“Oh I am so glad to be back. I can’t wait to be home.” I moaned as we finally hit the road leading into the city. I could practically sense my bed waiting for me. And maybe some choom time. I wanted to hang out with Hiromi, and my crew. Bother Jun, maybe get into a wrestling match with him or something.

Just anything besides travel through dirty desert.

“Not home just yet. We need to hand off everything… If you are up to sticking around.” The way she said it! I knew it!

“You do want me around!”

“Can I change my mind?” She asked and I just laughed at her, and shook my head.

No. Once you become my choom, it’s forever. No take backsies.

“So Rogue huh? That’ll be interesting.”


“First time in the Afterlife?” She asked and I almost jerked a bit in surprise at the question.

“Well, yeah actually. That’s where we’re going?”

“That’s where Rogue is, so that’s where we’re going.” She said and I just nodded slowly, I guess I was finally getting my Afterlife debut.

I was quiet for the rest of the drive, the sand and dirt slowly shifted into urban streets.

It’s good to be home.

The drive to the Afterlife didn’t take too long. The sun was starting to droop as we pulled into the small parking lot. Panam’s truck stuck out pretty badly from the vehicles parked around, but she found a spot and then the roar of the engine quieted down.


“Alright let’s go.” She stepped out taking a moment to stretch from the long drive. I joined her, but mostly I was wiping at my hair watching as dust fell out of it. If only keeping Rogue waiting wasn’t that bad an idea I’d go get a shower. That and holding onto the shard Rogue wanted was just asking for trouble.

We walked down the familiar stairs, and I did look behind me at the wall to see if I could see the Tarot that appeared for V.


The bouncer was the same big guy I remembered and he scanned Panam almost casually, then glancing at me, and doing the same.

I could see the moment he scanned me and found me not on whatever list that Afterlife kept. Panam noticed it too. “Relax Em, she’s with me.”

He lifted an eyebrow but shrugged and stepped aside. “Welcome to the Afterlife kid.” The man offered almost sarcastically as he side eyed Panam.


“Thanks.” I offered back as I followed in after Panam. I don’t really care if he thinks me being here is weird or something. I’m not one of the Night City Crazies that wanted to die in a blaze of glory anyways.

I was just here for the gig. Then I would go home, take a shower and a nap. This week had kinda sucked.

I shook it off and looked around. I had been here before of course, in a game at least. It hadn’t changed much. The neon lights, the music playing, the different teams of edgerunners in side rooms, at the bar, or just hanging around. Some of them planning, some of them partying, and some of them dying.

I looked away from the side room that had a choom laid out on a couch as his team huddled around him.

I don’t think that one made it.

“Claire! My usual!” Panam called out as she stopped at the bar and the bartender threw Panam a smile before throwing together a drink.

I wasn’t paying attention to that though.

Because someone much more interesting was at the bar.

It was the pink jacket that caught my eye first, and then I stilled because I recognized that look.

Of course it wasn’t the exact same, translations from game visuals, or anime visuals to real life made things look different but… I had seen that woman's last moments. It was impossible not to recognize her.

It was kinda hard to forget Sasha.

“Feel the rythm, of the streets.” I mumbled to myself. The first lines of the song that blasted through my brain.

I guess I knew my next song. Also, I guess I knew my next mission. Sasha was still alive… For now. I couldn’t help but stare as Sasha threw up three fingers at Claire who nodded, already preparing her drinks.

Of course that was when I got caught staring. Blue and pink eyes locked onto me. Unique custom colors. It was pretty.

I honestly was surprised as well,, they weren’t Kiroshi, but some other brand, still high quality. But she had caught me looking. Eyebrow quirking up, as she gave me a look.

Okay Motoko. This is it. Just… Meet the catgirl. Chat her up! Yeah. Use your skills in cool and brain to just chat with a woman. Easy! Sure…

“Hi.” I said blurting it out without being able to stop. “I’m Motoko. I like your optics!”

“Hello Motoko, who likes my optics. I’m Sasha.” She said in a teasing tone that made me still for a moment. Wait… That was! She thought I was trying to flirt! Abort! Abort! No wait. Can’t abort! I need to save her life!

