“Thanks for the meal man, stop by later and we'll work out a time for you to meet up with my teachers,” Jake said happily, pulling him into a hug before he, Amy, and Yuzu left for the night, leaving him with Thera, Steph, and Will.

“Well, this was fun but we should probably start heading back soon too,” Will told him. “How much longer are you two planning on being here? We can try to meet up one last time if you want.”

“Probably just a couple more days for me at least,” Ben told him before turning to Thera. “Unless you have anything to hold you back for a while?”

“Um, no I think I’m good,” She told him, seeming distracted as she was preparing to leave for her own room. Seeing her like that had felt like a common feature of the trip, and he was debating talking to her about it when they were alone before she managed to crash his brain by leaning up and gently kissing his cheek before throwing her hood over her head to hide her face.

To the side, Steph was all but shaking Will in excitement as Ben struggled to get a single mind to put together a coherent thought. “Uh, I take it you enjoyed the food then?”

“It was delicious,” She told him as she stared at the ground, frantically asking herself what she’d just done. “Sorry, is that the sort of thing you’re supposed to do before food is served?”



“I mean, Steph and Amy told me what your outfit said and I really don’t mind doing little things like that to participate in your culture if it would make you happy,” She rushed to explain. “You do a lot for me so it’s the least I could do, really.”

“Uh, what?” He asked again, still confused as Will leaned over to a suddenly far more uncomfortable-looking Steph.

“I get the feeling you probably didn’t explain things as well as you should’ve,” He whispered to her, pushing her to action as she pulled Thera to the side, saying something quietly that ended with her rushing out of the room.

“Okay, I’m going to follow her,” She said after a second's hesitation. “Will, I’ll see you at home. Ben, um, I don’t know, I’ll see you later.”

With that she ran out as well, leaving Ben alone with Will as he chuckled. “Well, whenever Thera comes back it might be good for you guys to actually talk.”

“I told you, she’s been nothing but clear that she doesn’t want anything like that and I don’t want to make things weird by making a pass. The way things are is fine”


“That’s a pretty big smile if you really think that.”

Ben touched his face, not realizing how happy he looked after such a small act.

Okay, this might be a problem.

Will laughed as he watched him, patting his shoulder and giving a wave as he walked off. “I’ll stop by in a couple days so let me know how it goes, alright?”

Before he could answer he was alone, and with nothing else to do, went to lie down to deal with the mess that was his thoughts.

It hadn’t been long, but it wasn’t helping. He was in a struggle of what he wanted to do versus what he thought he should do, and the pulling from both ends left him unable to rest or relax, so he got up and decided to go out for a walk to get some air.


He could still feel the effects of bind, the link between his and Thera’s soul and knew she wasn’t in her room, which was probably for the best. He wanted to talk to her, he just didn’t know how. As much as he just wanted to be open about it and tell her he cared he still couldn’t help but worry it would only drive a wedge between them.

Nope, I’m clearing my head for now. No thoughts on how complicated interpersonal relationships are.

It was dark in allfaith so late in the day, with few places open now that the sun had set. The streets were mostly empty now that the contest had ended, with the tourists having gone through the gate back to their home nations as the residents of the city enjoyed its normal, calmer atmosphere.

It was as he was walking that he heard music, a familiar sound coming from a small pub, and thinking it could be the perfect distraction he went in, seeing Greed in the back, using the tool he’d made him to perform and giving him a wave.

He wasn’t sure if he was seen but that was fine, he was content to simply sit and enjoy some music, letting his troubles melt away as he did, only to be shocked to find someone else in the pub he knew, or was at least acquainted with, and walked over to say hi.

“Hey Xizle, wasn’t expecting to run into you here,” Ben told the starfish person and fellow apostle amicably, not sure how he would respond. The last time he’d seen him was as the results of their little competition were announced, and though Ben didn’t think he was a bad guy, he couldn’t exactly blame him if he felt any bad blood.

