to the arc summaries below, but he’s gone from arriving with level zero and one skills to having two awakened, with more on the verge of it. Since getting to the world he’s made friends, fallen in love, and almost died more times than he cares to think about. He has the optimistic view that it’s simply the nature of the world itself and that his friends and classmates must be going through significantly worse as they train, not knowing just how easy they’ve had it in comparison, nor how bad his luck is. After becoming the apostle of Myriad he’s made great strides in growing the faith as a whole, even if much of that growth was a side effect of pursuing his own interests.

Name: Ceselee

Race: Unknown

First Appearance: Chapter 42 (first named chapter is 50)

Last Appearance: Chapter 229

Description: No description given

Summary: Head of the Stonewall guild. As a rank three adventurer she got the role for her skills in that regard, but given that towns of their size typically combine all major guilds into one branch, she also has to act in an official capacity for both the craftsman and mages guild if need be. Overall a friendly person but mostly serious when it comes to her work, she regrets what occurred between Thera and Roan, especially since she views both Falk and Sonya as friends. Seems to get some entertainment whenever she gets to put Ben up a rank when she sees how little he enjoys it compared to others. An improvised weapon user with a time augmentation.

Name: Cheele

Race: Ruby crab hybrid

First Appearance: Chapter 252

Last Appearance: Chapter 254

Description: A giant fleshy crab originally, having a ruby shell by the end of chapter 253

Summary: The son of the musician Greed and a mother who’s the head of a criminal organisation. He was born without a shell due to the nature of his race, but after kidnapping his father to eat and getting Ben as well, he was able to get one through the help of powerful individuals and the magic ritual Ben helped create.

Name: Delair

Race: Dryad

First Appearance: Chapter 146

Last Appearance: Chapter 166

Description: A dryad child. Green flesh with leaves and flowers growing in her hair as is common for her species.

Summary: A dryad child related to Sachel, she grew close with Ben while he stayed in her village, helping him repair the homes of the other villagers while he was there.

Name: Domp

Race: Unknown but appears to be a cyclops hybrid.

First Appearance: Chapter 215

Last Appearance: Chapter 217

Description: a hybrid species of cyclops and some sort of bird people, with one large jewel-like eye and beautiful red feathers

Summary: Sia user with air and water magic. Rank four adventurer of Stonewall

Name: Drari

Race: Dragonewt

First Appearance: Chapter 232

Last Appearance: Chapter 232

Description: Has scales of a shifting blue, green, gold colour

Summary: The head of the stonewall clinic. Sonya and Thera’s boss who constantly struggles with it being understaffed. Allowed Thera to work for his clinic as a cleaner, even while she was dealing with her issues in town.

Name: Dres

Race: Orion (summoned hero)

First Appearance: Chapter 218

Last Appearance: Chapter 227

Description: Completely covered in blue scales

Summary: A member of a reptilian race that ruled her homeworld from the shadows. After being summoned and having her true form revealed she was selected to work with the demigod Ather.

Name: Eg

Race: Unknown

First Appearance: Chapter 216

Last Appearance: Chapter 223

Description: Appearance of some sort of frogman

Summary: Bow user and the only member of his party without a gambling addiction. Worked with Ben and Thera during their leviathan hunt.

Name: Eneth

Race: Warrior God of the Sobek

First Appearance: Doesn’t make a true appearance, but is mentioned throughout the seventh arc (chapters 213-231)

Last Appearance: N/A

Description: A powerful looking lizard.

Summary: A god of earth and spears who is worshiped largely by the Sobek. Father of Ather. Declared Ben his enemy after the statue of Myriad was put up.

Name: Elvat

Race: Unknown

First Appearance: Hasn’t yet appeared but mentioned in chapter 246

Last Appearance: N/A

Description: None

Summary: The world's original soul mage before Yuzu showed up. Acts as her and Jake's teacher.

Name: Falk

Race: Yeti

First Appearance: Chapter 7

Last Appearance: Chapter 271

Description: Eight feet tall, covered in white fur and rippling muscles, with a surprisingly impressive topknot on his head

Summary: Ben’s teacher recommended by his god, Falk is a private man that only so much is known about. While it’s certain he has awakened skills at this point, Ben still doesn’t know for sure what they are. What he does know is that the yeti was personally recommended by a crafting god and that in the past he acted as an adventurer with both Sonya and Pelenia, being close enough to the two of them that Pelenia’s daughter looks at him as an uncle. Able to make legendary ranked items, a level of skill that typically only shows up once a millenia, he was originally dedicated to pursuing his craft and refused to take apprentices, but after having to take Ben in he’s found more enjoyment in the act of training another and watching them grow than he ever expected to, even if he occasionally has to disappear to help with various clients in the world.

Appearing to be a gruff man at first, his rougher appearance and speech hides a caring center that feels genuine love and concern for the people in his life.

Name: Felth

Race: Sobek

First Appearance: Chapter 218

Last Appearance: Chapter 230

Description: An older Sobek, having the standard features of his races including a face covered in green scales that eventually gives way to flesh the farther down one looks, as well as solid black eyes.

Summary: Apostle of the god Eneth and the mortal father of Ather, he is in charge of managing his god’s faith and takes the role seriously, while at the same time trying to manage his powerful son. Attempts to kill Ben for beating Ather in a duel but fails, putting the entirety of his faith in danger in the process

Name: Fredrick

Race: House plant

First Appearance: Chapter 23

Last Appearance: Chapter 211

Description: A small tree/ houseplant with purple leaves that grows small berries regularly

Summary: Originally bought by Ben with the goal of using it to train his connect skill without having to worry about harming it like if he’d instead bought a pet to use, his love of the plant had quickly grown to the point that he would be devastated if he ever accidentally hurt it.