So instead of saying anything I just kinda fumbled around for a moment before taking the seat next to her. “So edgerunner huh? That’s preem! What’s your specialty?” I asked after a moment of awkward fidgeting. I mean I already knew she was a netrunner. I was just hoping I could pull her into a netrunner conversation and then force her to become my friend.

“Is this your first time in here? Get brought in as part of a gig or something?” She asked me instead of answering, I blinked before pouting a little.

“I was working protection on a gig. Panam works with Rogue so here I am.” I said, making sure to enunciate that I wasn’t the protection target. “It was quiet mostly except for the Raffen, but they aren’t that bad.” I demurred.

“Oh? Maybe you can tell me about it some time.” She replied with smile as Claire was suddenly there with three drinks that she picked up and it was obvious Sasha was about to disappear.

Quick think fast!

“Netrunner right?” I said, I had been hoping to fall into a conversation but it would be a bit too strong to follow her back to her group.

She did stop as she held the drinks. “I am.”

“So am I. Programmer too, but it’s one of my specialties. Uh. If you ever need some programming work done.” I said and then sent her my number.

She looked more amused than interested, which was not what I was going for, so I had to do something.

“I do programming work for Yoko. She can vouch that I’m good. Feel free to reach out. I do consultations for free.” I offered and there it was.

The look of interest on her face. Sure I had to name drop Yoko, as proof… Should have used the Sexy Motoko Voice! Dumbass! Of course she thinks I was being cute sounding like a teenager.

Dummy! Idiot!

“Maybe I’ll give you a call sometime for that… Consult.” Then she walked away.

But the whole time I was a little distracted because I had never heard someone say consult and make it sound…

“Motoko!” Panam called out, pulling me away from my staring at the woman.

“Yeah I’m coming.” I tore my eyes away from Sasha and followed Panam towards an indented couch space.

One that had a certain fixer.

Panam was stopped at the entrance, a big guy… I can’t remember his name. He had a weird haircut and he was Rogues Bodyguard.

He was holding out a hand to Panam, stopping her from entering as I walked up, his optics, a set that I didn’t recognize but were completely inhuman, were watching both of us for any trouble.

I just kept my hands away from my guns, and kept it casual. He wasn’t going to start anything without trouble coming his way first.

“C’mon Squama, I don’t have time for this.”“Da boss is busy.”

“We were just waiting at the bar, I know she knows we are here! Tell her to stop playing this corpo shit.” Panam snapped at him, but calmed herself a moment after with a deep breath, and a sip of her whiskey.

“Wait.” He replied simply and Panam tsked at him but did just that, but never stopped glaring at the booth that we could see a bit of Rogue sticking out. Looks like she was going to wait. I just ignored her impatience and waited calmly.

Either Rogue really was busy and so we had to wait, or she was doing some powerplay on Panam, and… We would have to wait.

No point in getting irritated about it.

Finally a few minutes later, Rogue called out. “Let them in.”

Squama I guess? Stepped aside and let the two of us enter the little booth area Rogue kept for herself, although the big guy moved behind her watching over us for any threat.

“Panam.” Rogue greeted casually the older woman uncaring about Panam’s glare.


“Alright kid stop glaring, I was on an important call. Shard.” She demanded and Panam glared, but pulled the shard out of her neck and handed it over. Rogue pushed it into a data reader and nodded and then her eyes went blue.

A moment later Panam perked up and nodded. “The other part?”

“Like I said, you do this gig, I’ll put you to work and take care of the rest.” Rogue answered instantly. Then she looked at me. “Interesting choice, bringing a kid along. Motoko Kusanagi.”

“Rogue.” I greeted back. Her resting bitch face might have had more effect on me, if I didn’t already know all about her. And wasn't that worried.

“I don’t usually recommend kids on gigs I send out Panam.”

Panam gave Rogue a look, and so did I. I did appreciate that the look Panam was sending the older woman screamed stop fucking around.

Mine was just an eyebrow lift. Waiting for her to get on with it.