To his relief though, he seemed cheerful, even excited to get the chance to see him. “Ben, I was hoping to meet again. Come, sit and join me for a bit if you aren’t busy!”

The level of positivity and cheer was a surprise in itself, but Ben did as he asked, happy for the distraction.

“It’s good to see you too, how did the birth of your children go?”

“Oh wonderful! All seven eggs hatched safely and they were each able to eat their way out without causing me major harm, the healers on standby were able to treat most of the damage too. I just need to take it easy for a few days so they’re being watched by their mother for the time being.”

He seemed so thrilled by what he was saying that Ben tried to keep a neutral face to what he was hearing, no matter how strange the topic was.

Right, didn’t Helori mention this too? I was a bit too distracted about the whole magic thing at the time but I feel like I got to see some of the stranger traits to exist in the world during the trip. I wonder if succubi… Nope, not thinking about that right now. I’ll ask Falk later or something.

He shook the thought from his head, not that Xizle seemed to notice, instead having his own questions.

“So since I have you here, I’ve got to know. How did you pull off your win? I was sure we had it, though losing after all of that was a lot more exciting,” He laughed.

“Ah, well since the contest involved getting the most faith, I just gathered my god the low-quality stuff. I basically turned a small forest of trees and a hundred some-odd animals into faith generators and it managed to work out.”

“Wait, what does any of that even mean?” Xizle asked, voice alight with the sort of curiosity one would expect from an apostle of a knowledge god and Ben gave the long version, explaining both his plan and how he pulled it off, leaving the other man more and more impressed.

“Well, I can’t be dissatisfied losing like this,” He said happily. “I never would have imagined…”

He trailed off as they continued to chat and pass the time, Ben finding it to be the perfect distraction from his thoughts as the music slowed and stopped, with the familiar crab making it joining their table after.

“Wasn’t expecting to see you again so soon legs, miss me that much?” Greed asked with a laugh, getting Ben to lift him to the table instead of leaving him down on the floor.

“Just needed to clear my head and heard your music. It was good.”

“Ha, you didn’t even see me at my full potential. When I’m going all out I weave my magic into my song, but not much point in a crowd like this. But anyway, what’s got your face looking like that?”

“Like what? This is just my face.”

“Hey, I see enough of you hominid types to pick up on a few things. Now out with it.”

“If something’s bothering you Ben, I wouldn’t mind listening as well,” Xizle agreed. “After what my goddess dragged you into, it’s the least I could do.”

He wasn’t sure if it was something he wanted to talk about, but then again he still didn’t know how to deal with this and it was something he needed to make a choice on eventually, there were worse options to talk it over with than a married man who’d just started a family and someone who seemed to have plenty of experience with women, so along with his desire to get it off his chest he opened up, telling them what had happened, how he felt, and how he struggled with it, and waited to see what either would say, with Greed happy to share his opinion first.

“Love is a scam, don’t do it,” He said bluntly. “Sure, everything might seem all sunshine and rainbows at first, but then you have a giant baby trying to eat your flesh. It’s not worth it.”

“Ridiculous,” Xizle cut in. “There’s no greater joy for a father than to offer his body for his children, surviving after is just a bonus.”

…I definitely should have asked other humans for advice instead of this.

He spent a few more minutes listening to them bicker about the virtues or horrors of childrearing before he put a stop to it.

“Guys, I’m not thinking about children, I’m thinking about if I should even tell her how I feel at all.”

“Oh right, yeah I’d say do it,” Greed said casually as Xizle nodded along.

“I’m in agreement with him. What’s the harm?”

“Ruining my most important friendship?”

“Except you said you think she likes you too,” The starfish man pointed out. “Making the first move can be scary, but if she was really as against romance as you’ve said then if she changed her mind she might not know how to approach it. If you put yourself out there and show you’re an option then maybe things will be awkward, but maybe it will work out too. Let’s say instead you choose to move on to preserve your friendship, do you think she’d be happy seeing you with someone else? If you’re the one who pulled her from her desired solitude, then one day having someone else in your life could leave things just as complicated.”