Through his many months of training with it, Ben has been able to see some changes in it as time went on. Its mind began to grow slightly quicker in reacting to him when he connected to it and the speed it would grow its berries increased significantly, and more importantly, it began giving off faith for Myriad as a result of Ben praying with it.

That last point led to Ben making a deal with his god to get Fredrick a minor blessing, just to see what would happen. So far the result is nothing, but both are patient.

Name: Fontesh

Race: Dryad

First Appearance: Chapter 146

Last Appearance: Chapter 166

Description: Green flesh with leaves and flowers growing in her hair as is common for her species.

Summary: Cousin of Sachel and mother of Delair, she allowed Ben, Thera, Sachel and her party to all stay at her home while Sachel completed her quest for Myriad

Name: Funa

Race: Great dark spirit

First Appearance: Chapter 55

Last Appearance: Chapter 90

Description: A cloud of darkness in the shape of a succubus

Summary: Similar to Abrus, Funa is the most powerful dark spirit on the planet. She has a good relationship with Thera and is training Karly as a favour to Pelenia and Abrus. She has also made it clear she’s more then happy to train Thera in her dark magic if she wants.

Name: Furela

Race: Incubus

First Appearance: Chapter 60

Last Appearance: Chapter 86 (although it’s more he’s mentioned without doing anything)

Description: No description beyond being an older incubus

Summary: Anailia’s awakened barrier magic user, he acts mainly as Glob’s teacher while also trying to give Abrus guidance on the slim chance the great spirit could ever learn a non-affinitied magic. Ben goes to him any time he can to make new higher level rings to use.

Name: Genon

Race: Great air spirit

First Appearance: Chapter 78

Last Appearance: Chapter 78

Description: Takes the appearance of a succubus made of mist and air currents

Summary: Similar to Abrus, Genon is the most powerful of the air spirits. She has a negative relationship with Thera, not seeing any use to her and thus is hated in return. Has been attempting to create a more successful version of Thera by breeding with natural lightning users, but has been unsuccessful.

Name: Globolgork (Glob for short)

Race: Grey

First Appearance: Chapter 52

Last Appearance: Chapter 204

Description: four and a half feet tall, with a small body and large head, with giant black eyes but a tiny nose and mouth, and completely grey flesh

Summary: From one of the other groups of summoned heroes, Glob is a grey, a technologically advanced race that is able to interact with other realities to an extent, though not to the point of being able to freely travel to them.

While a rude person with a lower opinion of those who exist outside of his home reality, Glob is properly training for his role as a hero for the world he now finds himself trapped in, even if he isn’t thrilled about it.

Name: Greed

Race: Ruby Crab

First Appearance: Chapter 249

Last Appearance: Chapter 285

Description: hand-sized crab with a red crystal shell

Summary: A holder of two awakened skills, both blessing magic and one related to music, Greed is a fairly well known musician who meets Ben when he’s looking for something to act as an amplifier for his performances. Shortly after he’s kidnapped and nearly eaten by one of his children and only escapes that fate thanks to Ben’s help, though later on is tossed into the dead god’s trial with Ben.

Due to some youthful indiscretion he has a number of children across the world.

Name: Helori

Race: Goddess of knowledge and magic (race she originally ruled unknown)

First Appearance: Chapter 239

Last Appearance: Chapter 280

Description: The most human-like goddess to appear so far, the main thing setting her apart being two long crystal horns that swirl with all branches of mana

Summary: A goddess of knowledge and magic, she originally had a decent relationship with Myriad, but that changed when she learned he destroyed his world.

After challenging him to a contest and losing, things do improve between them and she is forced to act as a teacher for Ben as a result.

Name: Hentath (Elder Hentath)

Race: Dryad

First Appearance: Chapter 144

Last Appearance: Chapter 166

Description: An elderly dryad

Summary: Grandmother to Sachel and head of the village she lives in.

Name: Iberu

Race: A troll hybrid

First Appearance: Chapter 255

Last Appearance: Chapter 289

Description: A troll hybrid with a beard

Summary: Acts as the head of the craftsman’s guild, though if chapter 289 is any indication he’s got something going on in the background.

Name: Incedis

Race: Great fire spirit

First Appearance: Chapter 78

Last Appearance: Chapter 78

Description: Appears in the form of a strong incubus with a body made of flames

Summary: Similar to Abrus, Incedis is the most powerful of the fire spirits. He has a negative relationship with Thera, not seeing any use to her and thus is hated in return. Has been attempting to create a more successful version of Thera by breeding with the fire fairies, but has been unsuccessful.

Name: Inux

Race: Talos

First Appearance: Chapter 184

Last Appearance: Chapter 208 (or 209 in you count the fact he’s present but unconscious)

Description: A giant, ancient man with skin made of bronze, covered in decaying enchantments. Essentially a robot with a soul.

Summary: Last of his kind and the protector of the maliae, at least he was before the fall of his world. Made by a god that was killed in the invasion of it’s world, leaving nobody to repair him. In an act of desperation he goes to Anailia, seeking Ben’s help, but when that fails he has his core that houses his soul removed in the hopes that one day he could be put into a new body to fight the coming invasion.

