Learning to ride a horse wasn't going nearly so well as learning to fall off of a horse. Ben made it to Rowan Keep with only few mishaps. He quickly talked to the captain there, explaining the message he had received. The captain knew nothing about a traveling group of paladins, but did confirm the return of Chartok the necro-wolf. He was back, even stronger than before and had been the cause of much death among the local adventuring groups.They got back on the road, this time headed west and a bit south. This wasn't to Mudhead's liking. A quick trip to Rowan, some oats and a leisurely walk back? Not a problem. But the roan didn’t like traveling down strange roads and the chunk of horribly balanced human on his back upset him. He was doing his best, but he was getting the most confusing directions from the reins. Several times he'd been told to abruptly slow down or stop, and then his rider kept going, leaping over his head to land in the dirt. Worse! he then looked accusingly at the horse as if it was somehow Mudhead's fault.Ben noticed the unease of the horse, but lacked the skill to interpret the reason. He had a bad habit of pulling back on the reins when he felt himself slipping. The first time, this resulted in Mudhead stopping abruptly with Ben flying over the horse's head and belly flopping into the dirt road.

The second time he managed to land on his hands, tucked his head, and turn his momentum into a forward roll. Becoming daring, he planned a dismount, pulling the horse to a stop, pulling off the forward roll and coming up on his feet. Riding was still tough, but he was getting the hang of falling off a horse.He didn't have any acrobatic skills to help, but he did have years of pulling such stunts in other games, and had practiced tumbling and acrobatics in the real world. Every hab-block had abandoned areas. He and Suzette had spent a lot of time using make-shift equipment to learn the basics. It wasn't easy, but he could learn to do it again. The game must have agreed.

Generally something only veteran circus riders would attempt, and yet you've learned how to pull off an acrobatic dismount before you can even stay in the saddle!You have gained the skill Flamboyant Dismount This is a Primary Skill governed by Agility.
