"A good engineer always tries to improve on previous designs.

And broken machinery needs to fixed.

So, it wasn't much of a step to applying the same doctrine to our own bodies.

Accidents happen and a missing hand or leg shouldn't be the end of a promising career.

Mechanical replacements for missing limbs have been common among the brotherhood going back a couple of thousand years.

A few didn't wait for an accident; they just had an arm replaced by a mechanical one with multiple tools and increased STR.

It was a practical thing." The engineer paused."Yes, totally practical.


Like polishing your gilded body armor every day or competing for the best beard." Throttlecog added with a wink.The Engineer glared at him, but acknowledged the comment.

"Hush you.

But yes, some of us do care a bit about our appearance.

That was much more important back when this outpost was crewed by a thousand engineers.

Not so much now, I suppose.""It seemed to be a natural progression at the time to go from replacing limbs, to fixing a fried nerve ending with a bit of thin-wire, or aural-compensators used to replace shattered ears.

Dwarves are naturally long lived, but eventually we do wear out.


We started using some 'preservative potions' to help keep us going another century or two.

I think that is where the engineering started taking a back seat to the necromancy." As he said this, he watched Milo carefully for any bit of censure or disgust.

The new member of the guild just sat there unperturbed.

"That doesn't seem to bother you, brother Milo?"Milo considered his words.

"Too complicated a subject.

Too much overlap with other things.""The preservatives your people used might be called medicine by some.


And while it came from necromancy, an alchemist might also be able to brew it.

From what I've read necromancy seems to incorporate medicine, alchemy, anatomy, and all kinds of things that don't involve making zombies and other undead.""Aye.

That's a decent way to look at it." The Engineer looked thoughtful, then continued.

"After the cataclysm that sealed the roads to the surface, we were pretty much on our own.

We continued our work.

But a schism was growing in the brotherhood.

Those that had the knowledge and special skills to construct their own preservation suit did so.

But a lot of the brother hood were mechanics, pipefitters, machinists.

An engineer who knew the old runes and had the right magitech skills could do it.

The rest were just getting old and worn out.""Engineer Malvos thought he had a way to help the lower ranks.

He devised a pressurized tank that preserved their entire body at once.

While the council debated for half a year about his designs and theories, he used the process on most of the lower ranks.

They were desperate and we were blinded to that desperation.

And Malvos was correct, it did preserve their bodies, and even granted some regeneration.

But there was a cost.""It was a constant strain on their minds to constantly be holding themselves together.

These weren't mages with the WIS or INT to manage the constant drain.

Slowly over time, they became how you see.

The schism is complete.

The lower brethren are a collection of parts held together by Malvos's process.

The senior brothers are tucked away neatly in containment suits, but we can't stray from the complex or we start shutting down.

We're like any other machine here, needing power from the broadcasters."While Milo was happy having things explained, he was still a bit upset about why they told him.

"Which is just a very long explanation as to why I'm going down the shaft in a bucket."The Engineer said "Well..." Throttlecog just laughed loudly.

"Oh hell, Chief, just be straightforward with him.

Yes, that's why you get the honor of hopping in a bucket and heading for the nether regions to see what's gumming up the works.

You don't need power, and hopefully you'll be able to talk when you get back.""What's down there? How deep does it go?" Looking down the borehole Milo only saw the metal sided shaft going into darkness.The Engineer pulled out a very old book from a shelf.

Opening it, Milo saw it was filled with maps of each level of tunnels.

"Vaguely useless since the cataclysm.

So many of the shafts and tunnels collapsed.

Based on the exploration done, we surmised there was a cavern about 1000 feet below us.

It was partially scouted, and noted for a dozen exposed high grade ore veins, crystal clusters, and a small colony of white slimes.

All of that is valuable, even the slimes.

You can distill high grade acidic residues from them.""We determined that part of the cavern was under the complex.

The plan was to drill down, then extend the broadcast network down far enough to support a crew.

Then widen the bore hole for machinery and start working the new veins for metal we badly need."That made sense to Milo.

"But?""But something down there is gumming up the works.

The drill is stuck, and worse, the shaft is filling up.

Something plugged the end.

The brethren we send down come up nearly catonic with fear and refuse to go back down."Milo looked at the Engineer, then to Throttlecog.

The latter just gave him a thumbs up of encouragement.

"Well, of course I'll help with the project sir.

It sounds exciting." That was certainly the answer the Engineer was looking for.

Two hours later Milo found himself being lowered down into the shaft of the borehole in a steel bucket.

A chain was used to lower him down but there were also two lines that played out and were kept taunt.

Tugging on the lines would get him lowered further, stopped, or brought hastily back up.

Milo was equipped in full engineer's gear.

Heavy dwarven work boots and gloves, tough coveralls, hard hat, goggles, breathing filter and 3 healing potions.

He could see roughly 100 feet ahead of him from the mana fueled lantern that hung above him.

Slowly he went down, an endless succession of steel walls, the drill shaft, and a bucket for his companions.

At around the 900 foot level the dwarves slowed his descent.

Shortly after that he signaled a stop.

There was movement below him.

He signaled another 20 feet of drop, and then a hasty signal for STOP! Below him the torch illuminated a heaving pool of white liquid.

As he watched, pseudopods formed and wrapped around the drill shaft.

Slowly, the mass crept up another inch higher.

But what was in? A white slime had been mentioned.

Had these crept into the borehole and plugged it? He signaled another 20 feet of drop which put him only 15 feet above the slowly moving mass.He watched it for a half an hour.

It was definitely gaining ground.

Sometimes the pseudopods slipped or snapped off, but more often they held tight and the rest of the mass climbed up and over them.

Milo decided to gather some data.

He took a large bolt from his pocket and tossed it down.

It hit the mass and slightly bounced, before coming to rest.

Pseudopods wrapped it up and drew it down.

Next, he tossed down an edible mushroom he'd eaten part of for lunch.

As soon as it hit, a hole appeared and swallowed the mushroom.

Pseudo pods formed, looking for more, and waving around.

Milo tossed another bolt.

It simply sat on the mass, ignored, and slowly sank into it.

The thing liked organic, didn't seem to eat metal.

Time to try for a sample.Milo summoned his 'tail' and anchored himself securely to the bucket.

He tossed another 'shroom down, and as the pseudopods waved, looking for more he swung down, and using his weapon, severed one.

It reacted by wrapping around his weapon.

Retracting his tail, he regained his perch in the bucket.

The slime on his weapon was still moving a little.

He carefully poked it with his finger and hastily withdrew his hand as it dissolved the tip of his glove and burned his finger.

Definitely a white slime then.

He chugged down a healing potion to empty the glass jar, but left a bit inside.

The slime eagerly left his weapon when given the chance to drop into the remaining liquid.

Milo closed it tightly.

He had a sample to take back.

Maybe one more experiment.Milo lowered himself and swung Shadowblight at the mass of white goo.

As expected, he didn't seem to do much damage.

He saw a flicker of a message.