Name: Jagal

Race: Nature goddess of the dryads

First Appearance: Chapter 158

Last Appearance: Chapter 158

Description: Thin leaves, some sort of violet apple-like fruit, and smooth golden branches growing out of the head of the goddess, with her face and body having a more human-like form, though completely covered with the same golden bark as her upper branches.

Summary: Goddess of the dryads. Due to an event in her worlds past she wiped out the male population of her people, leading to the dryads being a fully female race.

Name: Jake

Race: Human

First Appearance: Chapter 245

Last Appearance: Chapter 280

Description: None

Summary: Viewed as the sixth most important of all of the summoned, only behind those who came with tier three skills, Jake arrived with the ability to use all affinities of magic, as well as any non-affinitied branch, making him a priority to train. He is romantically involved with Amy and Yuzu and trains under the archmage, non-affinitied mage, and the soul mage. Doesn’t think before he speaks and is a bit of a nerd.

Name: John

Race: Human

First Appearance: Chapter 1

Last Appearance: Chapter 1

Description: None

Summary: A guy who questions why Ben is going out of his way to make real chainmail for the convention he’s going to. Has made no other appearances in the story. Sorry John, maybe a future arc.

Name: Karly

Race: Human

First Appearance: Chapter 52

Last Appearance: Chapter 90

Description: None

Summary: One of Ben’s classmates who was taken in by the succubus nation of Anailia to be trained under the great dark spirit Funa. Attempted the trial of Anailia with the summoned grey Glob in order to fulfill the condition of completing it to have the right to take the throne in the future, but failed and had to be saved by Ben and Thera in the end.

Name: Lehie

Race: Elf

First Appearance: Chapter 2

Last Appearance: Chapter 91

Description: A long eared elven priestess who appeared only a few years older than Ben, but was in reality the eldest priest at her church.

Summary: The first person Ben met upon being summoned, Lehie was put in charge of Ben’s care and lessons when no nation chose to take him in. While occasionally a bit careless, she was the first person in the world to care about Ben’s safety and wellbeing.

Name: Lomp

Race: Unknown but appears to be a cyclops hybrid

First Appearance: Chapter 215

Last Appearance: Chapter 217

Description: a hybrid species of cyclops and some sort of bird people, with one large jewel-like eye and beautiful red feathers

Summary: Shield user with air and water magic. Rank four adventurer of Stonewall

Name: Lux

Race: Great light spirit

First Appearance: Chapter 185

Last Appearance: Chapter 206

Description: Appears as a succubus made of purple light

Summary: Similar to Abrus, Lux is the most powerful light spirit on the planet. She has a good relationship with Thera and recently became the second spirit to have a child with a mortal.

Name: Mark

Race: Human

First Appearance: Hasn’t really appeared, but his likeness shows up in chapter 74

Last Appearance: N/A

Description: A sporty ball of energy. No physical description

Summary: Ben’s younger brother. An athletic kid who enjoyed Ben’s attention back when he was still on earth.

Name: Mercy

Race: Vampire

First Appearance: Chapter 184

Last Appearance: Chapter 202

Description: none beyond appearing young despite her actual age.

Summary: Leader of the vampires, Mercy made her way to Anailia to try and request help from Ben to see if he could find a solution to her own race's problem the same way he solved the issue of passive magics.

Name: Myriad

Race: God of a dead race/totality of that races souls and original gods

First Appearance: Chapter 6

Last Appearance: Chapter 288

Description: A float metallic cube, size varies based on how he chooses to present himself and occasionally glows when excited.

Summary: The god of a dead race that joined up with the others who’d been attacked, Myriad went milenia without believers due to his circumstances, as well as the rules developed among the thousands of gods now sharing a planet. He was able to talk Ben into converting to him thanks to a technicality in those very rules, an action that has caused him no end of stress as he worries the apostle he’d gained might actually be insane. After gaining enough faith from his newest believer he was able to develop the connect skill to gift to followers, an ability that mimics his own races ability to link up their sub brains, and thanks to its use and potential, as well as the discoveries of Ben, his number of believers has grown rapidly. While still considered one of the weakest gods, he will never be able to go without believers again because of that skills use.

Having a more casual nature with his believers compared to other gods, partly due to the fact that he was artificially created and partly due to having gone so long without any, Myriad takes time to talk to all who worship him while at the same time doing what he can to answer Ben’s questions.

While he lacks faith compared to other gods and constantly feels the struggle from it, he still spends what he has freely, ensuring that everyone who converts to him gets both a blessing and eventually a skill as a means to help spread his good name and draw more people in.

Name: Nobu

Race: Catsith

First Appearance: Chapter 216

Last Appearance: Chapter 223

Description: none

Summary: Mace user and part of the group Ben and Thera were teamed up with during their leviathan hunt. Was one of the people Thera controlled to save Ben’s life in arc one.

Name: Nox

Race: Great death spirit

First Appearance: Chapter 78

Last Appearance: Chapter 78

Description: The only one of the great spirits to use a physical body, by virtue of the fact that he wears a dead incubus.

Summary: Similar to Abrus, Nox is the most powerful of the death spirits. He has a negative relationship with Thera, not seeing any use to her and thus is hated in return. Has been attempting to create a more successful version of Thera by breeding Vividus, the great life spirit, to see if a new kind of spirit could be created through their efforts.