He couldn’t deny that. Thera had reacted strongly enough just seeing Mercy taking a bite out of him that he couldn’t imagine things being anything but awkward by having some other romantic partner, not that he wanted one anyway. He didn’t want to date for the sake of dating, he wanted to date because it was her.

…Damn it.

“Okay, you’re right, I’m going to tell her,” He said as he got up, feeling resigned to however it turned out. Even if it didn’t go well, even if it left her feeling awkward for a while, he didn’t think he’d be able to be satisfied if he didn’t. It would be something he’d keep looking back on, wondering how things would be if he had just a little more courage, and he didn’t want that. He wanted to see if her thoughts on the topic really had changed at all, or at least if they were starting to.

The other apostle seemed thoroughly satisfied with his choice. “Best of luck Ben, I’m rooting for you.”

“And one last thing before you go,” Greed called out, stopping Ben in his tracks. “I could kind of use a lift.”

Ben could only laugh, picking up the crab and his amplifier before being on his way. “This will be the last time before I come to collect payment so let’s make this fast before I lose my courage.”

As they made their way through the dark, empty streets, they chatted without much care, Ben excitedly telling the crab how the contest had ended, while Greed in return spoke about the use he was already getting out of the amplifier, as well as the few shows he’d picked up while in town.

“I’m just saying, if she says yes to you then a first date with a performance from the one and only Greed would make it extra special.”

“Ha, sorry, I’ve got something special planned for that performance, using it for a date wouldn’t be the best option for me.”

“Ah hell legs, you also saved my life, I can give you one more on the house. I’m not such a jerk that I won’t pay you back for that.”

“Hmm, in that case maybe. I’ll think on it a bit more after I hear whatever she says.”

Just the thought left butterflies in his stomach and his nerves a mess. Despite everything he’d dealt with since ending up in the world, he couldn’t help but feel more stressed by this than anything else.

I’ve literally hung from the neck of a sea monster, this shouldn’t be stressing me out so much.

His distracted thoughts would end up as his downfall though. Without noticing anyone coming from behind him, he suddenly felt hands on his arms and his mouth being covered, his assailants being strong enough to hold him despite the bonuses to his strength he’d gained upon awakening his skill.

“Hey, who the fuck are you!” Greed screamed in his too quiet voice, not having the amplifier set up to draw attention. “Hey, someone help over here!”

“Shit, he has someone with him,” One of the men muttered as another gave out orders.

“One of you, grab him too and keep him quiet, let’s get this done fast.”

More men came and took Greed and Ben was dragged off through back streets, gagged to keep him from screaming and unable to escape. For all the strength he now had, he was just one man, and he was able to see six around him as he tried to break away.

Myriad, S.O.S. again man! Be really nice if you answered this time!

<Huh, what is it now Ben-> His god started, much to his relief before taking in just what was happening. <What in the infinite hells! How is this happening to you again! Where are they- wait fuck Ben you have to get out of there now! I’m going to alert the communal church to send some templars but we only have minutes and you’re going to die! It doesn’t matter if you kill someone or you break any of your bones doing it, get out of there NOW!>

He could hear the desperation in Myriad's voice as his god screamed in his head, but as he struggled he couldn’t escape. His hands were secured and he didn’t have any weapons on him anyway, he didn’t even have any mana batteries in his shoes at the moment, not to mention a lack of skills that could be used.

He tried connecting with them, exposing them to the full force of his panicked mind, but none of them were touching his flesh, instead hanging on to his coat as they pulled him along. There was no avenue for escape. He had nothing, and as soon as he saw where he was he understood exactly what was going to happen, why his god was so panicked as he was pulled to the door of a large tower, the two guards at its side giving a nod to the men bringing him there as they opened it up and tossed him in with Greed, trapping them both in the dead god’s trial.