If she knew my name, no way she didn’t know at least a little about what I had been getting up to.

Rogue just scoffed and threw a hand at the two of us. “Yeah yeah, don’t get so upset. I’ve heard your name before.” She offered, but then she simply turned to Panam with a more serious look. “Good work. You were a little late, but I heard about the problems with the route. I’ll be in touch in a few days with more work. Get settled in.” Rogue offered and then she basically just waved her hand at us.

Telling us to get lost.

“I’ll be seeing you Rogue.” Panam offered as she stood, and I followed shortly after. It was a little sad that Rogue wasn’t really interested in working with me, at least not yet, but also not a terrible thing. It wasn’t like I wanted to deal with her attitude either.

As I walked out, I looked in the corner. Spotting Sasha sitting in a booth. Maine and Dorio were there, and it was obvious the three of them were plotting.

They were in the wrong spots for it to be ‘that’ day though. So I felt myself relax. I’ll have to hope that my offer caught her interest. I would love a good reason to make more programs, and working with someone at Sasha’s level?

Hell maybe even pulling her into gigs, or vice versa?

Sure I wasn’t a huge fan of Maine, but the man was a tank. We could probably do some fun gigs.

But that was for another time. I followed Panam as she stalked outside back to her truck before she stopped.

“Motoko… Thanks. For backing me up on the gig and everything. I-I really appreciate it.” She said with a relief showing on her shoulders that I was just starting to put together.

“Rogue offered you money and a place to live in Night City for help with the gig didn’t she?”

“Yeah. Yeah she did… Here.” Her eyes flashed blue for a few moments and I got an update. A good chunk of eddies into my account.

“You sure? I think you’re struggling for eddies right now more than I am.”

“It’s fine. Rogue pays well, and if I’m right I’ll have consistent work under her.” I nodded at that and we both stood kind of quiet for a moment, neither sure what to say.

“Then if you ever need backup. Don’t hesitate to call me up okay?” I demanded from her being firm on this. “We are chooms now after all.”

“Hah. I guess we are… Thanks-No I’ll stop. I’ll stay in touch.” She says instead and I smile at that.

I walked away as Panam jumped into her truck. It wasn’t long before my Quadra pulled up just a bit down the street and I jumped in ready to go home.

I was totally ready for a shower.


I trudged up into the apartment a mess of old dust coating me as I opened the door to the apartment and flopped my backpack full of stuff I had packed for what should have been just a few days of travel.

It had been a bit longer than that, so I was sweaty and wearing dirty clothes.

“I’m home!” I called out, seeing Juns boots at the entrance as I pulled my own dusty boots off with a bit of effort.

“Motoko!” Jun called out from his room and he came stomping out, wearing sleepwear and looking like he had been in bed for a while, his hair was sticking up in a mess, but he didn’t hesitate to charge at me like a bull when he saw me.

Stupid grin on his face the whole time.

“Ughhhh.” I groaned at him as he picked me up and pulled me into a big hug. “Jun I’m messy.”

“You were only supposed to be gone a few days. You didn’t even call!”

I groaned as Juns hug quickly morphed into a grapple as he wasn’t letting me go.

“We had to avoid some Raffen Shiv. They apparently took over an entire section of the main path to Seattle so we had to go around both ways. It added so much wasted time to the trip.”

“You didn’t call.” He said his arms tightening around me, which was actually a big in warning.

“I called Hiromi!” My words did the opposite and Jun only squeezed me tighter.

“Hiromi told me she called you.” He grumbled looking down at me with a disappointed older brother face. I was a little too focused on breathing though as he was slowly tightening the grip.

Until eventually I had to break.

“Sorry!” I managed to gasp out and then I was released sucking in a deep breath for air as I could finally breathe again.

“Next time you had better call or at least text.” He demanded fully in his big brother role. “Also you stink, take a shower.” My kick for his shins was deftly dodged away from, as if he knew it was coming and then he was walking away laughing as I glared at his stupid back.

Revenge will be mine.


Washed, cleaned and feeling normal again I stepped out of the bathroom as I continued to rub my hair dry with a towel.