Name: Olop

Race: Unknown

First Appearance: Chapter 249

Last Appearance: Chapter 262 (mentioned later, doesn’t appear)

Description: a creature that looked like a centaur, only instead of a horse's body it was more akin to a rhino’s with an eagle-like head instead of something more human

Summary: The political head of Allfaith. After failing to get either Falk or Ben to work for him and being slighted by Ben, he attempts to have Ben killed off, only to be discovered and put to death.

Name: Omp

Race: Unknown. Appears to be a cyclops hybrid

First Appearance: Chapter 215

Last Appearance: Chapter 217

Description: a hybrid species of cyclops and some sort of bird people, with one large jewel-like eye and beautiful red feathers

Summary: Club user with air and water magic. Rank four adventurer of Stonewall

Name: Onk

Race: Unknown

First Appearance: Chapter 8

Last Appearance: Chapter 215

Description: Faceless hominid

Summary: One of the guild staff in Stonewall. Gets along well with both Ben and Thera.

Name: Pelenia

Race: Succubus

First Appearance: Chapter 52

Last Appearance: Chapter 257

Description: none but can be assumed to have the standard succubus traits of slit pupils and a tail.

Summary: Thera’s mother and current queen of Anailia. Has a bit of a carefree personality.

Name: Quilith

Race: Grey

First Appearance: Chapter 64

Last Appearance: Chapter 280

Description: While not directly stated, it can be assumed he looks the same as Glob. Four and a half feet tall, with a small body and large head, with giant black eyes but a tiny nose and mouth, and completely grey flesh

Summary: A resident of another universe that interacts with the one Ben is stuck in, acting as his teacher in some regards after some light blackmail.

Name: Ralia

Race: Naga/nagual hybrid

First Appearance: Chapter 21

Last Appearance: Chapter 164 (technically appears later as well but with no lines and only mentioned in passing)

Description: A woman with the lower body of a snake

Summary: A part of the same party as Skoe and Sachel. Is in a romantic relationship with Sachel. Acts as a fighter in her party by taking the form of a giant snake in combat.

Name: Roan

Race: Unknown (Presumed by Abrus to be a Zandalian)

First Appearance: Technically first appearance was chapter 7 and there was also one in chapter 23 and 27, but the first time he properly appeared was chapter 41

Last Appearance: Chapter 42 (Though mentioned multiple times after)

Description: a hominid type, having a generally humanoid appearance, but his eyes were clearly compound, and his bare arms had a thick chitin shell on the top, with a softer flesh on the underside.

Summary: A tamer from a foreign nation, while staying in stonewall he would flirt with the female adventurers around, trying to convince them to join his harem, with his eyes eventually focusing in on Thera. After taking her hand once when she wasn’t paying attention, his already unhealthy mind became deeply unstable as he grew more and more dangerous while trying to win her affection. Due to this, even after Thera secretly drove him away from town she was still feared.

He came back months later, stalking her and Ben from a distance, trying to kill Ben twice and attacking the town as a whole to try and prove himself to her, failing to stop the threat he’d caused. He was later taken away and imprisoned, forced to receive some mental help as he was.

Name: Sachel

Race: Dryad hybrid

First Appearance: Chapter 21

Last Appearance: Chapter 217

Description: A horned woman with forest green skin

Summary: A part of the same party as Skoe and Ralia. Is in a romantic relationship with Ralia. Acts as a mage and healer in her party while also being the oracle of Myriad. Devote in her faith.

After being imprisoned by her grandmother after she trespassed into her village's sacred forest while trying to help, she receives Ben’s help in helping her home and repairing the damage that came between her and her grandmother from converting.

Name: Seren

Race: Half light spirit half Satyr

First Appearance: Chapter 203

Last Appearance: Chapter 203 but mentioned again in chapter 259

Description: a mostly standard hominid type, with the key distinction being that the horns on his head were glowing with the same purple light that Lux did, as well as a thin tail similar to an incubus’s

Summary: The second half spirit in existence and Thera’s cousin.

Name: Skoe

Race: Unknown

First Appearance: Chapter 21

Last Appearance: Chapter 164 (technically appears later as well but with no lines and only mentioned in passing)

Description: A four armed warrior

Summary: Acts as a warrior in his party with Sachel and Ralia. In the past had an antagonistic relationship with Thera, blaming her for what happened with Roan, though now is more neutral to her.

Name: Steph

Race: Human

First Appearance: Chapter 1

Last Appearance: Chapter 280

Description: None

Summary: Ben’s friend from earth. She shows regularly that she worries about him after he was the only one left alone. Has access to awakened life, time, and space magics and is in a romantic relationship with Will.

Name: Sonya

Race: Succubus

First Appearance: Chapter 15

Last Appearance: Chapter 232

Description: A beautiful woman who looks to be in her thirties with pale skin and long black hair. Human looking with the only thing showing she isn’t being her cat-like pupils and a long, thin, leathery black tail

Summary: Aunt of Thera and Sister to Pelenia, Sonya acts as one of Stonewall's main healers at its clinic, proving indispensable for the amount of work she’s able to take on while it struggles with its staffing issues. An adventurer in her youth, her life was saved by Falk and she ended up falling for him, though lacks the courage to tell him. A kind, caring woman who deeply loves her niece, she’s a mostly reasonable person, but has a hint of her sisters mischievous side, always happy to see Thera react to Ben in different ways.

Name: Thera

Race: Succubus/Spirit hybrid

First Appearance: Chapter 12

Last Appearance: Chapter 288

Description: Skin that looked like it was made from genuine marble and solid gold eyes lacking whites or pupils, with hair running just below her shoulders to match, and a thin tail wrapped around their waist like a belt

Summary: Our wonderful FMC! While initially cold to Ben, after overcoming a number of challenges together they’ve grown into a strong relationship.

