3009 Overlapping Moments (Part 1)

The World Tree knew many things but how Tezka had discovered the location of the Fringe and how had he gotten in was not among them.

One thing the Yggdrasill knew for sure.Years had passed since the first incursion and, since that day, the Suneater had become even stronger. How much was another mystery and one of the few on Mogar the World Tree had no desire to unravel.

'Given time, the Eldritches would have called for their kin. Given time, they would have destroyed us all.'


Luckily, Solus made a full recovery and the only problem she had left was hiding the sadness for losing the Ears.

Strider offered them to take Maergron's armor and weapon to make up for their loss, but they refused.


"I'm interested in the crafting methods for Darwen, though." Lith said, angry about the theft of the Ears and the attempt on Solus' life.

"I can't help you with that, sorry." The Zouwu shook his head. "These armors belong to the Council. None of us knows how to make them."

"And the Elders are going to kick my ass for losing mine." Azhom said with a sigh.

Only her skull had already regenerated. The rest of her body would take at least one day.

"Look, I know it's not much, but I want to apologize to you guys again." Strider offered Lith his hand and he promptly shook it. "You have my word that I'll use every connection I have to find those weird guys.

"They have almost killed Rhuta and I consider you and Solus honorary members of my team. No one gets their hands on my comrades and lives to tell the tale. Nobody." The Zouwu said with a low growl, his eyes reduced to fiery slits of violet mana.


"Thanks." Lith nodded, every offer for help was welcome.Especially because this way it wouldn't be him to get indebted to the Council or involved in their power plays.

"If you discover anything or need help, don't hesitate to contact me. My policy about those who hurt my family is similar to yours, just much crueler." They exchanged contact runes.

"Wanna bet?" Strider said with a cruel smile that made him gain several points in Lith's book.

"Game on." After another quick goodbye, the Hand of Fate left with the promise to contact the others again after the Garden had been fully explored.

The mission was a success and everyone was entitled to their share of the recovered spoils.

"Let's go home." Lith checked Solus for the umpteenth time with Invigoration.


For one moment, he had thought to have lost her forever and the feeling still haunted his very soul. Solus had been hurt many times. Against the Odi, she had been wounded so deeply that her consciousness had been drawn to the Mindscape, and their mind link severed.

Yet even then he could still feel their bond and there was no body he could see.

Back in the temple, their bond had briefly disappeared and Lith had witnessed the light abandoning Solus' eyes, just like it had happened with Jormun and Phloria. It triggered all of his past traumas plus one.

lightsnοvεl For some reason, the scene of the assassin stabbing her was as familiar as it was bone-chilling but he couldn't tell why.lightsnovel

"You can come with us, if you like." Solus said. "Elysia will be happy to see you."

Even though she didn't like Bytra much and felt so tired that she could sleep for a week, Solus didn't want to be rude to the Eldritches. It was thanks to them if she had traced the Ears of Menadion and they had put themselves at risk multiple times to help her.

The failure to recover the artifact didn't erase their sacrifices or Solus' gratefulness.

"And we to see her. Thank you." Bytra replied with a warm smile but kept her distance even more than usual.

It took them a few Chaos Steps to reach the closest city with a Warp Gate and then a single step to reach the Verhen Mansion.

It was late evening, but the park was still bustling with activity.

Kamila was teaching Selia the basics of chore magic, changing the subject to footwork and self-defense whenever the huntress was fed up with studying.

Selia was no warrior, but after a lifetime spent in the woods, she was as lithe as a cat and had excellent eye-hand coordination. Learning how to fight came much easier to her than first magic.

The Mansion was their chosen training ground because it was spacious, away from prying eyes, and, most importantly, had plenty of babysitters. The practice of magic required time, concentration, and silence.

All things that Selia lacked since she had given birth to five cyclones-shaped hybrid children.

Elina, Ryla, Rena, and the handmaidens took care of the toddlers. Aran and Leria were back from their magical lessons in the Desert and kept Lilia and Leran busy playing with their magical beasts.

Garrik and Fluffy took part in their games, the young Tyrant's skills made up for the Byk being the weakest of the group.

In a secluded spot of the park, Nalrond was teaching Friya and Protector the basics of Light Mastery. The Agni would soon become part of the Ernas family and share his legacy with them, yet he wanted his fiancée to be the first to benefit from it.

Protector was included in the lessons because Nalrond considered him a part of his new tribe. The Skoll and his family were among the few who knew who he really was and had shared their house with him for years.

'This is the least I can do to thank them.' Nalrond thought with a serene smile on his face.

'To think that I busted my ass for years to learn Light Mastery and they are getting it for free.' Quylla thought with the scowl of someone who had lost a huge bet.

Nothing that Nalrond was explaining was new to her, just simpler and easier to understand. The Agni was in his humanoid form and had sought the privacy of the Mansion as well.

There were no human servants there and no one batted an eye at his appearance. Nalrond had yet to get used to his new body and using Body Sculpting to assume his previous human form felt awkward.

Elysia and Valeron played with Solkar, Surin, and Manohar the second. After the first play date, many more had followed. Interacting with other children had proven to be more interesting to the Dryad-human hybrid than his usual escape attempts.

Ferir was in good company as well. She was the same age as Falco, Teryon, and Lenart, Rena's triplets.

"I can't believe we have a little army of mages here." Elina chuckled while watching the children of all ages using magic for their games.

"I can't believe I can finally spend my afternoons relaxing instead of running around the house to make sure they are not setting it ablaze." Rena groaned, pouring herself a cup of strong tea with relaxing properties. "We should have done this sooner."

Fenrir and the triplets played under the strict supervision of the Fomor and the handmaidens, Ophya and Vyla.