Why don't you let your master speak for himself once?


Azriel stuttered.

For the first time in a long, long while, people who knew Azriel Ruinous, saw him stutter.

A man who once radiated endless confidence, a man who took command of millions of beings and went to War against billions of opponents, a man who brought victory when defeat was the only foreseeable future, a man who could have anything in this world, Was now stuttering, affected by the words of a mere bug he could squash any second.

The Progenitors clenched their fists in frustration. They couldn't bear to see Azriel in this broken state anymore.

Those fake emotionless eyes that were hiding all the pain he felt, that fake brave front he put in front of everyone in order to hide his real, broken self, Everything pained the Progenitors' hearts.


Azriel had lost a lot.

His wives he loved, his freedom, even his shot at revenge, he lost it all.

The current him was merely a shell of his previous self.

None of the Progenitors could bear to see this sight.

"Saying stuff without knowing everything is very easy, brat."

Unable to take it anymore, Dagahra, the Dragon Progenitor stepped forward, looking at Nux with his golden eyes shining intensely.


"How will you react if I take everything you cherish away from you? Better yet, how about we see the practical when everyone is already here?"

Dagahra spoke, eyeing Nux's wives. Noticing that and understanding what the Progenitor was implying, Nux narrowed his eyes.

"I do not wish to talk to mere dogs.

Why don't you let your master speak for himself once?

Or is your master too afraid of taking responsibility."

Nux retorted.


Azriel Ruinous was on his trail, the strongest being in Yrniel wanted him dead, how was he supposed to do anything anyway?

Could he resist? He could not!

There was nothing he could do here and Nux knew it.

The moment he decided to release his anger out on Azriel, he was prepared to die.

If he was going down, he would at the very least, go down with his held high up.That was his nature, that was his greed.

Greed for pride, greed that demands respect from others.

That was who he was.

There were no logical thoughts behind his current actions. Aeliana Ruinous was taking on everything on her own, and Nux, who cherished this woman, wanted to change that.

Everything this woman was hiding from the rest of the world, he wanted to reveal it, he wanted to change her life, even if it did cost him his own life.

As for Dagahra joining in the conversation, well, from Nux's point of view, he was nothing but an annoyance.

"Funny when the ones you call dogs can pinch you like a bug and end your story."

Dagahra laughed.

His laugh, however, wasn't cheerful.

He was a Dragon, worse, he was the Progenitor of all the Dragons, his pride was overbearingly high.lightsnovel

For a bug like Nux to dare open his mouth in front of him, honestly, if it wasn't for that silly girl standing behind Nux looking at him, he would have already pinched this boy to the ground.

lightsΝοvel And with things as they are, Dagahra highly doubted if that girl's presence could shield this bug forever.

He wouldn't let anyone step on his pride, even if he had to lose a disciple over it.

"I'd be pretty disappointed as well if my pet who had millions of years to get stronger is unable to defeat a mere thousand-year-old cultivator."

Nux laughed.

Then, he looked into Dagahra's eyes and,

"If you are so confident in yourself, why don't you play at an even field? No, scratch that. It would be taking it too far.

If you are so confident, how about you fight me, a Semi Saint, as a Divine Stage Cultivator?How about it? If you win, I will kneel and rub my head on the ground, in front of your master's and your feet, I will earnestly apologize for everything I said here. You can even kill me if you want.

But if I win,

You spare me and my wives and let me live. I can prove that I am not a threat you or this world considers me to be, I can even leave this Yrniel if you want me to. Even if I win, the last decision will be yours.

How about it, Dagahra Origin?

Will you accept?

Or are you one of those all bark but no bite sort of dog?"

A big, wild smile could be seen on Nux's face as he challenged the Dragon Progenitor.


Vyriana, who stood behind Nux suddenly felt her heart skip a beat when she glanced at Nux.

Those crazy eyes that shined brightly as he stared at the Dragon Progenitor, that wide, wild smile that looked down on everyone present here, the chest, that despite being surrounded with beings who could kill him with a flick of their finger, was upright, unwilling to hinge down, that reliable back which was ready to protect till it was shattered to pieces... Everything about Nux charmed the Dragon Woman to the point where she couldn't keep her eyes away from him.

Vyriana was a warrior.

What did a female warrior desire the most in her partner?

It was the spirit of a warrior.

A spirit so strong that no matter what enemies you face, you never back down.

At first, Vyriana never considered Nux's enemies to be a real threat. After all, she could squash all of them with a mere breath, how could she possibly feel any form of pressure?

But now...?

Things were completely different.

Her Nux was standing up against all the Progenitors, the strongest beings in the entire world.

He stood up and laughed at the face of one who could be called the strongest being in the entire universe. He stood up against that being when even she was forced to bow her head.

Vyriana had decided.

It didn't matter what Nux thought. His opinion didn't matter.

He was now hers.

He would now belong to her.

The situation between the two was now reversed.