Born as the first half spirit, Thera wasn’t able to use her magic until later in her life and while loved by some of the great spirits was viewed as a failed experiment by others.

As a result of the her passive charm magic, even amongst other succubi she had to hide away or else suffer the risk of bringing them into her effects, leading to a mostly isolated life until later on.

After moving to Stonewall to be with her aunt and uncle, she became an adventurer, unfortunately attracting the attention of a tamer called Roan who kept putting himself under her charms effect, eventually warping his mind as a result. Once she met Ben they worked together to deal with him, improving her standing in the town as well.

From there, Thera began interacting with more people, while also working to grow her skills.

Name: Ty

Race: Some sort of bird person (not specified)

First Appearance: Chapter 6

Last Appearance: Chapter 6

Description: None beyond bird person

Summary: A merchant that gave Ben a ride from the church he was summoned to out to Stonewall. Has a strong interest in the footwear of various races.

Name: Uliel

Race: Unknown

First Appearance: Chapter 246

Last Appearance: Chapter 257

Description: Dark blue skin, as well as a black mane of hair running down her back and feet that seemed to be backwards. Appears roughly thirty by human standards

Summary: Known as the archmage, possesses a high level of the archmagic skill, one that lets the user access all affinitied magics. Acts as a teacher for Jake and a guardian for Amy and Yuzu

Name: Ursire

Race: Unknown

First Appearance: Chapter 188

Last Appearance: Chapter 257

Description: A bear person with strangely human hands

Summary: The holder of the skill dark resistance enhancement. He’s paid to train it by Pelenia so that Ben can use it to improve Thera’s brace.

Name: Uzi

Race: Hobgoblin

First Appearance: Chapter 216

Last Appearance: Chapter 223

Description: A hobgoblin

Summary: Battle ax user who worked with Ben and Thera during their leviathan hunt.

Name: Vasta

Race: Unknown

First Appearance: Chapter 246

Last Appearance: Chapter 257

Description: A short human woman for all intents and purposes except for their ears which would put any elephant to shame, hanging to their side like a cloak and swaying as they walked. Appears roughly thirty by human standards

Summary: Known as the non-affinitied mage with the ability to use any non-affinitied magic. Acts as a teacher for Jake and guardian for Amy and Yuzu

Name: Vividus

Race: Great life spirit

First Appearance: Chapter 78

Last Appearance: Chapter 129

Description: A white void in the shape of a succubus

Summary: Similar to Abrus, Vividus is the most powerful of the life spirits. She has a negative relationship with Thera, not seeing any use to her and thus is hated in return. Has been attempting to create a more successful version of Thera by breeding with the death spirit Nox to try and create a new kind of spirit, but has been unsuccessful. She also helped Ben by adapting his demon organs to his body.

Name: Wedrow

Race: Unknown

First Appearance: Chapter 108

Last Appearance: Chapter 124

Description: a giant floating worm, about two meters in length and as thick as a fist

Summary: The space and time magic teacher of Steph, possessing awakened versions of both skills

Name: Will

Race: Human

First Appearance: Chapter 3

Last Appearance: Chapter 280

Description: none

Summary: A friend of Ben’s from earth. In a romantic relationship with Steph and is generally less concerned about him than her. Came to the world with fighting and defensive skills, but has managed to gain a lighting augmentation through hard work.

Name: Writ

Race: Satyr

First Appearance: Chapter 185

Last Appearance: Chapter 203

Description: none

Summary: An adventurer who attempted to awakening his combat skills by fighting a dragon to raise his rank. After almost dying he was saved by Lux and confessed his love to her, eventually winning her heart and having a child together.

Name: Xizle

Race: Unknown but described as a starfish person

First Appearance: Chapter 239 (though could be argued it’s the end of 238)

Last Appearance: Chapter 260

Description: as tall as him with a bright blue colour

Summary: Apostle of the goddess Helori that Ben competed against to earn his god more faith. Encouraged Ben to pursue Thera and had the eggs of his children hatch under his skin, eating their way out.

Name: Yan (Father Yan)

Race: Not specifically state, though seems to be a lizard man/cyclops hybrid

First Appearance: Chapter 4

Last Appearance: Chapter 45

Description: A one-eyed lizardman

Summary: The head of the communal church Ben was summoned to, Father Yan did his best to help Ben after he was left alone among his classmates, giving him opportunities to train his skills and helping find him teachers to learn others, as well as getting him a far larger fund then he originally would have when he went out into the world. A respectable man who tries to do right by people while fulfilling his role for the gods.

Name: Yuzu

Race: Unknown (summoned hero)

First Appearance: Chapter 246

Last Appearance: Chapter 280

Description: sky-blue skin twinkled in the sunlight, seeming to imply it was covered in tiny, jewel-like scales, while both her eyes and hair were similar to Thera’s, being the same solid colour, only silver instead of gold.

Summary: A girl from one of the other groups of summoned heroes, she’s viewed as the most important for the simple fact that she’s not only a tier three skill holder, but a soul mage, meaning the world now has two at their disposal. Fell in love with Jake at first sight and caused some chaos by proposing, her people's culture keeps her from talking to other men until the marriage passes. She developes a friendship with Thera in their time together, showing just what a cheerful and chatty person she can be.

