Harry had told him some stories about the deep-dark. Harry also liked to imbibe of certain special mushrooms after a hard day's work. So, it was tough to tell if he himself had been to these places, or if the stories were from someone else. Stories about huge dwarven cities floating on seas of volcanic rock, endless caverns lit by huge crystals and strange glowing trees, and all types of strange, gargantuan creatures that ate the stone and created new caverns. And machines. Harry kept coming back to the story about the machines that were in the center of the world, gears endlessly turning and keeping the world running. Or maybe it was the world turning that kept the gears turning? Details changed from story to story. He didn't know who put them there or what they did, but he always told that story. Milo didn't know if they were real, but he wanted to try and find out. He'd tried asking Harry about his stories when he was sober. But when Milo asked him about the machines Harry had no idea what he was talking about.In the end, it was wanting to explore the deep-dark that led Milo to take Stone Sense over the other two gifts. There would be places with no light. Even places where you didn't dare make a light. And with this gift he wouldn't have to avoid them. When he told Harry about his choices, the old troll agreed. "Always good to be in touch with the earth and rock."

You have gained the skill: Stone Sense This is a perception-based skill. A high perception will affect how well you can use this skill. -Even in complete darkness you can feel the shape of natural stone and earth to a distance of 50' and up to 10' past the surface of the stone. This allows movement through caves and similar terrain even in complete darkness at a normal pace. -You know when creatures move around you if they are treading on stone or packed earth by the vibrations they make. Some stealth abilities may partially negate this, as will a very light tread.