In the days she’d been helping her aunt Lux at the hospital, she’d been forced to push her life magic in ways she never had to back at Stonewall or during any of their hunts, doing things with the magic she wasn’t even aware of until her aunt had taken the time to explain the spells, and it had just paid off in to form of her level raising.

Considering it wasn’t even the magic her job was focused on it felt extraordinary good, and given the work her father was putting her through she was sure she’d get that one soon enough, but before she could share the good news with her aunt, she was taken off guard by the little hands of their last patient of the day trying to give her a hug.

“Thank you very much,” The small incubus, a child of no more than four or five, told her as he stared up at her with a big smile on his pudgy little cheeks and it was enough for her heart to melt.

“You’re welcome, but you really should be thanking Lux, not me,” She told him gently as the child turned to the great spirit to give her a hug as well.

Thera really felt she hadn’t done much for him, she had just been in charge of helping to suppress his symptoms while Lux cured the root of his ailment, an issue that couldn’t be properly treated without an awakened magic to use, but seeing the child so happy left her feeling good in the part she played, no matter how minor.

As one of the other healers went to take him away, bringing him to his parents, she and Lux found themselves alone in the now empty room, all of their patients for the day fully healed.


“Doesn’t it just warm your heart,” Her aunt asked her with a smile.

“It does feel a bit nicer when they aren’t scared of you,” She admitted, finding herself happy to be able to not only help but feel appreciated while doing it. It was nice and gave her a sense of fulfillment she typically only got when leveling her magic or completing her job. As she looked to her aunt though, wearing the happy little smile that came to her face whenever she looked down at her pregnant belly, she found herself wanting to give voice to a question that couldn’t help but come to her mind. One she’d been avoiding for a while now.

“Um, aunty Lux, you mind if I ask you something a little personal?”

“Of course not Thera, what’s on your mind?”

“Why did you decide to have a child with Writ?” She knew it was a bit of a rude question, but her aunt only laughed it off like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“Because I love him of course, it does tend to be the sort of thing two people do when that happens.”


“I understand that, but… Obviously my parents didn’t expect me since they didn’t even know something like this is possible, but if your child ends up anything like me, they’ll probably be mortal, right? Doesn’t that worry you? For that matter, doesn’t being with Writ when he’s going to have such a shorter lifespan than you bother you at all?”

It was a question she’d thought she’d long since stopped struggling with, putting it to rest when she was still no more than a child. Even knowing the other great spirits were attempting such things didn’t make her think about it, she doubted that if any of them ever succeeded that they’d feel any real love for their partners and children. Lux was different though. She’d loved a mortal, the same way her father did, but unlike her dad, she’d knowingly decided to have a child when her lifespan would put whatever Thera could expect to shame. While she had personally decided that those aspects would never be part of her future, the fact that Lux seemed to have embraced them just left her curious.

In response, Lux just placed a gentle hand on her head, rubbing her hair as she did. “You might start to understand as you get older, but it doesn’t matter how short the time may be for it to be meaningful, the fact that it’s short just means I need to work all the harder to get the most out of it. Whether Writ lives another year or fifty, whether our child lives for a thousand or ten thousand, I plan on getting all I can out of the time I'll have with them. Your mother understands that from the opposite side of things you know, though she could probably do better at saying it.”

“Doesn’t the thought scare you at all though?”

“Assuming we survive what’s coming Thera, you and I will both need to get used to those sorts of goodbyes eventually. Since coming to this world I’ve had plenty, one day I’ll even have to do the same with you, but I’d never wish to have not gotten to meet the people I have in that time. Well, I guess I’m saying I just hope you don’t let your lifespan keep you from living, okay?”

“I’ll… I’ll think about what you’ve said.”


She’d had similar talks with her parents in the past, but given how less seriously they’d tend to act at all times it was hard for her to put much stock in their opinions. Talking to Lux was different. She’d made the choices knowing full well what it entailed and seemed to be at peace with it. Thera didn’t know if she could do the same, but it gave her more to reflect on than she’d expected from the conversation.

“Anyway,” Lux started. “Why don’t we head back for now, I’m sure Abrus is itching to get the chance to practice with you while you’re here.”

“Sure, sounds good.”

With all intents of going home, they left the room, making their way through the hospital, only to be confronted with a scene of chaos.

The healers at the hospital were in a frenzy, rushing about and preparing space. It was worrying enough that Lux stopped to get word of just what was happening, leaving Thera for a moment before going back to explain.

“It looks like a large group that went through one of the wildland gates were attacked, Thera I’m sorry but you go on ahead, I need to stay back to help.”

“No, if it’s an emergency then I’ll stay too. My life magic just went up to three so if it’s an emergency I can’t just leave you while you're pregnant.”

Memories of her own time in the wildlands flashed through her mind. It was where she’d gain life magic and where she’d almost watched Ben die. It was surprising that anything could have happened close enough to whatever gate they’d gone through that they’d be able to make it back, even if injured, but no matter how cleared out the closer areas were from the constant stream of adventurers and soldiers going through it for their training, it was just another thing that showed the lack of stability in the world.

Lux squeezed her hand before leading Thera around, directing her on how she could help. They didn’t know just how many would need treatment, but it didn’t seem like it would be quick.

By the time they were done the day had long since ended. It seemed almost fifty of the city's adventurers had gone through the gate for a training exercise, only for it to have ended in disaster as a herd of giant insectoid monsters passed by, leaving the group to act to defend the gate and keep them from passing through. They’d managed to get away without any death at least, but the injuries were numerous and Lux handled most of them as Thera assisted, leaving what spare healers were available to help as well but letting the rest focus on the patients that were already there. It was physically and mentally exhausting, but it was done.

With the both of them needing a break they went straight to the living room when they got there, looking to lounge and relax. A desire that failed to come to being as Thera saw just what was going on in there.

Her parents were there, though that fact barely crossed her mind as her eyes were drawn not only to Ben, but the woman behind him running her tongue along his neck.

She didn’t know why it brought such a strong reaction to her, but without even meaning to she felt her mana move, briefly shaking the house and catching everyone's attention as Lux took her hand and whispered to her.

“Why don’t we see what’s happening before you let yourself get too upset, alright?”

She took a breath. She wasn’t upset, why would she be upset? Ben could do what he wanted. Well, maybe she would be a little bothered by the fact that he knew that so many of the people getting their braces done were sent there specifically to seduce him, to fall for it anyway would show a tremendous lack of judgement, but she definitely wasn’t upset about that, if anything she was just surprised.

Still, she found it was helping to focus on the feeling of Lux’s hand as she spoke in what was meant to be a calm voice but ended up coming out far colder than intended. “So what exactly is going on here?”

She was immediately able to pick up on her mom's amusement which was enough of an indicator that she’d misunderstood something as she entered. If Ben had been discussing breaking off their engagement to pursue this woman then she didn’t imagine her mother would be in a laughing mood.

Not that it would matter because the engagement is a shame and I’m not bothered by anything. She told herself as Ben answered.

“Well, it’s a bit complicated but Thera, meet Mercy, a vampire I ran into.”