Name: Zandale

Race: Unknown

First Appearance: Chapter 128

Last Appearance: Chapter 132

Description: A mass of tentacles. Sky blue at the base and turning to a bright red at the tips, they seem to lack sensory organs.

Summary: Apostle of the knowledge god Ooro and known as the skill master. Myriad Maid a deal with their god to conduct a trade, them learning a skill from Ben and Ben learning one in exchange. This is due to connect being similar two four Zandale had been training in the hopes of awakening one day. Regularly acts as a skill teacher for a price thanks to the ability.

Name: Zite

Race: Unknown

First Appearance: Chapter 215

Last Appearance: Chapter 223

Description: a being that looks like a skeleton wrapped in a layer of clear slime, towering above the others at almost three meters

Summary: A mage that worked with Ben and Thera during their leviathan hunt.

You might notice I gave some of the story arcs names! This was purely for my own entertainment as I thought to myself what I would call each one. Also giving you a peek into my mind with which chapters in each arc are my favourite. I’m sure it says something about me, but who knows what.

Arc 1: Chaotic Craftsman Worships the Cube

Chapters: 1-45

Turnips favourite chapters: 25 and 28

Description: After dying on a trip before graduating, Ben and his classmates were given new life in a new world, but with the catch that they were asked to fight in a coming war. Everyone that he arrived with was blessed with powerful awakened skills, everyone but him, leaving him left behind and forgotten as the people he knew were taken away to train.

After months of staying at the church he was summoned to, he left to make his way in the world, only to immediately be contacted by the god Myriad and became his apostle shortly after. Ben meets his teacher Falk, and while training under him is told to work with his niece, a mysterious cloaked girl named Thera.

He was put in charge of both hunting with her as an adventurer, as well preparing her equipment, namely ensuring she got a constant supply of staves, as the ones she uses constantly broke due to her extreme quantity of mana and nearly non-existent control.

As they spend time together, Ben grew to learn more, mainly the fact that she was shunned in town, believed to be cursed by many of the other adventurers, with the reason for all of that being revealed when they were attack in the woods by a beast controlled by a tamer named Roan, who’d developed an unhealthy obsession with her.

Ben was able to drive off the beast thanks to his connect skill but almost died in the process, as well as destroying Thera’s cloak. She was able to get him back to town to save him, but is left under house arrest for the act of exposing people to what she’d been keeping from him all along, her passive charm magic.

After Ben is able to prove it doesn’t affect him she explains everything that happened. How the tamer that attacked them kept exposing himself to her charm, warping his already unbalanced mind, how the guild didn’t do enough to stop him no matter what she warned them, and how she ended up recieving the blame for what happened to people despite how much she tried to warn them of the dangers.

Ben took on the role of making her a new temporary cloak until Falk could get back from a meeting with a client and in that time they grew closer, cooking together, talking, playing games as their friendship formed and solidified, with Thera sharing her insecurities about how her magic affects people.

Eventually, after Ben completes her cloak, Roan is captured, but reveals he has a herd of different dangerous beasts just outside of town, primed to attack unless the guards get Thera to watch him drive them away. A condition Thera agrees to.

Because of his lack of skill and the starved state of the creatures he failed at his attempt and was taken away, leaving the guards and the guild to figure out what to do when Ben speaks up, offering to handle the situation with Thera.

He connects with her for the first time, taking the load of her staff with aspects of his crafting skill as she delivers a powerful attack, killing them all in the process.

At the end, even though many people still fear her her standing in town had increased for the act, enough that she wouldn’t need to worry about continuing to live there

Arc 2: Chaotic Craftsman and the Temptations of the Succubus Queen

Chapters: 46-92

Turnips favourite chapters: 50, 58, 86

Description: After finishing up his task for his client, Falk returned to Stonewall, hearing what happened while he was gone along the way and rushed back, fearing for the safety of Thera, Sonya, and Ben as he did.

When he arrived he was informed that not only was everything fine, it was Thera and Ben who saved the day, with Ben working on a secret project ever since, much to Thera’s annoyance.

Ben reveals to his teacher he believed that he’d come up with a way of blocking out Thera’s passive magic, with Falk responding by giving him the resources he’d need to test it out, with the result being that while he was only able to cover a fraction of her charm after hours of work, he was able to deal with Sonya’s completely after minutes.

This drives his teacher to action, making Ben sign up with the craftsman guild to get an official patent in his name for the discovery, as well as sending him off with Thera to her homeland, the succubus nation of Anailia, to further test and confirm the results of his discovery.

Upon arriving it is revealed that Thera’s parents aren’t just anyone, but the current queen of the nation as well as the great earth spirit, both powerful people of high standing.

From there he sees his old classmate Karly, as well the grey Glob, another of the summoned who comes from a technologically advanced world whose people can interact with other realities to an extent.

From there, Ben learns lots of things. From ways to make Thera’s staves better, both immediately with sacrificial enchantments, as well as in the long term with the prospect of using her hair as a material, to attempting to make a gun and turning the church of his god into a coat.

At the threat of losing support for her training as a mage, Thera’s mom forces her to agree to take the trial of their goddess, offering to get Ben ten believers for his god as well if he agrees to help her. From there it’s just preparing for whatever they might face before entering the trial.

After going through the different parts of it, the most notable being where they meet with their duplicates that ends with Ben gaining complex mind, as well as the section where Thera is forced to relive her past and experiencing the judgement of some of the other great spirits, they make it to the end, facing off against a group of statues where Ben realizes the ultimate growth of his connect skill was leading to him learning to enchant with other enchantments.

