Chapter 3044 Authority and Responsibility (Part 2)  

Authority and Responsibility (Part 2)

"Before I leave, however, I need two things. The first is your communication rune." Vothal neared his amulet and the two exchanged runes.

"The second is the truth about Narso's death." Bodya said. "Did he really fall while trying to protect our old playground or did Forrn plant his corpse for me to find?"

"Excellent question. I taught you well." The Elder Nidhogg said.

"Actually, I wasn't the one who questioned the circumstances of Narso's death first. I was too distraught to think clearly. Tista did." Bodya's ashen skin gained a tinge of color in embarrassment.

"Then you are a bonehead but at least you have good taste in choosing your partner. Remember what I taught you about how to use your scales and tail while mating. Females love that."


"Grampa!" Blushed harder. "Can we go back to Narso?"

"Sure." Vothal nodded. "You are lucky, son. If I were still part of the nest, my oath of loyalty would prevent me from telling you the truth not to tarnish the honor of our family. Since I'm banished, I can do whatever I want except for revealing the secrets of our bloodline.

"Your friend didn't die in your old playground. Narso was killed by a horde of wargs while protecting one of the cities of the Wild Empire from a monster tide. It happened months before the tide even came close to our nest.

"For what it's worth, Narso didn't fight alone nor did he die alone. Many Awakened lost their lives that day and his body was returned to us mostly intact. We used his flesh and scales to craft equipment that we used to avenge him, just like Narso wanted.

"That's why there was only the skeleton left. From what I've heard, Forrn planted the corpse during your audience and retrieved it as soon as you left. Nidhoggs don't leave Nidhoggs to rot under the sun."

"How could you let Forrn do it? How could our people allow it?" Bodya said in outrage. "He didn't ask for our permission. Forrn just did it and we found out later. Know that everyone considered it a despicable act and it brought him severe reproach even back when our brethren considered you a traitor and would have done *almost* anything to teach you a lesson." Vothal said.


"Almost?" Bodya echoed.

"Desecrating the body of a fallen hero was a low blow even for them." The Elder Nidhogg shook his head. "Now that most of our nest consider you a hero and me a victim, Forrn's desecration of a warrior's tomb is going to be the cornerstone of his downfall."


Verhen House, the following day.

After a good night's rest and enough time over the mana geyser, everyone was back to their peak condition. Solus woke up full of vigor and disappointment.

"What do you mean, I can't come with you two?" She asked.


"Sounds self-explanatory to me." Lith shrugged.

"I may not be a Dragon, but I've always helped you study your Flames. How can you use the Eyes without me?"

"I can't and I won't." He replied. "I can't afford a massive headache and I won't risk Valtak discovering our bond. Think about it, Solus. If he uses Invigoration on me, be it to teach me something about my Dragon side or study my life forces, Valtak would notice that the stone ring has a life force."

"What if I wear it?" Solus proposed.

"What if he offers to try and awaken your Dragon side? How do you turn him down without sounding suspicious?" Lith replied. "What if he sees past the cloaking rings and discovers you and I have the same energy signature?

"He's not like Zoreth. He's fully Awakened and needs but a pat on your shoulder to ruin years of our effort. He is not Sinmara either. He never met Menadion nor does he know about the tower. Most importantly, I don't trust an unknown Dragon to put us above his greed."

"Point taken." She sighed. "Can I at least come to say hi to him?"

"I don't see why not." Lith took the stone ring off and gave it to Solus. "Bring everyone to the Mansion in my absence, please. Meln could attack at any time."

"I doubt it, but there's still a lot of work to do." She nodded. "Protecting Kelia, teaching magic to Kami and Selia, plus everything the babies need."

"The Engine." Lith said amid a fit of fake cough.

"Yes, I'll give it a go." Solus rolled her eyes. "If I have a moment to spare." The long-range detection arrays of the house picked up the signal of something big and powerful that didn't bother hiding its arrival.

"This must be Valtak." Lith stepped outside and looked at the sky.

Having realized his blunder the previous day, the Father of Fire had opted for an entrance more discreet than a flaming comet. He was simply flying his way to the Verhen home and this time, he was alone.

A 32 meters (105') tall Fire Dragon reaching 48 meters (157'6") of length due to the tail, however, wasn't discreet at all. He was visible from a great distance and his wingspan alone was wider than most cultivated fields.

His body eclipsed the sun and projected an enormous shadow upon his passage that many in Lustria took as an ill-omen.

Valtak slowed down to give his hosts time to prepare for his arrival and landed with the grace of a hawk. He chose a spot outside the protective arrays of the house and wide enough to accommodate his colossal body.

From up close, Lith could see that Valtak's Dragon form retained a part of his beard. It grew only under his chin and on the front of his neck, safe from any burst of fire he would breathe.

It was entirely of a dull white and in stark contrast with the ruby-red of his scales.

The families of Valia, Varegrave, and Locrias came out of their houses in curiosity, having never seen a Dragon who wasn't Lith before. While Elina and Rena kept the kids away from the Fire Dragon, still uncertain about his motives, Selia wasn't so lucky.

Lilia, Leran, and Fenrir shapeshifted into their Skoll form and ran out of the house before she could stop them.

"Be a good boy, dammit!" Solkar failed to join them only because Protector tackled him before he could make it to the door. "How can someone so small be so fast?"

A nine months old toddler could barely stand.

A nine months old Skoll, however, ran like the wind and even used fusion magic. With his mass and strength, Protector needed to be delicate to catch the baby boy safely but while he did that, there was nothing to stop his older children.

"The only thing I know is that's your fault." Selia snarled while trying to hold the whimpering and scratching pup still. "Can you fetch the others or is it too late?"

"Too late o'clock." Protector facepalmed as the trio of small winged wolves barked and growled at the Fire Dragon in excitement. "How did you manage them for so long in my absence?"

"Nalrond. May the gods bless his heart." Selia sighed. "Gods if I miss him."

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