Jun was waiting for me on the couch with a pair of steaming bowls of Ramen, and giving me a dopey smile.

“This doesn’t mean you’re forgiven.” I told him, but I couldn’t help but slide onto the couch and cuddle up for Ramen and attention.

“How was your trip?”

“Boring. Super boring. I had to stay focused the whole time and Panam is being super sensitive because she just left the Aldecaldos so she wasn’t really in the mood for chatting. So I mostly just watched the horizon for threats.” Then I stuck ambrosia into my mouth.

Seattle Ramen had been good, but it was nothing compared to eating food at home.

“Well other than Hiromi calling me a bunch to see if I heard from you yet.” He said, throwing me a look. “It’s been quiet.”

“That’s a good thing. Quiet is good.” He just shrugged at my words.

“The gig you went on the trip for, did it end well?”“Oh yeah. It was just boring. They had set up what looked like an ambush on Panam, but I was overwatching the area. They had a sniper too, but I hacked into his Ashura so it would shoot his boss if he fired. The handoff was peaceful. Panam handled it, and then we drove all the way home… We did get chased by Raffen at one point. It was the only fun part of the whole gig. But they ran away when I shot at them.”

“You okay?”“Yeah, like I said Jun, it was super boring.”

“Huh. Well you’ve officially traveled farther than I ever had. What was Seattle like?” Oh. Jun had never left NC.

“Okay so We first saw it on the horizon, lots of big buildings, barely any ads though. It was actually kinda dark.” I went through everything I saw in Seattle for him. Describing it as best as I could for my interested brother.


I woke up the next morning around the time the sun was coming up. I had gone to bed early wanting to just relax and reset before getting back into things.

I headed out after getting on some clothes and jogged as much as I could to the gym downstairs.

The sun was just coming up, but I could tell it was going to be a warm one. Not a cloud in the sky today.

Grumbling a bit at this, I headed into the gym area to find it wasn’t empty like I had expected, despite it being so early.

A few early birds were already working, but I just shrugged and found something open then making sure I was tucked away I went to work.

Squats were the exercise of the day. Since other than my ankles it was all flesh. I fell into the rhythm, up and down. Pushing my body long after it started being too much.

I was sweating as I continued, glad that I was in a corner tucked away from everybody so no one was watching what I was doing. Because anyone with a head on their shoulders would be wondering why I was destroying myself like this.

But I wasn’t because the more I pushed the more I was getting alerts in my head for Body. The more I pushed myself, the more I gained.

I took a short break grabbing some food, and drink from the vending machines outside the gym area when I noticed a familiar face.


“Hey Kid. Hayato’s been bugging me about a rematch with you sometime.”

“But I gave her my number if she wants to fight?” I answered instantly a little confused.

“Heh. She’s shy despite how she acts. Probably isn’t comfortable doing it herself. So, you up for it?”

I looked down at my knees that were basically shaking together considering how badly I had thrashed myself with squats.

“Maybe tomorrow.”

He noticed my own look and nodded, although he was looking at me as if trying to figure something out.

“That looks like you overdid it.”

“Yeah.” I agreed instantly. “Been stuck in a truck for a while, I pushed a bit too hard today.”

“Overdoing it doesn’t help.” He reminds me, before sighing. “Here hold on.”

He walked over to one of the gonks and was handed an inhaler which he carried back and offered to me.

“Take a puff of that every hour for a few hours..”

“What is it?” I asked instead of taking it. I wasn’t one to just take drugs someone randomly gave me.

“Mostly after-workout. It’ll help heal those blown out legs of yours faster. A bit of pain killer as well, light stuff. It’s something I teach the guys here to make for themselves.”

I hesitated, and took the inhaler, but I didn’t puff it.

He snorted at that and just shrugged. “I’ll tell Hayato, set something up for her tomorrow. Probably won’t be at Gomorrah though. You know the Deravaja?”

I blinked, “Sensei’s Dojo? Sure.”

“Ah, good. Hayato is one of his students. I’ll send you a time, but the spar will be there.”


He chuckled as he waved me off with that.

I guess I had a spar tomorrow.