After succeeding and getting their rewards from Anailia, they leave the trial and Pelenia throws a party for their success, during which she tricks Ben into proposing to Thera in a way she doesn’t feel like she can decline.

After the fall out of that, Ben confronts Glob about the fact that he’s still in contact with his homeworld, threatening them into helping, and we come to that arcs end.

Arc 3: Chaotic Craftsman and the Demonic Scourge

Chapters: 93-125

Turnips favourite chapters: 95 and 124

Description: Returning home to Stonewall, Ben learns of his god’s history, how he was a constructed being that housed the souls of his worlds deceased before the old gods of his world merged with him as well.

Once back, he gets to experience a variety of different things, with the main ones being practicing the new uses he’s discovered for connect, gaining samples of each magic material as a dowry, and the existence of the grey’s being revealed, as well as the fact that they’ll be working to help the world made public.

Shortly after all of that, his friends Steph and Will, as well as Steph’s space and time magic teacher Wedrow come to check on him after hearing about his engagement, as well as the rumours about just who he was engaged to in particular. After things were cleared up there, Ben is invited to a demon hunt with them, being forced into it by his teacher.

Ben and Thera have a fight when he suggests he’s holding her back as an adventurer and that it might be time for her to find a real party and shortly after she, Steph, and Wedrow are kidnapped by a herd of demons.

Originally Ben and Will assumed they’re dead, but with Ben’s bind skill he shares with Thera telling him she’s alive they go to save them, setting up a trap for the demons and killing almost all of them so their friends can escape.

Right when they’re about to reunite, the only demon who’d escaped, one that had grown into a true invader emerged from the earth, piercing Ben with its attack before Thera kills it.

After conducting a desperate organ transplant using the corpse of the invader, Steph suffers from mana exhaustion, blacking out and forcing Thera to desperately try and gain life magic to keep Ben alive, succeeding in the end.

After the gods discuss what happened while a mysterious figure reports to their own god about watching everything from a distance.

Arc 4: Chaotic Craftsman meets the Master of Skills

Chapters: 126-137

Turnips favourite chapters: 126 and 137

Description: Ben wakes up after weeks unconscious and learns what happened in that time, with dozens of healers being sent to treat him by the various gods who had watched the fight.

Thera’s aunt Vividus, the great life spirit, came to town, and after healing Ben informed her that she came at the request of the air spirit Thera requested the help of. That led her to helping guide Thera in learning to feel her dark magic.

Falk gives Ben ten ninth-leveled magic rings, as well as introduces him to Zandale the skill master., who he teaches connect in exchange for defense enhancement. Ben shares his other rarer skill too but gets him to teach Sonya and Thera instead, which they choose mana examination and telekinesis respectively..

Thera gains access to dark magic and Ben uses his wealth to rent out a restaurant for her birthday.

Arc 5: Chaotic Craftsman and Dryadic Fears

Chapters: 138-167

Turnips favourite chapters: 148 and 153

Description: In the time after Zandale had left, Ben decided to passively train his mana and vitality by making a ring of both moribusial and deathstone, he’s made a library of skill rings, gotten from both Zandale and customers from the shop, and he figured out he can improve Thera’s brace by incorporating the effects of certain other skills.

During his experimenting and working to improve himself, Myriad come to him with a request that he act as an apostle in an official capacity, going to Sachel’s home village to negotiate her release after she and her party broke the village rules and went into the dryads forest.

After freeing her, Ben is angered by her grandmother/village elder and agrees to help Sachel with her goal of killing the monsters that are destroying the woods, while at the same time he works to fix up the broken down village, trying to make a favourable impression of his god while he did.

While he’s doing that, Thera worked with Sachel and her party with mixed results due to their history together but eventually they succeed in their goal of wiping out the frost bats, keeping the woods safe.

At the end Sachel officially becomes Myriad’s oracle.

Arc 6: Chaotic Craftsman and the perils of high expectations

Chapters: 168-212

Turnips favourite chapters: 168, 170, 191, 208, 212

Description: Back in Stonewall, after the long and annoying process of reinventing the wheel, Ben makes a bike to use for traveling around, as well as some other tasks. He agrees to make his god a proper church in exchange for giving his houseplant Fredrick a blessing, succeeds in making a functional gun, and finally succeeds in making Thera a staff that can withstand her power, incorporating both her hair as he had planned back in arc two, as well as using wood he got from the dryad forest.

Thera for her part spent the same period of time working at the Stonewall clinic with her aunt, acting as a part time helper due to how understaffed they are, before both she and Ben take a rank four promotion quest to rise up as adventurers, with the task being to clear the woods between Stonewall and the gate to try and keep things safe for travelers.

Once complete they go to Anailia to visit Thera’s family, letting Ben make more braces for some added income while at the same time being able to access the libraries of both the craftsman and mage guilds. Their arrival also comes with the reveal that the great life spirit Lux is pregnant, meaning a second half spirit will be born into the world.

As word got around that Ben would be in Anailia again, two different groups took interest. The vampires, who were hoping to find a means of suppressing their own mind effects, and the last of the talos, who went at the request of the race he served in a final desperate attempt to stay alive.

While Ben succeeded with the vampires, he wasn’t able to help the Talos, instead managing to create a situation where he might be able to help him one day if his skills grew great enough.

With that done they go back to Stonewall, where after a few days Thera tries to show Ben she appreciates how hard he works for her and he admits to himself that he’s interested in her.

