"What do you think? Should I try to raise my radiance? Or spend points on skills?" If Mudhead had an opinion on things, he was being stubborn and not telling anyone. Ben had run over to the livery stables to try and catch Mattias before he left, but the old courier and Beatrice had already headed out. He'd left Ben a note, and a key.  "Ben - Sorry I missed you. Beatrice and I are out patrolling the roads and helping some of the folks get their herds out of town before the fireworks start. Bad business and I don't like it. Keep low. A courier shouldn't take sides in things like this. From talking to the General Themise, it seems all the workers are sidelined anyway. A good thing. I'm taking some dispatches to the capital, not sure when I'll be back. Mudhead's all yours, God help you. Feel free to make use of the other room as it's a bit more comfortable than your hidey hole upstairs. Back someday. - Mattias."Ben would miss him, as well as Beatrice. For now, he'd have to figure things out on his own. He dearly wished he knew more about what his new class would bring. He wanted badly to pick up more crafting skills. But he also wanted every advantage he could get, and if there were small bonuses or skills for having a couple of stats at level 10, that was the priority, along with raising his aspect.He put the 300 experience for skills into Flames of the Phoenix. This brought the aspect to level 3, and gave him 300 towards CHA. He received a message about new spells that immediately justified that decision.

Flames of the Phoenix has reached Level 3. You have been inspired with the knowledge of two new spells.Healing Fire: At a touch, pale flames spread from your hands over a person's body. Bleeding is cauterized, small wounds are healed, and fractured bones are strengthened. Up to 200 health is restored as well. More grievous injuries are lessened but not totally healed. Cost: 300 mana base cost. Horrific injuries may increase the cost.Guiding Light: You create a glowing beacon of light in the air above you and within 10 feet of you. The light is as bright as daylight and has a radius equal to 20 feet per rank of the spell. Within its light, undead and corrupted creatures have a -10% chance to hit and an additional -1% per rank. Radiant creatures gain a bonus to their chance to hit equal to 10% + 1% per rank. Cost: 50 mana per rank