Arc 7: Chaotic Craftsman in the Demigod’s Domain

Chapters: 213-231

Turnips favourite chapters: 225, 226, and 227

Description: Thera, Ben, and Falk are all forced into an emergency guild quest, where the first two are made to work with a group they had a small amount of past experience with, even if Ben wasn’t aware at first, with them being the ones who helped save him when he was attacked by Roan’s alseer in arc one.

Learning this and seeing the low quality of their weapons, Ben makes new ones for each of them as a late thanks for helping to save his life, with many of the guilds better adventurers leaving to go fulfill the quest shortly after, with the goal being to suppress a herd of leviathans that had strayed from their common path, bringing them far too close to a town than could be safe.

When they arrive, Thera is singled out by a person of considerable power, the demigod Ather, who could feel the raw mana she possessed from afar and tried to coerce her into working under him before Ben was able to shoo him away.

The following day, during a meeting with the team they were told to work with, it’s announced that the leviathans have arrived, days earlier than they expected and with twice the numbers, posing a massive threat to the town when it was still in the process of being evacuated and not all the guilds who were coming to help had arrived yet.

Due to Thera having the most power of anyone, she attacked while they were still at a distance, trying to suppress any she could before they got too close, needing to be led away as a result while all the others had to begin fighting in earnest.

Underpowered and undermanned, Ben was able to see they were losing with deaths likely to be coming soon so he made a desperate bid, getting Thera to collar the one they were fighting before he and two of the team they were working with all hung from it as he constructed an enchantment that would affect the creatures mind, pouring their mana into it before watching as it did as it was compelled to, fighting its own kind on their behalf.

With that done and nothing more they could do, Ben stood back to take a new job while the rest kept on fighting, resulting in him passing a boundary for his mind skills and passing out for the rest of it.

After awakening and finding the battle had ended, Ben and Thera go back to meet up with Falk to prepare to leave, encountering Ather as they did. He tears Thera’s cloak, exposing himself and the people around them to her charm and she needed to put them all under a sleep spell as a result to keep them from trying anything.

While she is devastated by what happened, Ben is enraged, and after a conversation between the two of them where Ben tries to show how important she is to him Thera’s mood improves and Falk comes back with a new cloak.

Before they leave, Ben sneaks off to challenge Ather to a duel to work out his own anger over what happened. Due to some serious over planning for it on his part, he nearly kills the demigod, and after the duel ends Ather’s mortal father and apostle of Eneth attempts to murder Ben to hide the fact that Ather lost in a fight to a nobody.

He fails, Ben reveals he’s an apostle and forces the church of Eneth to display a statue of Myriad with a number of conditions designed to make the church struggle in the end for everything they’d done.

Arc 8: Chaotic Craftsman and the Trials of Allfaith

Chapters: 232-290

Turnips favourite chapters: 237, 257, 270, 288

Description: During a heatwave in stonewall, Falk is invited to a crafting competition and has Ben take his place in the city of Allfaith.

When they get there, after looking around, Ben is introduced to the trial of the dead god and has its history explained to him, including the fact that the god who made it and his people are all dead, so there's no way to know about what the trial contained, as well as the enchanting system of the race it belonged to.

Ben meets the goddess Helori and her apostle and is challenged to gain his god more faith with the winner receiving a blessing and a skill, a challenge Ben accepts without discussing it with Myriad once he hears it’s a magic skill being offered. After he learns she likely wouldn’t actually be able to give him one which only motivates him to win more, though out of annoyance.

After gaining faith through hypnotizing both a forest and a farm of creatures, Ben succeeds and wins, gaining her blessing, and as a result of not being able to get a skill from her, he also gets her to agree to act as a teacher for him, answering any questions he has.

The contest starts and Ben reunites with both Steph and Will, as well as two of his other former classmates Amy and Jake, getting to learn just what they’d been up to since they’d parted. He also learns that Jake is a student of both the archmage and the non-affinitied mage, while also being engaged to the worlds second soul mage, someone who was summoned just like them, but from a different group.

The archmage briefly attacks Ben but things are resolved quickly.

Ben meets a crab named Greed who is a famous musician/blessing magic user who commissions him to make a speaker. After it’s complete Greed's criminal son kidnaps both of them with the intention of eating Greed to grow a proper shell. Ben stops him, thinking he has an option that doesn’t leave Greed dead and once freed gets the help of both Myriad and Helori to construct a ritual that Thera, Steph, and Yuzu could do together to turn a giant ruby into a living shell.

On the last day of the contest, Ben makes the item he’d been planning for so long, something based mainly on barrier magic that could alter into nine different weapons depending on how mana was run through it for Amy to use. As a result of making an item that reached ultra-rare, Ben’s crafting awakened, changing to the skill unending crafting.

After, as a result of being rude to Olop in his acceptance of the reward, the man has Ben and coincidentally Greed thrown into the dead god’s trial to die.

The second half of the arc and about two and a half months storywise is Ben and Greed working their way through the eleven floors of the trial, pushing themselves to their limits to survive each different affinity that was thrown at them while the the people Ben knows struggles with his loss and presumed death. Ben also awakens his enchanting into divine enchanting.

Once he escapes he forces the trial into a higher layer of reality, is reunited with Thera, remakes the enchantment on her brace using his awakened enchanting and gets her effect at a distance down to zero, admits his feels for her and has them returned, and during their date the world erupts into panic as the invasion points are marked.